18 research outputs found

    Schaefer's theorem for graphs

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    Schaefer's theorem is a complexity classification result for so-called Boolean constraint satisfaction problems: it states that every Boolean constraint satisfaction problem is either contained in one out of six classes and can be solved in polynomial time, or is NP-complete. We present an analog of this dichotomy result for the propositional logic of graphs instead of Boolean logic. In this generalization of Schaefer's result, the input consists of a set W of variables and a conjunction \Phi\ of statements ("constraints") about these variables in the language of graphs, where each statement is taken from a fixed finite set \Psi\ of allowed quantifier-free first-order formulas; the question is whether \Phi\ is satisfiable in a graph. We prove that either \Psi\ is contained in one out of 17 classes of graph formulas and the corresponding problem can be solved in polynomial time, or the problem is NP-complete. This is achieved by a universal-algebraic approach, which in turn allows us to use structural Ramsey theory. To apply the universal-algebraic approach, we formulate the computational problems under consideration as constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) whose templates are first-order definable in the countably infinite random graph. Our method to classify the computational complexity of those CSPs is based on a Ramsey-theoretic analysis of functions acting on the random graph, and we develop general tools suitable for such an analysis which are of independent mathematical interest.Comment: 54 page

    Reasoning about temporal relations : the maximal tractable subalgebras of Allen's interval algebra

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    Allen's interval algebra is one of the best established formalisms for temporal reasoning. This article provides the final step in the classification of complexity for satisfiability problems over constraints expressed in this algebra. When the constraints are chosen from the full Allen's algebra, this form of satisfiability problem is known to be NP-complete. However, eighteen tractable subalgebras have previously been identified; we show here that these subalgebras include all possible tractable subsets of Allen's algebra. In other words, we show that this algebra contains exactly eighteen maximal tractable subalgebras, and reasoning in any fragment not entirely contained in one of these subalgebras is NP-complete. We obtain this dichotomy result by giving a new uniform description of the known maximal tractable subalgebras, and then systematically using a general algebraic technique for identifying maximal subalgebras with a given property