11 research outputs found

    Моделювання просторових параметрів рухів спортсмена з використанням апаратно-програмного комплексу «АПК ППР-1»

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    У роботі розглянуто можливість програмно-апаратної реалізації можливості моделювання просторових параметрів рухів спортсменів з використанням приладу, створеного на основі сучасних електронних технологій. Обґрунтовано доцільність їх впровадження у тренувальний процес для термінового отримання чіткої об’єктивної інформації та здійснення оперативного контролю для цілеспрямованої його корекції на основі інтегрального підходу до розвитку фізичних якостей

    Object oriented framework for character animation and design

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 16).Three-dimensional computer character animation is becoming more and more prevalent in the entertainment industry. As the demand grows, so does the need for tools that allow animators to create animations quickly. In this thesis, we present a framework for animating with the goals of minimizing the time to train new animators, the time to develop new characters, and the time to make a finished animation. We propose a system that is analogous to object oriented paradigms in software development - namely reuse and encapsulation. We then demonstrate the feasibility of the model by describing the prototype developed during the course of this research

    Modeling tension and relaxation for computer animation

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    Full-body performance animation with Sequential Inverse Kinematics

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    In this paper, we present an analytic-iterative Inverse Kinematics (IK) method, called Sequential lK (SIK), that reconstructs 3D human full-body movements in real time. The input data for the reconstruction is the least possible (i.e., the positions of wrists, ankles, head and pelvis) in order to be usable within a low-cost human motion capture system that Would track only these six features. The performance of our approach is compared to other well-known IK methods in reconstruction quality and computation time obtaining satisfactory results for both. The paper first describes how we handle the spine and the clavicles before offering a simple joint limit model for ball-and-socket joints and a method to avoid self-collisions induced by the elbow. The second part focuses on the algorithms comparison study. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Алгоритми та підходи використання інструментів персонажної анімації при створенні сцен кіно

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    Актуальність дослідження. В наш час 3D всесвіт надзвичайно популярний, фільми, серіали, мультфільми, реклама, різний відеокнонтент, та відеоігри майже неможливо уявити без анімованої 3D графіки, проте 3D об’єкти дещо відрізняються від реального світу, адже аби умовний персонаж мультфільму почав рухатись, необхідно аби художник-аніматор проробив велику роботу, від створення скелету персонажа (ригінгу), до анімації, наприклад за допомогою ключових кадрів. Складність цієї роботи спонукає до автоматизації процесів. Саме тому зараз стає популярним створення вже готових скелетів та анімації для використання в майбутніх проєктах. Мета дослідження : полягає в дослідженні створення анімації, ригінгу персонажа, та створення навчального продукту на основі отриманих знань. Завдання для досягнення мети : дослідити усі різновиди створення анімації, обрання методу який найбільш відповідає поставленим задачам, на основі обраного методу створити вихідний продукт. Об’єкт дослідження : анімація персонажів, програмне забезпечення Blender, та Unity. Предмет дослідження : алгоритм ригінгу, взаємодія з мешем, алгоритми анімації. Методи дослідження : робота в програмному забезпечені Blender, застосування методів та алгоритмів ригінгу та анімації. Наукова новизна отриманих результатів: розроблено новий продукт під необіхдну задачу, створено скелет для подальшої анімації. Практичне значення одержаних результатів : отриманий результат може бути застосований в майбутніх проєктах, від відеоматеріалів до комп’ютерних ігор.Relevance of research. Nowadays, the 3D universe is extremely popular, movies, series, cartoons, advertisements, various video content, and video games are almost impossible to imagine without animated 3D graphics, but 3D objects are somewhat different from the real world, because in order for a conventional cartoon character to start moving, it is necessary to the animator did a lot of work, from creating the character's skeleton (rigging) to animating, for example, using keyframes. The complexity of this work encourages the automation of processes. That is why it is now becoming popular to create ready-made skeletons and animations for use in future projects. The purpose of the research: is to investigate the creation of animation, character rigging, and the creation of an educational product based on the knowledge obtained. The task to achieve the goal: to explore all types of animation creation, to choose the method that best meets the set tasks, to create the original product based on the chosen method. Research object: character animation, Blender software, and Unity. Research subject: rigging algorithm, mesh interaction, animation algorithms. Research methods: work in Blender software, application of rigging and animation methods and algorithms. The scientific novelty of the obtained results: a new product was developed for an urgent task, a skeleton was created for further animation. Practical significance of the obtained results: the obtained result can be applied in future projects, from video materials to computer games

