19,548 research outputs found

    Issues about the Adoption of Formal Methods for Dependable Composition of Web Services

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    Web Services provide interoperable mechanisms for describing, locating and invoking services over the Internet; composition further enables to build complex services out of simpler ones for complex B2B applications. While current studies on these topics are mostly focused - from the technical viewpoint - on standards and protocols, this paper investigates the adoption of formal methods, especially for composition. We logically classify and analyze three different (but interconnected) kinds of important issues towards this goal, namely foundations, verification and extensions. The aim of this work is to individuate the proper questions on the adoption of formal methods for dependable composition of Web Services, not necessarily to find the optimal answers. Nevertheless, we still try to propose some tentative answers based on our proposal for a composition calculus, which we hope can animate a proper discussion

    Context constraint integration and validation in dynamic web service compositions

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    System architectures that cross organisational boundaries are usually implemented based on Web service technologies due to their inherent interoperability benets. With increasing exibility requirements, such as on-demand service provision, a dynamic approach to service architecture focussing on composition at runtime is needed. The possibility of technical faults, but also violations of functional and semantic constraints require a comprehensive notion of context that captures composition-relevant aspects. Context-aware techniques are consequently required to support constraint validation for dynamic service composition. We present techniques to respond to problems occurring during the execution of dynamically composed Web services implemented in WS-BPEL. A notion of context { covering physical and contractual faults and violations { is used to safeguard composed service executions dynamically. Our aim is to present an architectural framework from an application-oriented perspective, addressing practical considerations of a technical framework

    A Calculus for Orchestration of Web Services

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    Service-oriented computing, an emerging paradigm for distributed computing based on the use of services, is calling for the development of tools and techniques to build safe and trustworthy systems, and to analyse their behaviour. Therefore, many researchers have proposed to use process calculi, a cornerstone of current foundational research on specification and analysis of concurrent, reactive, and distributed systems. In this paper, we follow this approach and introduce CWS, a process calculus expressly designed for specifying and combining service-oriented applications, while modelling their dynamic behaviour. We show that CWS can model all the phases of the life cycle of service-oriented applications, such as publication, discovery, negotiation, orchestration, deployment, reconfiguration and execution. We illustrate the specification style that CWS supports by means of a large case study from the automotive domain and a number of more specific examples drawn from it

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Extended Fault Taxonomy of SOA-Based Systems

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    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is considered as a standard for enterprise software development. The main characteristics of SOA are dynamic discovery and composition of software services in a heterogeneous environment. These properties pose newer challenges in fault management of SOA-based systems (SBS). A proper understanding of different faults in an SBS is very necessary for effective fault handling. A comprehensive three-fold fault taxonomy is presented here that covers distributed, SOA specific and non-functional faults in a holistic manner. A comprehensive fault taxonomy is a key starting point for providing techniques and methods for accessing the quality of a given system. In this paper, an attempt has been made to outline several SBSs faults into a well-structured taxonomy that may assist developers to plan suitable fault repairing strategies. Some commonly emphasized fault recovery strategies are also discussed. Some challenges that may occur during fault handling of SBSs are also mentioned

    Microservice Transition and its Granularity Problem: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Microservices have gained wide recognition and acceptance in software industries as an emerging architectural style for autonomic, scalable, and more reliable computing. The transition to microservices has been highly motivated by the need for better alignment of technical design decisions with improving value potentials of architectures. Despite microservices' popularity, research still lacks disciplined understanding of transition and consensus on the principles and activities underlying "micro-ing" architectures. In this paper, we report on a systematic mapping study that consolidates various views, approaches and activities that commonly assist in the transition to microservices. The study aims to provide a better understanding of the transition; it also contributes a working definition of the transition and technical activities underlying it. We term the transition and technical activities leading to microservice architectures as microservitization. We then shed light on a fundamental problem of microservitization: microservice granularity and reasoning about its adaptation as first-class entities. This study reviews state-of-the-art and -practice related to reasoning about microservice granularity; it reviews modelling approaches, aspects considered, guidelines and processes used to reason about microservice granularity. This study identifies opportunities for future research and development related to reasoning about microservice granularity.Comment: 36 pages including references, 6 figures, and 3 table

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    Reliable Composite Web Services Execution: Towards a Dynamic Recovery Decision

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    AbstractDuring the execution of a Composite Web Service (CWS), different faults may occur that cause WSs failures. There exist strategies that can be applied to repair these failures, such as: WS retry, WS substitution, compensation, roll-back, or replication. Each strategy has advantages and disadvantages on different execution scenarios and can produce different impact on the CWS QoS. Hence, it is important to define a dynamic fault tolerant strategy which takes into account environment and execution information to accordingly decide the appropriate recovery strategy. We present a preliminary study in order to analyze the impact on the CWS total execution time of different recovery strategies on different scenarios. The experimental results show that under different conditions, recovery strategies behave differently. This analysis represents a first step towards the definition of a model to dynamically decide which recovery strategy is the best choice by taking into account the context-information when the failure occurs

    Towards automatic recovery in protocol-based Web service composition

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    Dans une composition de services Web basée protocole, un ensemble de services composants se collaborent pour donner lieu à un service Composite. Chaque service est représenté par un automate à états finis (AEF). Au sein d un AEF, chaque transition exprime l exécution d une opération qui fait avancer le service vers un état suivant. Une exécution du composite correspond à une séquence de transitions où chacune est déléguée à un des composants. Lors de l exécution du composite, un ou plusieurs composants peuvent devenir indisponibles. Ceci peut produire une exécution incomplète du composite, et de ce fait un recouvrement est nécessaire. Le recouvrement consiste à transformer l exécution incomplète en une exécution alternative ayant encore la capacité d aller vers un état final. La transformation s'effectue en compensant certaines transitions et exécutant d autres. Cette thèse présente une étude formelle du problème de recouvrement dans une composition de service Web basée protocole. Le problème de recouvrement consiste à trouver une meilleure exécution alternative parmi celles disponibles. Une meilleure alternative doit être atteignable à partir de l exécution incomplète avec un nombre minimal de compensations visibles (vis-à-vis le client). Pour une exécution alternative donnée, nous prouvons que le problème de décision associé au calcul du nombre de transitions invisiblement compensées est NP-Complet. De ce fait, nous concluons que le problème de décision associé au recouvrement appartient à la classe P2.In a protocol-based Web service composition, a set of available component services collaborate together in order to provide a new composite service. Services export their protocols as finite state machines (FSMs). A transition in the FSM represents a task execution that makes the service moving to a next state. An execution of the composite corresponds to a sequence of transitions where each task is delegated to a component service. During composite run, one or more delegated components may become unavailable due to hard or soft problems on the Network. This unavailability may result in a failed execution of the composite. We provide in this thesis a formal study of the automatic recovery problem in the protocol-based Web service composition. Recovery consists in transforming the failed execution into a recovery execution. Such a transformation is performed by compensating some transitions and executing some others. The recovery execution is an alternative execution of the composite that still has the ability to reach a final state. The recovery problem consists then in finding the best recovery execution(s) among those available. The best recovery execution is attainable from the failed execution with a minimal number of visible compensations with respect to the client. For a given recovery execution, we prove that the decision problem associated with computing the number of invisibly-compensated transitions is NP-complete. Thus, we conclude that deciding of the best recovery execution is in P2.CLERMONT FD-Bib.électronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF