754 research outputs found

    Attribute Equilibrium Dominance Reduction Accelerator (DCCAEDR) Based on Distributed Coevolutionary Cloud and Its Application in Medical Records

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    © 2013 IEEE. Aimed at the tremendous challenge of attribute reduction for big data mining and knowledge discovery, we propose a new attribute equilibrium dominance reduction accelerator (DCCAEDR) based on the distributed coevolutionary cloud model. First, the framework of N-populations distributed coevolutionary MapReduce model is designed to divide the entire population into N subpopulations, sharing the reward of different subpopulations' solutions under a MapReduce cloud mechanism. Because the adaptive balancing between exploration and exploitation can be achieved in a better way, the reduction performance is guaranteed to be the same as those using the whole independent data set. Second, a novel Nash equilibrium dominance strategy of elitists under the N bounded rationality regions is adopted to assist the subpopulations necessary to attain the stable status of Nash equilibrium dominance. This further enhances the accelerator's robustness against complex noise on big data. Third, the approximation parallelism mechanism based on MapReduce is constructed to implement rule reduction by accelerating the computation of attribute equivalence classes. Consequently, the entire attribute reduction set with the equilibrium dominance solution can be achieved. Extensive simulation results have been used to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed DCCAEDR accelerator for attribute reduction on big data. Furthermore, the DCCAEDR is applied to solve attribute reduction for traditional Chinese medical records and to segment cortical surfaces of the neonatal brain 3-D-MRI records, and the DCCAEDR shows the superior competitive results, when compared with the representative algorithms

    Shared Nearest-Neighbor Quantum Game-Based Attribute Reduction with Hierarchical Coevolutionary Spark and Its Application in Consistent Segmentation of Neonatal Cerebral Cortical Surfaces

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    © 2012 IEEE. The unprecedented increase in data volume has become a severe challenge for conventional patterns of data mining and learning systems tasked with handling big data. The recently introduced Spark platform is a new processing method for big data analysis and related learning systems, which has attracted increasing attention from both the scientific community and industry. In this paper, we propose a shared nearest-neighbor quantum game-based attribute reduction (SNNQGAR) algorithm that incorporates the hierarchical coevolutionary Spark model. We first present a shared coevolutionary nearest-neighbor hierarchy with self-evolving compensation that considers the features of nearest-neighborhood attribute subsets and calculates the similarity between attribute subsets according to the shared neighbor information of attribute sample points. We then present a novel attribute weight tensor model to generate ranking vectors of attributes and apply them to balance the relative contributions of different neighborhood attribute subsets. To optimize the model, we propose an embedded quantum equilibrium game paradigm (QEGP) to ensure that noisy attributes do not degrade the big data reduction results. A combination of the hierarchical coevolutionary Spark model and an improved MapReduce framework is then constructed that it can better parallelize the SNNQGAR to efficiently determine the preferred reduction solutions of the distributed attribute subsets. The experimental comparisons demonstrate the superior performance of the SNNQGAR, which outperforms most of the state-of-the-art attribute reduction algorithms. Moreover, the results indicate that the SNNQGAR can be successfully applied to segment overlapping and interdependent fuzzy cerebral tissues, and it exhibits a stable and consistent segmentation performance for neonatal cerebral cortical surfaces

    Chronology of brain tumor classification of intelligent systems based on mathematical modeling, simulation and image processing techniques

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    Tumor classification using image processing techniques is becoming a powerful tool nowadays. Based on the importance of this technique, the motivation of this review paper is to present the chronology of brain tumor classification using the digital images and govern the mathematical modeling and simulation of intelligent systems. The intelligent system involves artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic (FL), support vector machine (SVM), and parallel support vector machine (PSVM). The chronology of brain tumor classification presents the latest part of the literature reviews related to the principal, type and interpretation of segmentation and classification of brain tumors via the large digital dataset from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. This paper has been classified the modeling and simulation in classical and automatic models. Around 115 literature reviews in high ranking journal and high citation index are referred. This paper contains 6 contents, including mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, image processing, numerical results and performance, lastly is the conclusion to standardize the frame concept for the future of chronological framework involving the mathematical modeling and simulation. Research outcome to differentiate the tumor classification based on MRI images, modeling and simulation. Future work outlier in segmentation and classification are given in conclusion

