6 research outputs found

    Huella en Internet en la Web 3.0: Uso de redes sociales en el reclutamiento

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    Social media plays important role in many aspects of organizational life, and have become increasingly important in recruitment decisions. The purpose of this study is to understand the key issues in the use of digital footprint in recruitment, by using theme analysis as the research method, 10 managers of human resource department at Iranian banks who were responsible for recruiting of employees were interviewed. Nine themes emerged from the analysis: (a) Digital footprint usage enhances the complexity of employment processes, (b) The use of digital footprint in employment processes leads to the optimization and acquiring visions with regard to job applicants, (c) The impact and significant positive role of social media on maintaining employees, (d) Connecting networks available on social media lead to detection of reciprocal opportunities and bridging among job applicants and employers, (e) The role and desired implication of social media in post-employment processes, (f) The need for updating the knowledge of HR managers with respect to the continuous changes in environmental conditions , (g) The necessity of offering an opportunity to job applicants in high level posts within an organization to explain the negative results of information collected from applicant’s digital footprint on cyber space, (h) The need for measuring the accuracy of information collected from social media, (i) The necessity of educating, culture-building and creating the essential infrastructures for social media use in the society and among employees. The results of this study provide insight to effects of digital footprints on recruitment decisions, reduction of disciplinary actions and firing of employeesLos medios sociales desempeñan un papel importante en muchos aspectos de la vida organizacional y se han vuelto cada vez más importantes en las decisiones de reclutamiento de personal. El propósito de este estudio es comprender los asuntis clave en el uso de la huella en Internet en el proceso de reclutamiento, mediante el análisis del tema como método de investigación, se entrevistaron 10 gerentes del departamento de recursos humanos de bancos iraníes que fueron responsables del reclutamiento de empleados. Nueve temas surgieron del análisis: (a) el uso de la huella en Internet aumenta la complejidad de los procesos de empleo; (b) el uso de la huella en Internet en los procesos de empleo conduce a la optimización y la adquisición de visiones con respecto a los solicitantes de empleo; (c) el impacto y el importante papel positivo de las redes sociales en el mantenimiento de los empleados; (d) la conexión de las redes disponibles en las redes sociales conduce a la detección de oportunidades recíprocas y a la construcción de puentes entre los solicitantes de empleo y los empleadores; (e) la función y la implicación deseada de las redes sociales en los procesos posteriores al empleo; (f) la necesidad de actualizar el conocimiento de los gerentes de recursos humanos con respecto a los cambios continuos en las condiciones ambientales; (g) la necesidad de ofrecer una oportunidad a los solicitantes de empleo en puestos de alto nivel dentro de una organización para explicar los resultados negativos de la información recopilada a través de la huella en Internet del solicitante en el ciberespacio; (h) la necesidad de medir la precisión de la información recopilada de las redes sociales; (i) la necesidad de educar, construir cultura y crear las infraestructuras esenciales para el uso de las redes sociales en la sociedad y entre los empleados. Los resultados de este estudio proporcionan información sobre los efectos de las huellas en Internet en las decisiones de reclutamiento, la reducción de las medidas disciplinarias y el despido de empleados


