6 research outputs found

    Застосування workflow-систем для потреб сучасних науки та інженерії

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    Розглянуто актуальний напрям у програмному забезпеченні для наукових та інженерних обчислень – системи керування потоками робіт (workflow). Здійснено оцінку придатності workflow-систем для розв’язання задач сучасної науки та інженерії. Проведено порівняльний аналіз ряду реалізованих workflow-проектів: від середовищ аналізу даних до грід-порталів, оцінено їхні переваги та недоліки, досліджено альтернативні архітектурні вирішення. Розглянуто питання розроблення інтерфейсу користувача, реалізації програмних компонентів робочих потоків, організації потоку керування і потоку даних, аналізу спроектованих сценаріїв. На основі проведеного аналізу запропоновано перспективні рішення, орієнтовані на відкриті стандарти, та вказано шляхи подальшого розвитку даного підходу.The paper considers the modern research direction in scientific and engineering software called the workflow systems. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the relevance of the workflow approach for solving pressing scientific and engineering problems. The comparative analysis of the number of successfully developed workflow projects is made, embracing a wide range of solutions from data analysis environments to grid portals. The advantages and shortcomings of these projects are evaluated and alternative architecture decisions are studied. We also consider the approaches to user interface development, the workflow components implementation, control and data flow organization, scenario analysis. Based on the analysis results, promising solutions using the open standards are proposed and the tendencies of further development of this direction are also covered

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    SysML-Based Domain-Specific Executable Workflows

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    The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose graphical modeling language for specifying, analyzing, designing, and verifying complex systems. This thesis presents a tool called SysFlow Workflow Engine (SWE) that is being developed to execute a domain workflow defined using SysML\u27s Activity Diagram. The thesis also describes extensions added to the SysML semantics to make them SWE executable. SWE focuses on grid computing, cyberinfrastructure and related domains; however, support for other domains can be easily added. SWE aims to provide a common interface to grid, cyberinfrastructure and other domain-specific software by abstracting their complexity and idiosyncrasies. To create a workflow, users can use SysML modelers such as Topcased, which allow them to create and validate SysML models. Before submitting a workflow to SWE for execution, users have to ensure that their workflow is not only a valid SysML model but also a valid SWE executable model. SWE receives a SysML workflow in XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) format and after performing certain validation checks, it parses and executes the workflow

    Bridging the gap between business process models and service-oriented architectures with reference to the grid environment

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    In recent years, organisations have been seeking technological solutions for enacting their business process models using ad-hoc and heuristic approaches. However, limited results have been obtained due to the expansion of business processes across geographical boundaries and the absence of structured methods, frameworks and/or Information Technology (IT) infrastructures to enact these processes. In an attempt to enact business process models using distributed technologies, we introduce a novel architectural framework to bridge the gap between business process models and Grid-aware Service-Oriented Architectures (GSOA). BPMSOA framework is aligned with the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach and is instantiated for role-based business process models [in particular Role Activity Diagramming (RAD)], using mobile process languages such as pi-ADL. The evaluation of the BPMSOA framework using the Submission process from the digital libraries domain has revealed that role-based business process models can be successfully enacted in GSOA environments with certain limitations. © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Towards an UML Based Graphical Representation of Grid Workflow Applications

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    Automated validation of minimum risk model-based system designs of complex avionics systems

