13 research outputs found

    Using the Gamera framework for the recognition of cultural heritage materials

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    This paper presents a new toolkit for the creation of customized structured document recognition applications by domain experts. This open-source system, called Gamera, allows a user, with particular knowledge of the documents to be recognized, to combine image processing and recognition tools in an easy-to-use, interactive, graphical scripting environment. Gamera is one of the key technology components in a proposed international project for the digitization of diverse types of humanities documents

    'Nelson Goodman: _aesthetica (kalo)logica_?'

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    Thinking Literature across Continents

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    'Thinking Literature across Continents' finds Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller—two thinkers from different continents, cultures, training, and critical perspectives—debating and reflecting upon what literature is and why it matters. Ghosh and Miller do not attempt to formulate a joint theory of literature; rather, they allow their different backgrounds and lively disagreements to stimulate generative dialogue on poetry, world literature, pedagogy, and the ethics of literature. Addressing a varied literary context ranging from Victorian literature, Chinese literary criticism and philosophy, and continental philosophy to Sanskrit poetics and modern European literature, Ghosh offers a transnational theory of literature while Miller emphasizes the need to account for what a text says and how it says it. This book highlights two minds continually discovering new paths of communication and two literary and cultural traditions intersecting in productive and compelling ways

    A Palavra e a Imagem

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    Num quadro teĂłrico-crĂ­tico, influenciado por teorias contemporĂąneas de classe, gĂ©nero e etnia, vamos considerar os confrontos entre culturas, materializados em diversas prĂĄticas discursivas e visuais, que estudaremos transdisciplinarmente, numa perspectiva formal e como documentos. SĂŁo exemplos das referidas prĂĄticas, por um lado, a escrita jornalĂ­stica, que as novas tecnologias estĂŁo a desenvolver exponencialmente, a ensaĂ­stica, o conto, o relato de viagem e biogrĂĄfico, o romance, o poema, o drama e, por outro lado, as mĂșltiplas imagens em suporte digital, o design, a fotografia, o vĂ­deo, o cinema, a arquitectura, a gravura. Os ensaios publicados avaliam os estudos da palavra, ou da imagem visual, ou das formas diferentes como elas interagem, em relação a temas cronologicamente localizados entre o sĂ©culo XVIII e o sĂ©culo XXI.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologi

    Digitale Editionsformen. Zum Umgang mit der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels. Teil 3: Textbegriffe und Recodierung. [Preprint-Fassung]

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    Die wissenschaftliche Edition zielt auf die zuverlĂ€ssige Wiedergabe des Textes. Aber was ist dieser Text eigentlich? Bei genauerer Betrachtung erlaubt nur ein erweiterter Textbegriff und ein neues pluralistisches Textmodell eine Beschreibung aller textuellen PhĂ€nomene, die in einer wissenschaftlichen Edition zu berĂŒcksichtigen sind. Auch unsere Technologien und Methodologien der Textcodierung, hier vor allem die Auszeichnungssprachen im Allgemeinen und die Beschreibungsempfehlungen der Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) im Besonderen können unter dieser Schablone genauer beschrieben und hinsichtlich ihrer Grenzen charakterisiert werden. Schließlich erlaubt das pluralistische Textmodell auch die prĂ€zisere theoretische Fundierung jener Prozesse, die als "Transkription" Grundlage und HerzstĂŒck einer jeden wissenschaftlichen Edition sind

    A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Troubadours and Old Occitan Literature

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    Although it seemed in the mid-1970s that the study of the troubadours and of Occitan literature had reached a sort of zenith, it has since become apparent that this moment was merely a plateau from which an intensive renewal was being launched. In this new bibliographic guide to Occitan and troubadour literature, Robert Taylor provides a definitive survey of the field of Occitan literary studies - from the earliest enigmatic texts to the fifteenth-century works of Occitano-Catalan poet Jordi de Sant Jordi - and treats over two thousand recent books and articles with full annotations. Taylor includes articles on related topics such as practical approaches to the language of the troubadours and the musicology of select troubadour songs, as well as articles situated within sociology, religious history, critical methodology, and psychoanalytical analysis. Each listing offers descriptive comments on the scholarly contribution of each source to Occitan literature, with remarks on striking or controversial content, and numerous cross-references that identify complementary studies and differing opinions. Taylor\u27s painstaking attention to detail and broad knowledge of the field ensure that this guide will become the essential source for Occitan literary studies worldwide.https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mip_rmemc/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Our Mythical Hope

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    Classical Antiquity is a particularly important field in terms of “Hope studies” [
]. For centuries, the ancient tradition, and classical mythology in particular, has been a common reference point for whole hosts of creators of culture, across many parts of the world, and with the new media and globalization only increasing its impact. Thus, in our research at this stage, we have decided to study how the authors of literary and audiovisual texts for youth make use of the ancient myths to support their young protagonists (and readers or viewers) in crucial moments of their existence, on their road into adulthood, and in those dark hours when it seems that life is about to shatter and fade away. However, if Hope is summoned in time, the crisis can be overcome and the protagonist grows stronger, with a powerful uplifting message for the public. [
] Owing to this, we get a chance to remain true to our ideas, to keep faith in our dreams, and, when the decisive moment comes, to choose not hatred but love, not darkness but light. Katarzyna Marciniak, University of Warsaw, From the introductory chapte

    Our Mythical Hope

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    Classical Antiquity is a particularly important field in terms of “Hope studies” [
]. For centuries, the ancient tradition, and classical mythology in particular, has been a common reference point for whole hosts of creators of culture, across many parts of the world, and with the new media and globalization only increasing its impact. Thus, in our research at this stage, we have decided to study how the authors of literary and audiovisual texts for youth make use of the ancient myths to support their young protagonists (and readers or viewers) in crucial moments of their existence, on their road into adulthood, and in those dark hours when it seems that life is about to shatter and fade away. However, if Hope is summoned in time, the crisis can be overcome and the protagonist grows stronger, with a powerful uplifting message for the public. [
] Owing to this, we get a chance to remain true to our ideas, to keep faith in our dreams, and, when the decisive moment comes, to choose not hatred but love, not darkness but light. Katarzyna Marciniak, University of Warsaw, From the introductory chapte

    Nature and Antiquities

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    Nature and Antiquities analyzes how the study of indigenous peoples was linked to the study of nature and natural sciences. Leading scholars break new ground and entreat archaeologists to acknowledge the importance of ways of knowing in the study of nature in the history of archaeology