11 research outputs found

    Laser Target Tracking

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    A collision avoidance system is designed by expertise to reduce the severity of an accident especially in cars. Nowadays, as reported by World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.25 million people die every year due to road traffic crashes. If there are no corrective steps taken, the number is expected to increase. Most of the collision avoidance system is utilizing sensors such as radar, camera and laser range finder. For this project, a single laser range finder (LRF) and a single embedded platform, called Raspberry Pi (also known as Raspi) are used for the project development. The function of LRF sensor is to determine the distance between any objects with the sensor as the reference point based on the data obtained from it. Meanwhile, the Raspi platform will work as a tool to do the computational task when the LRF sends the data obtained in real-time and display the results to the use

    Cooperative Multiple Dynamic Object Tracking on Moving Vehicles Based on Sequential Monte Carlo Probability Hypothesis Density Filter

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    This paper proposes a generalized method for tracking of multiple objects from moving, cooperative vehicles -- bringing together an Unscented Kalman Filter for vehicle localization and extending a Sequential Monte Carlo Probability Hypothesis Density filter with a novel cooperative fusion algorithm for tracking. The latter ensures that the fusion of information from cooperating vehicles is not limited to a fully overlapping Field Of View (FOV), as usually assumed in popular distributed fusion literature, but also allows for a perceptual extension corresponding to the union of the vehicles' FOV. Our method hence allows for an overall extended perception range for all cooperative vehicles involved, while preserving same or improving the accuracy in the overlapping FOV. This method also successfully mitigates noisy sensor measurement and clutter, as well as localization inaccuracies of tracking vehicles using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Finally, we extensively evaluate our method using a high-fidelity simulator for vehicles of varying speed and trajectories

    A Collaborative Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Multi-Object Tracking Using a Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter

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    This paper presents a method for collaborative tracking of multiple vehicles that extends a Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density (GM-PHD) filter with a collaborative fusion algorithm. Measurements are preprocessed in a detect-before-track fashion, and cars are tracked using a rectangular shape model. The proposed method successfully mitigates clutter and occlusion problems. In order to extend the field of view of individual vehicles and increase the estimation confidence in the areas where a target is observable by multiple vehicles, PHD intensities are exchanged between vehicles and fused in the Collaborative GM-PHD filter using a novel algorithm based on the Generalized Covariance Intersection. The method is extensively evaluated using a calibrated, high-fidelity simulator in scenarios where vehicles exhibit both straight and curved motion at different speeds

    Tracking of Moving Objects from a Moving Vehicle Using a Scanning Laser Rangefinder

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    Abstract — The capability to use a moving sensor to detect moving objects and predict their future path enables both collision warning systems and autonomous navigation. This paper describes a system that combines linear feature extraction, tracking and a motion evaluator to accurately estimate motion of vehicles and pedestrians with a low rate of false motion reports. The tracker was used in a prototype collision warning system that was tested on two transit buses during 7000 km of regular passenger service. I

    Detecção e Rastreamento de Veículos em Movimento para Automóveis Robóticos Autônomos

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    Neste trabalho, foi investigado o problema de detecção e rastreamento de objetos em movimento (detection and tracking of moving objects - DATMO) para automóveis robóticos autônomos. DATMO envolve a detecção de objetos em movimento no ambiente ao redor do robô e a estimativa do estado (e.g., posição, orientação e velocidade) dos objetos ao longo do tempo. O robô precisa estimar o estado de cada objeto ao longo do tempo, de forma que possa predizer o estado destes objetos alguns segundos mais tarde para fins de mapeamento, localização e navegação. Foram estudadas várias abordagens para a solução deste problema e foi proposto um sistema de detecção e rastreamento de múltiplos veículos em movimento no ambiente ao redor do automóvel robótico autônomo usando um sensor Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) 3D. O sistema proposto opera em três etapas: segmentação, associação e rastreamento. A cada varredura do sensor, após a conversão dos dados do sensor em uma nuvem de pontos 3D, na etapa de segmentação os pontos associados ao plano do solo são removidos; a nuvem de pontos é segmentada em agrupamentos de pontos 3D usando a distância Euclidiana, sendo que cada agrupamento representa um objeto no ambiente ao redor do automóvel robótico; nesta etapa os agrupamentos relacionados a meio-fios são também removidos. Na etapa de associação, os objetos observados na varredura atual do sensor são associados aos mesmos objetos observados na varredura anterior usando o algoritmo do vizinho mais próximo (nearest neighbor). Finalmente, na etapa de rastreamento, o estado (posição, orientação e velocidade) dos objetos é estimado usando um filtro de partículas. Os objetos com velocidade acima de um determinado limiar são considerados veículos em movimento. O desempenho do sistema de DATMO proposto foi avaliado usando dados de um sensor LIDAR 3D, além de dados de outros sensores, coletados ao longo de uma volta pelo anel viário do campus da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o sistema de DATMO proposto foi capaz de detectar e rastrear com bom desempenho múltiplos veículos em movimento

