49 research outputs found

    QoE-Assured 4K HTTP live streaming via transient segment holding at mobile edge

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    HTTP-based live streaming has become increasingly popular in recent years, and more users have started generating 4K live streams from their devices (e.g., mobile phones) through social-media service providers like Facebook or YouTube. If the audience is located far from a live stream source across the global Internet, TCP throughput becomes substantially suboptimal due to slow-start and congestion control mechanisms. This is especially the case when the end-to-end content delivery path involves radio access network (RAN) at the last mile. As a result, the data rate perceived by a mobile receiver may not meet the high requirement of 4K video streams, which causes deteriorated Quality-of-Experience (QoE). In this paper, we propose a scheme named Edge-based Transient Holding of Live sEgment (ETHLE), which addresses the issue above by performing context-aware transient holding of video segments at the mobile edge with virtualized content caching capability. Through holding the minimum number of live video segments at the mobile edge cache in a context-aware manner, the ETHLE scheme is able to achieve seamless 4K live streaming experiences across the global Internet by eliminating buffering and substantially reducing initial startup delay and live stream latency. It has been deployed as a virtual network function at an LTE-A network, and its performance has been evaluated using real live stream sources that are distributed around the world. The significance of this paper is that by leveraging on virtualized caching resources at the mobile edge, we have addressed the conventional transport-layer bottleneck and enabled QoE-assured Internet-wide live streaming to support the emerging live streaming services with high data rate requirements

    New interaction models for 360º video

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    Esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo a incorporação de um mecanismo de buffering num sistema de multimídia, capaz de oferecer experiências multivista adaptáveis. A incorporação deste mecanismo vem provocar melhorias na qualidade de serviço e na qualidade de experiência. O sistema recorre ao protocolo MPEG-DASH e a uma câmara convencional para detecção dos movimentos da cabeça do utilizador. O sistema incorpora ainda um mecanismo de adaptação automática da qualidade, ajustável às condições da rede. O mecanismo desenvolvido é composto por um proxy e tem o objectivo de minimizar o atraso existente na transição de vistas. O proxy será capaz de enviar três vistas em simultâneo, duas em baixa qualidade, enquanto a vista principal será enviada e apresenta ao utilizador em alta qualidade.Sempre que existe um novo pedido por parte do utilizador, o mecanismo irá comutar entre as vistas enviadas até receber a resposta por parte do servidor. Deste modo, esta dissertação pretende identificar as dificuldades que se colocam relativamente à disponibilização e transmissão eficiente deste tipo de conteúdos, assim como os compromissos necessários ao nível da qualidade de experiência do utilizador.Today, the fast technological evolution and the significant increase in the demand for multimedia content has boosted the development of the transmission mechanisms used for this purpose.This development had repercussions in several areas, such as the immersive experiences that include the 360º contents. Whether through live streaming or using on demand services, the quality of service and experience have become two points whose development has assumed high importance. The capture and reproduction of 360º content allows transmitting an immersive view of reality at a given moment. With this approach, the industry intends to provide a product with better audiovisual quality, more comfortable for the user and that allows a better interaction with the same. An example of this is the choice of the view that most appeals to us in a given event (for example, football matches or concerts). This dissertation has as main objective the incorporation of a buffering mechanism in a multimedia system, able to offer adaptive multivista experiments. The system uses the MPEG-DASH protocol for efficient use of network resources and a conventional camera for detecting the movements of the user's head, selecting the points of view that one wishes to visualize in real time. The system also incorporates an automatic quality adjustment mechanism, adjustable to the network conditions. The buffering mechanism is intended to increase the quality of experience and the quality of service, minimizing the delay in the transition of views. The mechanism will consist of a proxy capable of sending three views simultaneously. Of these views, two will be sent in low quality, while the main view will be sent and presented to the user in high quality. Whenever there is a new request from the user, the mechanism will switch between sent views until it receives the response from the server. Based on these assumptions, the dissertation intends to identify the challenges that are posed regarding the availability and efficient transmission of 360º content, as well as the necessary commitments regarding the quality of user experience. This last point is particularly significant, taking into account the network requirements and the volume of data presented by the transmissions of this type of content

