198 research outputs found

    Introducing a Calculus of Effects and Handlers for Natural Language Semantics

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    In compositional model-theoretic semantics, researchers assemble truth-conditions or other kinds of denotations using the lambda calculus. It was previously observed that the lambda terms and/or the denotations studied tend to follow the same pattern: they are instances of a monad. In this paper, we present an extension of the simply-typed lambda calculus that exploits this uniformity using the recently discovered technique of effect handlers. We prove that our calculus exhibits some of the key formal properties of the lambda calculus and we use it to construct a modular semantics for a small fragment that involves multiple distinct semantic phenomena

    Refactoring pattern matching

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    Defining functions by pattern matching over the arguments is advantageous for understanding and reasoning, but it tends to expose the implementation of a datatype. Significant effort has been invested in tackling this loss of modularity; however, decoupling patterns from concrete representations while maintaining soundness of reasoning has been a challenge. Inspired by the development of invertible programming, we propose an approach to program refactoring based on a right-invertible language rinv—every function has a right (or pre-) inverse. We show how this new design is able to permit a smooth incremental transition from programs with algebraic datatypes and pattern matching, to ones with proper encapsulation, while maintaining simple and sound reasoning

    A General Framework for Sound and Complete Floyd-Hoare Logics

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    This paper presents an abstraction of Hoare logic to traced symmetric monoidal categories, a very general framework for the theory of systems. Our abstraction is based on a traced monoidal functor from an arbitrary traced monoidal category into the category of pre-orders and monotone relations. We give several examples of how our theory generalises usual Hoare logics (partial correctness of while programs, partial correctness of pointer programs), and provide some case studies on how it can be used to develop new Hoare logics (run-time analysis of while programs and stream circuits).Comment: 27 page

    How functional programming mattered

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    In 1989 when functional programming was still considered a niche topic, Hughes wrote a visionary paper arguing convincingly ‘why functional programming matters’. More than two decades have passed. Has functional programming really mattered? Our answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’. Functional programming is now at the forefront of a new generation of programming technologies, and enjoying increasing popularity and influence. In this paper, we review the impact of functional programming, focusing on how it has changed the way we may construct programs, the way we may verify programs, and fundamentally the way we may think about programs


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    Submitted for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyCall-by-push-value (CBPV) is a new programming language paradigm, based on the slogan “a value is, a computation does”. We claim that CBPV provides the semantic primitives from which the call-by-value and call-by-name paradigms are built. The primary goal of the thesis is to present the evidence for this claim, which is found in a remarkably wide range of semantics: from operational semantics, in big-step form and in machine form, to denotational models using domains, possible worlds, continuations and games. In the first part of the thesis, we come to CBPV and its equational theory by looking critically at the call-by-value and call-by-name paradigms in the presence of general computational effects. We give a Felleisen/Friedman-style CK-machine semantics, which explains how CBPV can be understood in terms of push/pop instructions. In the second part we give simple CBPV models for printing, divergence, global store, errors, erratic choice and control effects, as well as for various combinations of these effects. We develop the store model into a possible world model for cell generation, and (following Steele) we develop the control model into a “jumping implementation” using a continuation language called Jump-With-Argument (JWA). We present a pointer game model for CBPV, in the style of Hyland and Ong. We see that the game concepts of questioning and answering correspond to the CBPV concepts of forcing and producing respectively. We observe that this game semantics is closely related to the jumping implementation. In the third part of the thesis, we study the categorical semantics for the CBPV equational theory. We present and compare 3 approaches: models using strong monads, in the style of Moggi; models using value/producer structures, in the style of Power and Robinson; models using (strong) adjunctions. All the concrete models in the thesis are seen to be adjunction models

    Compiler of a Language with User-Defined Syntax for New Constructs

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl navrhnout a implementovat experimentální programovací jazyk s podporou uživatelsky definovaných syntaktických konstrukcí. Nový jazyk je kompilován do nativní binární podoby a vyžaduje statickou typovou disciplínu v době překladu. Jazyk se skládá ze dvou hlavních komponent. První z nich je minimalistické jádro založené na principech zásobníkově orientovaných jazyků. Druhou částí je mechanismus pro definici nových syntaktických konstrukcí uživatelem. Poté jsou shrnuty poznatky nabyté při návrhu a experimentování s prototypem překladače tohoto jazyka.This project aims to design and implement an experimental programming language. The main feature of the language shall be the ability of the user to define new syntactic constructs. The language shall be statically typed and compiled to a native binary form. The language consists of two parts. The first part is a minimalistic core based on the principles of stack-oriented languages. The second part is a mechanism that lets users define new syntactic constructs. Then we elaborate on findings that have risen from design and experiments performed with the prototype implementation of the language.