876 research outputs found

    Model-driven engineering approach to design and implementation of robot control system

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    In this paper we apply a model-driven engineering approach to designing domain-specific solutions for robot control system development. We present a case study of the complete process, including identification of the domain meta-model, graphical notation definition and source code generation for subsumption architecture -- a well-known example of robot control architecture. Our goal is to show that both the definition of the robot-control architecture and its supporting tools fits well into the typical workflow of model-driven engineering development.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2011 (arXiv:cs/1212.3308

    On Formalizing UML and OCL Features and Their Employment to Runtime Verification

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    Model-driven development (MDD) has been identified as a promising approach for developing software. By using abstract models of a system and by generating parts of the system out of these models, one tries to improve the efficiency of the overall development process and the quality of the resulting software. In the context of MDD the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and its related textual Object Constraint Language (OCL) have gained a high recognition. To be able to generate systems of high quality and to allow for interoperability between modeling tools, a well-defined semantics for these languages is required. This thesis summarizes published work in this context that employs an endogenous metamodeling approach to define the semantics of newer elements of the UML. While the covered elements are exhaustively used to define relations between elements of the metamodel of the UML, the UML specification leaves out a precise definition of their semantics. Our proposed approach uses models, not only to define the abstract syntax, but also to define the semantics of UML. By using UML and OCL for this, existing modeling tools can be used to validate the definition. The second part of this thesis covers work on the usage of UML and OCL models for runtime verification. It is shown how models can still be used at the end of a software development process, i. e., after an implementation has manually been added to generated parts, even though they are not used as central parts of the development process. This work also influenced the integration of protocol state machines into a modeling tool, which lead to publications about the runtime semantics of state machines and the capabilities to declaratively specify behavior using state machines

    Challenges and Directions in Formalizing the Semantics of Modeling Languages

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    Developing software from models is a growing practice and there exist many model-based tools (e.g., editors, interpreters, debuggers, and simulators) for supporting model-driven engineering. Even though these tools facilitate the automation of software engineering tasks and activities, such tools are typically engineered manually. However, many of these tools have a common semantic foundation centered around an underlying modeling language, which would make it possible to automate their development if the modeling language specification were formalized. Even though there has been much work in formalizing programming languages, with many successful tools constructed using such formalisms, there has been little work in formalizing modeling languages for the purpose of automation. This paper discusses possible semantics-based approaches for the formalization of modeling languages and describes how this formalism may be used to automate the construction of modeling tools

    Forum Session at the First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC03)

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    The First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) was held in Trento, December 15-18, 2003. The focus of the conference ---Service Oriented Computing (SOC)--- is the new emerging paradigm for distributed computing and e-business processing that has evolved from object-oriented and component computing to enable building agile networks of collaborating business applications distributed within and across organizational boundaries. Of the 181 papers submitted to the ICSOC conference, 10 were selected for the forum session which took place on December the 16th, 2003. The papers were chosen based on their technical quality, originality, relevance to SOC and for their nature of being best suited for a poster presentation or a demonstration. This technical report contains the 10 papers presented during the forum session at the ICSOC conference. In particular, the last two papers in the report ere submitted as industrial papers

    Generic and adaptable online configuration verification for complex networked systems

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    International audienceDynamic reconfiguration is viewed as a promising solution for today's complex networked systems. However, considering the critical missions actual systems support, systematic dynamic reconfiguration cannot be achieved unless the accuracy and the safety of reconfiguration activities are guaranteed. In this paper, we describe a model-based approach for runtime configuration verification. Our approach uses model-driven engineering techniques to implement a platform-independent online configuration verification framework that can operate as a lightweight extension for networked systems management solutions. The framework includes a flexible and adaptable runtime verification service built upon a high-level language dedicated to the rigorous specification of configuration models and constraints guarding structural correctness and service behavior conformance. Experimental results with a real-life messaging platform show viable overhead demonstrating the feasibility of our approach

    Integrating an Online Configuration Checker with Existing Management Systems : Application to CIM/WBEM Environments

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    National audienceRuntime configuration validation is a critical requirement if we are to build reliable self-adaptive management systems. This paper presents a generic framework that includes a runtime configuration checker built upon a high-level language dedicated to the specification of configurations and validity constraints. In addition, we describe a methodology for using this framework and integrating the configuration checker with existing management systems. In particular, we show how we use the framework to enrich a CIM/WBEM management environment with automatic runtime configuration validation against a defined set of constraints guarding structural correctness and service behavior conformance. Our experiments with management models conforming to the CIM Virtual System profile show viable results demonstrating the feasibility of our approach

