796 research outputs found

    Towards supplier maturity evaluation in terms of PLM collaboration

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    The product lifecycle management (PLM) system has a significant role to support the collaboration and manage the partnership between OEM and Supplier to enable the success of supplier integration. Today great rates of co- operation as suppliers have been dedicated to SMEs. Since one of the PLM task is to control the collaboration between OEM and suppliers, this paper provide supplier (SMEs) a framework to find their place in this relationship in the concept of PLM. To respond to this trend, we defined a methodology based on collaborative matrix maturity levels and four PLM axes of strategic, organization, process and tools levels. Finally according to this ma- trix, we proposed a structure of a proper questionnaire and example that show suppliers how to evaluate their positions in terms of collaboration in PLM

    A case study: maturity assessment of product lifecycle management (PLM) implementation in Malaysia automotive components manufacturing company

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    Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) adoption is very important for companies to sustain and stay competitive in market particularly to the organizations that involving from design to manufacturing. However many companies struggle with implementing PLM because PLM is rather a concept than a system, as its main purpose is to increase product collaboration for effective product innovation with integrated streamline business processes across all functional departments to achieve operational excellence. In order to improve these challenges, maturity assessment for PLM is carried out prior to the actual implementation permitted to define the effective PLM strategic roadmap in according to the current environment condition. In this paper, case study and maturity assessment for local automotive components manufacturing company was conducted. The results are discussed in the theoretical and empirical aspects. The finding showed the importance and practicality of the PLM readiness to the companies. The assessment required to be comprehensive to cover the readiness of (1) data readiness, (2) process readiness and (3) people, culture and IT infrastructure. In general, the PLM maturity assessment is a useful and beneficial tool in the implementation and development of PLM framework

    Knowledge-based Engineering in Product Development Processes - Process, IT and Knowledge Management perspectives

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    Product development as a field of practice and research has significantly changed due to the general trends of globalization changing the enterprise landscapes in which products are realized. The access to partners and suppliers with high technological specialization has also led to an increased specialization of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Furthermore, the products are becoming increasingly complex with a high functional and technological content and many variants. Combined with shorter lifecycles which require reuse of technologies and solutions, this has resulted in an overall increased knowledge intensity which necessitates a more explicit approach towards knowledge and knowledge management in product development. In parallel, methods and IT tools for managing knowledge have been developed and are more accessible and usable today. One such approach is knowledge-based engineering (KBE), a term that was coined in the mid-1980s as a label for applications which automate the design of rule-driven geometries. In this thesis the term KBE embraces the capture and application of engineering knowledge to automate engineering tasks, regardless of domain of application, and the thesis aims at contributing to a wider utilization of KBE in product development (PD). The thesis focuses on two perspectives of KBE; as a process improvement IT method and as a knowledge management (KM) method. In the first perspective, the lack of explicit regard for the constraints of the product lifecycle management (PLM) architecture, which governs the interaction of processes and IT in PD, has been identified to negatively affect the utilization of KBE in PD processes. In the second perspective, KM theories and models can complement existing methods for identifying potential for KBE applications.Regarding the first perspective, it is concluded that explicit regard for the PLM architecture decreases the need to develop and maintain software code related to hard coded redundant data and functions in the KBE application. The concept of service oriented architecture (SOA) has been found to enable an the explicit regard for the PLM architecture.. Regarding the second perspective, it is concluded that potential for KBE applications is indicated by: 1.) application of certain types of knowledge in PD processes 2.) high maturity and formalization of the applied knowledge 3.) a codification strategy for KM and 4.) an agreement and transparency regarding how the knowledge is applied, captured and transferred. It is also concluded that the formulation of explicit KM strategies in PD should be guided by knowledge application and its relation to strategic objectives focusing on types of knowledge, their role in the PD process and the methods and tools for their application. These, in turn, affect the methods and tools deployed for knowledge capture in order for it to integrate with the processes of knowledge origin. Finally, roles and processes for knowledge transfer have to be transparent to assure the motivation of individuals to engage in the KM strategy

    Data-based sustainability performance assessment in product development with maturity model