    Data fusion architecture for intelligent vehicles

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    Traffic accidents are an important socio-economic problem. Every year, the cost in human lives and the economic consequences are inestimable. During the latest years, efforts to reduce or mitigate this problem have lead to a reduction in casualties. But, the death toll in road accidents is still a problem, which means that there is still much work to be done. Recent advances in information technology have lead to more complex applications, which have the ability to help or even substitute the driver in case of hazardous situations, allowing more secure and efficient driving. But these complex systems require more trustable and accurate sensing technology that allows detecting and identifying the surrounding environment as well as identifying the different objects and users. However, the sensing technology available nowadays is insufficient itself, and thus combining the different available technologies is mandatory in order to fulfill the exigent requirements of safety road applications. In this way, the limitations of every system are overcome. More dependable and reliable information can be thus obtained. These kinds of applications are called Data Fusion (DF) applications. The present document tries to provide a solution for the Data Fusion problem in the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) field by providing a set of techniques and algorithms that allow the combination of information from different sensors. By combining these sensors the basic performances of the classical approaches in ITS can be enhanced, satisfying the demands of safety applications. The works presented are related with two researching fields. Intelligent Transport System is the researching field where this thesis was established. ITS tries to use the recent advances in Information Technology to increase the security and efficiency of the transport systems. Data Fusion techniques, on the other hand, try to give solution to the process related with the combination of information from different sources, enhancing the basic capacities of the systems and adding trustability to the inferences. This work attempts to use the Data Fusion algorithms and techniques to provide solution to classic ITS applications. The sensors used in the present application include a laser scanner and computer vision. First is a well known sensor, widely used, and during more recent years have started to be applied in different ITS applications, showing advanced performance mainly related to its trustability. Second is a recent sensor in automotive applications widely used in all recent ITS advances in the last decade. Thanks to computer vision road security applications (e.g. traffic sign detection, driver monitoring, lane detection, pedestrian detection, etc.) advancements are becoming possible. The present thesis tries to solve the environment reconstruction problem, identifying users of the roads (i.e. pedestrians and vehicles) by the use of Data Fusion techniques. The solution delivers a complete level based solution to the Data Fusion problem. It provides different tools for detecting as well as estimates the degree of danger that involve any detection. Presented algorithms represents a step forward in the ITS world, providing novel Data Fusion based algorithms that allow the detection and estimation of movement of pedestrians and vehicles in a robust and trustable way. To perform such a demanding task other information sources were needed: GPS, inertial systems and context information. Finally, it is important to remark that in the frame of the present thesis, the lack of detection and identification techniques based in radar laser resulted in the need to research and provide more innovative approaches, based in the use of laser scanner, able to detect and identify the different actors involved in the road environment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Los accidentes de tráfico son un grave problema social y económico, cada año el coste tanto en vidas humanas como económico es incontable, por lo que cualquier acción que conlleve la reducción o eliminación de esta lacra es importante. Durante los últimos años se han hecho avances para mitigar el número de accidentes y reducir sus consecuencias. Estos esfuerzos han dado sus frutos, reduciendo el número de accidentes y sus víctimas. Sin embargo el número de heridos y muertos en accidentes de este tipo es aún muy alto, por lo que no hay que rebajar los esfuerzos encaminados a