1,742 research outputs found

    Towards semi-episodic learning for robot damage recovery

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    International audienceThe recently introduced Intelligent Trial and Error algorithm (IT&E) enables robots to creatively adapt to damage in a matter of minutes by combining an off-line evolutionary algorithm and an on-line learning algorithm based on Bayesian Optimization. We extend the IT&E algorithm to allow for robots to learn to compensate for damages while executing their task(s). This leads to a semi-episodic learning scheme that increases the robot's lifetime autonomy and adaptivity. Preliminary experiments on a toy simulation and a 6-legged robot locomotion task show promising results

    Reinforcement Learning for Racecar Control

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    This thesis investigates the use of reinforcement learning to learn to drive a racecar in the simulated environment of the Robot Automobile Racing Simulator. Real-life race driving is known to be difficult for humans, and expert human drivers use complex sequences of actions. There are a large number of variables, some of which change stochastically and all of which may affect the outcome. This makes driving a promising domain for testing and developing Machine Learning techniques that have the potential to be robust enough to work in the real world. Therefore the principles of the algorithms from this work may be applicable to a range of problems. The investigation starts by finding a suitable data structure to represent the information learnt. This is tested using supervised learning. Reinforcement learning is added and roughly tuned, and the supervised learning is then removed. A simple tabular representation is found satisfactory, and this avoids difficulties with more complex methods and allows the investigation to concentrate on the essentials of learning. Various reward sources are tested and a combination of three are found to produce the best performance. Exploration of the problem space is investigated. Results show exploration is essential but controlling how much is done is also important. It turns out the learning episodes need to be very long and because of this the task needs to be treated as continuous by using discounting to limit the size of the variables stored. Eligibility traces are used with success to make the learning more efficient. The tabular representation is made more compact by hashing and more accurate by using smaller buckets. This slows the learning but produces better driving. The improvement given by a rough form of generalisation indicates the replacement of the tabular method by a function approximator is warranted. These results show reinforcement learning can work within the Robot Automobile Racing Simulator, and lay the foundations for building a more efficient and competitive agent

    Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations to Scale Up the Multi-dimensional Archive of Phenotypic Elites Algorithm

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    The recently introduced Multi-dimensional Archive of Phenotypic Elites (MAP-Elites) is an evolutionary algorithm capable of producing a large archive of diverse, high-performing solutions in a single run. It works by discretizing a continuous feature space into unique regions according to the desired discretization per dimension. While simple, this algorithm has a main drawback: it cannot scale to high-dimensional feature spaces since the number of regions increase exponentially with the number of dimensions. In this paper, we address this limitation by introducing a simple extension of MAP-Elites that has a constant, pre-defined number of regions irrespective of the dimensionality of the feature space. Our main insight is that methods from computational geometry could partition a high-dimensional space into well-spread geometric regions. In particular, our algorithm uses a centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) to divide the feature space into a desired number of regions; it then places every generated individual in its closest region, replacing a less fit one if the region is already occupied. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the new "CVT-MAP-Elites" algorithm in high-dimensional feature spaces through comparisons against MAP-Elites in maze navigation and hexapod locomotion tasks

    Lifelong Reinforcement Learning On Mobile Robots

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    Machine learning has shown tremendous growth in the past decades, unlocking new capabilities in a variety of fields including computer vision, natural language processing, and robotic control. While the sophistication of individual problems a learning system can handle has greatly advanced, the ability of a system to extend beyond an individual problem to adapt and solve new problems has progressed more slowly. This thesis explores the problem of progressive learning. The goal is to develop methodologies that accumulate, transfer, and adapt knowledge in applied settings where the system is faced with the ambiguity and resource limitations of operating in the physical world. There are undoubtedly many challenges to designing such a system, my thesis looks at the component of this problem related to how knowledge from previous tasks can be a benefit in the domain of reinforcement learning where the agent receives rewards for positive actions. Reinforcement learning is particularly difficult when training on physical systems, like mobile robots, where repeated trials can damage the system and unrestricted exploration is often associated with safety risks. I investigate how knowledge can be efficiently accumulated and applied to future reinforcement learning problems on mobile robots in order to reduce sample complexity and enable systems to adapt to novel settings. Doing this involves mathematical models which can combine knowledge from multiple tasks, methods for restructuring optimizations and data collection to handle sequential updates, and data selection strategies that can be used to address resource limitations

    Smart Camera Robotic Assistant for Laparoscopic Surgery

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    The cognitive architecture also includes learning mechanisms to adapt the behavior of the robot to the different ways of working of surgeons, and to improve the robot behavior through experience, in a similar way as a human assistant would do. The theoretical concepts of this dissertation have been validated both through in-vitro experimentation in the labs of medical robotics of the University of Malaga and through in-vivo experimentation with pigs in the IACE Center (Instituto Andaluz de Cirugía Experimental), performed by expert surgeons.In the last decades, laparoscopic surgery has become a daily practice in operating rooms worldwide, which evolution is tending towards less invasive techniques. In this scenario, robotics has found a wide field of application, from slave robotic systems that replicate the movements of the surgeon to autonomous robots able to assist the surgeon in certain maneuvers or to perform autonomous surgical tasks. However, these systems require the direct supervision of the surgeon, and its capacity of making decisions and adapting to dynamic environments is very limited. This PhD dissertation presents the design and implementation of a smart camera robotic assistant to collaborate with the surgeon in a real surgical environment. First, it presents the design of a novel camera robotic assistant able to augment the capacities of current vision systems. This robotic assistant is based on an intra-abdominal camera robot, which is completely inserted into the patient’s abdomen and it can be freely moved along the abdominal cavity by means of magnetic interaction with an external magnet. To provide the camera with the autonomy of motion, the external magnet is coupled to the end effector of a robotic arm, which controls the shift of the camera robot along the abdominal wall. This way, the robotic assistant proposed in this dissertation has six degrees of freedom, which allow providing a wider field of view compared to the traditional vision systems, and also to have different perspectives of the operating area. On the other hand, the intelligence of the system is based on a cognitive architecture specially designed for autonomous collaboration with the surgeon in real surgical environments. The proposed architecture simulates the behavior of a human assistant, with a natural and intuitive human-robot interface for the communication between the robot and the surgeon

    Deep Reinforcement Learning in Surgical Robotics: Enhancing the Automation Level

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    Surgical robotics is a rapidly evolving field that is transforming the landscape of surgeries. Surgical robots have been shown to enhance precision, minimize invasiveness, and alleviate surgeon fatigue. One promising area of research in surgical robotics is the use of reinforcement learning to enhance the automation level. Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that involves training an agent to make decisions based on rewards and punishments. This literature review aims to comprehensively analyze existing research on reinforcement learning in surgical robotics. The review identified various applications of reinforcement learning in surgical robotics, including pre-operative, intra-body, and percutaneous procedures, listed the typical studies, and compared their methodologies and results. The findings show that reinforcement learning has great potential to improve the autonomy of surgical robots. Reinforcement learning can teach robots to perform complex surgical tasks, such as suturing and tissue manipulation. It can also improve the accuracy and precision of surgical robots, making them more effective at performing surgeries

    Artificial Intelligence Applications for Drones Navigation in GPS-denied or degraded Environments

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    A survey on policy search algorithms for learning robot controllers in a handful of trials

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    Most policy search algorithms require thousands of training episodes to find an effective policy, which is often infeasible with a physical robot. This survey article focuses on the extreme other end of the spectrum: how can a robot adapt with only a handful of trials (a dozen) and a few minutes? By analogy with the word "big-data", we refer to this challenge as "micro-data reinforcement learning". We show that a first strategy is to leverage prior knowledge on the policy structure (e.g., dynamic movement primitives), on the policy parameters (e.g., demonstrations), or on the dynamics (e.g., simulators). A second strategy is to create data-driven surrogate models of the expected reward (e.g., Bayesian optimization) or the dynamical model (e.g., model-based policy search), so that the policy optimizer queries the model instead of the real system. Overall, all successful micro-data algorithms combine these two strategies by varying the kind of model and prior knowledge. The current scientific challenges essentially revolve around scaling up to complex robots (e.g., humanoids), designing generic priors, and optimizing the computing time.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 4 algorithms, accepted at IEEE Transactions on Robotic