    Modeling views in the layered view model for XML using UML

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    In data engineering, view formalisms are used to provide flexibility to users and user applications by allowing them to extract and elaborate data from the stored data sources. Conversely, since the introduction of Extensible Markup Language (XML), it is fast emerging as the dominant standard for storing, describing, and interchanging data among various web and heterogeneous data sources. In combination with XML Schema, XML provides rich facilities for defining and constraining user-defined data semantics and properties, a feature that is unique to XML. In this context, it is interesting to investigate traditional database features, such as view models and view design techniques for XML. However, traditional view formalisms are strongly coupled to the data language and its syntax, thus it proves to be a difficult task to support views in the case of semi-structured data models. Therefore, in this paper we propose a Layered View Model (LVM) for XML with conceptual and schemata extensions. Here our work is three-fold; first we propose an approach to separate the implementation and conceptual aspects of the views that provides a clear separation of concerns, thus, allowing analysis and design of views to be separated from their implementation. Secondly, we define representations to express and construct these views at the conceptual level. Thirdly, we define a view transformation methodology for XML views in the LVM, which carries out automated transformation to a view schema and a view query expression in an appropriate query language. Also, to validate and apply the LVM concepts, methods and transformations developed, we propose a view-driven application development framework with the flexibility to develop web and database applications for XML, at varying levels of abstraction

    A Catalog of Reusable Design Decisions for Developing UML/MOF-based Domain-specific Modeling Languages

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    In model-driven development (MDD), domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) act as a communication vehicle for aligning the requirements of domain experts with the needs of software engineers. With the rise of the UML as a de facto standard, UML/MOF-based DSMLs are now widely used for MDD. This paper documents design decisions collected from 90 UML/MOF-based DSML projects. These recurring design decisions were gained, on the one hand, by performing a systematic literature review (SLR) on the development of UML/MOF-based DSMLs. Via the SLR, we retrieved 80 related DSML projects for review. On the other hand, we collected decisions from developing ten DSML projects by ourselves. The design decisions are presented in the form of reusable decision records, with each decision record corresponding to a decision point in DSML development processes. Furthermore, we also report on frequently observed (combinations of) decision options as well as on associations between options which may occur within a single decision point or between two decision points. This collection of decision-record documents targets decision makers in DSML development (e.g., DSML engineers, software architects, domain experts).Series: Technical Reports / Institute for Information Systems and New Medi

    Extending relational model transformations to better support the verification of increasingly autonomous systems

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    Over the past decade the capabilities of autonomous systems have been steadily increasing. Unmanned systems are moving from systems that are predominantly remotely operated, to systems that include a basic decision making capability. This is a trend that is expected to continue with autonomous systems making decisions in increasingly complex environments, based on more abstract, higher-level missions and goals. These changes have significant implications for how these systems should be designed and engineered. Indeed, as the goals and tasks these systems are to achieve become more abstract, and the environments they operate in become more complex, are current approaches to verification and validation sufficient? Domain Specific Modelling is a key technology for the verification of autonomous systems. Verifying these systems will ultimately involve understanding a significant number of domains. This includes goals/tasks, environments, systems functions and their associated performance. Relational Model Transformations provide a means to utilise, combine and check models for consistency across these domains. In this thesis an approach that utilises relational model transformation technologies for systems verification, Systems MDD, is presented along with the results of a series of trials conducted with an existing relational model transformation language (QVT-Relations). These trials identified a number of problems with existing model transformation languages, including poorly or loosely defined semantics, differing interpretations of specifications across different tools and the lack of a guarantee that a model transformation would generate a model that was compliant with its associated meta-model. To address these problems, two related solvers were developed to assist with realising the Systems MDD approach. The first solver, MMCS, is concerned with partial model completion, where a partial model is defined as a model that does not fully conform with its associated meta-model. It identifies appropriate modifications to be made to a partial model in order to bring it into full compliance. The second solver, TMPT, is a relational model transformation engine that prioritises target models. It considers multiple interpretations of a relational transformation specification, chooses an interpretation that results in a compliant target model (if one exists) and, optionally, maximises some other attribute associated with the model. A series of experiments were conducted that applied this to common transformation problems in the published literature
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