48 research outputs found

    Towards Trustworthy Refactoring in Erlang

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    Tool-assisted refactoring transformations must be trustworthy if programmers are to be confident in applying them on arbitrarily extensive and complex code in order to improve style or efficiency. We propose a simple, high-level but rigorous, notation for defining refactoring transformations in Erlang, and show that this notation provides an extensible, verifiable and executable specification language for refactoring. To demonstrate the applicability of our approach, we show how to define and verify a number of example refactorings in the system.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2016, arXiv:1607.0183

    Trustworthy Refactoring via Decomposition and Schemes: A Complex Case Study

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    Widely used complex code refactoring tools lack a solid reasoning about the correctness of the transformations they implement, whilst interest in proven correct refactoring is ever increasing as only formal verification can provide true confidence in applying tool-automated refactoring to industrial-scale code. By using our strategic rewriting based refactoring specification language, we present the decomposition of a complex transformation into smaller steps that can be expressed as instances of refactoring schemes, then we demonstrate the semi-automatic formal verification of the components based on a theoretical understanding of the semantics of the programming language. The extensible and verifiable refactoring definitions can be executed in our interpreter built on top of a static analyser framework.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2017, arXiv:1708.0688

    Refactoring = Substitution + Rewriting

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    We present an approach to describing refactorings that abstracts away from particular refactorings to classes of similar transformations, and presents an implementation of these that works by substitution and subsequent rewriting. Substitution is language-independent under this approach, while the rewrites embody language-specific aspects. Intriguingly, it also goes back to work on API migration by Huiqing Li and the first author, and sets refactoring in that general context.Comment: 6p

    Refactoring = Substitution + Rewriting: Towards Generic, Language-Independent Refactorings

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    On Preserving the Behavior in Software Refactoring: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Context: Refactoring is the art of modifying the design of a system without altering its behavior. The idea is to reorganize variables, classes and methods to facilitate their future adaptations and comprehension. As the concept of behavior preservation is fundamental for refactoring, several studies, using formal verification, language transformation and dynamic analysis, have been proposed to monitor the execution of refactoring operations and their impact on the program semantics. However, there is no existing study that examines the available behavior preservation strategies for each refactoring operation. Objective: This paper identifies behavior preservation approaches in the research literature. Method: We conduct, in this paper, a systematic mapping study, to capture all existing behavior preservation approaches that we classify based on several criteria including their methodology, applicability, and their degree of automation. Results: The results indicate that several behavior preservation approaches have been proposed in the literature. The approaches vary between using formalisms and techniques, developing automatic refactoring safety tools, and performing a manual analysis of the source code. Conclusion: Our taxonomy reveals that there exist some types of refactoring operations whose behavior preservation is under-researched. Our classification also indicates that several possible strategies can be combined to better detect any violation of the program semantics

    Refactoring = Substitution + Rewriting: Towards Generic, Language-Independent Refactorings

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    Eelco Visser’s work has always encouraged stepping back from the particular to look at the underlying, conceptual problems. In that spirit we present an approach to describing refactorings that abstracts away from particular refactorings to classes of similar transformations, and presents an implementation of these that works by substitution and subsequent rewriting. Substitution is language-independent under this approach, while the rewrites embody language-specific aspects. Intriguingly, it also goes back to work on API migration by Huiqing Li and the first author, and sets refactoring in that general context

    Verification and Application of Program Transformations

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    A programtranszformáció és a refaktorálás alapvető elemei a szoftverfejlesztési folyamatnak. A refaktorálást a kezdetektől próbálják szoftvereszközökkel támogatni, amelyek megbízhatóan és hatékonyan valósítják meg a szoftverminőséget javító, a működést nem érintő programtranszformációkat. A statikus elemzésre alapuló hibakeresés és a refaktorálási transzformációk az akadémiában és a kutatás-fejlesztésben is nagy érdeklődésre tartanak számot, ám még ennél is fontosabb a szerepük a nagy bonyolultságú szoftvereket készítő vállalatoknál. Egyre pontosabbak és megbízhatóbbak a szoftverfejlesztést támogató eszközök, de bőven van még min javítani. A disszertáció olyan definíciós és verifikációs módszereket tárgyal, amelyekkel megbízhatóbb és szélesebb körben használt programtranszformációs eszközöket tudunk készíteni. A dolgozat a statikus és a dinamikus verifikációt is érinti. Elsőként egy újszerű, tömör leíró nyelvet mutat be L-attribútum grammatikákhoz, amelyet tulajdonságalapú teszteléshez használt véletlenszerű adatgenerátorra képezünk le. Ehhez egy esettanulmány társul, amely az Erlang programozási nyelv grammatikáját, majd a teszteléshez való felhasználását mutatja be. A tesztelés mellett a formális helyességbizonyítás kérdését is vizsgáljuk, ehhez bevezetünk egy refaktorálások leírására szolgáló nyelvet, amelyben végrehajtható és automatikusan bizonyítható specifikációkat tudunk megadni. A nyelv környezetfüggő és feltételes termátíráson, stratégiákon és úgynevezett refaktorálási sémákon alapszik. Végül, de nem utolsó sorban a programtranszformációk egy speciális alkalmazása kerül bemutatásra, amikor egy refaktoráló keretrendszert előfordítóként használunk a feldolgozott programozási nyelv kiterjesztésére. Utóbbi módszerrel könnyen implementálható az Erlang nyelvben a kódmigráció

    Evolving web-based test automation into agile business specifications

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    Usually, test automation scripts for a web application directly mirror the actions that the tester carries out in the browser, but they tend to be verbose and repetitive, making them expensive to maintain and ineffective in an agile setting. Our research has focussed on providing tool-support for business-level, example-based specifications that are mapped to the browser level for automatic verification. We provide refactoring support for the evolution of existing browser-level tests into business-level specifications. As resulting business rule tables may be incomplete, redundant or contradictory, our tool provides feedback on coverage