    BigFCM: Fast, Precise and Scalable FCM on Hadoop

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    Clustering plays an important role in mining big data both as a modeling technique and a preprocessing step in many data mining process implementations. Fuzzy clustering provides more flexibility than non-fuzzy methods by allowing each data record to belong to more than one cluster to some degree. However, a serious challenge in fuzzy clustering is the lack of scalability. Massive datasets in emerging fields such as geosciences, biology and networking do require parallel and distributed computations with high performance to solve real-world problems. Although some clustering methods are already improved to execute on big data platforms, but their execution time is highly increased for large datasets. In this paper, a scalable Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering named BigFCM is proposed and designed for the Hadoop distributed data platform. Based on the map-reduce programming model, it exploits several mechanisms including an efficient caching design to achieve several orders of magnitude reduction in execution time. Extensive evaluation over multi-gigabyte datasets shows that BigFCM is scalable while it preserves the quality of clustering

    ShenZhen transportation system (SZTS): a novel big data benchmark suite

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    Data analytics is at the core of the supply chain for both products and services in modern economies and societies. Big data workloads, however, are placing unprecedented demands on computing technologies, calling for a deep understanding and characterization of these emerging workloads. In this paper, we propose ShenZhen Transportation System (SZTS), a novel big data Hadoop benchmark suite comprised of real-life transportation analysis applications with real-life input data sets from Shenzhen in China. SZTS uniquely focuses on a specific and real-life application domain whereas other existing Hadoop benchmark suites, such as HiBench and CloudRank-D, consist of generic algorithms with synthetic inputs. We perform a cross-layer workload characterization at the microarchitecture level, the operating system (OS) level, and the job level, revealing unique characteristics of SZTS compared to existing Hadoop benchmarks as well as general-purpose multi-core PARSEC benchmarks. We also study the sensitivity of workload behavior with respect to input data size, and we propose a methodology for identifying representative input data sets

    Large Scale Hierarchical K-Means Based Image Retrieval With MapReduce

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    Image retrieval remains one of the most heavily researched areas in Computer Vision. Image retrieval methods have been used in autonomous vehicle localization research, object recognition applications, and commercially in projects such as Google Glass. Current methods for image retrieval become problematic when implemented on image datasets that can easily reach billions of images. In order to process these growing datasets, we distribute the necessary computation for image retrieval among a cluster of machines using Apache Hadoop. While there are many techniques for image retrieval, we focus on systems that use Hierarchical K-Means Trees. Successful image retrieval systems based on Hierarchical K-Means Trees have been built using the tree as a Visual Vocabulary to build an Inverted File Index and implementing a Bag of Words retrieval approach, or by building the tree as a Full Representation of every image in the database and implementing a K-Nearest Neighbor voting scheme for retrieval. Both approaches involve different levels of approximation, and each has strengths and weaknesses that must be weighed in accordance with the needs of the application. Both approaches are implemented with MapReduce, for the first time, and compared in terms of image retrieval precision, index creation run-time, and image retrieval throughput. Experiments that include up to 2 million images running on 20 virtual machines are shown

