1,739 research outputs found

    FPGA based remote code integrity verification of programs in distributed embedded systems

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    The explosive growth of networked embedded systems has made ubiquitous and pervasive computing a reality. However, there are still a number of new challenges to its widespread adoption that include scalability, availability, and, especially, security of software. Among the different challenges in software security, the problem of remote-code integrity verification is still waiting for efficient solutions. This paper proposes the use of reconfigurable computing to build a consistent architecture for generation of attestations (proofs) of code integrity for an executing program as well as to deliver them to the designated verification entity. Remote dynamic update of reconfigurable devices is also exploited to increase the complexity of mounting attacks in a real-word environment. The proposed solution perfectly fits embedded devices that are nowadays commonly equipped with reconfigurable hardware components that are exploited to solve different computational problems

    On the Practice and Application of Context-Free Language Reachability

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    The Context-Free Language Reachability (CFL-R) formalism relates to some of the most important computational problems facing researchers and industry practitioners. CFL-R is a generalisation of graph reachability and language recognition, such that pairs in a labelled graph are reachable if and only if there is a path between them whose labels, joined together in the order they were encountered, spell a word in a given context-free language. The formalism finds particular use as a vehicle for phrasing and reasoning about program analysis, since complex relationships within the data, logic or structure of computer programs are easily expressed and discovered in CFL-R. Unfortunately, The potential of CFL-R can not be met by state of the art solvers. Current algorithms have scalability and expressibility issues that prevent them from being used on large graph instances or complex grammars. This work outlines our efforts in understanding the practical concerns surrounding CFL-R, and applying this knowledge to improve the performance of CFL-R applications. We examine the major difficulties with solving CFL-R-based analyses at-scale, via a case-study of points-to analysis as a CFL-R problem. Points-to analysis is fundamentally important to many modern research and industry efforts, and is relevant to optimisation, bug-checking and security technologies. Our understanding of the scalability challenge motivates work in developing practical CFL-R techniques. We present improved evaluation algorithms and declarative optimisation techniques for CFL-R, capitalising on the simplicity of CFL-R to creating fully automatic methodologies. The culmination of our work is a general-purpose and high-performance tool called Cauliflower, a solver-generator for CFL-R problems. We describe Cauliflower and evaluate its performance experimentally, showing significant improvement over alternative general techniques

    A new approach to reversible computing with applications to speculative parallel simulation

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    In this thesis, we propose an innovative approach to reversible computing that shifts the focus from the operations to the memory outcome of a generic program. This choice allows us to overcome some typical challenges of "plain" reversible computing. Our methodology is to instrument a generic application with the help of an instrumentation tool, namely Hijacker, which we have redesigned and developed for the purpose. Through compile-time instrumentation, we enhance the program's code to keep track of the memory trace it produces until the end. Regardless of the complexity behind the generation of each computational step of the program, we can build inverse machine instructions just by inspecting the instruction that is attempting to write some value to memory. Therefore from this information, we craft an ad-hoc instruction that conveys this old value and the knowledge of where to replace it. This instruction will become part of a more comprehensive structure, namely the reverse window. Through this structure, we have sufficient information to cancel all the updates done by the generic program during its execution. In this writing, we will discuss the structure of the reverse window, as the building block for the whole reversing framework we designed and finally realized. Albeit we settle our solution in the specific context of the parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) adopting the Time Warp synchronization protocol, this framework paves the way for further general-purpose development and employment. We also present two additional innovative contributions coming from our innovative reversibility approach, both of them still embrace traditional state saving-based rollback strategy. The first contribution aims to harness the advantages of both the possible approaches. We implement the rollback operation combining state saving together with our reversible support through a mathematical model. This model enables the system to choose in autonomicity the best rollback strategy, by the mutable runtime dynamics of programs. The second contribution explores an orthogonal direction, still related to reversible computing aspects. In particular, we will address the problem of reversing shared libraries. Indeed, leading from their nature, shared objects are visible to the whole system and so does every possible external modification of their code. As a consequence, it is not possible to instrument them without affecting other unaware applications. We propose a different method to deal with the instrumentation of shared objects. All our innovative proposals have been assessed using the last generation of the open source ROOT-Sim PDES platform, where we integrated our solutions. ROOT-Sim is a C-based package implementing a general purpose simulation environment based on the Time Warp synchronization protocol

