6 research outputs found

    Privacidad, seguridad y legalidad en soluciones educativas basadas en Blockchain: Una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura

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    Learning Analytics processes student data, even for students under 18. The analytical cycle consists of collecting data, storing it for long periods and using it for analysis and visualization. The more data, the better the analysis. This analysis can be descriptive, predictive and, even, prescriptive, which involves the management, processing and use of personal data. The educational context is, thus, very sensitive, unlike individual contexts where analysis is used at will. It is not clear how student data are being used by technology companies serving education and who is actually benefiting, how this will affect students in the short and long-term future, or what level of privacy or security is applied to protect student data. Therefore, and in relation to the above, analyzing educational data implies a sensitive and fragile context in the management and analysis of personal data of students, including minors, in which precautions must be maximized. This systematic review of the literature explores the importance of personal data protection and security in the field of education through the emerging promises of those interested in using blockchain technology. The results show that it is important to understand the implications and risks derived from the use of emerging technologies in education, their relationship with society and the current legislation.La Analítica del Aprendizaje (proveniente del término en inglés Learning Analytics) procesa los datos de los estudiantes, incluso los estudiantes menores de edad. El ciclo analítico consiste en recoger datos, almacenarlos durante largos períodos y utilizarlos para realizar análisis y visualizaciones. A mayor cantidad de datos, mejores resultados en el análisis. Este análisis puede ser descriptivo, predictivo e, incluso, prescriptivo, lo que implica la gestión, el tratamiento y la utilización de datos personales. El contexto educativo es, por lo tanto, muy sensible, a diferencia de los contextos individuales en los que el análisis se utiliza a voluntad. No está claro cómo están utilizando los datos de los estudiantes las empresas de tecnología que dan servicio en educación y a quiénes realmente se les beneficia, cómo esto afectará a los estudiantes en un futuro a corto y largo plazo, o qué nivel de privacidad o seguridad se aplica para proteger los datos de los estudiantes. Por consiguiente, y en relación con lo expuesto, el análisis de datos educativos implica un contexto sensible y de fragilidad en la gestión y análisis de datos personales de los estudiantes, incluidos menores, en el que hay que maximizar las precauciones. En esta revisión sistemática de la literatura se explora la importancia de la protección y seguridad de los datos personales en el campo de la educación mediante las promesas emergentes de los interesados en usar la tecnología blockchain. Los resultados denotan que es importante entender las implicaciones y riesgos derivados de usar tecnologías emergentes en educación, su relación con la sociedad y la legalidad vigente

    Beyond oracles – a critical look at real-world blockchains

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    This thesis intends to provide answers to the following questions: 1) What is the oracle problem, and how do the limitations of oracles affect different real-world applications? 2) What are the characteristics of the portion of the literature that leaves the oracle problem unaddressed? 3) Who are the main contributors to solving the oracle problem, and which issues are they focusing on? 4) How can the oracle problem be overcome in real-world applications? The first chapter aims to answer the first question through a literature review of the most current papers published in the field, bringing clarity to the blockchain oracle problem by discussing its effects in some of the most promising real-world blockchain applications. Thus, the chapter investigates the sectors of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), healthcare, supply chains, academic records, resource management, and law. By comparing the different applications, the review reveals that heterogeneous issues arise depending on the sector. The analysis supports the view that the more trusted a system is, the less the oracle problem has an impact. The second chapter presents the results of a systematic review intended to highlight the state-of-the-art of real-world blockchain applications using the oracle problem as a lens of analysis. Academic papers proposing real-world blockchain applications were reviewed to see if the authors considered the oracle’s role in the applications and related issues. The results found that almost 90% of the inspected literature neglected the role of oracles, thereby proposing incomplete or irreproducible projects. Through a bibliometric analysis, the third chapter sheds light on the institutions and authors that are actively contributing to the literature on oracles and promoting progress and cooperation. The study shows that, although there is still a lack of collaboration worldwide, there are dedicated authors and institutions working toward a similar and beneficial cause. The results also make it clear that most areas of oracle research are poorly addressed, with some remaining untouched. The fourth and last chapter focuses on a case study of a dairy company operating in the northeast region of Italy. The company applied blockchain technology to support the traceability of their products worldwide, and the study investigated the benefits of their innovation from the point of view of sustainability. The study also considers the role of oracle management, as it is a critical aspect of a blockchain-based project. Thus, the relationship between the company, the blockchain oracle, and the supervising authority is discussed, offering insight into how sustainable innovations can positively impact supply chain management. This work as a whole aims to shed light on blockchain oracles as an academic area of research, explaining why the study of oracles should be considered the backbone of blockchain literature development


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    Uma Visão sobre a Tecnologia Blockchain: Domínios de Aplicação e Especificidades na Cadeia de Abastecimento

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    A tecnologia blockchain tem assumido um papel de destaque no mundo tecnológico. Assistimos ao aparecimento do conceito de indústria 4.0, que pretende a transferência de autonomia para as máquinas. Esta autonomia só é possível de atingir através de uma grande quantidade de dados e transações adquiridos através de sensores ou outros dispositivos ligados entre si – Internet das Coisas. A necessidade de uma taxa grande de transações e de passagem de informação confiável e fidedigna, entre atores pertencentes a uma mesma rede confiável, leva ao aparecimento da tecnologia blockchain em 2008, com a Bitcoin. Anos antes, a ideia de cadeias de blocos criptograficamente protegidas, já havia sido desenvolvida, embora com limitações na forma de gerar consenso entre os diferentes agentes. Desde 2008, têm sido desenvolvidos diferentes algoritmos de consenso para uma rede blockchain. Desde o original proof-of-work, passando pelo proof-of-stake até a métodos de directed acyclic graph, a forma como o consenso é gerado numa rede blockchain digitalmente imutável assume diferentes formas, com diferentes benefícios e limitações. O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar a tecnologia blockchain e os seus avanços tecnológicos, garantindo uma visão geral da mesma. Com base no seu funcionamento, identificar domínios de aplicação desta tecnologia, com especial enfoque na cadeia de abastecimento e área logística, devido ao seu potencial de benefícios a atingir. É igualmente pretendido, uma abordagem às limitações e requisitos necessários para a sua aplicação em ambiente produtivo, uma vez que, nesta área as aplicações ainda não se encontram em fases avançadas.Blockchain technology has assumed a prominent role in the technological world. We have seen the emergence of the concept of industry 4.0, which aims to transfer autonomy to machines. This autonomy is only possible to achieve through a large amount of data and transactions acquired through sensors or other connected devices - the Internet of Things. The need for a high rate of transactions and the passing of reliable and trustworthy information between actors belonging to the same trusted network, leads to the appearance of blockchain technology in 2008, with Bitcoin. Years earlier, the idea of cryptographically protected blockchains had already been developed, albeit with limitations on how to generate consensus between different agents. Since 2008, different consensus algorithms have developed for a blockchain network. From the original proofof-work, through the proof-of-stake to methods as directed acyclic graph, the way consensus is generated in a digitally immutable blockchain network takes different forms, with several benefits and limitations. The purpose of this dissertation is to study blockchain technology and its technological advances, ensuring an overview of it. Based on its operation, identify areas of application of this technology, with a particular focus on the supply chain and logistics area, due to its potential benefits to be achieved. It is intended, an approach to the limitations and requirements necessary for its application in a production environment, since, in this area, applications are not yet in advanced stages

    Investigating Cultural Values and Educational Technology Adoption in Central Asia: A Case Study

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    Although the adoption of new tools for communication and learning could reasonably be expected to influence culture, little is known about the relationship between cultural values and the adoption or diffusion of Web 2.0 technologies. This case study examines the way in which the cultural values of 59 teachers in four Central Asian countries influenced and were influenced by Web 2.0 technologies during five to eighteen months of online professional development. Data was collected through self-introductions, Likert-scale and open-ended prompts on initial and final surveys, online forum discussions, and capstone projects. This allows an examination of changes in the participants’ expressed attitudes toward and use of Web 2.0 educational technology as well as the identification of cultural values (Hofstede, 1980b) associated with these patterns of adoption and diffusion. The findings are especially beneficial to decision-makers who care about the way the use of Web 2.0 educational technologies could impact educational systems and cultures