12 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Organizational Culture terhadap Teacher Innovation Capability dalam Perspektif Knowledge Sharing: Studi Kasus Jabodetabek

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    This study aims to measure the influence of organizational culture on teacher innovation capability in Indonesia mediated by tacit and explicit knowledge sharing. Data collection was carried out by simple random sampling via electronic to a population of teachers in Jabodetabek. The returned and valid questionnaire results were 583 samples. Data processing using SEM method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study are organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on teacher innovation capability, both directly and through mediating tacit knowledge sharing. Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on explicit knowledge sharing. While explicit knowledge sharing has not significant effect on teacher innovation capability. This novel research is proposing a model to build teacher innovation capability among teachers through organizational culture with tacit & explicit knowledge sharing as mediation. This research can pave the way to improve teacher readiness in facing the era of education 4.0

    Development of E-LKPD oriented minimum competency assessment (MCA) on 6C’s ability of high school students

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    Learning in the 21st century is currently required to be able to improve 6C’s skills (collaboration, communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, computing, and affection). This study aims to produce MCA-oriented E-LKPD products on 6C’s's abilities of high school students that are valid, practical and effective. The Research and Development research development method follows the four-D Model which consists of 4 stages of development, namely: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The research subjects were ten students of class XII at SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and post-tests. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results of this study obtained the validity of the MCA-oriented E-LKPD on 6C’s abilities from validation data filled in by material experts, media experts and practitioner experts with a score of 3.3; 3.5; and 3.5. In addition, the practicality of the MCA-oriented E-LKPD on 6C’s abilities from the assessment of expert practitioners, namely teachers as users, gives a score of 3.5. While the effectiveness of the MCA-oriented E-LKPD on 6C’s abilities from the results of trials on small groups of ten students obtained an average of 81.13% with a very effective interpretation. Based on the results of this study, the developed E-LKPD media met the expected validity, practicality and effectiveness criteria. So that it can be said that the MCA-oriented E-LKPD products on the 6C’s abilities of high school students are valid, practical, and effective for use in learnin

    Pengaruh Organizational Learning terhadap Peningkatan Hard Skills, Soft Skills dan Inovasi Guru

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    This study aims to measure the influence of organizational learning on the improvement of hard skills, soft skills and teacher innovation capability in Indonesia.Hard skills and soft skills as mediated variables. Data collection was carried out by simple random sampling via electronic to a population of teachers in Jawa Barat. The returned and valid questionnaire results were 663 samples. Data processing using SEM method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study are organizational learning has a positive and significant effect on teacher innovation capability, both directly and through mediating hard skills and soft skills. This novel research is proposing a model to build teacher innovation capability among teachers through organizational learning with hard skills and soft skills as mediation. This research can open the way to improve teacher readiness in facing the era of education 4.0

    Hard Skills atau Soft Skills: Manakah yang lebih penting bagi inovasi guru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh hard skills dan soft skills terhadap kemampuan inovasi guru di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek) yang dimediasi oleh organizational learning. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel acak sederhana melalui elektronik ke populasi guru di Jabodetabek. Hasil kuesioner yang dikembalikan dan valid adalah 676 sampel. Pemrosesan data menggunakan metode SEM dengan perangkat lunak SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa hard skills dan soft skills berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kemampuan inovasi guru, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui mediasi organizational learning. Penelitian baru ini mengusulkan sebuah model untuk membangun kemampuan inovasi guru di antara para guru di Jabodetabek melalui peningkatan hard skills dan soft skills dengan organizational learning sebagai mediator. Penelitian ini dapat membuka jalan untuk meningkatkan kesiapan guru dalam menghadapi era pendidikan 4.0

    An Empirical Investigation of Pull Requests in Partially Distributed BizDevOps Teams

