3,783 research outputs found

    Towards faster techno-economic evaluation of network scenarios via a modular network equipment database

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    Techno-economic analysis is used to evaluate technological solutions in different business environments via a simulation based approach. Four steps can be observed in techno-economic analysis: scope definition, modeling of costs and revenues, evaluation of the different solutions and refinement of the analysis. During the scoping step, the boundaries of the analysis are determined, the problem is divided into sub problems and a list of input values is collected. The collection of complete and precise inputs is of the greatest importance as faulty data leads to unreliable results (garbage in garbage out). Today, due to the lack of a structured way of sharing input values, inputs need to be collected on a case-by-case basis. Although a valid approach, it remains a time intensive process prone to errors. This paper therefore proposes a modular network equipment database containing a set of generic equipment such as an IP/MPLS router, a DWDM node, a fiber link and a twisted pair cable. Each of these is represented as a modular block model and described by a set of attributes and a set of drivers which are used to chain one network equipment's block model to one or more others. A complex network can as such be modeled as a chain of equipment block models which are determined by a set of drivers. As a consequence, the collection of inputs can be fast tracked, the problem of missing inputs can be partially resolved and cross-case comparison becomes possible. To make things more concrete, we illustrate this approach via the evaluation of a network scenario in which a network service provider expands its network with an extra core location

    Techno-economic analysis of software-defined telecommunications networks

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    Modeling equipment hierarchy and costs for ICT solutions

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    In the early 2000s, a large number of companies thrived mainly due to the fast-paced evolution of network and Internet technologies. A similar trend is now emerging with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), using which almost every thing can be part of the Internet. Both groups of companies have important ICT networks as their core assets. In order to validate the feasibility of the business models of such companies, the relevant costs and revenues should be modeled. This publication focuses on the relevant costs, which can be divided into two categories: process costs and equipment costs, the latter being the focus here. For equipment costs, no formal standard exists. As a result, most studies make use of use case-specific ad hoc models (typically, a combination of visualization and spreadsheet modeling), which tend to be error-prone as well as hard to understand and reuse. To solve these issues, we developed the Equipment Coupling Modeling Notation (ECMN), which allows for both visualization and calculation while focusing on simplicity, flexibility, and reusability. ECMN is a flowchart-like notation based on a small number of building blocks, which allows for hierarchical modeling by means of nesting models (using submodels). In this study, ECMN was applied to an IoT use case to show its strengths, based on which a comparison was made with various ad hoc models using a set of requirements

    Strategic Roadmaps and Implementation Actions for ICT in Construction

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    Multi-scale modelling and optimisation of sustainable chemical processes

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    This dissertation explores the process modelling and optimisation of chemical processes under sustainability criteria. Resting on process systems engineering techniques combined with life cycle assessment (LCA), we present implementation strategies to improve flowsheet performance and reduce environmental impacts from early design stages. We first address the relevance of sustainability assessments in the sector and present process and environmental modelling techniques available. Under the observation that chemical processes are subject to market, technical, and environmental fluctuations, we next present an approach to account for these uncertainties. Process optimisation is then tackled by combining surrogate modelling, objective-reduction, and multi-criteria decision analysis tools. The framework proved the enhancement of the assessments by reducing the use of computational resources and allowing the ranking of optimal alternatives based on the concept of efficiency. We finally introduce a scheme to assess sustainable performance at a multi-scale level, from catalysis development to planet implications. This approach aims to provide insights about the role of catalysis and establish priorities for process development, while also introducing absolute sustainability metrics via the concept of ‘Planetary boundaries’. Ultimately, this allows a clear view of the impact that a process incurs in the current and future status of the Earth. The capabilities of the methods developed are tested in relevant applications that address challenges in the sector to attain sustainable performance. We present how concepts like circular economy, waste valorisation, and renewable raw materials can certainly bring benefits to the industry compared to their fossil-based alternatives. However, we also show that the development of new processes and technologies is very likely to shift environmental impacts from one category to another, concluding that cross-sectorial cooperation will become essential to meet sustainability targets, such as those determined by the Sustainable Development Goals.Open Acces

    Ihmisten liikkumiseen vaikuttavien järjestelmien etähallinta rakennuksissa

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    Arvonmuodostus perinteisesti tuotekeskeisessä rakennusten järjestelmäbisneksessä painottuu yhä enemmän kohti palveluita. Samaan aikaan uudet teknologiat ja toimitilojen hallinnan ulkoistaminen vaikuttavat liiketoimintaympäristöön. Tällainen markkinatilanne vaatii järjestelmätoimittajilta uudenlaisia toimintamalleja ja ratkaisuja. PFS (People Flow Systems)-järjestelmät mahdollistavat tai ohjaavat ihmisen liikkumista taloissa. Näiden järjestelmien toimittajien on otettava toiminnassaan huomioon toisistaan poikkeavien järjestelmien vuorovaikutus sekä useat sidosryhmät taloympäristössä. Tässä diplomityössä pyritään tunnistamaan etähallittaviin PFS järjestelmiin vaikuttavat tekniset sekä taloudelliset tekijät. Tutkimuksen markkinapotentiaalilaskelmat, referenssimallit sekä markkinaskenaariot on luotu käyttäen älykkäiden palveluiden viitekehystä ja talojärjestelmien markkinatrendejä, joita on verrattu etähallintaratkaisujen teknisiin vaatimuksiin. Tietotekniikan käyttö sekä rinnakkaisten järjestelmien yhteistoiminta mahdollistavat lisäarvoa tuottavat uudet palvelut. Ihmisten liikkumisen hallinta taloissa muodostaa viitekehyksen integroiduille ratkaisuille. Tutkimuksessa määritetään kolme markkinaskenaariota: talojärjestelmäkeskeinen, avoimeen hallinta-arkkitehtuurin perustuva ja ulkoistettuun kiinteistönhallintaan perustuva. Skenaariot on määritelty teknologian kehityksen ja markkinaosapuolten markkina-aseman merkityksen perusteella. Järjestelmätoimittajien tulisi käyttää standardeihin internetteknologioihin perustuvia ratkaisuja etähallittavien sovellusten pohjana. Perinteiset valmistajakohtaiset ratkaisut ovat kalliimpia käyttää ja ylläpitää. Ne eivät toimi enää kestävän kilpailuedun lähteenä, koska avointen hallinta-arkkitehtuurien käyttö lisääntyy muiden toimijoiden vaikutuksesta, jolloin myös järjestelmätoimittajilta vaaditaan niiden tukemista

    Book of Abstracts:8th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems

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