643 research outputs found

    Decentralized adaptive partitioned approximation control of high degrees-of-freedom robotic manipulators considering three actuator control modes

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    International audiencePartitioned approximation control is avoided in most decentralized control algorithms; however, it is essential to design a feedforward control term for improving the tracking accuracy of the desired references. In addition, consideration of actuator dynamics is important for a robot with high-velocity movement and highly varying loads. As a result, this work is focused on decentralized adaptive partitioned approximation control for complex robotic systems using the orthogonal basis functions as strong approximators. In essence, the partitioned approximation technique is intrinsically decentralized with some modifications. Three actuator control modes are considered in this study: (i) a torque control mode in which the armature current is well controlled by a current servo amplifier and the motor torque/current constant is known, (ii) a current control mode in which the torque/current constant is unknown, and (iii) a voltage control mode with no current servo control being available. The proposed decentralized control law consists of three terms: the partitioned approximation-based feedforward term that is necessary for precise tracking, the high gain-based feedback term, and the adaptive sliding gain-based term for compensation of modeling error. The passivity property is essential to prove the stability of local stability of the individual subsystem with guaranteed global stability. Two case studies are used to prove the validity of the proposed controller: a two-link manipulator and a six-link biped robot

    Adaptive PI Hermite neural control for MIMO uncertain nonlinear systems

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    [[abstract]]This paper presents an adaptive PI Hermite neural control (APIHNC) system for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) uncertain nonlinear systems. The proposed APIHNC system is composed of a neural controller and a robust compensator. The neural controller uses a three-layer Hermite neural network (HNN) to online mimic an ideal controller and the robust compensator is designed to eliminate the effect of the approximation error introduced by the neural controller upon the system stability in the Lyapunov sense. Moreover, a proportional–integral learning algorithm is derived to speed up the convergence of the tracking error. Finally, the proposed APIHNC system is applied to an inverted double pendulums and a two-link robotic manipulator. Simulation results verify that the proposed APIHNC system can achieve high-precision tracking performance. It should be emphasized that the proposed APIHNC system is clearly and easily used for real-time applications.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    Optimal Control of Unknown Nonlinear System From Inputoutput Data

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    Optimal control designers usually require a plant model to design a controller. The problem is the controller\u27s performance heavily depends on the accuracy of the plant model. However, in many situations, it is very time-consuming to implement the system identification procedure and an accurate structure of a plant model is very difficult to obtain. On the other hand, neuro-fuzzy models with product inference engine, singleton fuzzifier, center average defuzzifier, and Gaussian membership functions can be easily trained by many well-established learning algorithms based on given input-output data pairs. Therefore, this kind of model is used in the current optimal controller design. Two approaches of designing optimal controllers of unknown nonlinear systems based on neuro-fuzzy models are presented in the thesis. The first approach first utilizes neuro-fuzzy models to approximate the unknown nonlinear systems, and then the feasible-direction algorithm is used to achieve the numerical solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations of the formulated optimal control problem. This algorithm uses the steepest descent to find the search direction and then apply a one-dimensional search routine to find the best step length. Finally several nonlinear optimal control problems are simulated and the results show that the performance of the proposed approach is quite similar to that of optimal control to the system represented by an explicit mathematical model. However, due to the limitation of the feasible-direction algorithm, this method cannot be applied to highly nonlinear and dimensional plants. Therefore, another approach that can overcome these drawbacks is proposed. This method utilizes Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models to design the optimal controller. TS fuzzy models are first derived from the direct linearization of the neuro-fuzzy models, which is close to the local linearization of the nonlinear dynamic systems. The operating points are chosen so that the TS fuzzy model is a good approximation of the neuro-fuzzy model. Based on the TS fuzzy model, the optimal control is implemented for a nonlinear two-link flexible robot and a rigid asymmetric spacecraft, thus providing the possibility of implementing the well-established optimal control method on unknown nonlinear dynamic systems

    Robot Manipulators

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    Robot manipulators are developing more in the direction of industrial robots than of human workers. Recently, the applications of robot manipulators are spreading their focus, for example Da Vinci as a medical robot, ASIMO as a humanoid robot and so on. There are many research topics within the field of robot manipulators, e.g. motion planning, cooperation with a human, and fusion with external sensors like vision, haptic and force, etc. Moreover, these include both technical problems in the industry and theoretical problems in the academic fields. This book is a collection of papers presenting the latest research issues from around the world

    Dinamički odziv nove adaptivne modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske mreže upravljanja sinkronim motorom s permanentnim magnetima za električni skuter