    Rigging a horse and rider: simulating the predictable and repetitive movement of the rider

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    It is nice to give animators artistic freedom, but having to animate every bounce, sway, and counter-balancing movement of a rider on a horse isn't freedom at all. It is painstaking labor that could easily be prevented with an effective character setup. If an animation piece is only going to have a few shots with a horse and rider, then the trouble of setting up an automated character rig is not practical, but if there are a significant amount of shots with a horse and rider galloping across the prairie, doing death defying stunts, and walking for an extended time into the sunset then there needs to be a way to automate the reactions of the rider to the horse. This thesis focuses on what parts of a horse one can analyze to know at what point a rider will lean forward, bounce up from the saddle, or in any way react to a variety of different horse movements. The automated character setup, or rig, makes animating a rider on a horse much more efficient

    Pre-computation for controlling character behavior in interactive physical simulations

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 129-136).The development of advanced computer animation tools has allowed talented artists to create digital actors, or characters, in films and commercials that move in a plausible and compelling way. In interactive applications, however, the artist does not have total control over the scenarios the character will experience. Unexpected changes in the environment of the character or unexpected interactions with dynamic elements of the virtual world can lead to implausible motions. This work investigates the use of physical simulation to automatically synthesize plausible character motions in interactive applications. We show how to simulate a realistic motion for a humanoid character by creating a feedback controller that tracks a motion capture recording. By applying the right forces at the right time, the controller is able to recover from a range of interesting changes to the environment and unexpected disturbances. Controlling physically simulated humanoid characters is non-trivial as they are governed by non-linear, non-smooth, and high-dimensional equations of motion. We simplify the problem by using a linearized and simplified dynamics model near a reference trajectory. Tracking a reference trajectory is an effective way of getting a character to perform a single task. However, simulated characters need to perform many tasks form a variety of possible configurations. This work also describes a method for combining existing controllers by adding their output forces to perform new tasks. This allows one to reuse existing controllers. A surprising fact is that combined controllers can perform optimally under certain conditions. These methods allow us to interactively simulate many interesting humanoid character behaviors in two and three dimensions. These characters have many more degrees of freedom than typical robot systems and move much more naturally. Simulation is fast enough that the controllers could soon be used to animate characters in interactive games. It is also possible that these simulations could be used to test robotic designs and biomechanical hypotheses.by Marco Jorge Tome da Silva.Ph.D

    Mesh modification using deformation gradients

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-131).Computer-generated character animation, where human or anthropomorphic characters are animated to tell a story, holds tremendous potential to enrich education, human communication, perception, and entertainment. However, current animation procedures rely on a time consuming and difficult process that requires both artistic talent and technical expertise. Despite the tremendous amount of artistry, skill, and time dedicated to the animation process, there are few techniques to help with reuse. Although individual aspects of animation are well explored, there is little work that extends beyond the boundaries of any one area. As a consequence, the same procedure must be followed for each new character without the opportunity to generalize or reuse technical components. This dissertation describes techniques that ease the animation process by offering opportunities for reuse and a more intuitive animation formulation. A differential specification of arbitrary deformation provides a general representation for adapting deformation to different shapes, computing semantic correspondence between two shapes, and extrapolating natural deformation from a finite set of examples.(cont.) Deformation transfer adds a general-purpose reuse mechanism to the animation pipeline by transferring any deformation of a source triangle mesh onto a different target mesh. The transfer system uses a correspondence algorithm to build a discrete many-to-many mapping between the source and target triangles that permits transfer between meshes of different topology. Results demonstrate retargeting both kinematic poses and non-rigid deformations, as well as transfer between characters of different topological and anatomical structure. Mesh-based inverse kinematics extends the idea of traditional skeleton-based inverse kinematics to meshes by allowing the user to pose a mesh via direct manipulation. The user indicates the dass of meaningful deformations by supplying examples that can be created automatically with deformation transfer, sculpted, scanned, or produced by any other means. This technique is distinguished from traditional animation methods since it avoids the expensive character setup stage. It is distinguished from existing mesh editing algorithms since the user retains the freedom to specify the class of meaningful deformations. Results demonstrate an intuitive interface for posing meshes that requires only a small amount of user effort.by Robert Walker Sumner.Ph.D