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    Abstract. Including sustainability into product development process is one of the key challenges what manufacturing companies are facing today. The objective of this research is to understand what sustainability means in product development and how companies could improve their performance in it. This is constructive research by its nature, it combines a quantitative online survey and data analysis with a qualitative analysis based on semi-structured interviews and themed written answers. This research obtained the following main conclusions: (1) companies can increase their sustainability performance in product development by i) setting sustainability policy and targets which are clear and measurable, ii) increasing stakeholder collaboration during product development process and iii) ensuring strict and uniform data policy. (2) The most significant pain points were i) a company-specific understanding what sustainability means in product development, ii) ability to define and measure component level sustainability effects, iii) and finding balance with customer expectations and viable business. (3) Finnish manufacturing companies sustainability performance in product development is succeeding in more conceptual level but clear deficiencies are observed in practical level. (4) Key characteristics of sustainable product development are: i) it is internally driven and proactive, ii) it considers whole product and process life cycle, and iii) its performance is evaluated as combination of economic, environmental and social sustainability dimensions.Dataan perustuva kestävän kehityksen suorituskyvyn arviointi tuotekehityksessä kypsyysmallilla. Tiivistelmä. Vastuullisuuden sisällyttäminen tuotekehitysprosessiin on yksi keskeisistä haasteista, jonka valmistavan teollisuuden yritysten on kohdattava nykyään. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää, mitä vastuullisuus tarkoittaa tuotekehityksessä ja miten yritykset voivat parantaa siihen liittyvää suorituskykyään. Tämä on luonteeltaan rakentava tutkimus, joka yhdistää kvantitatiivisen verkkokyselyn ja data-analyysin, sekä kvalitatiiviseen analyysiin, joka perustuu puolistrukturoituihin haastatteluihin ja teemoitettuihin kirjallisiin vastauksiin. Tästä tutkimuksesta saadut keskeisimmät johtopäätökset olivat seuraavat: (1) yritykset voivat parantaa vastuullisuuden suorituskykyään tuotekehityksessä i) määrittelemällä vastuullisuuspolitiikan ja -tavoitteet, jotka ovat selkeitä ja mitattavia, ii) lisäämällä sidosryhmien välistä yhteistyötä tuotekehitysprosessin aikana ja iii) varmistamalla tiukan ja yhtenäisen datapolitiikan. (2) Merkittävimmät haasteet olivat i) yrityskohtainen ymmärrys siitä, mitä vastuullisuus tarkoittaa tuotekehityksessä, ii) kyky määritellä ja mitata komponenttitason vastuullisuusvaikutuksia, iii) sekä tasapainon löytäminen asiakkaiden odotusten ja kannattavan liiketoiminnan kanssa. (3) Suomalaisten valmistavan teollisuuden yritysten vastuullisuuden suorituskyky tuotekehityksessä onnistuu käsitteellisemmällä tasolla, mutta käytännön tasolla on havaittavissa selviä puutteita. (4) Vastuullisen tuotekehityksen keskeiset ominaisuudet ovat: i) se on sisäisesti ohjautuva ja ennakoiva, ii) se ottaa huomioon tuotteen ja prosessin koko elinkaaren ja iii) sen suorituskykyä arvioidaan taloudellisen, ympäristöllisen ja sosiaalisen vastuullisuusulottuvuuden yhdistelmänä

    Knowledge-based Engineering in Product Development Processes - Process, IT and Knowledge Management perspectives

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    Product development as a field of practice and research has significantly changed due to the general trends of globalization changing the enterprise landscapes in which products are realized. The access to partners and suppliers with high technological specialization has also led to an increased specialization of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Furthermore, the products are becoming increasingly complex with a high functional and technological content and many variants. Combined with shorter lifecycles which require reuse of technologies and solutions, this has resulted in an overall increased knowledge intensity which necessitates a more explicit approach towards knowledge and knowledge management in product development. In parallel, methods and IT tools for managing knowledge have been developed and are more accessible and usable today. One such approach is knowledge-based engineering (KBE), a term that was coined in the mid-1980s as a label for applications which automate the design of rule-driven geometries. In this thesis the term KBE embraces the capture and application of engineering knowledge to automate engineering tasks, regardless of domain of application, and the thesis aims at contributing to a wider utilization of KBE in product development (PD). The thesis focuses on two perspectives of KBE; as a process improvement IT method and as a knowledge management (KM) method. In the first perspective, the lack of explicit regard for the constraints of the product lifecycle management (PLM) architecture, which governs the interaction of processes and IT in PD, has been identified to negatively affect the utilization of KBE in PD processes. In the second perspective, KM theories and models can complement existing methods for identifying potential for KBE applications.Regarding the first perspective, it is concluded that explicit regard for the PLM architecture decreases the need to develop and maintain software code related to hard coded redundant data and functions in the KBE application. The concept of service oriented architecture (SOA) has been found to enable an the explicit regard for the PLM architecture.. Regarding the second perspective, it is concluded that potential for KBE applications is indicated by: 1.) application of certain types of knowledge in PD processes 2.) high maturity and formalization of the applied knowledge 3.) a codification strategy for KM and 4.) an agreement and transparency regarding how the knowledge is applied, captured and transferred. It is also concluded that the formulation of explicit KM strategies in PD should be guided by knowledge application and its relation to strategic objectives focusing on types of knowledge, their role in the PD process and the methods and tools for their application. These, in turn, affect the methods and tools deployed for knowledge capture in order for it to integrate with the processes of knowledge origin. Finally, roles and processes for knowledge transfer have to be transparent to assure the motivation of individuals to engage in the KM strategy

    Challenges in Product Lifecycle Management - Evidence from the Automotive Supply Industry

