63 research outputs found

    An efficient MAC protocol based on hybrid superframe for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The usage of wireless channels is based on Media Access Control (MAC) protocols, which allocate wireless resources and control the way that sensors access a shared radio channel to communicate with their neighbors. Designing low energy consumption, high efficiency MAC protocols is one of the most important directions in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). So far, MAC protocols in WSN are usually divided into two categories: contention-based MAC protocols and schedule-based MAC protocols. However, both protocols have their own advantages and disadvantages that sometimes it is hard to decide which one is better than the other one. A hybrid protocol is concerned a lot now in WSN, which is IEEE 802.15.4. It integrates the advantages of both contention-based and schedule-based mechanisms. However, this protocol has some improving spaces as well, which motivated us to further study it and proposed a new contention reserve MAC protocol, named CRMAC, under the inspiration of IEEE 802.15.4's superframe structure. Through a series of theoretical and simulation analysis, we show that CRMAC performs better in energy consumption, system delay and network throughput than IEEE 802.15.4 and LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy). CRMAC is especially suitable for short packet transmission under logy traffic networks, which is the main situation in WSN, so this protocol is practical in WSN

    On a Joint Physical Layer and Medium Access Control Sublayer Design for Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are distributed networks comprising small sensing devices equipped with a processor, memory, power source, and often with the capability for short range wireless communication. These networks are used in various applications, and have created interest in WSN research and commercial uses, including industrial, scientific, household, military, medical and environmental domains. These initiatives have also been stimulated by the finalisation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which defines the medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN). Future applications may require large WSNs consisting of huge numbers of inexpensive wireless sensor nodes with limited resources (energy, bandwidth), operating in harsh environmental conditions. WSNs must perform reliably despite novel resource constraints including limited bandwidth, channel errors, and nodes that have limited operating energy. Improving resource utilisation and quality-of-service (QoS), in terms of reliable connectivity and energy efficiency, are major challenges in WSNs. Hence, the development of new WSN applications with severe resource constraints will require innovative solutions to overcome the above issues as well as improving the robustness of network components, and developing sustainable and cost effective implementation models. The main purpose of this research is to investigate methods for improving the performance of WSNs to maintain reliable network connectivity, scalability and energy efficiency. The study focuses on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC/PHY layers and the carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based networks. First, transmission power control (TPC) is investigated in multi and single-hop WSNs using typical hardware platform parameters via simulation and numerical analysis. A novel approach to testing TPC at the physical layer is developed, and results show that contrary to what has been reported from previous studies, in multi-hop networks TPC does not save energy. Next, the network initialization/self-configuration phase is addressed through investigation of the 802.15.4 MAC beacon interval setting and the number of associating nodes, in terms of association delay with the coordinator. The results raise doubt whether that the association energy consumption will outweigh the benefit of duty cycle power management for larger beacon intervals as the number of associating nodes increases. The third main contribution of this thesis is a new cross layer (PHY-MAC) design to improve network energy efficiency, reliability and scalability by minimising packet collisions due to hidden nodes. This is undertaken in response to findings in this thesis on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC performance in the presence of hidden nodes. Specifically, simulation results show that it is the random backoff exponent that is of paramount importance for resolving collisions and not the number of times the channel is sensed before transmitting. However, the random backoff is ineffective in the presence of hidden nodes. The proposed design uses a new algorithm to increase the sensing coverage area, and therefore greatly reduces the chance of packet collisions due to hidden nodes. Moreover, the design uses a new dynamic transmission power control (TPC) to further reduce energy consumption and interference. The above proposed changes can smoothly coexist with the legacy 802.15.4 CSMA/CA. Finally, an improved two dimensional discrete time Markov chain model is proposed to capture the performance of the slotted 802.15.4 CSMA/CA. This model rectifies minor issues apparent in previous studies. The relationship derived for the successful transmission probability, throughput and average energy consumption, will provide better performance predictions. It will also offer greater insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the MAC operation, and possible enhancement opportunities. Overall, the work presented in this thesis provides several significant insights into WSN performance improvements with both existing protocols and newly designed protocols. Finally, some of the numerous challenges for future research are described

    Wireless industrial monitoring and control networks: the journey so far and the road ahead

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    While traditional wired communication technologies have played a crucial role in industrial monitoring and control networks over the past few decades, they are increasingly proving to be inadequate to meet the highly dynamic and stringent demands of today’s industrial applications, primarily due to the very rigid nature of wired infrastructures. Wireless technology, however, through its increased pervasiveness, has the potential to revolutionize the industry, not only by mitigating the problems faced by wired solutions, but also by introducing a completely new class of applications. While present day wireless technologies made some preliminary inroads in the monitoring domain, they still have severe limitations especially when real-time, reliable distributed control operations are concerned. This article provides the reader with an overview of existing wireless technologies commonly used in the monitoring and control industry. It highlights the pros and cons of each technology and assesses the degree to which each technology is able to meet the stringent demands of industrial monitoring and control networks. Additionally, it summarizes mechanisms proposed by academia, especially serving critical applications by addressing the real-time and reliability requirements of industrial process automation. The article also describes certain key research problems from the physical layer communication for sensor networks and the wireless networking perspective that have yet to be addressed to allow the successful use of wireless technologies in industrial monitoring and control networks

    Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The aim of this book is to present few important issues of WSNs, from the application, design and technology points of view. The book highlights power efficient design issues related to wireless sensor networks, the existing WSN applications, and discusses the research efforts being undertaken in this field which put the reader in good pace to be able to understand more advanced research and make a contribution in this field for themselves. It is believed that this book serves as a comprehensive reference for graduate and undergraduate senior students who seek to learn latest development in wireless sensor networks

    Technologies to improve the performance of wireless sensor networks in high-traffic applications

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    The expansion of wireless sensor networks to advanced areas, including structure health monitoring, multimedia surveillance, and health care monitoring applications, has resulted in new and complex problems. Traditional sensor systems are designed and optimised for extremely low traffic loads. However, it has been witnessed that network performance drops rapidly with the higher traffic loads common in advanced applications. In this thesis, we examine the system characteristics and new system requirements of these advanced sensor network applications. Based on this analysis, we propose an improved architecture for wireless sensor systems to increase the network performance while maintaining compatibility with the essential WSN requirements: low power, low cost, and distributed scalability. We propose a modified architecture deriving from the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which is shown to significantly increase the network performance in applications generating increased data loads. This is achieved by introducing the possibility of independently allocating the sub-carriers in a distributed manner. As a result, the overall efficiency of the channel contention mechanism will be increased to deliver higher throughput with lower energy consumption. Additionally, we develop the concept of increasing the data transmission efficiency by adapting the spreading code length to the wireless environment. Such a modification will not only be able to deliver higher throughput but also maintain a reliable wireless link in the harsh RF environment. Finally, we propose the use of the battery recovery effect to increase the power efficiency of the system under heavy traffic load conditions. These three innovations minimise the contention window period while maximising the capacity of the available channel, which is shown to increase network performance in terms of energy efficiency, throughput and latency. The proposed system is shown to be backwards compatible and able to satisfy both traditional and advanced applications and is particularly suitable for deployment in harsh RF environments. Experiments and analytic techniques have been described and developed to produce performance metrics for all the proposed techniques

    Medium Access Control in Energy Harvesting - Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A Viability Approach For Management Of IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Node Performance

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    The long-term use of wireless sensors node while guaranteeing a good Quality of Services (QoS) is a major challenge in wireless sensor networks. Most of the relevant solutions which exist are proposed under Mac layer level but they use an optimization technique which requires a regular update of parameters and leads to unnecessary energy consumptiom which reduces the expected liftime and QoS. So in order to adress this issue, we propose in this paper, an adaptive management of wireless sensor node resources to meet application requirements in terms of energy consumption, reliability and delay. To do this, we have used the theory of viability, which is an approach that allows controling the evolution of a system in a set of desirable states. Here we have proposed an enhanced analytical model of sensor node’s energy dynamic, and we control it based on both Mac layer parameters of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and the packet sampling frequency. The simulation results have shown that the proposed model is more accurate and efficient as a node can send more information without violating energy, reliability and delay constraints