    Animation basée sur la physique : extrapolation de mouvements humains plausibles et réalistes par optimisation incrémentale

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    L'objectif de nos travaux est de faire la synthèse de mouvements plausibles et réalistes de marche humaine dans divers environnements de synthèse. Bien que la solution proposée puisse également s'appliquer aux autres mouvements de locomotion humains ou animaux, nos travaux traitent uniquement du problème de la marche humaine. Afin de résoudre ce problème, nous avons développé une approche permettant de générer une multitude de variations d'une animation issue de capture de mouvement. Ces variations sont obtenues en adaptant le mouvement original à un environnement de synthèse dont les paramètres, tels que l'inclinaison du sol ou la courbure de la trajectoire, sont variés. Nous sommes donc en mesure de produire un mouvement de marche courbe ou de marche sur un plan incliné à partir d'un mouvement de marche en ligne droite sur un sol horizontal, ce que nous qualifions d'extrapolation de mouvement. Une animation initiale, obtenue par capture de mouvement, est essentielle à la solution proposée. Adapter ce mouvement à un nouvel environnement de synthèse consiste essentiellement à ajuster les caractéristiques globales du mouvement, telles que l'orientation du personnage et sa vitesse de déplacement. Ce faisant, nous sommes en mesure de conserver les détails plus fins du mouvement qui lui confèrent son aspect humain, tels que le mouvement des bras ou la vitesse avec laquelle un pied entre en contact avec le sol. En conservant les détails fins du mouvement d'origine, la solution proposée assure un certain réalisme dans les mouvements synthétisés. Dans la solution proposée, l'adaptation du mouvement initial est basée sur le paradigme des contraintes spatio-temporelles, où la synthèse du mouvement est posée comme un problème d'optimisation numérique. En plus d'être une formulation élégante du problème, ce paradigme est tout indiqué pour faire la synthèse de mouvements physiquement plausibles. En combinant ce paradigme avec l'utilisation d'une animation initiale issue de capture de mouvement, nous sommes en mesure de produire des animations de mouvements humains plausibles et réalistes. En pratique, le problème d'optimisation sous-tendu par l'adaptation d'un mouvement par contraintes spatio-temporelles est fortement non linéaire et opère dans un espace à très grande dimensionnalité. Cette complexité peut fortement ralentir le processus d'optimisation et aller jusqu'à en empêcher la convergence. La solution proposée fait donc appel à plusieurs mécanismes afin de réduire cette complexité. Notons qu'aucun de ces mécanismes ne vient compromettre la polyvalence de l'approche, en limitant la complexité du modèle biomécanique du personnage par exemple. Parmi ces mécanismes, deux sont des contributions originales : une technique d'estimation rapide des forces de réaction du sol et une approche d'optimisation incrémentale. Ces deux mécanismes visent à simplifier le processus d'optimisation en fournissant une solution initiale très proche de la solution optimale. La technique d'estimation des forces de réaction du sol sert à donner à ces paramètres une valeur initiale qui est relativement proche de leur valeur optimale, ce qui simplifie significativement la tâche d'optimisation subséquente. Cette technique consiste à trouver, pour les phases de support double, les forces de réaction du sol minimisant l'effort interne du personnage. Ce problème peut être exprimé comme une séquence de sous-problèmes de programmation quadratiques. Cette formulation est un aspect central de notre contribution et elle permet d'atteindre la solution très efficacement. L'approche d'optimisation incrémentale proposée s'inspire des méthodes de continuation. Le mouvement original est considéré comme une solution, un mouvement optimal, pour l'environnement de capture. L'environnement de synthèse est ensuite modifié graduellement, en augmentant l'inclinaison du sol par petits incréments par exemple. À chaque incrément, un nouveau mouvement optimal est trouvé en utilisant la solution de l'incrément précédent comme point de départ. On procède de la sorte jusqu'à l'obtention du mouvement désiré pour l'environnement de synthèse considéré. Si les incréments sont suffisamment petits, la différence entre deux problèmes d'optimisation consécutifs sera petite et il en sera de même pour leur optimum respectif