3,026 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Approach to Domain-Specific Entity Linking

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    The current state-of-the-art Entity Linking (EL) systems are geared towards corpora that are as heterogeneous as the Web, and therefore perform sub-optimally on domain-specific corpora. A key open problem is how to construct effective EL systems for specific domains, as knowledge of the local context should in principle increase, rather than decrease, effectiveness. In this paper we propose the hybrid use of simple specialist linkers in combination with an existing generalist system to address this problem. Our main findings are the following. First, we construct a new reusable benchmark for EL on a corpus of domain-specific conversations. Second, we test the performance of a range of approaches under the same conditions, and show that specialist linkers obtain high precision in isolation, and high recall when combined with generalist linkers. Hence, we can effectively exploit local context and get the best of both worlds.Comment: SEM'1

    Towards Building a Knowledge Base of Monetary Transactions from a News Collection

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    We address the problem of extracting structured representations of economic events from a large corpus of news articles, using a combination of natural language processing and machine learning techniques. The developed techniques allow for semi-automatic population of a financial knowledge base, which, in turn, may be used to support a range of data mining and exploration tasks. The key challenge we face in this domain is that the same event is often reported multiple times, with varying correctness of details. We address this challenge by first collecting all information pertinent to a given event from the entire corpus, then considering all possible representations of the event, and finally, using a supervised learning method, to rank these representations by the associated confidence scores. A main innovative element of our approach is that it jointly extracts and stores all attributes of the event as a single representation (quintuple). Using a purpose-built test set we demonstrate that our supervised learning approach can achieve 25% improvement in F1-score over baseline methods that consider the earliest, the latest or the most frequent reporting of the event.Comment: Proceedings of the 17th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL '17), 201

    MAG: A Multilingual, Knowledge-base Agnostic and Deterministic Entity Linking Approach

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    Entity linking has recently been the subject of a significant body of research. Currently, the best performing approaches rely on trained mono-lingual models. Porting these approaches to other languages is consequently a difficult endeavor as it requires corresponding training data and retraining of the models. We address this drawback by presenting a novel multilingual, knowledge-based agnostic and deterministic approach to entity linking, dubbed MAG. MAG is based on a combination of context-based retrieval on structured knowledge bases and graph algorithms. We evaluate MAG on 23 data sets and in 7 languages. Our results show that the best approach trained on English datasets (PBOH) achieves a micro F-measure that is up to 4 times worse on datasets in other languages. MAG, on the other hand, achieves state-of-the-art performance on English datasets and reaches a micro F-measure that is up to 0.6 higher than that of PBOH on non-English languages.Comment: Accepted in K-CAP 2017: Knowledge Capture Conferenc

    Tailored semantic annotation for semantic search

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    This paper presents a novel method for semantic annotation and search of a target corpus using several knowledge resources (KRs). This method relies on a formal statistical framework in which KR concepts and corpus documents are homogeneously represented using statistical language models. Under this framework, we can perform all the necessary operations for an efficient and effective semantic annotation of the corpus. Firstly, we propose a coarse tailoring of the KRs w.r.t the target corpus with the main goal of reducing the ambiguity of the annotations and their computational overhead. Then, we propose the generation of concept profiles, which allow measuring the semantic overlap of the KRs as well as performing a finer tailoring of them. Finally, we propose how to semantically represent documents and queries in terms of the KRs concepts and the statistical framework to perform semantic search. Experiments have been carried out with a corpus about web resources which includes several Life Sciences catalogs and Wikipedia pages related to web resources in general (e.g., databases, tools, services, etc.). Results demonstrate that the proposed method is more effective and efficient than state-of-the-art methods relying on either context-free annotation or keyword-based search.We thank anonymous reviewers for their very useful comments and suggestions. The work was supported by the CICYT project TIN2011-24147 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)

    Where are your Manners? Sharing Best Community Practices in the Web 2.0

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    The Web 2.0 fosters the creation of communities by offering users a wide array of social software tools. While the success of these tools is based on their ability to support different interaction patterns among users by imposing as few limitations as possible, the communities they support are not free of rules (just think about the posting rules in a community forum or the editing rules in a thematic wiki). In this paper we propose a framework for the sharing of best community practices in the form of a (potentially rule-based) annotation layer that can be integrated with existing Web 2.0 community tools (with specific focus on wikis). This solution is characterized by minimal intrusiveness and plays nicely within the open spirit of the Web 2.0 by providing users with behavioral hints rather than by enforcing the strict adherence to a set of rules.Comment: ACM symposium on Applied Computing, Honolulu : \'Etats-Unis d'Am\'erique (2009
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