    Video Caching, Analytics and Delivery at the Wireless Edge: A Survey and Future Directions

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    Future wireless networks will provide high bandwidth, low-latency, and ultra-reliable Internet connectivity to meet the requirements of different applications, ranging from mobile broadband to the Internet of Things. To this aim, mobile edge caching, computing, and communication (edge-C3) have emerged to bring network resources (i.e., bandwidth, storage, and computing) closer to end users. Edge-C3 allows improving the network resource utilization as well as the quality of experience (QoE) of end users. Recently, several video-oriented mobile applications (e.g., live content sharing, gaming, and augmented reality) have leveraged edge-C3 in diverse scenarios involving video streaming in both the downlink and the uplink. Hence, a large number of recent works have studied the implications of video analysis and streaming through edge-C3. This article presents an in-depth survey on video edge-C3 challenges and state-of-the-art solutions in next-generation wireless and mobile networks. Specifically, it includes: a tutorial on video streaming in mobile networks (e.g., video encoding and adaptive bitrate streaming); an overview of mobile network architectures, enabling technologies, and applications for video edge-C3; video edge computing and analytics in uplink scenarios (e.g., architectures, analytics, and applications); and video edge caching, computing and communication methods in downlink scenarios (e.g., collaborative, popularity-based, and context-aware). A new taxonomy for video edge-C3 is proposed and the major contributions of recent studies are first highlighted and then systematically compared. Finally, several open problems and key challenges for future research are outlined

    Flexi-WVSNP-DASH: A Wireless Video Sensor Network Platform for the Internet of Things

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    abstract: Video capture, storage, and distribution in wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs) critically depends on the resources of the nodes forming the sensor networks. In the era of big data, Internet of Things (IoT), and distributed demand and solutions, there is a need for multi-dimensional data to be part of the Sensor Network data that is easily accessible and consumable by humanity as well as machinery. Images and video are expected to become as ubiquitous as is the scalar data in traditional sensor networks. The inception of video-streaming over the Internet, heralded a relentless research for effective ways of distributing video in a scalable and cost effective way. There has been novel implementation attempts across several network layers. Due to the inherent complications of backward compatibility and need for standardization across network layers, there has been a refocused attention to address most of the video distribution over the application layer. As a result, a few video streaming solutions over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) have been proposed. Most notable are Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and the Motion Picture Experts Groups Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH). These frameworks, do not address the typical and future WVSN use cases. A highly flexible Wireless Video Sensor Network Platform and compatible DASH (WVSNP-DASH) are introduced. The platform's goal is to usher video as a data element that can be integrated into traditional and non-Internet networks. A low cost, scalable node is built from the ground up to be fully compatible with the Internet of Things Machine to Machine (M2M) concept, as well as the ability to be easily re-targeted to new applications in a short time. Flexi-WVSNP design includes a multi-radio node, a middle-ware for sensor operation and communication, a cross platform client facing data retriever/player framework, scalable security as well as a cohesive but decoupled hardware and software design.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Llama : Towards Low Latency Live Adaptive Streaming

