8,544 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Knowledge Organization WissOrg'17 of theGerman Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO),30th November - 1st December 2017, Freie Universität Berlin

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    Wissensorganisation is the name of a series of biennial conferences / workshops with a long tradition, organized by the German chapter of the International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO). The 15th conference in this series, held at Freie Universität Berlin, focused on knowledge organization for the digital humanities. Structuring, and interacting with, large data collections has become a major issue in the digital humanities. In these proceedings, various aspects of knowledge organization in the digital humanities are discussed, and the authors of the papers show how projects in the digital humanities deal with knowledge organization.Wissensorganisation ist der Name einer Konferenzreihe mit einer langjährigen Tradition, die von der Deutschen Sektion der International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO) organisiert wird. Die 15. Konferenz dieser Reihe, die an der Freien Universität Berlin stattfand, hatte ihren Schwerpunkt im Bereich Wissensorganisation und Digital Humanities. Die Strukturierung von und die Interaktion mit großen Datenmengen ist ein zentrales Thema in den Digital Humanities. In diesem Konferenzband werden verschiedene Aspekte der Wissensorganisation in den Digital Humanities diskutiert, und die Autoren der einzelnen Beiträge zeigen, wie die Digital Humanities mit Wissensorganisation umgehen

    The Application of Semantic Web Technologies to Content Analysis in Sociology

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    In der Soziologie werden Texte als soziale Phänomene verstanden, die als Mittel zur Analyse von sozialer Wirklichkeit dienen können. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich eine breite Palette von Techniken in der soziologischen Textanalyse entwickelt, du denen quantitative und qualitative Methoden, sowie vollständig manuelle und computergestützte Ansätze gehören. Die Entwicklung des World Wide Web und sozialer Medien, aber auch technische Entwicklungen wie maschinelle Schrift- und Spracherkennung tragen dazu bei, dass die Menge an verfügbaren und analysierbaren Texten enorm angestiegen ist. Dies führte in den letzten Jahren dazu, dass auch Soziologen auf mehr computergestützte Ansätze zur Textanalyse setzten, wie zum Beispiel statistische ’Natural Language Processing’ (NLP) Techniken. Doch obwohl vielseitige Methoden und Technologien für die soziologische Textanalyse entwickelt wurden, fehlt es an einheitlichen Standards zur Analyse und Veröffentlichung textueller Daten. Dieses Problem führt auch dazu, dass die Transparenz von Analyseprozessen und Wiederverwendbarkeit von Forschungsdaten leidet. Das ’Semantic Web’ und damit einhergehend ’Linked Data’ bieten eine Reihe von Standards zur Darstellung und Organisation von Informationen und Wissen. Diese Standards werden von zahlreichen Anwendungen genutzt, darunter befinden sich auch Methoden zur Veröffentlichung von Daten und ’Named Entity Linking’, eine spezielle Form von NLP. Diese Arbeit versucht die Frage zu diskutieren, in welchem Umfang diese Standards und Tools aus der SemanticWeb- und Linked Data- Community die computergestützte Textanalyse in der Soziologie unterstützen können. Die dafür notwendigen Technologien werden kurz vorgsetellt und danach auf einen Beispieldatensatz der aus Verfassungstexten der Niederlande von 1883 bis 2016 bestand angewendet. Dabei wird demonstriert wie aus den Dokumenten RDF Daten generiert und veröffentlicht werden können, und wie darauf zugegriffen werden kann. Es werden Abfragen erstellt die sich zunächst ausschließlich auf die lokalen Daten beziehen und daraufhin wird demonstriert wie dieses lokale Wissen durch Informationen aus externen Wissensbases angereichert werden kann. Die vorgestellten Ansätze werden im Detail diskutiert und es werden Schnittpunkte für ein mögliches Engagement der Soziologen im Semantic Web Bereich herausgearbeitet, die die vogestellten Analysen und Abfragemöglichkeiten in Zukunft erweitern können