hacer desaparecer tan importante problema. Los recientes avances en tecnologías de la información han permitido la creación de sistemas de ayuda a la conducción cada vez más complejos, capaces de ayudar e incluso sustituir al conductor, permitiendo una conducción más segura y eficiente. Pero estos complejos sistemas requieren de los sensores más fiables, capaces de permitir reconstruir el entorno, identificar los distintos objetos que se encuentran en él e identificar los potenciales peligros. Los sensores disponibles en la actualidad han demostrado ser insuficientes para tan ardua tarea, debido a los enormes requerimientos que conlleva una aplicación de seguridad en carretera. Por lo tanto, combinar los diferentes sensores disponibles se antoja necesario para llegar a los niveles de eficiencia y confianza que requieren este tipo de aplicaciones. De esta forma, las limitaciones de cada sensor pueden ser superadas, gracias al uso combinado de los diferentes sensores, cada uno de ellos proporcionando información que complementa la obtenida por otros sistemas. Este tipo de aplicaciones se denomina aplicaciones de Fusión Sensorial. El presente trabajo busca aportar soluciones en el entorno de los vehículos inteligentes, mediante técnicas de fusión sensorial, a clásicos problemas relacionados con la seguridad vial. Se buscará combinar diferentes sensores y otras fuentes de información, para obtener un sistema fiable, capaz de satisfacer las exigentes demandas de este tipo de aplicaciones. Los estudios realizados y algoritmos propuestos están enmarcados en dos campos de investigación bien conocidos y populares. Los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS- por sus siglas en ingles- Intelligent Transportation Systems), marco en el que se centra la presente tesis, que engloba las diferentes tecnologías que durante los últimos años han permitido dotar a los sistemas de transporte de mejoras que aumentan la seguridad y eficiencia de los sistemas de transporte tradicionales, gracias a las novedades en el campo de las tecnologías de la información. Por otro lado las técnicas de Fusión Sensorial (DF -por sus siglas en ingles- Data Fusión) engloban las diferentes técnicas y procesos necesarios para combinar diferentes fuentes de información, permitiendo mejorar las prestaciones y dando fiabilidad a los sistemas finales. La presente tesis buscará el empleo de las técnicas de Fusión Sensorial para dar solución a problemas relacionados con Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte. Los sensores escogidos para esta aplicación son un escáner láser y visión por computador. El primero es un sensor ampliamente conocido, que durante los últimos años ha comenzado a emplearse en el mundo de los ITS con unos excelentes resultados. El segundo de este conjunto de sensores es uno de los sistemas más empleados durante los últimos años, para dotar de cada vez más complejos y versátiles aplicaciones en el mundo de los ITS. Gracias a la visión por computador, aplicaciones tan necesarias para la seguridad como detección de señales de tráfico, líneas de la carreta, peatones, etcétera, que hace unos años parecía ciencia ficción, están cada vez más cerca. La aplicación que se presenta pretende dar solución al problema de reconstrucción de entornos viales, identificando a los principales usuarios de la carretera (vehículos y peatones) mediante técnicas de Fusión Sensorial. La solución implementada busca dar una completa solución a todos los niveles del proceso de fusión sensorial, proveyendo de las diferentes herramientas, no solo para detectar los otros usuarios, sino para dar una estimación del peligro que cada una de estas detecciones implica. Para lograr este propósito, además de los sensores ya comentados han sido necesarias otras fuentes de información, como sensores GPS, inerciales e información contextual. Los algoritmos presentados pretenden ser un importante paso adelante en el mundo de los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte, proporcionando novedosos algoritmos basados en tecnologías de Fusión Sensorial que permitirán detectar y estimar el movimiento de los peatones y vehículos de forma fiable y robusta. Finalmente hay que remarcar que en el marco de la presente tesis, la falta de sistemas de detección e identificación de obstáculos basados en radar láser provocó la necesidad de implementar novedosos algoritmos que detectasen e identificasen, en la medida de lo posible y pese a las limitaciones de la tecnología, los diferentes obstáculos que se pueden encontrar en la carretera basándose en este sensor