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    Multimedia streaming, including on-demand and live delivery of content, has become the largest service, in terms of traffic volume, delivered over the Internet. The ever-increasing demand has led to remarkable advancements in multimedia delivery technology over the past three decades, facilitated by the concurrent pursuit of efficient and quality encoding of digital media. Today, the most prominent technology for online multimedia delivery is HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), which utilises the stateless HTTP architecture - allowing for scalable streaming sessions that can be delivered to millions of viewers around the world using Content Delivery Networks. In HAS, the content is encoded at multiple encoding bitrates, and fragmented into segments of equal duration. The client simply fetches the consecutive segments from the server, at the desired encoding bitrate determined by an ABR algorithm which measures the network conditions and adjusts the bitrate accordingly. This method introduces new challenges to live streaming, where the content is generated in real-time, as it suffers from high end-to-end latency when compared to traditional broadcast methods due to the required buffering at client. This thesis aims to investigate low latency live adaptive streaming, focusing on the reduction of the end-to-end latency. We investigate the impact of latency on the performance of ABR algorithms in low latency scenarios by developing a simulation model and testing prominent on-demand adaptation solutions. Additionally, we conduct extensive subjective testing to further investigate the impact of bitrate changes on the perceived Quality of Experience (QoE) by users. Based on these investigations, we design an ABR algorithm suitable for low latency scenarios which can operate with a small client buffer. We evaluate the proposed low latency adaption solution against on-demand ABR algorithms and the state-of-the-art low latency ABR algorithms, under realistic network conditions using a variety of client and latency settings

    Quality of experience and access network traffic management of HTTP adaptive video streaming

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    The thesis focuses on Quality of Experience (QoE) of HTTP adaptive video streaming (HAS) and traffic management in access networks to improve the QoE of HAS. First, the QoE impact of adaptation parameters and time on layer was investigated with subjective crowdsourcing studies. The results were used to compute a QoE-optimal adaptation strategy for given video and network conditions. This allows video service providers to develop and benchmark improved adaptation logics for HAS. Furthermore, the thesis investigated concepts to monitor video QoE on application and network layer, which can be used by network providers in the QoE-aware traffic management cycle. Moreover, an analytic and simulative performance evaluation of QoE-aware traffic management on a bottleneck link was conducted. Finally, the thesis investigated socially-aware traffic management for HAS via Wi-Fi offloading of mobile HAS flows. A model for the distribution of public Wi-Fi hotspots and a platform for socially-aware traffic management on private home routers was presented. A simulative performance evaluation investigated the impact of Wi-Fi offloading on the QoE and energy consumption of mobile HAS.Die Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Quality of Experience (QoE) – der subjektiv empfundenen Dienstgüte – von adaptivem HTTP Videostreaming (HAS) und mit Verkehrsmanagement, das in Zugangsnetzwerken eingesetzt werden kann, um die QoE des adaptiven Videostreamings zu verbessern. Zuerst wurde der Einfluss von Adaptionsparameters und der Zeit pro Qualitätsstufe auf die QoE von adaptivem Videostreaming mittels subjektiver Crowdsourcingstudien untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden benutzt, um die QoE-optimale Adaptionsstrategie für gegebene Videos und Netzwerkbedingungen zu berechnen. Dies ermöglicht Dienstanbietern von Videostreaming verbesserte Adaptionsstrategien für adaptives Videostreaming zu entwerfen und zu benchmarken. Weiterhin untersuchte die Arbeit Konzepte zum Überwachen von QoE von Videostreaming in der Applikation und im Netzwerk, die von Netzwerkbetreibern im Kreislauf des QoE-bewussten Verkehrsmanagements eingesetzt werden können. Außerdem wurde eine analytische und simulative Leistungsbewertung von QoE-bewusstem Verkehrsmanagement auf einer Engpassverbindung durchgeführt. Schließlich untersuchte diese Arbeit sozialbewusstes Verkehrsmanagement für adaptives Videostreaming mittels WLAN Offloading, also dem Auslagern von mobilen Videoflüssen über WLAN Netzwerke. Es wurde ein Modell für die Verteilung von öffentlichen WLAN Zugangspunkte und eine Plattform für sozialbewusstes Verkehrsmanagement auf privaten, häuslichen WLAN Routern vorgestellt. Abschließend untersuchte eine simulative Leistungsbewertung den Einfluss von WLAN Offloading auf die QoE und den Energieverbrauch von mobilem adaptivem Videostreaming