    Large-Scale Image Processing Using MapReduce

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    Jälgides tänapäeva tehnoloogia arengut ning odavate fotokaamerate üha laialdasemat levikut, on üha selgem, et ühe osa üha kasvavast inimeste tekitatud andmete hulgast moodustavad pildid. Teades, et tõenäoliselt tuleb neid andmeid ka töödelda, ning et üksikute arvutite võimsus ei luba kohati juba praegu neid mahukamate ülesannete jaoks kasutada, on inimesed hakanud uurima mitmete hajusarvutuse mudelite pakutavaid võimalusi. Üks selline on MapReduce, mille põhiliseks aluseks on arvutuste üldisele kujule viimine, seades programmeerija ülesandeks defineerida vaid selle, mis toimub andmetega nelja arvutuse faasi - Input, Map, Reduce, Output - jooksul. Kuna sellest mudelist on olemas kvaliteetseid vabavara realisatsioone, ning mahukamateks arvutusteks on kerge vaeva ja vähese kuluga võimalik rentida vajalik infrastruktuur, siis on selline lähenemine pilditöötlusele muutunud peaaegu igaühele kättesaadavaks. Antud magistritöö eesmärgiks on uurida MapReduce mudeli kasutatavust suuremahulise pilditöötluse vallas. Selleks vaatlen eraldi juhte, kus tegemist on tavalistest piltidest koosneva suure andmestikuga, ning kus tuleb töödelda ühte suuremahulist pilti. Samuti jagan nelja klassi vahel kõik pilditöötlusalgoritmid, nimetades need vastavalt lokaalseteks, iteratiivseteks lokaalseteks, mittelokaalseteks ja iteratiivseteks mittelokaalseteks algoritmideks. Kasutades neid jaotusi, kirjeldan üldiselt põhilisi probleeme ja takistusi, mis võivad segada mingit tüüpi algoritmide hajusat rakendamist mingit tüüpi piltandmetel, ning pakun välja võimalikke lahendusi. Töö praktilises osas kirjeldan MapReduce mudeli kasutamist Apache Hadoop raamistikuga kahel erineval andmestikul, millest esimene on 265GiB-suurune pildikogu, ning teine 6.99 gigapiksli suurune mikroskoobifoto. Esimese näite puhul on ülesandeks pildikogust meta-andmete eraldamine, kasutades selleks objekti- ning tekstituvastust. Teise andmestiku puhul on ülesandeks töödelda pilti ühe kindla mitteiteratiivse lokaalse algoritmiga. Kuigi mõlemal juhul on tegemist vaid katsetamise eesmärgil loodud rakendustega, on mõlemal puhul näha, et olemasolevate pilditöötluse algoritmide MapReduce programmideks teisendamine on küllaltki lihtne, ning ei too endaga kaasa suuri kadusid jõudluses. Kokkuvõtteks väidan, et tavapärases mõõdus piltidest koosnevate andmestike puhul on MapReduce mudel lihtne viis arvutusi hajusale kujule viies kiirendada, kuid suuremahuliste piltide puhul kehtib see enamasti ainult mitteiteratiivsete lokaalsete algoritmidega.Due to the increasing popularity of cheap digital photography equipment, personal computing devices with easy to use cameras, and an overall im- provement of image capture technology with regard to quality, the amount of data generated by people each day shows trends of growing faster than the processing capabilities of single devices. For other tasks related to large-scale data, humans have already turned towards distributed computing as a way to side-step impending physical limitations to processing hardware by com- bining the resources of many computers and providing programmers various different interfaces to the resulting construct, relieving them from having to account for the intricacies stemming from it’s physical structure. An example of this is the MapReduce model, which - by way of placing all calculations to a string of Input-Map-Reduce-Output operations capable of working in- dependently - allows for easy application of distributed computing for many trivially parallelised processes. With the aid of freely available implemen- tations of this model and cheap computing infrastructure offered by cloud providers, having access to expensive purpose-built hardware or in-depth un- derstanding of parallel programming are no longer required of anyone who wishes to work with large-scale image data. In this thesis, I look at the issues of processing two kinds of such data - large data-sets of regular images and single large images - using MapReduce. By further classifying image pro- cessing algorithms to iterative/non-iterative and local/non-local, I present a general analysis on why different combinations of algorithms and data might be easier or harder to adapt for distributed processing with MapReduce. Finally, I describe the application of distributed image processing on two ex- ample cases: a 265GiB data-set of photographs and a 6.99 gigapixel image. Both preliminary analysis and practical results indicate that the MapReduce model is well suited for distributed image processing in the first case, whereas in the second case, this is true for only local non-iterative algorithms, and further work is necessary in order to provide a conclusive decision