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    Against the backdrop of a steady shift in value added from the automotive original equipment manufacturers to the automotive suppliers, product lifecycle management in the automotive supply industry gains importance. Prior literature has acknowledged product lifecycle management as paradigm for manufacturing industries, yet little is known about the specific characteristics and boundary conditions in this emerging industry branch. Grounded on extensive empirical evidence from a typical and revelatory case study at a global leader for mechatronic assemblies, this exploratory paper identifies, visualizes, and discusses challenges in product lifecycle management in the automotive supply industry. With the limitation of an exploratory and interpretive single-case study approach, we (1) supply scholars and practitioners with grounded, stakeholder-related insights and (2) link the field of product lifecycle management with information systems

    Product lifecycle management in degree level teaching with Teamcenter PLM software

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    Despite the situation that product lifecycle management is heavily used in Finnish manufacturing industry, some Finnish educational institutions have not implemented practical PLM system functionalities into educational program. Common situation among educational institutions is that PLM training is mainly theoretical. Even when PLM software is implemented it is mainly used as data storage system. However, PLM system is much more than data storage. The lack of effective product lifecycle management training environment influences negatively to graduated students PLM skills. Increased communication, control of processes and single source of information are main benefits of a PLM system. This research studies the most relevant focus areas in Product lifecycle Management theoretical and practical teaching based on the requirements gathered from Finnish Manufacturing Industry. This research is focusing on the most important theoretical PLM focus areas, but also the most common practical PLM applications, processes and use cases in Finnish manufacturing industry. Based on the requirements of Finnish Manufacturing Industry, Teamcenter PLM software is implemented and configured to support practical degree level teaching. Research clarifies the current PLM knowledge of graduated students and gives recommendations about degree level PLM teaching arrangements. Both theoretical and practical teaching are considered. Based on the findings gathered from 35 Finnish manufacturing companies, relevant PLM use cases, processes and application are implemented to support Product Lifecycle management education with Teamcenter PLM software. Furthermore, the importance of different theoretical PLM topics is clarified based on the opinions of PLM professionals. This study utilizes design science research method to gather empirical data from different manufacturing companies. The foundation of PLM research presented in literature review provides the framework for this study. These studies provide the background information about PLM and how the implementation of PLM system can provide business benefits. This research proposes configured Teamcenter PLM environment for Finnish educational institutions to serve as a foundation of PLM system. Furthermore, the suggested PLM artifact is demonstrated, evaluated and communicated to specified target audience.Tuotteen elinkaaren hallinnan käyttö Suomalaisessa valmistavassa teollisuudessa on lisääntynyt viime vuosina merkittävästi. Käytön laajentumisesta huolimatta Suomen korkeakoulut eivät ole vielä täysin ottaneet käyttöön ohjelmistopohjaista käytännön opetusta. Yleinen tilanne on, että tuotteen elinkaaren hallintaa opetataan vain teoria tasolla, ja vaikka tuotetiedonhallinta ohjelmisto olisikin käyttöönotettu, se toimii pääasiassa datan tallennuspaikkana. Tuotteen elinkaaren hallinta ohjelmiston opetuksen puute vaikuttaa negatiivisesti valmistuvien opiskelijoiden PLM osaamiseen. PLM järjestelmän etuja ovat lisääntynyt kommunikaatio, kontrolloidut prosessit ja yhteinen tiedonlähde. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy löytämään merkityksellisimmät fokus alueet tuotteen elinkaaren hallinnan teoria opetuksessa ja käytännön opetuksessa. Tulokset perustuvat aineistoon joka on kerätty Suomalaisen valmistavan teollisuuden PLM asiantuntijoilta. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy merkittävimpiin ja tärkeimpiin PLM teoria alueisiin, mutta myös Suomen valmistavassa teollisuudessa käytetyimpiin PLM järjestelmän aplikaatioihin, prosesseihin ja käyttötapauksiin. Teamcenter PLM järjestelmä käyttöönotetaan ja konfiguroidaan tukemaan korkeakoulu opetusta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään tämän hetkinen valmistuvien opiskelijoiden tietämys ja annetaan suosituksia kuinka PLM opetus tulisi järjestää Suomen korkeakouluissa. Sekä teoria opetus, että käytännön opetus on huomioitu tukimuksessa. Tärkeimmät Teamcenter PLM järjestelmän ominaisuudet käyttöönotetaan ja konfiguroidaan opetuksen tueksi. Järjestelmän vaatimukset perustuvat 35:een Suomen valmistavassa teollisuudessa toimivan yrityksen vaatimuksiin. Tärkeimmät Teamcenter PLM ohjelmiston ominaisuudet, prosessit ja käyttötapaukset huomioidaan tutkimuksessa. Teoreettisen opetuksen tärkeimmät osa-alueet selvitetään kyselyn avulla Suomen valmistavan teollisuuden PLM asiantuntijoilta. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään Design Science Research metodia. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on kirjallisuus analyysi, joka antaa taustatietoa tukimukselle. Tässä tutkimuksessa annetaan suosituksia PLM opetuksen järjestämisestä Suomen korkeakouluissa, sekä suositellaan Teamcenter PLM ohjelmiston käyttöönottoa ja konfigurointia tukemaan tuotteen elinkaaren hallinnan opetusta