    From Metacartography to Metaatlasgraphy

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    Metaatlasgraphy is a new theoretic-epistemological concept with synthesis of cartographic/cartosemiotic traditions and atlasgraphic/ atlassemiotic traditions. The monograph presents a new trend from a map-centric concept to a multidisciplinary atlas-centric concept. Further, it projects a new metascience direction: from metacartography to metaatlasgraphy.:Table of contents Introduction 4 1. Cartography 1970s-2020s: Digitalitization, Semiotization, Ubiquitization... 5 1.1. Selected scientific structures and concepts of cartography (1970-2020) 1.2. About paradigmatic transformations of cartography 1.3. Critical cartography as post-critical paradigm 1.4. Cybercartography: Canadian model of interactive atlascartography and theory- technological concept 2. Theoretical-Semiotic Evolution in Cartography 2010s - 2020s without Mainstream Cartography 15 2.1. Cartographic thinking and cartosemiotics 2.2. Atlases and atlascartography 2.3. Semiotic-related atlassing 2.4. Evolutionary trajectories in cartography and cartosemiotics 3. New Atlassemiotic Тrend: Photoаtlassing 35 3.1. Ubiquitous thematic photoatlases 3.2. Semiotik of photoatlases 3.2.1. Structure-semiotic features of photoatlases 3.2.2. Derivative photoatlases 3.2.3. Photoatlas design of one, two and three slide/parts layout 3.2.4.Methodic-analytical photoatlases 3.2.5. Meta-photoatlases 3.2.6. On robotic photoatlases 3.3. Cyberphotoatlassing – a new interdiscipline synthesis 3.4. Photoatlas science as academic discipline 4. About Metaatlasgraphy 59 4.1. Models of metatheoretical research and metacartographic epicenters 4.2. From metacartography and metacartosemiotics to metaatlasgraphy 4.3. Metaatlasgraphy 4.3.1. Terminological aspects 4.3.2. From cartosemiotic models to atlassemiotic models 4.3.3. Structural model of metaatlasgraphy 4.3.4. New metatheoretic epicenters 4.3.5 Metaatlasgraphic democratic principles 5. Conclusion 70 6. References 72 7. List of selected photoatlases 77 8. Short atlas semiotic dictionary 78 9. Information-semiotic profile and potential of book 8

    A Review of Theory and Practice in Scientometrics

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    Scientometrics is the study of the quantitative aspects of the process of science as a communication system. It is centrally, but not only, concerned with the analysis of citations in the academic literature. In recent years it has come to play a major role in the measurement and evaluation of research performance. In this review we consider: the historical development of scientometrics, sources of citation data, citation metrics and the “laws" of scientometrics, normalisation, journal impact factors and other journal metrics, visualising and mapping science, evaluation and policy, and future developments

    Multivariate scaling methods and the reconstruction of social spaces: Papers in honor of Jörg Blasius

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    This edited volume assembles contributions of leading scholars in the fields of statistical methods and applications in the social sciences. Multivariate scaling methods for categorical data, in particular correspondence analysis, are used to extract the most important dimensions from complex data tables and to visualize relationships in the data. The volume treats recent statistical developments, methodological considerations, and empirical applications. A special emphasis is placed on multiple aspects of space and their sociological significance: the reconstruction of "social spaces" with statistical methods, illustrations of spatial relations involving proximity, distance and inequality, and concrete interactions in urban neighbourhoods

    Уклонение от уплаты налогов: библиометрический анализ точек зрения власти, бизнеса и науки

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    Статья посвящена анализу публикаций, касающихся проблемы уклонения от уплаты налогов. Эта тема привлекает пристальное внимание не только научного сообщества. В статье исследуется соответствие проблематики научных работ по уклонению от уплаты налогов практическим вопросам, обсуждаемым заинтересованными лицами. В качестве источника научных публикаций по данной тематике использовалась электронная база e-Library. В круг заинтересованных лиц, напрямую зависящих от правил налогообложения, входят бизнессообщество и государственные органы. Для них источниками информации по исследуемой теме являются электронная база публикаций издательского дома «Коммерсантъ» и «Российская газета». Для анализа отобрана 301 публикация за 2013-2015 гг. Изучение соответствия проблематики проводилось путем сравнения публикационной активности в разрезе видов публикаций. На первом этапе исследования был выполнен качественный контент-анализ посредством выявления общих тем, обсуждаемых в публикациях. Затем проводился количественный анализ через сравнение распределения публикаций по конкретной теме из каждого источника. Для количественного анализа и визуализации результатов использовались методы библиометрического анализа и картирования. Расчеты производились с помощью программного продукта QDA Miner v.5.0 модуль WordStat v.7.1.7. В результате исследования были сделаны выводы, что самыми популярными темами, интерес к которым не меняется, являются: изменение законодательства, законотворчество и усиление принуждения. Темы, к которым за рассматриваемый период снизился интерес, касаются международных аспектов налогообложения, теневой деятельности, собственности и инвестиций. Отмечено выраженное возрастание интереса сообщества к фирмам-однодневкам, руководству компаний, а также к вопросам штрафов и пени. Исследование позволило выявить определенное несоответствие тем, обсуждаемых бизнесом и властью, по сравнению с темами научных публикаций. Распространенные в научных публикациях темы (теневая экономика, коррупция, фирмы-однодневки, взносы на социальное страхование), гораздо реже встречаются на ресурсах издательского дома «Коммерсантъ» и в «Российской газете», сосредотачивающих основное внимание на вопросах законотворчества и обсуждения изменений в законодательстве. Анализ взаимосвязей в текстах в соответствии с источниками и годом публикации показал, что темы научных исследований сближаются с проблемами, рассматриваемыми властью, а бизнес-сообщество в большей степени вовлекается обсуждение правовой проблематики, т. е. точка зрения власти во многом определяет обсуждение темы уклонения от налогов бизнес-сообществом, и научными кругами. Таким образом, библиометрические методы анализа текстов могут применяться для проведения научных исследований, составления обзоров литературы и тематического поиска информации.This article analyzes the publications relating to the problem of tax evasion. This topic is attractive not only for the academic community, but also for public at whole. The article explores to what extent the scientific publications on tax evasion correspond to practical issues discussed among the stakeholders. We used the electronic database of e-Library as a source of scientific publications on the subject. The principal stakeholders directly dependent on the taxation are the taxpayers and public authorities. We used the electronic database of publications «Kommersant» publishing house and the «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» to reflect issues discussed among the stakeholders. We selected for analyze 301 publications for the period of 2013-2015. The study was conducted by comparing the publication activity by types and period of publications. In the first stage of the study we have done the qualitative content analysis by identification the common themes discussed in hole sample of publications. Then, a quantitative analysis was conducted by comparing the distribution of publications on a particular topic from each source. We used bibliometric analysis method for the quantitative and bibliographic mapping method to visualize the results of research. Calculations were performed using the software QDA Miner v.5.0 module WordStat v.7.1.7. As a result, studies have concluded that the most popular topics of interest for which no changes are: changes in legislation, legislation and increased enforcement. Using the results of the conducted study, we can identify the main similarities and differences between the monitored sources. We can see the special attention to the: Legislation changes, Law enforcement, Entrepreneurship. Marked reduction of interest can be noted regarding to the following topics: International aspects of taxation, Shadow economy, Ownership, property, investment. The growth of interest can be noted in relation to the following topics: Directorship, Article of the Tax Code, Short-lived companies, Arrears and fines. The study revealed a certain disparity between the topics discussed among academic community and stakeholders. The topics discussed in the majority of scientific texts (shadow economy, corruption, the firm one-day, social security contributions), a much rarer can be found in the publication of «Kommersant» and «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» which focuses mainly on matters of legislation. Analysis of the relationships in the texts according to the source and year of publication showed that research topics converge with issues considered by the public authorities. The business community more involved in discussion the legal issues, because the government notion works upon the impression about tax evasion of the business community and academia. Thus, bibliometric text analysis techniques can be used for research, preparation of literature reviews and thematic information retrieval