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    Today, large civil aircraft incorporate a vast array of complex and coupled subsystems with thousands of electronic control units and software with millions of lines of code. Aircraft suppliers are challenged to provide superior products that are developed at a minimum time and cost, with maximum safety and security. No single person can understand the complex interactions of such a system of systems. Finding an optimal solution from large sets of different possible designs is an impossible task if done manually. Thus, written, non-executable specifications carry a high degree of product uncertainty. As a result, more than two-thirds of all specifications need to be reworked. Since most specification flaws are discovered and resolved at a late stage during development, when expenditures for redesign are at a maximum, the development approach currently used has a high probability of project cost and time overruns or even project failure, thus maximizing the risk of development. It is the aim of this work, to develop a model- and simulation-based systems engineering method with associated design and validation environment that minimizes the risk of development for complex systems, e.g. aircraft. The development risk is a minimum, if all development decisions are validated early against the services of a product at mission level by the final customer. To do so, executable specifications are created during design and validated against the requirements of system services at mission level. Validated executable specifications are used and updated for all decisions from concept development through implementation and training. In addition, virtual prototypes are developed. A virtual prototype is an executable system specification that is combined with human machine interface concept models to include usability requirements in the overall design and to enable interactive specification validation and early end user training by means of interactive user-driven system simulation. In a first step, so called executable workflows and simulation sets are developed to enable the execution of sets of structured and coupled simulation models. In a second step, a model- and simulation-based development and validation process model is developed from concept design to specification development. In a final step, two different validation processes are developed. An automated validation process based on executable specifications and an interactive validation process based on virtual prototypes. For the development of executable specifications and virtual prototypes, plug-and-play capable model components are developed. The developed method is validated for examples from civil aircraft development with focus on avionics and highly configurable and customizable cabin systems.Große zivile Flugzeuge umfassen eine hohe Anzahl von komplexen und gekoppelten Subsystemen mit Tausenden von elektronischen Steuergeräten und Software mit Millionen von Codezeilen. Keine einzelne Person kann die komplexen Wechselwirkungen eines solchen Systems von Systemen verstehen. Daher beinhalten geschriebene, nicht ausführbare Spezifikationen einen hohen Grad an Produktunsicherheit. Infolgedessen müssen mehr als zwei Drittel aller Spezifikationen überarbeitet werden. Da die meisten Spezifikationsfehler zu einem späten Zeitpunkt entdeckt und gelöst werden, wenn Aufwände für Überarbeitungen maximal sind, hat der gegenwärtige Entwicklungsansatz eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit für Kosten- und Zeitüberschreitungen oder führt zum Fehlschlagen von Projekten. Hierdurch wird das Entwicklungsrisiko maximiert. Es ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit, eine modell- und simulationsbasierte Entwicklungsmethode mit zugehöriger Entwurfs- und Validierungsumgebung zu entwickeln, welche das Risiko der Entwicklung für komplexe Systeme minimiert. Das Entwicklungsrisiko ist minimal, wenn alle Entwicklungsentscheidungen frühzeitig vom Endkunden gegen die Leistungen eines Produktes auf Missionsebene validiert werden. Dazu werden ausführbare Spezifikationen während des Entwurfs erstellt und anhand der Anforderungen auf Missionsebene validiert. Validierte ausführbare Spezifikationen werden für alle Entscheidungen von der Konzeptentwicklung bis zur Implementierung verwendet und aktualisiert. Darüber hinaus werden virtuelle Prototypen entwickelt, welche ausführbare Spezifikationen mit Konzeptmodellen für Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen kombinieren, um Usability-Anforderungen in den Gesamtentwurf aufzunehmen. Dies ermöglicht eine interaktive Validierung sowie frühes Endbenutzertraining mittels benutzergesteuerter Systemsimulation. Es werden ausführbare Arbeitsabläufe und Simulation Sets entwickelt, welche die Ausführung von strukturierten und gekoppelten Simulationsmodellen ermöglichen. Anschließend wird ein modell- und simulationsbasiertes Entwicklungs- und Validierungsprozessmodell vom Konzeptdesign bis zur Spezifikationsentwicklung entwickelt. Hierfür werden zwei verschiedene Validierungsprozesse verwendet. Ein automatisierter Validierungsprozess basierend auf ausführbaren Spezifikationen und ein interaktiver Validierungsprozess basierend auf virtuellen Prototypen. Für die Entwicklung von ausführbaren Spezifikationen und virtuellen Prototypen werden Modellkomponenten entwickelt. Die entwickelte Methode wird mithilfe von Beispielen aus der zivilen Flugzeugentwicklung validiert, insbesondere in Hinblick auf Avionik sowie hoch konfigurierbare und anpassbare Kabinensysteme