9 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Electronic Voting Schemes In The Real World

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    Voting is at the heart of a country’s democracy. Assurance in the integrity of the electoral process is pivotal for voters to have any trust in the system. Often, electronic voting schemes proposed in the literature, or even implemented in real world elections do not always consider all issues that may exist in the environment in which they might be deployed. In this paper, we identify some real - world issues and threats to electronic voting schemes. We then use the threats we have identified to present an analysis of schemes recently used in Australia and Estonia and present recommendations to mitigate threats to such schemes when deployed in an untrustworthy environment

    Hauteskunde unibertsal eta askeak telematikaren eskutik?

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    Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologia (IKT) berriek, demokraziaren kontzeptua asko hobetu dezakete, gizartearen partaidetza moduak areagotuz. Hauteskunde prozesuak dira partaidetza modu horien artean zabalduenak, hiritarren iritziak zuzenean jasotzeko erabiltzen direnak. Azken hamarkadetan, hauteskunde prozesuak IKTekin hobetzen dituzten sistema berriak proposatu dira; telematika arloan erronka berriak ekarri dituzte sistema horiek. Edozein hauteskundek, demokratikotzat joko bada, unibertsaltasun-, berdintasun-, askatasun- eta sekretu-printzipioak betetzen dituen boto-sistema erabili behar du. Gure ikerketa, Internet sarearen erabilera egiten duten "Boto-Sistema Elektronikoa " deiturikoen analisiarekin hasi genuen. Analisi horren ondorioz, gaur egungo Internet Darabilten Boto-Sistema elektronikoetan, gehienbat berdintasun- eta sekretuprintzipioak helburu dituzten propietateak betetzen direla ikusi genuen. Hortaz, unibertsaltasun- eta askatasun-printzipioak ere besteak bezain garrantzitsuak izanik, horietarako beharren azterketa eta proposamenak landu ditugu. Unibertsaltasun eta askatasunaren azterketa eta proposamen horiek berdintasun eta sekretu-printzipioak ahaztu gabe egin behar direnez, Internet Darabilen Boto Sistema Elektroniko oso bat zehaztu dugu. Gure proposamenen balioa erakusteko, Europar Kontseiluak Boto-Sistema Elektronikoetarako aurkeztutako segurtasun helburuak betetzearen azterketa egin diogu diseinatutako sistemari. Azterketa horren sakontasuna, sistemaren telekomunikazio-protokoloaren egiaztapenarekin osatu dugu, Internet erabiltzearen arriskuak gainditzeko. Ondorioz, beste edozein zerbitzu telematiko bezain seguru edo arriskutsua den Internet Darabilen Boto Sistema Elektronikoa definitu dugu eta bertan beste hainbatetan ere erabil daitezkeen Unibertsaltasun eta askatasunerako proposamenak batu ditugu

    Hauteskunde unibertsal eta askeak telematikaren eskutik?

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    Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologia (IKT) berriek, demokraziaren kontzeptua asko hobetu dezakete, gizartearen partaidetza moduak areagotuz. Hauteskunde prozesuak dira partaidetza modu horien artean zabalduenak, hiritarren iritziak zuzenean jasotzeko erabiltzen direnak. Azken hamarkadetan, hauteskunde prozesuak IKTekin hobetzen dituzten sistema berriak proposatu dira; telematika arloan erronka berriak ekarri dituzte sistema horiek. Edozein hauteskundek, demokratikotzat joko bada, unibertsaltasun-, berdintasun-, askatasun- eta sekretu-printzipioak betetzen dituen boto-sistema erabili behar du. Gure ikerketa, Internet sarearen erabilera egiten duten "Boto-Sistema Elektronikoa " deiturikoen analisiarekin hasi genuen. Analisi horren ondorioz, gaur egungo Internet Darabilten Boto-Sistema elektronikoetan, gehienbat berdintasun- eta sekretuprintzipioak helburu dituzten propietateak betetzen direla ikusi genuen. Hortaz, unibertsaltasun- eta askatasun-printzipioak ere besteak bezain garrantzitsuak izanik, horietarako beharren azterketa eta proposamenak landu ditugu. Unibertsaltasun eta askatasunaren azterketa eta proposamen horiek berdintasun eta sekretu-printzipioak ahaztu gabe egin behar direnez, Internet Darabilen Boto Sistema Elektroniko oso bat zehaztu dugu. Gure proposamenen balioa erakusteko, Europar Kontseiluak Boto-Sistema Elektronikoetarako aurkeztutako segurtasun helburuak betetzearen azterketa egin diogu diseinatutako sistemari. Azterketa horren sakontasuna, sistemaren telekomunikazio-protokoloaren egiaztapenarekin osatu dugu, Internet erabiltzearen arriskuak gainditzeko. Ondorioz, beste edozein zerbitzu telematiko bezain seguru edo arriskutsua den Internet Darabilen Boto Sistema Elektronikoa definitu dugu eta bertan beste hainbatetan ere erabil daitezkeen Unibertsaltasun eta askatasunerako proposamenak batu ditugu

