188 research outputs found

    Intestinal intussusception in a child with Peutz?Jeghers syndrome: case report

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    Introduction and importance: Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (PJS), an uncommon inherited autosomal dominant disorder, is distinguished by mucocutaneous pigmentations, many gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps, and a higher incidence of gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, and extracolonic malignancies. Recurrent acute intestinal obstruction, in particular intussusception in the young, is a serious sequalae of PJS. Case presentation: A clinical observation of a 5-year-old patient with a complicated course of PJS is presented. Emphasis on recurring episodes of acute abdomen, clinical diagnosis including polyp histopathology, and surgical management is emphasised. Clinical findings and investigations: While an inpatient, bloodwork demonstrated severe iron deficiency anaemia (haemoglobin 72 g/l, red blood cell 3.1×1012/l) and multiple melanin pigmentations measuring 2–4 mm in size on the lip mucosa during a physical examination. Erosive duodenopathy and polyposis of the stomach were discovered via fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (multiple gastric polyps 5–10 mm in size). Acute intussusception of the intestine was discovered by ultrasonography. Interventions and outcome: A mid-median laparotomy was performed alongside manual disinvagination with gut viability intact. Histopathology of excised polyps revealed smooth muscle hyperplasia and Ki67 protein (MIB-1) positivity with small intestinal hamartomatous polyps seen macroscopically. Conservative management was initiated for standard postoperative care and intestinal motility. Patient was discharged 9 days postoperatively. Relevance and impact: Based on literature data, modern ideas concerning aetiology, diagnosis, and management of patients with PJS are considered. Attention is focused on the high risk of developing cancer of various localisation in PJS, recommendations are given for cancer screening and clinical observation of patients with hereditary gastrointestinal syndromes in childhood

    Endoscopic Procedures in Colon and Rectum

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    Endoscopic procedures in colon and rectum presents nine chapters which start with introductory ones like screening by colonoscopy as the preparation and monitoring for this exam. In addition to these approaches the book aims in the last four chapters to explain endoscopic diagnostic and therapeutic aspects in the colon and rectum. The description of each text is very comprehensive, instructive and easy to understand and presents the most current practices on the topics described. This book is recommended for general and colorectal surgeons as it presents guidelines for diagnosis and treatment which are very well established

    Role of MR enterography in small bowel diseases.

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate benefits of MR enterography in diagnosing and characterizing small bowel disease; Correlation of MR enterography findings with Histopathological reports and endoscopy findings; To assess the sensitivity and specificity of MR enterography in diagnosing small bowel disease. METHOD OF STUDY Minimum 6 hrs fasting prior to the study; Metoclopromide tablet 20mg to promote gastric emptying; 1mg iv buscopan is administered just prior to the study to minimize movement artifact from peristalsis. Polyethylene glycol (PEG LEC) solution is prepared in 1.5 liters of water; Patient is instructed to drink the solution gradually for one hour for even distension of the entire small bowel and imaged on 1.5 tesla MRI using abdomen coil in supine position & instructed for breathing instructions. RESULTS: Among 50 patients small bowel pathology is detected in 26 patients (52%) & no significant abnormalities in24 (48%) patients. Sensitivity- 92.30% & specificity-91.66% in diagnosing small bowel diseases. CONCLUSION: Cross-sectional imaging techniques are playing an increasing role in the evaluation of suspected small-bowel disorders, & growing awareness of the risks of radiation exposure has prompted the exploration of alternative imaging techniques. Advantages of MRI include lack of ionizing radiation, ability to provide dynamic information regarding bowel distention, motility, improved soft-tissue contrast, and a relatively safe intravenous contrast agent profile

    Guidelines for Robotic Flexible Endoscopy at the Time of COVID-19

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    Flexible endoscopy involves the insertion of a long narrow flexible tube into the body for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, flexible endoscopy plays a major role in cancer screening, surveillance, and treatment programs. As a result of gas insufflation during the procedure, both upper and lower GI endoscopy procedures have been classified as aerosol generating by the guidelines issued by the respective societies during the COVID-19 pandemic—although no quantifiable data on aerosol generation currently exists. Due to the risk of COVID-19 transmission to healthcare workers, most societies halted non-emergency and diagnostic procedures during the lockdown. The long-term implications of stoppage in cancer diagnoses and treatment is predicted to lead to a large increase in preventable deaths. Robotics may play a major role in this field by allowing healthcare operators to control the flexible endoscope from a safe distance and pave a path for protecting healthcare workers through minimizing the risk of virus transmission without reducing diagnostic and therapeutic capacities. This review focuses on the needs and challenges associated with the design of robotic flexible endoscopes for use during a pandemic. The authors propose that a few minor changes to existing platforms or considerations for platforms in development could lead to significant benefits for use during infection control scenarios