    Complexity in daily life – a 3D-visualization showing activity patterns in their contexts

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    This article attacks the difficulties to make well informed empirically grounded descriptions and analyses of everyday life activity patterns. At a first glance, everyday life seems to be very simple and everybody has experiences from it, but when we try to investigate it from a scientific perspective, its complexity is overwhelming. There are enormous variations in interests and activity patterns among individuals, between households and socio-economic groups in the population. Therefore, and in spite of good intentions, traditional methods and means to visualize and analyze often lead to over-simplifications. The aim of this article is to present a visualization method that might inspire social scientists to tackle the complexity of everyday life from a new angle, starting with a visual overview of the individual's time use in her daily life, subsequently aggregating to time use in her household, further at group and population levels without leaving the individual out of sight. Thereby variations and complexity might be treated as assets in the interpretation rather than obstacles. To exemplify the method we show how activities in a daily life project are distributed among household members and between men and women in a population.household division of labour, time-geography, 3D method, visualization, diaries, everyday life, activity patterns. Complexity in daily life – a 3D-visualization showing activity patterns in their contexts

    Blogs as Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication.

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    This project systematically analyzes digital humanities blogs as an infrastructure for scholarly communication. This exploratory research maps the discourses of a scholarly community to understand the infrastructural dynamics of blogs and the Open Web. The text contents of 106,804 individual blog posts from a corpus of 396 blogs were analyzed using a mix of computational and qualitative methods. Analysis uses an experimental methodology (trace ethnography) combined with unsupervised machine learning (topic modeling), to perform an interpretive analysis at scale. Methodological findings show topic modeling can be integrated with qualitative and interpretive analysis. Special attention must be paid to data fitness, or the shape and re-shaping practices involved with preparing data for machine learning algorithms. Quantitative analysis of computationally generated topics indicates that while the community writes about diverse subject matter, individual scholars focus their attention on only a couple of topics. Four categories of informal scholarly communication emerged from the qualitative analysis: quasi-academic, para-academic, meta-academic, and extra-academic. The quasi and para-academic categories represent discourse with scholarly value within the digital humanities community, but do not necessarily have an obvious path into formal publication and preservation. A conceptual model, the (in)visible college, is introduced for situating scholarly communication on blogs and the Open Web. An (in)visible college is a kind of scholarly communication that is informal, yet visible at scale. This combination of factors opens up a new space for the study of scholarly communities and communication. While (in)invisible colleges are programmatically observable, care must be taken with any effort to count and measure knowledge work in these spaces. This is the first systematic, data driven analysis of the digital humanities and lays the groundwork for subsequent social studies of digital humanities.PhDInformationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111592/1/mcburton_1.pd