805 research outputs found

    Timed Parity Games: Complexity and Robustness

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    We consider two-player games played in real time on game structures with clocks where the objectives of players are described using parity conditions. The games are \emph{concurrent} in that at each turn, both players independently propose a time delay and an action, and the action with the shorter delay is chosen. To prevent a player from winning by blocking time, we restrict each player to play strategies that ensure that the player cannot be responsible for causing a zeno run. First, we present an efficient reduction of these games to \emph{turn-based} (i.e., not concurrent) \emph{finite-state} (i.e., untimed) parity games. Our reduction improves the best known complexity for solving timed parity games. Moreover, the rich class of algorithms for classical parity games can now be applied to timed parity games. The states of the resulting game are based on clock regions of the original game, and the state space of the finite game is linear in the size of the region graph. Second, we consider two restricted classes of strategies for the player that represents the controller in a real-time synthesis problem, namely, \emph{limit-robust} and \emph{bounded-robust} winning strategies. Using a limit-robust winning strategy, the controller cannot choose an exact real-valued time delay but must allow for some nonzero jitter in each of its actions. If there is a given lower bound on the jitter, then the strategy is bounded-robust winning. We show that exact strategies are more powerful than limit-robust strategies, which are more powerful than bounded-robust winning strategies for any bound. For both kinds of robust strategies, we present efficient reductions to standard timed automaton games. These reductions provide algorithms for the synthesis of robust real-time controllers

    How to stop time stopping

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    Zeno-timelocks constitute a challenge for the formal verification of timed automata: they are difficult to detect, and the verification of most properties (e.g., safety) is only correct for timelock-free models. Some time ago, Tripakis proposed a syntactic check on the structure of timed automata: If a certain condition (called strong non-zenoness) is met by all the loops in a given automaton, then zeno-timelocks are guaranteed not to occur. Checking for strong non-zenoness is efficient, and compositional (if all components in a network of automata are strongly non-zeno, then the network is free from zeno-timelocks). Strong non-zenoness, however, is sufficient-only: There exist non-zeno specifications which are not strongly non-zeno. A TCTL formula is known that represents a sufficient-and-necessary condition for non-zenoness; unfortunately, this formula requires a demanding model-checking algorithm, and not all model-checkers are able to express it. In addition, this algorithm provides only limited diagnostic information. Here we propose a number of alternative solutions. First, we show that the compositional application of strong non-zenoness can be weakened: Some networks can be guaranteed to be free from Zeno-timelocks, even if not every component is strongly non-zeno. Secondly, we present new syntactic, sufficient-only conditions that complement strong non-zenoness. Finally, we describe a sufficient-and-necessary condition that only requires a simple form of reachability analysis. Furthermore, our conditions identify the cause of zeno-timelocks directly on the model, in the form of unsafe loops. We also comment on a tool that we have developed, which implements the syntactic checks on Uppaal models. The tool is also able to derive, from those unsafe loops in a given automaton (in general, an Uppaal model representing a product automaton of a given network), the reachability formulas that characterise the occurrence of zeno-timelocks. A modified version of the CSMA/CD protocol is used as a case-study

    Revisiting Robustness in Priced Timed Games

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    Priced timed games are optimal-cost reachability games played between two players---the controller and the environment---by moving a token along the edges of infinite graphs of configurations of priced timed automata. The goal of the controller is to reach a given set of target locations as cheaply as possible, while the goal of the environment is the opposite. Priced timed games are known to be undecidable for timed automata with 33 or more clocks, while they are known to be decidable for automata with 11 clock. In an attempt to recover decidability for priced timed games Bouyer, Markey, and Sankur studied robust priced timed games where the environment has the power to slightly perturb delays proposed by the controller. Unfortunately, however, they showed that the natural problem of deciding the existence of optimal limit-strategy---optimal strategy of the controller where the perturbations tend to vanish in the limit---is undecidable with 1010 or more clocks. In this paper we revisit this problem and improve our understanding of the decidability of these games. We show that the limit-strategy problem is already undecidable for a subclass of robust priced timed games with 55 or more clocks. On a positive side, we show the decidability of the existence of almost optimal strategies for the same subclass of one-clock robust priced timed games by adapting a classical construction by Bouyer at al. for one-clock priced timed games

    Parity Games on Temporal Graphs

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    Temporal graphs are a popular modelling mechanism for dynamic complex systems that extend ordinary graphs with discrete time. Simply put, time progresses one unit per step and the availability of edges can change with time. We consider the complexity of solving ω\omega-regular games played on temporal graphs where the edge availability is ultimately periodic and fixed a priori. We show that solving parity games on temporal graphs is decidable in PSPACE, only assuming the edge predicate itself is in PSPACE. A matching lower bound already holds for what we call punctual reachability games on static graphs, where one player wants to reach the target at a given, binary encoded, point in time. We further study syntactic restrictions that imply more efficient procedures. In particular, if the edge predicate is in PP and is monotonically increasing for one player and decreasing for the other, then the complexity of solving games is only polynomially increased compared to static graphs

    TkT: Automatic Inference of Timed and Extended Pushdown Automata

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    To mitigate the cost of manually producing and maintaining models capturing software specifications, specification mining techniques can be exploited to automatically derive up-to-date models that faithfully represent the behavior of software systems. So far, specification mining solutions focused on extracting information about the functional behavior of the system, especially in the form of models that represent the ordering of the operations. Well-known examples are finite state models capturing the usage protocol of software interfaces and temporal rules specifying relations among system events. Although the functional behavior of a software system is a primary aspect of concern, there are several other non-functional characteristics that must be typically addressed jointly with the functional behavior of a software system. Efficiency is one of the most relevant characteristics. In fact, an application delivering the right functionalities inefficiently has a big chance to not satisfy the expectation of its users. Interestingly, the timing behavior is strongly dependent on the functional behavior of a software system. For instance, the timing of an operation depends on the functional complexity and size of the computation that is performed. Consequently, models that combine the functional and timing behaviors, as well as their dependencies, are extremely important to precisely reason on the behavior of software systems. In this paper, we address the challenge of generating models that capture both the functional and timing behavior of a software system from execution traces. The result is the Timed k-Tail (TkT) specification mining technique, which can mine finite state models that capture such an interplay: the functional behavior is represented by the possible order of the events accepted by the transitions, while the timing behavior is represented through clocks and clock constraints of different nature associated with transitions. Our empirical evaluation with several libraries and applications show that TkT can generate accurate models, capable of supporting the identification of timing anomalies due to overloaded environment and performance faults. Furthermore, our study shows that TkT outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in terms of scalability and accuracy of the mined models

    Simple Priced Timed Games Are Not That Simple

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    Priced timed games are two-player zero-sum games played on priced timed automata (whose locations and transitions are labeled by weights modeling the costs of spending time in a state and executing an action, respectively). The goals of the players are to minimise and maximise the cost to reach a target location, respectively. We consider priced timed games with one clock and arbitrary (positive and negative) weights and show that, for an important subclass of theirs (the so-called simple priced timed games), one can compute, in exponential time, the optimal values that the players can achieve, with their associated optimal strategies. As side results, we also show that one-clock priced timed games are determined and that we can use our result on simple priced timed games to solve the more general class of so-called reset-acyclic priced timed games (with arbitrary weights and one-clock)

    General distributions in process algebra

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