740 research outputs found

    Towards an Adaptive Skeleton Framework for Performance Portability

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    The proliferation of widely available, but very different, parallel architectures makes the ability to deliver good parallel performance on a range of architectures, or performance portability, highly desirable. Irregularly-parallel problems, where the number and size of tasks is unpredictable, are particularly challenging and require dynamic coordination. The paper outlines a novel approach to delivering portable parallel performance for irregularly parallel programs. The approach combines declarative parallelism with JIT technology, dynamic scheduling, and dynamic transformation. We present the design of an adaptive skeleton library, with a task graph implementation, JIT trace costing, and adaptive transformations. We outline the architecture of the protoype adaptive skeleton execution framework in Pycket, describing tasks, serialisation, and the current scheduler.We report a preliminary evaluation of the prototype framework using 4 micro-benchmarks and a small case study on two NUMA servers (24 and 96 cores) and a small cluster (17 hosts, 272 cores). Key results include Pycket delivering good sequential performance e.g. almost as fast as C for some benchmarks; good absolute speedups on all architectures (up to 120 on 128 cores for sumEuler); and that the adaptive transformations do improve performance

    MaSiF: Machine learning guided auto-tuning of parallel skeletons

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    Towards High-Level Programming of Multi-GPU Systems Using the SkelCL Library

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    Application programming for GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) is complex and error-prone, because the popular approaches — CUDA and OpenCL — are intrinsically low-level and offer no special support for systems consisting of multiple GPUs. The SkelCL library presented in this paper is built on top of the OpenCL standard and offers preimplemented recurring computation and communication patterns (skeletons) which greatly simplify programming for multiGPU systems. The library also provides an abstract vector data type and a high-level data (re)distribution mechanism to shield the programmer from the low-level data transfers between the system’s main memory and multiple GPUs. In this paper, we focus on the specific support in SkelCL for systems with multiple GPUs and use a real-world application study from the area of medical imaging to demonstrate the reduced programming effort and competitive performance of SkelCL as compared to OpenCL and CUDA. Besides, we illustrate how SkelCL adapts to large-scale, distributed heterogeneous systems in order to simplify their programming

    JIT costing adaptive skeletons for performance portability

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    The proliferation of widely available, but very different, parallel architectures makes the ability to deliver good parallel performance on a range of architectures, or performance portability, highly desirable. Irregular parallel problems, where the number and size of tasks is unpredictable, are particularly challenging and require dynamic coordination. The paper outlines a novel approach to delivering portable parallel performance for irregular parallel programs. The approach combines JIT compiler technology with dynamic scheduling and dynamic transformation of declarative parallelism. We specify families of algorithmic skeletons plus equations for rewriting skeleton expressions. We present the design of a framework that unfolds skeletons into task graphs, dynamically schedules tasks, and dynamically rewrites skeletons, guided by a lightweight JIT trace-based cost model, to adapt the number and granularity of tasks for the architecture. We outline the system architecture and prototype implementation in Racket/Pycket. As the current prototype does not yet automatically perform dynamic rewriting we present results based on manual offline rewriting, demonstrating that (i) the system scales to hundreds of cores given enough parallelism of suitable granularity, and (ii) the JIT trace cost model predicts granularity accurately enough to guide rewriting towards a good adaptive transformation

    Costing JIT Traces

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    Tracing JIT compilation generates units of compilation that are easy to analyse and are known to execute frequently. The AJITPar project aims to investigate whether the information in JIT traces can be used to make better scheduling decisions or perform code transformations to adapt the code for a specific parallel architecture. To achieve this goal, a cost model must be developed to estimate the execution time of an individual trace. This paper presents the design and implementation of a system for extracting JIT trace information from the Pycket JIT compiler. We define three increasingly parametric cost models for Pycket traces. We perform a search of the cost model parameter space using genetic algorithms to identify the best weightings for those parameters. We test the accuracy of these cost models for predicting the cost of individual traces on a set of loop-based micro-benchmarks. We also compare the accuracy of the cost models for predicting whole program execution time over the Pycket benchmark suite. Our results show that the weighted cost model using the weightings found from the genetic algorithm search has the best accuracy

    JIT-Based cost analysis for dynamic program transformations

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    Tracing JIT compilation generates units of compilation that are easy to analyse and are known to execute frequently. The AJITPar project investigates whether the information in JIT traces can be used to dynamically transform programs for a specific parallel architecture. Hence a lightweight cost model is required for JIT traces. This paper presents the design and implementation of a system for extracting JIT trace information from the Pycket JIT compiler. We define three increasingly parametric cost models for Pycket traces. We determine the best weights for the cost model parameters using linear regression. We evaluate the effectiveness of the cost models for predicting the relative costs of transformed programs

    MAGDA: A Mobile Agent based Grid Architecture

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    Mobile agents mean both a technology and a programming paradigm. They allow for a flexible approach which can alleviate a number of issues present in distributed and Grid-based systems, by means of features such as migration, cloning, messaging and other provided mechanisms. In this paper we describe an architecture (MAGDA – Mobile Agent based Grid Architecture) we have designed and we are currently developing to support programming and execution of mobile agent based application upon Grid systems