73 research outputs found

    Specifying Software Languages: Grammars, Projectional Editors, and Unconventional Approaches

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    We discuss several approaches for defining software languages, together with Integrated Development Environments for them. Theoretical foundation is grammar-based models: they can be used where proven correctness of specifications is required. From a practical point of view, we discuss how language specification can be made more accessible by focusing on language workbenches and projectional editing, and discuss how it can be formalized. We also give a brief overview of unconventional ideas to language definition, and outline three open problems connected to the approaches we discuss

    Gentleman : a lightweight web-based projectional editor

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    Lors de la conception et la manipulation de logiciel par modĂ©lisation, il est avantageux de bĂ©nĂ©ïŹcier d’un grand degrĂ© de libertĂ© au niveau de la prĂ©sentation aïŹn de comprendre l’information et prendre une action en exerçant peu d’eïŹ€ort cognitif et physique. Cette caractĂ©ristique doit aussi s’étendre aux outils que nous employons aïŹn que ceux-ci augmentent nos capacitĂ©s, plutĂŽt que les restreindre. En gĂ©nie logiciel, nous travaillons prĂ©sentement Ă  rehausser encore le niveau d’abstraction aïŹn de rĂ©duire le rĂŽle central du code dĂ©crit avec un langage de programmation Ă  usage gĂ©nĂ©ral. Ceci permettrait d’inclure les experts non techniques dans les activitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement de logiciel. Cette approche, centralisĂ©e sur le domaine et l’expert, s’inscrit dans l’ingĂ©nierie dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles (IDM), oĂč un modĂšle est produit et manipulĂ© par divers experts et utilisateurs. Le modĂšle est alors dĂ©crit avec un langage crĂ©Ă© spĂ©ciïŹquement pour un domaine d’application ou une tache, appelĂ© langage dĂ©diĂ© (DSL). Une technique utilisĂ©e pour crĂ©er ces modĂšles et leurs DSL est le projectional editing, qui permet d’utiliser des notations diverses interchangeables et d’étendre et composer facilement un langage. Toutefois, les solutions actuelles sont lourdes, spĂ©ciïŹques Ă  une plateforme, et manquent considĂ©rablement d’utilisabilitĂ©, limitant ainsi l’usage et l’exploitation de cette approche. Pour mieux reïŹ‚Ă©ter les avantages du paradigme IDM avec le style projectionnel, nous introduisons dans cette thĂšse Gentleman, un Ă©diteur projectionnel lĂ©ger sur le web. Avec Gentleman, le dĂ©veloppeur crĂ©e un modĂšle en combinant des concepts utilisĂ©s pour dĂ©ïŹnir la structure du modĂšle et des projections pour les manipuler dans l’éditeur. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© Gentleman Ă  travers une Ă©tude basĂ©e sur un groupe d’utilisateur. L’étude a conïŹrmĂ© sa capacitĂ© Ă  crĂ©er et manipuler des modĂšles eïŹƒcacement. Les participants ont notĂ© qu’il est facile de prendre en main Gentleman et que l’interface est trĂšs intuitive comparativement aux Ă©diteurs existants. Nous avons aussi intĂ©grĂ© Gentleman avec succĂšs Ă  une plateforme web, dĂ©montrant ainsi ses capacitĂ©s d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© et l’avantage d’une solution web.In software activities and, more specifically, when modeling, the modeler should benefit from as much freedom as possible to understand the presented information and take action with minimal cognitive and mechanical effort. This characteristic should also apply to the tools used in the process so that they extend our capabilities rather than limit them. In the field of software engineering, current work aims to push the level of abstraction past general-purpose programming language into domain-specific modeling. This enables domain experts with various backgrounds to participate in software development activities. This vision is central to model-driven engineering (MDE) where, instead of code, various experts and users produce and manipulate domain-specific language (DSL). In recent years, projectional editing has proven to be a valid approach to creating and manipulating DSLs, as it supports various easily interchangeable notations and enables language extension and composition. However, current solutions are heavyweight, platform-specific, and suffer from poor usability. To better support this paradigm and minimize the risk of accidental complexity in terms of expressiveness, in this thesis, we introduce Gentleman, a lightweight web-based projectional editor. With Gentleman, a developer creates a model by combining concepts used to define its structure and projections to interact and manipulate them in the editor. We have evaluated Gentleman through a user study. The evaluation confirmed its capacity to create and manipulate models effectively. Most participants noted that the editor is very user-friendly and intuitive compared to existing editors. We have also successfully integrated Gentleman into a web application, demonstrating its interoperability and the benefit of a web solution