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    Because an electric scooter driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) servo-driven system has the unknown nonlinearity and the time-varying characteristics, its accurate dynamic model is difficult to establish for the design of the linear controller in whole system. In order to conquer this difficulty and raise robustness, a novel adaptive modified recurrent Legendre neural network (NN) control system, which has fast convergence and provide high accuracy, is proposed to control for PMSM servo-driven electric scooter under the external disturbances and parameter variations in this study. The novel adaptive modified recurrent Legendre NN control system consists of a modified recurrent Legendre NN control with adaptation law and a remunerated control with estimation law. In addition, the online parameter tuning methodology of the modified recurrent Legendre NN control and the estimation law of the remunerated control can be derived by using the Lyapunov stability theorem and the gradient descent method. Furthermore, the modified recurrent Legendre NN with variable learning rate is proposed to raise convergence speed. Finally, comparative studies are demonstrated by experimental results in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.S obzirom da električni skuter pogonjen servo sustavom sa sinkroni motor s permanentnim magnetima ima nelinearnu dinamiku i vremenski promjenjive parametre, njegov dinamički model nije jednostavno odrediti u svrhu dizajniranja linearnog regulatora. Kako bi se riješio taj problem te povećala robusnost predložen je sustav upravljanja korištenjem adaptivne modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske mreže za upravljanje skuterom pogonjenim servo sustavom sa sinkronim motorom uz prisustvo vanjskog poremećaja i promjenjivih parametara. Predloženo upravljanje ima brzu konvergenciju i visoku preciznost. Sustav upravljanja sastoji se od modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske moreže s adaptivnim zakonom upravljanja i estimacijom. Dodatno, \u27on-line\u27 podešavanje parametara takvog sustava može se dobiti korištenjem Ljapunovljevog teorema o stabilnosti sustava i gradijente metode. Modificirana povratne Legendrove neuronska mreža s promjenjivim vremenom učenja predložena je za povećanje brzine konvergencije. Ispravnost predložene sheme upravljanja provjerena je eksperimentalno

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    Adaptive fuzzy control for coordinated multiple robots with constraint using impedance learning

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    In this paper, we investigate fuzzy neural network (FNN) control using impedance learning for coordinated multiple constrained robots carrying a common object in the presence of the unknown robotic dynamics and the unknown environment with which the robot comes into contact. First, an FNN learning algorithm is developed to identify the unknown plant model. Second, impedance learning is introduced to regulate the control input in order to improve the environment-robot interaction, and the robot can track the desired trajectory generated by impedance learning. Third, in light of the condition requiring the robot to move in a finite space or to move at a limited velocity in a finite space, the algorithm based on the position constraint and the velocity constraint are proposed, respectively. To guarantee the position constraint and the velocity constraint, an integral barrier Lyapunov function is introduced to avoid the violation of the constraint. According to Lyapunov's stability theory, it can be proved that the tracking errors are uniformly bounded ultimately. At last, some simulation examples are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the designed control

    34th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems-Final Program

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    Organized by the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California. Cosponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Symposium Organizing Committee: General Chairman-Sherif Michael, Technical Program-Roberto Cristi, Publications-Michael Soderstrand, Special Sessions- Charles W. Therrien, Publicity: Jeffrey Burl, Finance: Ralph Hippenstiel, and Local Arrangements: Barbara Cristi

    Dynamics and controls for robot manipulators with open and closed kinematic chain mechanisms

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    This dissertation deals with dynamics and controls for robot manipulators with open and closed kinematic chain mechanisms;Part I of this dissertation considers the problem of designing a class of robust algorithms for the trajectory tracking control of unconstrained single robot manipulator. The general control structure consists of two parts: The nominal control laws are first introduced to stabilize the system in the absence of uncertainties, then a class of robust nonlinear control laws are adopted to compensate for both the structured uncertainties and the unstructured uncertainties by using deterministic approach. The possible upper bounds of uncertainties are assumed to be known for the nonadaptive version of robust nonlinear controls. If information on these bounds is not available, then the adaptive bound of the robust controller is presented to overcome possible time-varying uncertainties (i.e., decentralized adaptive control scheme);Part II of the dissertation presents the efficient methodology of formulating system dynamics and hybrid position/force control for a single robot manipulator under geometric end-effector constraints. In order to facilitate dynamic analysis and control synthesis, the original joint-space dynamics (or a set of DAEs) is transformed into the constraint-space model through nonlinear transformations. Using the transformed dynamic model, a class of hybrid control laws are presented to manipulate the position and contact force at the end-effector simultaneously and accurately: the modified computed torque method, the robust adaptive controller, and the adaptive hybrid impedance controller;Part III of the dissertation deals with a mathematical modeling and coordinated control of multiple robot manipulators holding and transporting a rigid common object on the constraint surfaces. First, the kinematics and dynamics of multiple robot systems containing the closed-chain mechanisms are formulated from a unified viewpoint. After a series of model transformations, a new combined dynamic model is derived for dynamic analysis and control synthesis. Next, a class of hybrid position/force controllers are developed. The control laws can be used to simultaneously control the position of the object along the constraint surfaces and the contact forces (the internal grasping forces and the external constraint forces)