    Secure national electronic voting system: Pilot implementation

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    Abstract Electronic voting provides accuracy and efficiency to the electoral processes. World democracies would benefit from a secure e-voting system not only to improve voter participation and trust but also to prevent electoral fraud. However, current e-voting systems are complex and have security weaknesses. In this paper, we describe a secure e-voting system for national and local elections. This system satisfies the important requirements of an e-voting system through state-of-the-art technologies and secure processes. The system relies on homomorphic cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs, biometrics, smartcards, open source software, and secure computers for securely and efficiently implementing the system processes over the various stages of electoral process. Furthermore, we describe the pilot implementations of this system that test the main technologies and processes used. We explain how the used technologies and processes achieve the system requirement. In conclusion, we recommend adopting this system for its security, flexibility, economic, and scalability features

    Development of an e-voting model based on cloud computing technology

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    Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације је дефинисање модела електронског гласања применом cloud computing технологије. Циљ је испитивање могућности примене овог модела у области управе и образовања. Са аспекта електронске управе, суштина примене модела електронског гласања јесте унапређење постојећег, традиционалног система гласања које , поред бројних других предности, са собом носи и смањење трошкова гласања. Када је реч о примени модела електронског гласања у области електронског образовања, потребно је испитати у којој мери технике електронског гласања могу повећати учешће студената у образовном процесу и њихово интересовање за њега. Још један од начина да се ово постигне јесте употреба друштвених мрежа као медијума за crowdvoting, такмичење и сарадњу међу студентима. Модел инфраструктуре електронског гласања представљен у овој дисертацији заснован је на cloud computing технологији. Питање сигурности обезбеђено је применом криптографских (Blockchain) протокола уз ослањање на принципе електронске идентификације као система за аутентификацију гласача. Како је предложена архитектура модела за електронско гласање вишеслојна, постоји могућност интеграције сервиса електронског гласања, ИТ инфраструктуре и регистра учесника у процесу гласања. У дисертацији је описан концепт сервисно-оријентисане архитектуре која ће бити основ за развој система за електронско гласање. У циљу евалуације модела у докторској дисертацији биће реализовано тестирање система за електронско гласање у погледу функционисања и сигурности, с акцентом на унапређењу перформанси и ефикасности предложеног модела.The subject of research in this thesis is defining the electronic voting model using the cloud computing technology. The aim is to examine the possibility to apply this model in the area of government and education. From the e-government aspect, the essence of e-voting model application is to improve existing, traditional voting system which, in addition to many other advantages, brings also a reduction of voting costs. When it comes to the implementation of the e-voting model in the area of electronic education, it is necessary to examine to what extent e-voting techniques can increase students’ participation and their interest in the educational process. Another way to accomplish this is to use social networks as a medium for crowdvoting, competition and collaboration among students. The e-voting infrastructure model presented in this thesis is based on cloud computing technology. The security issue is ensured by using the cryptographic (Blockchain) protocols, relying on the e-identification principles, as a system for voters’ authentication. Since the suggested architecture of e-voting model is multilayered, there is a possibility to integrate e-voting services, IT infrastructure and register of participants in voting process. The concept of service-oriented architecture is described in the thesis and it going to be base for e-voting system development. With the aim to evaluate model in doctoral dissertation, testing of e-voting system’s functionality and security will be carried, with an emphasis on performance and efficiency improvement of suggested model