    SKot: A web-based Structured Code Editor for introductory programming in Kotlin

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    The use of Structured Code Editors such as Scratch for introduction to programing, especially at a younger age is prevalent in modern education systems. Transitioning to text-based editors sometimes proves to be challenging for beginners especially when it comes to learning the syntax of a modern language. This work goes into the research on Structured Code Editors and delves into the implementation of a Projectional Editor that presents the code to the user as it would appear in a text-based editor in a modern programing language such as Kotlin, while preserving syntactical correctness during edits. A web-based editor, named SKot for Structured Kotlin was implemented using JavaScript (JSON, React and Redux). A technique for implementing the Projectional Editor using these technologies is described in detail. Then, SKot is compared to other modern code editors and further work is proposed to improve it.O uso de Editores Estruturados de CĂłdigo como o Scratch para introdução Ă  programação, especialmente em idades mais jovens, Ă© prevalente nos sistemas de educação modernos. A transição para editores de cĂłdigo baseados em texto pode ser desafiante para iniciantes, principalmente no que diz respeito Ă  aprendizagem da sintaxe de uma linguagem moderna. Este trabalho explora a investigação atual sobre Editores Estruturados de CĂłdigo e explica a implementação de um Editor Projecional que apresenta o cĂłdigo ao utilizador com a mesma aparĂȘncia que teria num editor de texto numa linguagem de programação moderna, como Kotlin, enquanto preserva a correção sintĂĄtica durante ediçÔes. Um editor no web browser, chamado SKot (Structured Kotlin), foi implementado usando JavaScript (JSON, React e Redux). Uma tĂ©cnica para implementar o Editor Projecional usando estas tecnologias Ă© descrita em detalhe. Por fim, o SKot Ă© comparado com outros editores de cĂłdigo modernos e descreve-se trabalho futuro relativo a melhoramentos no mesmo

    Classification Algorithms Framework (CAF) to enable Intelligent Systems using JetBrains MPS domain-specific languages environment

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    This paper describes the design and development of a Classification Algorithms Framework (CAF) using the JetBrains MPS domain-specific languages (DSLs) development environment. It is increasingly recognized that the systems of the future will contain some form of adaptivity therefore making them intelligent systems as opposed to the static systems of the past. These intelligent systems can be extremely complex and difficult to maintain. Descriptions at higher-level of abstraction (system-level) have long been identified by industry and academia to reduce complexity. This research presents a Framework of Classification Algorithms at system-level that enables quick experimentation with several different algorithms from Naive Bayes to Logistic Regression. It has been developed as a tool to address the requirements of British Telecom’s (BT’s) data-science team. The tool has been presented at BT and JetBrains MPS and feedback has been collected and evaluated. Beyond the reduction in complexity through the system-level description, the most prominent advantage of this research is its potential applicability to many application contexts. It has been designed to be applicable for intelligent applications in several domains from business analytics, eLearning to eHealth, etc. Its wide applicability will contribute to enabling the larger vision of Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption in context