    Connected healthcare: Improving patient care using digital health technologies

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    Now more than ever, traditional healthcare models are being overhauled with digital technologies of Healthcare 4.0 being increasingly adopted. Worldwide, digital devices are improving every stage of the patient care pathway. For one, sensors are being used to monitor patient metrics 24/7, permitting swift diagnosis and interventions. At the treatment stage, 3D printers are currently being investigated for the concept of personalised medicine by allowing patients access to on-demand, customisable therapeutics. Robots are also being explored for treatment, by empowering precision surgery or targeted drug delivery. Within medical logistics, drones are being leveraged to deliver critical treatments to remote areas, collect samples, and even provide emergency aid. To enable seamless integration within healthcare, the Internet of Things technology is being exploited to form closed-loop systems that remotely communicate with one another. This review outlines the most promising healthcare technologies and devices, their strengths, drawbacks, and scopes for clinical adoption

    New Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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    As result of progress, endoscopy has became more complex, using more sophisticated devices and has claimed a special form. In this moment, the gastroenterologist performing endoscopy has to be an expert in macroscopic view of the lesions in the gut, with good skills for using standard endoscopes, with good experience in ultrasound (for performing endoscopic ultrasound), with pathology experience for confocal examination. It is compulsory to get experience and to have patience and attention for the follow-up of thousands of images transmitted during capsule endoscopy or to have knowledge in physics necessary for autofluorescence imaging endoscopy. Therefore, the idea of an endoscopist has changed. Examinations mentioned need a special formation, a superior level of instruction, accessible to those who have already gained enough experience in basic diagnostic endoscopy. This is the reason for what these new issues of endoscopy are presented in this book of New techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

    Therapeutic Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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    Endoscopy has had a big role in the development of modern gastroenterology. Modern endoscopy will certainly be more therapeutic. It started with endoscopic hemostasis and polipectomy, than beginning of the 1970's with the advent of endoscopic sphincterotomy extended to biliopancreatic pathology and has a huge impact in this difficult pathology. Plastic stents made the first steps in endoscopic palliation of neoplastic jaundice, metallic stents, covered or uncovered are better for biliary palliation and can be used also for palliation neoplastic obstruction at different levels of the digestive tube. Resection of digestive tumors has evolved now to sub-mucosal resection, looking to have one-piece complete resection. Interventional endoscopy is now very complex and takes a lot of time for endoscopists to learn properly these techniques. This book is a very good up-to-date overview of new techniques of interventional endoscopy for those who want to learn or develop their knowledges in this field

    Bidirectional Propulsion of Devices Along the Gastrointestinal Tract Using Electrostimulation

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    This thesis describes a method for propelling devices such as video capsule endoscopes in either direction along the small intestines using electrostimulation-induced muscular contractions. When swallowed, passive diagnostic ‘one-shot’ devices rely on sporadic peristaltic movement, possibly missing vital ‘areas of interest’. This bidirectional propulsion method provides active control for that all-important ‘second look’. Design considerations, within the dimensional constraints, required a device shape that would achieve maximum propulsion from safely induced useful contractions produced by the electrodes and encapsulated miniature electrostimulator. Construction materials would have to produce minimal friction against the mucosal surface while having the physical properties to facilitate construction and electrode attachment. Design investigations included coefficient of friction measurements of different construction materials and the evaluation of different capsule and electrode dimensions over a range of stimulation parameters, to obtain optimal propulsion. A swallowable 11 mm diameter device was propelled at 121 mm/min with stimulation parameters of 12.5 Hz, 20 ms, at 20 V in an anaesthetised pig. A modified passive video capsule endoscope was propelled at 120 mm/min with stimulation parameters of 12.5 Hz, 20 ms, at 10 V in an unanaesthetised human volunteer. A radio-controlled capsule incorporating an electrostimulator, voltage converter and 3 V power supply was propelled at 60 mm/min with stimulation parameters of 12.5 Hz, 20 ms, and 30 V in an anaesthetised pig. 4 Other possible uses of electrostimulation were investigated including propulsion of anally administered large intestine devices and introduction of the intestinal mucosal surface into a biopsy chamber. Results are presented. The ultimate aim of the project was to provide bidirectional propulsion for wireless remote controlled devices along the gastrointestinal tract utilising contractile force produced by electrostimulation of the intestinal wall. The controllability of this system could provide clinicians with a real time view of the entire small intestines without surgical enteroscopy

    Complementary roles of interventional radiology and therapeutic endoscopy in gastroenterology

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    Acute upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding, enteral feeding, cecostomy tubes and luminal strictures are some of the common reasons for gastroenterology service. While surgery was initially considered the main treatment modality, the advent of both therapeutic endoscopy and interventional radiology have resulted in the paradigm shift in the management of these conditions. In this paper, we discuss the patient’s work up, indications, and complementary roles of endoscopic and angiographic management in the settings of gastrointestinal bleeding, enteral feeding, cecostomy tube placement and luminal strictures. These conditions often require multidisciplinary approaches involving a team of interventional radiologists, gastroenterologists and surgeons. Further, the authors also aim to describe how the fields of interventional radiology and gastrointestinal endoscopy are overlapping and complementary in the management of these complex conditions
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