    High Performance and Power Efficient On-Chip Network Designs through Multiple Injection Ports

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    Las redes dentro de un chip se están convirtiendo en el elemento principal de los sistemas multiprocesador. A medida que aumenta la escala de integración, más elementos de cómputo (procesadores) se incluyen en el mismo chip. Estos componentes se interconectan con una red dentro del chip que debe ofrecer latencias de transmisión ultra bajas (orden de nanosegundos) y anchos de banda elevados. El diseño, pues, de una red eficiente dentro del chip juega un papel fundamental. En la presente tesis se analizan diferentes alternativas de diseño de las redes en el chip. En particular, se hace uso de la posibilidad de utilizar diferentes puertos de inyección desde los procesadores con el fin de obtener diferentes mejoras. En primer lugar, las prestaciones aumentan al tener procesadores con distintas alternativas de inyección de tráfico. En segundo lugar, además aumenta la tolerancia a fallos frente a defectos de fabricación (mas importantes conforme avanza la tecnología). Y en tercer lugar, permite una política de apagado de componentes más agresiva que nos permita un ahorro significativo de energía. Hemos evaluado diferentes topologías derivadas del mecanismo de inyección en términos de prestaciones, coste de implementación, y ahorro de consumo. Además, hemos desarrollado simuladores específicos para las distintas técnicas utilizadas. Cada topología diseñada supone una mejora respecto a la anterior, y por supuesto, teniendo en cuenta las topologías existentes. En resumen, nuestro esfuerzo se centra en conseguir un excelente compromiso entre prestaciones, consumo y tolerancia a fallos dentro de una red en chip. Para la primera propuesta (topología NR-Mesh), se alcanzan mejoras en prestaciones de un 7\% y hasta de un 75\% en reducción de consumo de media, comparado con la malla 2D o malla de 2 dimensiones. Para la siguiente propuesta, la malla concentrada paralela (PC-Mesh), el beneficio en prestaciones que se obtiene es de hasta un 20\%, así cómo de un 60\% en reducción deCamacho Villanueva, J. (2012). High Performance and Power Efficient On-Chip Network Designs through Multiple Injection Ports [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18235Palanci

    A Conflict-Resilient Lock-Free Calendar Queue for Scalable Share-Everything PDES Platforms

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    Emerging share-everything Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) platforms rely on worker threads fully sharing the workload of events to be processed. These platforms require efficient event pool data structures enabling high concurrency of extraction/insertion operations. Non-blocking event pool algorithms are raising as promising solutions for this problem. However, the classical non-blocking paradigm leads concurrent conflicting operations, acting on a same portion of the event pool data structure, to abort and then retry. In this article we present a conflict-resilient non-blocking calendar queue that enables conflicting dequeue operations, concurrently attempting to extract the minimum element, to survive, thus improving the level of scalability of accesses to the hot portion of the data structure---namely the bucket to which the current locality of the events to be processed is bound. We have integrated our solution within an open source share-everything PDES platform and report the results of an experimental analysis of the proposed concurrent data structure compared to some literature solutions

    Exploiting cache locality at run-time

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    With the increasing gap between the speeds of the processor and memory system, memory access has become a major performance bottleneck in modern computer systems. Recently, Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems have emerged as a major class of high-performance platforms. Improving the memory performance of Parallel applications with dynamic memory-access patterns on Symmetric Multi-Processors (SMP) is a hard problem. The solution to this problem is critical to the successful use of the SMP systems because dynamic memory-access patterns occur in many real-world applications. This dissertation is aimed at solving this problem.;Based on a rigorous analysis of cache-locality optimization, we propose a memory-layout oriented run-time technique to exploit the cache locality of parallel loops. Our technique have been implemented in a run-time system. Using simulation and measurement, we have shown our run-time approach can achieve comparable performance with compiler optimizations for those regular applications, whose load balance and cache locality can be well optimized by tiling and other program transformations. However, our approach was shown to improve significantly the memory performance for applications with dynamic memory-access patterns. Such applications are usually hard to optimize with static compiler optimizations.;Several contributions are made in this dissertation. We present models to characterize the complexity and present a solution framework for optimizing cache locality. We present an effective estimation technique for memory-access patterns to support efficient locality optimizations and information integration. We present a memory-layout oriented run-time technique for locality optimization. We present efficient scheduling algorithms to trade off locality and load imbalance. We provide a detailed performance evaluation of the run-time technique