    Generating graphical and projectional editors

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    En ingĂ©nierie dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles, les langages spĂ©cifiques au domaine (DSL) offrent des notations adaptĂ©es Ă  un domaine prĂ©cis pour reprĂ©senter ses diffĂ©rents concepts. De nombreux outils permettent la dĂ©finition de DSLs en explicitant les relations entre un concept et ses reprĂ©sentations. En fonction de la sĂ©mantique du domaine, l’ingĂ©nieur du langage peut choisir entre des notations textuelles ou graphiques. Les langages de modĂ©lisation graphique nĂ©cessitent une gestion de la position, la taille et la disposition des Ă©lĂ©ments visuels afin de maximiser leur expressivitĂ© visuelle. La plupart des Ă©diteurs de modĂ©lisation manquent de support automatique pour gĂ©rer ces propriĂ©tĂ©s de la syntaxe concrĂšte. Les Ă©diteurs projectionnels permettent aux utilisateurs de se concentrer sur la conception de leur modĂšle en limitant les modifications de la syntaxe concrĂšte. Cependant, bien qu’ils offrent de multiples notations, ces Ă©diteurs ne permettent pas la crĂ©ation de langage graphique. Dans ce mĂ©moire, nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour concevoir des Ă©diteurs graphiques et projectionnels. Nous avons crĂ©Ă© une extension d’un Ă©diteur projectionnel orientĂ© vers le web, Gentleman, qui nous a permis d’extraire diffĂ©rentes exigences. Au cours du mĂ©moire, nous dĂ©crivons leurs impacts sur les projections et proposons des lignes directrices ainsi que des exemples d’implĂ©mentation. Comme l’édition projectionnelle demande une gestion spĂ©cifique de l’interaction, nous prĂ©sentons diffĂ©rentes approches pour interagir avec les reprĂ©sentations graphiques utilisant les nouvelles informations disponibles dans les projections. Étant donnĂ© que la plupart des exigences se concentrent sur la disposition des projections, nous avons dĂ©fini plusieurs algorithmes simples de disposition qui couvrent une large gamme de structures pouvant ĂȘtre retrouvĂ©es dans un Ă©diteur graphique. Enfin, afin d’évaluer cette approche, nous avons explorĂ© la gĂ©nĂ©ration de trois Ă©diteurs graphiques et projectionnels pour diffĂ©rents domaines: les machines d’états, les diagrammes de sĂ©quences et les partitions de musique.In model-driven engineering, domain specific-languages (DSL) provide tailored notations towards a specific problem domain to represent its different concepts. Multiple tools allow the definition of DSL by specifying the relations between a concept and its representations. Depending on the semantics of the domain, the language engineer can choose between textual or graphical notations. Graphical modeling languages require proper management of position, size, and layout to maximize their visual expressiveness. Most modeling editors lack automated support to manage these graphical concrete syntax properties. It is a time-consuming effort that affects the understandability of the model. Projectional editors prevent end-users from modifying the concrete syntax so they can focus on the modeling task. However, while they offer multiple notations, these editors lack support for graphical languages. During this thesis, we propose a new approach to design graphical and projectional editors. We created an extension of a web-oriented projectional editor, Gentleman, that allowed us to extract different requirements. During the thesis, we describe their impact on the projections and propose guidelines and examples of implementation. Because projectional editing requires specific management of the interaction, we present multiple approaches to interact with the graphical representations, using the new information available in the graphics. Since most of the requirements were focusing on the disposition of the projection, we define multiple simple layout algorithms that cover a large range of structures that can be found in a graphical editor. Finally, we explore the generation of three graphical and projectional editors for different domains: statecharts, sequence diagrams, and music sheet

    A survey on the design space of end-user-oriented languages for specifying robotic missions

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    Mobile robots are becoming increasingly important in society. Fulfilling complex missions in different contexts and environments,robots are promising instruments to support our everyday live. As such, the task of defining the robot’s missionis moving from professional developers and roboticists to the end-users. However, with the current state-of-the-art, definingmissions is non-trivial and typically requires dedicated programming skills. Since end-users usually lack such skills, manycommercial robots are nowadays equipped with environments and domain-specific languages tailored for end-users. As such,the software support for defining missions is becoming an increasingly relevant criterion when buying or choosing robots.Improving these environments and languages for specifying missions toward simplicity and flexibility is crucial. To this end,we need to improve our empirical understanding of the current state-of-the-art of such languages and their environments. Inthis paper, we contribute in this direction. We present a survey of 30 mission specification environments for mobile robots thatcome with a visual and end-user-oriented language. We explore the design space of these languages and their environments,identify their concepts, and organize them as features in a feature model. We believe that our results are valuable to practitionersand researchers designing the next generation of mission specification languages in the vibrant domain of mobilerobots