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    In globally distributed projects, virtual teams are often partially dispersed. One common setup occurs when several members from one company work with a large outsourcing vendor based in another country. Further, the introduction of the popular BizDevOps concept has increased the necessity to cooperate across departments and reduce the age-old disconnection between the business strategy and technical development. Establishing a good collaboration in partially distributed BizDevOps teams requires extensive collaboration and communication techniques. Nowadays, a common approach is to rely on collaboration through pull requests and frequent communication on Slack. To investigate barriers for pull requests in distributed teams, we examined an organization located in Scandinavia where cross-functional BizDevOps teams collaborated with off-site team members in India. Data were collected by conducting 14 interviews, observing 23 entire days with the team, and observing 37 meetings. We found that the pull-request approach worked very well locally but not across sites. We found barriers such as domain complexity, different agile processes (timeboxed vs. flow-based development), and employee turnover. Using an intellectual capital lens on our findings, we discuss barriers and positive and negative effects on the success of the pull-request approach

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kapabilitas Inovasi Guru dalam Perspektif Organizational Learning

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    This study aims to measure the influence of transformational and transactional leadershipon the teacher innovation capability in one of private school in Tangearng mediated by organizational learning. Data collection was carried out by simple random sampling via electronic to a population of the teachers. The returned and valid questionnaire results were 199 samples. Data processing using SEM method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study are transformational leadership have positive and significant effect on teacher innovation capability, both directly and through mediating organizational learning. While tansactional leadership has positive and significant effect on teacher innovation capability only through mediating organizational learning. Because, transactional leadership has not significant effect on the teacher innovation capability directly. This novel research is proposing a model to build innovation capability amongteachers through transformational and transactional leadeship with organizational learning as mediation. This research can pave the way to improve teacher readiness in facing the education4.0 er

    Agile software development approach for \u27ad-hoc\u27 IT projects

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    Restrictive Scrum assumptions make the effectiveness of this approach debatable in projects deviating from typical execution conditions. This article delivers a comprehensive software development approach for both academic and commercial Information Technology (IT) projects effectuated by teams that are hampered by significantly unsystematic participation of project members and mercurial internal communication. The nature of ‘ad-hoc’ projects imposes another level of difficulty in terms of both managing the conduct of such a project and ensuring the quality of the end product. Multicyclic action research enabled a gradual adaptation of the Scrum approach to support such project conditions. This study introduces major alterations to Sprint implementation and minor enhancements within the documentation process to streamline knowledge sharing among Development Team members. Proposed key alterations include the evolution of Daily Scrum towards Weekly Scrum, the possibility of extending Sprints length, the eventuality to switch team members during Sprint due to substantial failure to meet deadlines, having at least two team members responsible for a single Product Backlog Item (PBI) at all times, as well as exclusion of Burndown Chart in favor for Development Team members updating their working time. Positive validation of enhancements in mixed settings confirms that the generic Scrum framework can be adapted to support highly volatile projects. The proposed approach is suitable not only for carrying out software development initiatives that rely heavily on the skills of external experts and/or volunteers. It also supports traditional Scrum teams that seek to reduce their exposure to risk arising from organizational changes

    Agile software development approach for 'ad-hoc' IT projects

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    Restrictive Scrum assumptions make the effectiveness of this approach debatable in projects deviating from typical execution conditions. This article delivers a comprehensive software development approach for both academic and commercial Information Technology (IT) projects effectuated by teams that are hampered by significantly unsystematic participation of project members and mercurial internal communication. The nature of ‘ad-hoc’ projects imposes another level of difficulty in terms of both managing the conduct of such a project and ensuring the quality of the end product. Multicyclic action research enabled a gradual adaptation of the Scrum approach to support such project conditions. This study introduces major alterations to Sprint implementation and minor enhancements within the documentation process to streamline knowledge sharing among Development Team members. Proposed key alterations include the evolution of Daily Scrum towards Weekly Scrum, the possibility of extending Sprints length, the eventuality to switch team members during Sprint due to substantial failure to meet deadlines, having at least two team members responsible for a single Product Backlog Item (PBI) at all times, as well as exclusion of Burndown Chart in favor for Development Team members updating their working time. Positive validation of enhancements in mixed settings confirms that the generic Scrum framework can be adapted to support highly volatile projects. The proposed approach is suitable not only for carrying out software development initiatives that rely heavily on the skills of external experts and/or volunteers. It also supports traditional Scrum teams that seek to reduce their exposure to risk arising from organizational changes