80 research outputs found

    Discourje: Runtime verification of communication protocols in clojure

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    This paper presents Discourje: a runtime verification framework for communication protocols in Clojure. Discourje guarantees safety of protocol implementations relative to specifications, based on an expressive new version of multiparty session types. The framework has a formal foundation and is itself implemented in Clojure to offer a seamless specification–implementation experience. Benchmarks show Discourje’s overhead can be less than 5% for real/existing concurrent programs

    Safe sessions of channel actions in Clojure: A tour of the Discourje Project

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    To simplify shared-memory concurrent programming, in addition to low-level synchronisation primitives, several modern programming languages have started to offer core support for higher-level communication primitives as well, in the guise of message passing through channels. Yet, a growing body of evidence suggests that channel-based programming abstractions for shared memory also have their issues. The Discourje project aims to help programmers cope with message-passing concurrency bugs in Clojure programs, based on run-time verification and dynamic monitoring. The idea is that programmers write not only implementations, but also specifications (of sessions of channel actions). Discourje then offers a library to ensure that implementations run safely relative to specifications (= “bad” channel actions never happen). This paper gives a tour of the current state of Discourje, by example; it is intended to serve both as a general overview for readers who are unfamiliar with previous work on Discourje, and as an introduction to new features for readers who are familiar

    Checking-in on Network Functions

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    When programming network functions, changes within a packet tend to have consequences---side effects which must be accounted for by network programmers or administrators via arbitrary logic and an innate understanding of dependencies. Examples of this include updating checksums when a packet's contents has been modified or adjusting a payload length field of a IPv6 header if another header is added or updated within a packet. While static-typing captures interface specifications and how packet contents should behave, it does not enforce precise invariants around runtime dependencies like the examples above. Instead, during the design phase of network functions, programmers should be given an easier way to specify checks up front, all without having to account for and keep track of these consequences at each and every step during the development cycle. In keeping with this view, we present a unique approach for adding and generating both static checks and dynamic contracts for specifying and checking packet processing operations. We develop our technique within an existing framework called NetBricks and demonstrate how our approach simplifies and checks common dependent packet and header processing logic that other systems take for granted, all without adding much overhead during development.Comment: ANRW 2019 ~ https://irtf.org/anrw/2019/program.htm

    Towards gradual multiparty session typing

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    To make concurrent programming easier, languages (e.g., Go, Rust, Clojure) have started to offer core support for message passing through channels in shared memory. However, channels also have their issues. Multiparty session types (MPST) constitute a method to make channel usage simpler. In this paper, to consolidate the best qualities of "static MPST"(early feedback, fast execution) and "dynamic MPST"(high expressiveness), we present a project that reinterprets the MPST method through the lens of gradual typing

    Smart Contracts Contracts

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    This paper explores the connection between software contracts and smart contracts. Despite the assonance, these two terms denote quite different concepts: software contracts are logical properties of software components, while smart contracts are programs executed on blockchains. What is the relation between them? We answer this question by discussing how to integrate software contracts in the design of programming languages for smart contracts

    A Functional, Comprehensive and Extensible Multi-Platform Querying and Transformation Approach

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    This thesis is about a new model querying and transformation approach called FunnyQT which is realized as a set of APIs and embedded domain-specific languages (DSLs) in the JVM-based functional Lisp-dialect Clojure. Founded on a powerful model management API, FunnyQT provides querying services such as comprehensions, quantified expressions, regular path expressions, logic-based, relational model querying, and pattern matching. On the transformation side, it supports the definition of unidirectional model-to-model transformations, of in-place transformations, it supports defining bidirectional transformations, and it supports a new kind of co-evolution transformations that allow for evolving a model together with its metamodel simultaneously. Several properties make FunnyQT unique. Foremost, it is just a Clojure library, thus, FunnyQT queries and transformations are Clojure programs. However, most higher-level services are provided as task-oriented embedded DSLs which use Clojure's powerful macro-system to support the user with tailor-made language constructs important for the task at hand. Since queries and transformations are just Clojure programs, they may use any Clojure or Java library for their own purpose, e.g., they may use some templating library for defining model-to-text transformations. Conversely, like every Clojure program, FunnyQT queries and transformations compile to normal JVM byte-code and can easily be called from other JVM languages. Furthermore, FunnyQT is platform-independent and designed with extensibility in mind. By default, it supports the Eclipse Modeling Framework and JGraLab, and support for other modeling frameworks can be added with minimal effort and without having to modify the respective framework's classes or FunnyQT itself. Lastly, because FunnyQT is embedded in a functional language, it has a functional emphasis itself. Every query and every transformation compiles to a function which can be passed around, given to higher-order functions, or be parametrized with other functions

    Advancing Practical Specification Techniques for Modern Software Systems

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    The pervasive nature of software (and the tendency for it to contain errors) has long been a concern of theoretical computer scientists. Many investigators have endeavored to produce theories, tools, and techniques for verifying the behavior of software systems. One of the most promising lines of research is that of formal specification, which is a subset of the larger field of formal methods. In formal specification, one composes a precise mathematical description of a software system and uses tools and techniques to ensure that the software that has been written conforms to this specification. Examples of such systems are Z notation, the Java Modeling Language, and many others. However, a fundamental problem that plagues this line of research is that the specifications themselves are often costly to produce and difficult to reuse. If the field of formal specification is to advance, we must develop sound techniques for reducing the cost of producing and reusing software specifications. The work presented in this dissertation lays out a path to producing sophisticated, automated tools for inferring large, complex code bases, tools for allowing engineers to share and reuse specifications, and specification languages for specifying information flow policies that can be written separately from program code. This dissertation introduces three main lines of research. First, I discuss a system that facilitates the authoring, sharing, and reuse of software specifications. Next, I discuss a technique which aims to reduce the cost of producing specifications by automatically inferring them. Finally, I discuss a specification language called Evidently which aims to make information flow security policies easier to write, maintain, and enforce by untangling them from the code to which they are applied

    Levels of Decentralization and Trust in Cryptocurrencies: Consensus, Governance and Applications

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    Since the apparition of Bitcoin, decentralization has become an ideal praised almost religiously. Indeed, removing the need for a central authority prevents many forms of abuse that could be performed by a trusted third party, especially when there are no transparency and accountability mechanisms in place. Decentralization is however a very subtle concept that has limits. In this thesis, we look at the decentralization of blockchains at three different levels. First we look at the consensus protocol, which is the heart of any decentralized system. The Nakamoto protocol, used by Bitcoin, has been shown to induce centralization through the shift to mining pools. Additionally, it is heavily criticized for the enormous amount of energy it requires. We propose a protocol, FantĂ´mette, that incorporates incentives at its core and that consumes much less energy than Bitcoin and other proof-of-work based cryptocurrencies. If the consensus protocol makes it possible to decentralize the enforcement of rules in a cryptocurrency, there is still the question of who decides on the rules. Indeed, if a central authority is able to determine what those rules are then the fact that they are enforced in a decentralized way does not make it a decentralized system. We study the governance structure of Bitcoin and Ethereum by making measurements of their GitHub repositories and providing quantitative ways to compare their level of centralization by using appropriate metrics based on centrality measures. Finally, many applications are now built on top of blockchains. These can also induce or straightforwardly lead to centralization, for example by requiring that users register their identities to comply with regulations. We show how identities can be registered on blockchains in a decentralized and privacy-preserving way
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