    Improvements to end-to-end performance of low-power wireless networks

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    Over the last decades, wireless technologies have become an important part of our daily lives. A plentitude of new types of networks based on wireless technologies have emerged, often replacing wired solutions. In this development, not only the number and the types of devices equipped with wireless transceivers have significantly increased, also the variety of wireless technologies has grown considerably. Moreover, Internet access for wireless devices has paved the way for a large variety of new private, business, and research applications. Great efforts have been made by the research community and the industry to develop standards, specifications, and communication protocols for networks of constrained devices, we refer to as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) defined the 802.15.4 standard for Personal Area Networks (PANs). With the introduction of an adaptation layer which makes IEEE 802.15.4 networks IPv6-capable, interconnecting billions of constrained devices has become possible and is expected to become a reality in the near future. The vision that embraces the idea of interweaving Internet technology with any type of smart objects, such as wearable devices or sensors of a WSN, is called the Internet of Things (IoT). The main goal of this thesis is the improvement of the performance of low-power wireless networks. Given the wide scope of application scenarios and networking solutions proposed for such networks, the development and optimization of communication protocols for wireless low-power devices is a challenging task: The hardware restrictions of constrained devices, specific application scenarios that may vary from one network to another, and the integration of WSNs into the IoT require new approaches to the design and evaluation of communication protocols. To face these challenges and to find solutions for them, research needs to be carried out. Mechanisms and parameter settings of communication protocol stacks for WSNs that are crucial to the network performance need to be identified, optimized, and complemented by adding new ones. The first contribution of this thesis is the improvement of end-to-end performance for IEEE 802.15.4-based PANs, where default parameter settings of common communication protocols are analyzed and evaluated with regard to their impact on the network performance. Physical evaluations are carried out in a large testbed, addressing the important question of whether the default and allowed range settings defined for common communication protocols are efficient or whether alternative settings may yield a better performance. The second contribution of this thesis is the improvement of end-to-end performance for ZigBee wireless HA networks. ZigBee is an important standard for low-power wireless networks and the investigations carried out address the crucial lack of investigation the ZigBee HA performance evaluations through physical experiments and potential ways to improve the network performance based on these experiments. Eventually, this thesis focuses on the improvement of the congestion control (CC) mechanism applied by the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) used in IoT communications. For the handling of the possible congestion in the IoT produced by the plethora of the devices and/or link errors innate to low-power radio communications, the default CC mechanism it lacks an advanced CC algorithm. Given CoAP's high relevance for IoT communications, an advanced CC algorithm should be capable of adapting to these particularities of IoT communications. This thesis contributes to this topic with the design and optimization of the CoAP Advanced Congestion Control/Simple (CoCoA) protocol, an advanced CC mechanism for CoAP.The investigations of advanced CC mechanisms for CoAP involve extensive performance evaluations in simulated networks and physical experiments in real testbeds using different communication technologies.En les últimes dècades, les tecnologies sense fils s'han convertit en una part important de la nostra vida quotidiana. Una àmplia varietat de nous tipus de xarxes basades en tecnologies sense fils han sorgit, sovint reemplaçant solucions cablejades. En aquest desenvolupament, no només el nombre i els tipus de dispositius equipats amb transceptors sense fils han augmentat significativament, també la varietat de tecnologies sense fils ha crescut de manera considerable. D'altra banda, l'accés a Internet per als dispositius sense fils ha donat pas a una gran varietat de noves aplicacions privades, comercials i d'investigació. La comunitat científica i la indústria han fet grans esforços per desenvolupar normes, especificacions i protocols de comunicació per a xarxes de sensors sense fils (WSNs). L'Institut d'Enginyeria Elèctrica i Electrònica (IEEE) defineix l'estàndard 802.15.4 per a xarxes d'àrea personal (PAN). Amb la introducció d'una capa d'adaptació que possibilita les IEEE 802.15.4 xarxes compatibles amb IPv6, la interconnexió de milers de milions de dispositius restringits s'ha fet possible. La idea d'entreteixir la tecnologia d'Internet amb qualsevol tipus d'objectes intel·ligents, com els dispositius o sensors d'una WSN és coneguda com la Internet de les Coses (IoT). L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és la millora del rendiment de les WSNs. Donada l'àmplia gamma d'escenaris d'aplicacions i solucions de xarxes proposats per a aquest tipus de xarxes, el desenvolupament i l'optimització dels protocols de comunicació per a dispositius de WSNs és una tasca difícil: les limitacions de capacitats dels dispositius restringits, escenaris d'aplicació específics que poden variar d'una xarxa a l'altra, i la integració de les WSNs a la IoT requereixen nous enfocaments per al disseny i avaluació de protocols de comunicació. Cal identificar mecanismes i configuracions de paràmetres de les piles de protocols de comunicació per a WSNs que són elementals per al rendiment de la xarxa, optimitzar-los, i complementar-los amb l'addició d'altres de nous. La primera contribució d'aquesta tesi és la millora del rendiment extrem a extrem per PANs basat en IEEE 802.15.4, on s'analitza la configuració de paràmetres que es fan servir per defecte en protocols de comunicació comuns i s'avalua el seu impacte en el rendiment de la xarxa. Avaluacions físiques en una xarxa de sensors permeten fer front a la important qüestió de si els valors estàndards dels paràmetres són eficients o si ajustant-los es pot proporcionar un millor rendiment. La segona contribució d'aquesta tesi és l'optimització del rendiment extrem a extrem de xarxes ZigBee domòtiques (HA) sense fils. ZigBee és un estàndard important per a WSNs. Els estudis duts a terme cobreixen la important falta d'investigació d'avaluacions de rendiment de xarxes HA de ZigBee mitjançant experiments físics i mostrant formes per millorar el rendiment de la xarxa en base d'aquests experiments. Finalment, aquesta tesi es centra en la millora del mecanisme bàsic de control de congestió (CC) aplicada pel Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) utilitzat en les comunicacions de la IoT. És necessari un algoritme de CC avançat per al control de la possible congestió en la IoT produïda per la plètora de dispositius i/o errors d'enllaç naturals per a les comunicacions de ràdio de baixa potencia. Donada l'alta rellevància de CoAP per a les comunicacions en la IoT, un algoritme CC avançat ha de ser capaç d'adaptar-se a les particularitats de les comunicacions de la IoT. Aquesta tesi contribueix al problema amb el disseny i l'optimització Control de Congestió Avançat / Simple del CoAP (CoCoA), un mecanisme de CC avançat per CoAP. Les investigacions de mecanismes de CC avançats per CoAP impliquen avaluacions extenses en xarxes simulades i experiments físics en xarxes reals utilitzant diferents tecnologies de comunicacions

    Networking Protocols For Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks

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