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    Informasi merupakan kebutuhan setiap orang untuk memenuhipengetahuan dan rasa ingin tahu mengenai sesuatu. Informasi saat inidikemas dengan menarik dan disebarluaskan dengan memanfaatkanperkembangan teknologi informasi, salah satunya new media yaitumedia sosial. Setiap lapisan masyarakat tentunya generasi milenialmemiliki akun media sosial dalam perangkat penelusuran informasibawaan Google. Informasi yang diberikan oleh layanan dari Googlemerupakan hasil pengindeksan rekam jejak digital pengguna dalamsetiap aktivitas penelusuran informasi di internet. Jejak digitalpengguna dari aktivitas penelusuran informasi akan dikumpulkan lalumemberikan informasi yang relevan terkait suatu informasi yangsering ditelusuri dan disukai. Namun sebagian orang belummengetahui bagaimana media sosial yang terintegrasi Google sepertihalnya YouTube dapat memunculkan dan memberikan informasi yangsering ditelusuri dengan tepat. Informasi tersebut berupa sponsor ataupromosi suatu iklan dari klien yang berkerjasama dnegan pihakGoogle. Fokus penilitian ini akan membahas mengenai pengaruhaktivitas penelusuran informasi terhadap jejak digital di youtube bagigenerasi milenial. YouTube menjadi ladang yang menarik untukmemberikan interface iklan kepada pengguna secara efektif. Metodeyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskrptif.Tujuan penilitian ini untuk mengetahui bahwa aktivitas yangdilakukan pengguna atau generasi milenial untuk memenuhikebutuhan informasi akan berpengaruh terhadap jejak digital yangdimilikinya selama menggunakan platform Google.Kata kunci: Penelusuran informasi, jejak digital, generasi milenial, YouTubeInformation is everyone's need to meet knowledge and curiosity aboutsomething. Information is currently packaged attractively anddisseminated by utilizing the development of information technology,one of which is new media, namely social media. Every layer of societycertainly millennial generation has social media accounts in Google'sdefault information search device. Information provided by servicesfrom Google is the result of indexing the user's digital track record inevery information search activity on the internet. The user's digitalfootprint from information retrieval activities will be collected andthen provide relevant information related to information that isfrequently searched and liked. But some people don't yet know howintegrated Google social media like YouTube can bring up and provideinformation that is often traced right. This information is in the form ofsponsorship or promotion of an advertisement from a client whocooperates with Google. The focus of this research will be to discussthe effect of information retrieval activities on the digital footprint onmillennial generations. YouTube is an interesting field to effectivelyprovide advertising interfaces to users. The method used in thisresearch is quantitative descriptive. The purpose of this research is tofind out that the activities carried out by users or millennialgenerations to meet information needs will affect their digital footprintwhile using the Google platform.Keywords: Information search, digital footprint, millennial generation, YouTub

    Relating popularity on Twitter and Linkedin to bibliometric indicators of visibility and interconnectedness: an analysis of 8512 applied researchers in Germany

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    We analyse the degree to which the popularity of scientific authors on Twitter and LinkedIn corresponds to publication-based indicators as to their visibility and interconnectedness. Departing from the extant literature’s focus on the visibility of individual papers, we turn to the popularity of individuals on social media platforms. We explore whether this popularity is reflected in the visibility that researchers achieve and the collaborations they maintain in the publication domain. Studying a large sample of applied researchers in Germany, we find congruence between researchers’ popularity on social media, and both their visibility and interconnectedness in the publication domain. Comparing the effects of Twitter and LinkedIn engagement, we furthermore find that the characteristics of this relationship are associated with the intended function of the social media platform in which researchers engage. We conclude that social media platforms are a relevant channel of academic communication, alongside existing channels of formal and informal exchange


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    [目的 / 意义] 梳理并评述国内外有关科学家评价的方法, 归纳好的做法和经验, 为相关研究机构制定科学家评价方法提供参考。[方法 / 过程] 从定性、定量和新型评价范式等角度进行梳理, 其中定量研究方法主要包括: 基于论文数和引文数、标准化指标、h 指数及其衍生指数等单指标定量评价方法,基于链接的方法, 替代计量学以及多指标综合评价方法等。定性方法主要从同行评议角度展开, 新型评价范式 主 要 介 绍 了 大 数 据 时 代 基 于 人 工 智 能 和机器学习的科学家评价新范式。[结果 / 结论] 科学家评价工作还 有 很 大 的 空 间 有 待 探 索, 包 括: 评 价 理 论 基 础、时间维度的考虑、强调多指标综合的方法、指标优化、评价实践等多个方面。 &nbsp;</p

    Studying the accumulation velocity of altmetric data tracked by Altmetric.com

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    This paper investigates the data accumulation velocity of 12 Altmetric.com data sources. DOI created date recorded by Crossref and altmetric event posted date tracked by Altmetric.com are combined to reflect the altmetric data accumulation patterns over time and to compare the data accumulation velocity of various data sources through three proposed indicators, including Velocity Index, altmetric half-life, and altmetric time delay. Results show that altmetric data sources exhibit different data accumulation velocity. Some altmetric data sources have data accumulated very fast within the first few days after publication, such as Reddit, Twitter, News, Facebook, Google+, and Blogs. On the opposite spectrum, research outputs are at relatively slow pace in accruing data on some data sources, like Policy documents, Peer review, Q&A, Wikipedia, Video, and F1000Prime. Most altmetric data sources' velocity degree also changes by document types, subject fields, and research topics. The type Review is slower in receiving altmetric mentions than Article, while Editorial Material and Letter are typically faster. In general, most altmetric data sources show higher velocity values in the fields of Physical Sciences and Engineering and Life and Earth Sciences. Within each field, there also exist some research topics that attract social attention faster than others.Merit, Expertise and Measuremen