    Towards internet voting in the state of Qatar

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    Qatar is a small country in the Middle East which has used its oil wealth to invest in the country's infrastructure and education. The technology for Internet voting now exists or can be developed, but are the people of Qatar willing to take part in Internet voting for national elections?. This research identifies the willingness of government and citizens to introduce and participate in Internet voting (I-voting) in Qatar and the barriers that may be encountered when doing so. A secure I voting model for the Qatar government is then proposed that address issues of I-voting which might arise due to the introduction of such new technology. Recommendations are made for the Qatar government to assist in the introduction of I-voting. The research identifies the feasibility of I-voting and the government s readiness and willingness to introduce it. Multiple factors are examined: the voting experience, educational development, telecommunication development, the large number of Internet users, Qatar law which does not bar the use of I-voting and Qatar culture which supports I-voting introduction. It is shown that there is a willingness amongst both the people and the government to introduce I-voting, and there is appropriate accessibility, availability of IT infrastructure, availability of Internet law to protect online consumers and the existence of the e government project. However, many Qataris have concerns of security, privacy, usability, transparency and other issues that would need to be addressed before any voting system could be considered to be a quality system in the eyes of the voters. Also, the need to consider the security threat associated on client-side machines is identified where a lack of user awareness on information security is an important factor. The proposed model attempts to satisfy voting principles, introducing a secure platform for I-voting using best practices and solutions such as the smart card, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates. The model was reviewed by a number of experts on Information Technology, and the Qatari culture and law who found that the system would, generally, satisfy voting principles, but pointed out the need to consider the scalability of the model, the possible cyber-attacks and the risks associated with voters computers. which could be reduced by enhancing user awareness on security and using secure operating systems or Internet browsers. From these findings, a set of recommendations were proposed to encourage the government to introduce I-voting which consider different aspects of I-voting, including the digital divide, e-literacy, I voting infrastructure, legal aspects, transparency, security and privacy. These recommendations were also reviewed by experts who found them to be both valuable and effective. Since literature on Internet voting in Qatar is sparse, empirical and non-empirical studies were carried out in a variety of surveys, interviews and experiments. The research successfully achieved its aim and objectives and is now being considered by the Qatari Government

    Uma análise de segurança da urna eletrônica brasileira

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.Neste trabalho é feita uma Análise da Segurança da Urna Eletrônica e do Sistema Eleitoral Brasileiro. Para isso, são apresentados alguns fundamentos sobre votação eletrônica, o histórico da Justiça Eleitoral e as leis sobre as eleições. Também é descrito o Sistema Eleitoral Brasileiro, juntamente com algumas suspeitas de fraudes e algumas críticas sobre a urna eletrônica. Em seguida, é feita uma análise sobre a ergonomia e a segurança do Sistema Informatizado de Eleições utilizados no Brasil e da Urna Eletrônica. Finalmente, são sugeridas melhorias para aumentar a segurança do processo eleitoral

    Towards Internet Voting in the State of Qatar

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    Qatar is a small country in the Middle East which has used its oil wealth to invest in the country's infrastructure and education. The technology for Internet voting now exists or can be developed, but are the people of Qatar willing to take part in Internet voting for national elections?. This research identifies the willingness of government and citizens to introduce and participate in Internet voting (I-voting) in Qatar and the barriers that may be encountered when doing so. A secure I voting model for the Qatar government is then proposed that address issues of I-voting which might arise due to the introduction of such new technology. Recommendations are made for the Qatar government to assist in the introduction of I-voting. The research identifies the feasibility of I-voting and the government s readiness and willingness to introduce it. Multiple factors are examined: the voting experience, educational development, telecommunication development, the large number of Internet users, Qatar law which does not bar the use of I-voting and Qatar culture which supports I-voting introduction. It is shown that there is a willingness amongst both the people and the government to introduce I-voting, and there is appropriate accessibility, availability of IT infrastructure, availability of Internet law to protect online consumers and the existence of the e government project. However, many Qataris have concerns of security, privacy, usability, transparency and other issues that would need to be addressed before any voting system could be considered to be a quality system in the eyes of the voters. Also, the need to consider the security threat associated on client-side machines is identified where a lack of user awareness on information security is an important factor. The proposed model attempts to satisfy voting principles, introducing a secure platform for I-voting using best practices and solutions such as the smart card, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates. The model was reviewed by a number of experts on Information Technology, and the Qatari culture and law who found that the system would, generally, satisfy voting principles, but pointed out the need to consider the scalability of the model, the possible cyber-attacks and the risks associated with voters computers. which could be reduced by enhancing user awareness on security and using secure operating systems or Internet browsers. From these findings, a set of recommendations were proposed to encourage the government to introduce I-voting which consider different aspects of I-voting, including the digital divide, e-literacy, I voting infrastructure, legal aspects, transparency, security and privacy. These recommendations were also reviewed by experts who found them to be both valuable and effective. Since literature on Internet voting in Qatar is sparse, empirical and non-empirical studies were carried out in a variety of surveys, interviews and experiments. The research successfully achieved its aim and objectives and is now being considered by the Qatari Government.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo