47 research outputs found

    Freegaming: Mobile, Collaborative, Adaptive and Augmented Exergaming

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    Towards Balancing Fun and Exertion in Exergames: Exploring the Impact of Movement-Based Controller Devices, Exercise Concepts, Game Adaptivity and Player Modes on Player Experience and Training Intensity in Different Exergame Settings

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    Physical inactivity remains one of the biggest societal challenges of the 21st century. The gaming industry and the fitness sector have responded to this alarming fact by introducing game-based or gamified training scenarios and thus established the promising trend of exergaming. Exergames – games controlled by active (whole) body movements – have been extolled as potential attractive and effective training tools. However, the majority of the exergames do not meet the required intensity or effectiveness, nor do they induce the intended training adherence or long-term motivation. One reason for this is that the evaluated exergames were often not co-designed with the user group to meet their specific needs and preferences, nor were they co-designed with an interdisciplinary expert team of game designers (to ensure a good gaming experience) and sports scientists (for a great training experience). Accordingly, the research results from studies with these exergames are rather limited. To fully exploit the potential of these innovative movement tools and to establish them as attractive and effective training approach, it is necessary to understand and explore both the underlying interdisciplinary theories and concepts as well as possible design approaches and their impact on the game and training experience. This dissertation aims to contribute to a better understanding of well-balanced exergame design. It explores and evaluates how different movement-based control devices, exercise concepts, game adaptations, and player modes influence the attractiveness and effectiveness of exergames. The work provides theoretical and practical contributions to the problem area of effective and attractive exergames. For this purpose, a research and development (R&D) approach with iterative phases was followed. As preliminary work for the contributions of this dissertation, exergames were approached from a theoretical perspective. Underlying multidisciplinary theories and concepts of exergames from relevant fields were analyzed and a generic framework was built, which structured the findings based on three interdependent dimensions: the player, the game controller, and the virtual game scenario. Some commercially available exergames were explored to verify the theory-based assumption that the interposition of technology brings specific transformations in the coupling of perception and action that do not occur in real sports situations. Among other things, the comparative pilot study showed that two different controllers (one gesture-based and one haptic device), which allowed for different physical input, were likely to induce diverse gameplay experiences (e.g., higher feeling of flow and self-location when playing with the haptic device) with differently skilled players. However, certain design-specific differences in the two exergame conditions meant that these results could only be interpreted as a first trend. To overcome the limitations of this preliminary study approach (e.g., unequal game design of the commercial exergames and very sports-specific movement concept), Plunder Planet, an adaptive exergame environment, was iteratively designed with and for children and allowed for a single- and cooperative multiplayer experience with two different controller devices. The user-centered design was further informed by insights from the growing body of related R&D work in the field of exergames. The first study presented in this dissertation compared the subjectively experienced attractiveness and effectiveness of Plunder Planet when played with different motion-based controllers. Besides a generally great acceptance of the exergame, it was found that the haptic full-body motion controller provided physical guidance and a more cognitively and coordinatively challenging workout, which was more highly rated by experienced gamers with fewer athletic skills. The gesture-based Kinect sensor felt more natural, allowed more freedom of movement, and provided a rather physically intense but cognitively less challenging workout, which was more highly rated by athletic players with less gameplay experience. Furthermore, experiments were made with an exploratory adaptive algorithm that enabled the cognitive and the physical challenge of the exergame to be manually adapted in real-time based on the player’s fitness and gaming skills. The first and the second study also compared an adaptive with a non-adaptive single player version of Plunder Planet. It could be shown that the (well-balanced) adaptive version of the exergame was better valued than the non-adaptive version with regard to the experienced and measured attractiveness (motivation, game flow, spatial presence experience, balance of cognitive and physical challenge) and effectiveness (heart rate, physical exertion, balance of cognitive and physical challenge) by differently skilled players. Finally, and contrary to the findings from related work, the results of the third study proved that the specifically designed controller technology could be used as an “enabler”, “supporter” and “shaper” of bodily interplay in social exergaming. Based on these promising findings, the goal became to further explore the effectiveness of exergames, refine the adaptive game difficulty algorithm, and explore further attractiveness- and motivation-boosting design approaches. Therefore, the ExerCube, a physically immersive and adaptive fitness game setting, was developed. It was iteratively designed with and for adults and allowed for cooperatively and competitive exergame experiences. With its physically immersive game setup, the ExerCube combines a mixed version of the advantages of both previously tested controllers. A coordinatively and cognitively challenging functional workout protocol with scalable intensity (moderate to high) was developed and the subjective experience of the ExerCube training was compared with a conventional functional training with a personal trainer. The fourth study showed that the game-based training gave signs of reaching a similar intensity to the personal training, but was more highly rated for flow, motivation, and enjoyment. Based on this exploratory comparison of the ExerCube with a personal trainer session, valuable avenues for further design could be identified. Among other things, it could be proved that the player’s focus during the ExerCube session was more on the game than on the own body. Players experienced stronger physical exertion and social pressure with the personal trainer and a stronger cognitive exertion and involvement with the ExerCube. Furthermore, a refined version of the previously tested adaptive game difficulty algorithm was implemented and automated for the first time for purpose of this study. Again it was shown that the adaptive version had benefits with regard to subjectively experienced attractiveness (motivation, game flow, balance of cognitive and physical challenge) and effectiveness (physical exertion, balance of cognitive and physical challenge) compared to the non-adaptive version. In order to further enhance the gaming experience, experiments were also conducted with sound designs and an adaptive audio design with adaptive background music and sound feedback was implemented. It was found to be a promising and beneficial add-on for a user-centered attractive exergame design. To inform the design of a multiplayer version of the ExerCube, different social play mechanics were explored in the fifth study. This resulted in differently balanced experiences of fun, and in physical as well as cognitive exertion. As the preliminary comparative evaluation of the subjectively experienced effectiveness and attractiveness of an ExerCube session and a personal trainer session could prove the general feasibility of the concept and revealed the first indications of the intensity of the ExerCube’s training concept, the objectively measured effectiveness of a single ExerCube session with a functional high-intensity interval training (fHIIT) with a personal trainer was compared in a final sixth study, and after another design iteration. Again, the subjectively experienced attractiveness of both conditions was assessed. It could be shown that the ExerCube is a feasible training device for training at fHIIT-level. While physical exertion was slightly lower than in the conventional fHIIT condition, the ExerCube condition’s average heart rate values reached the fHIIT threshold and also yielded significantly better results for flow, enjoyment, and motivation. The ExerCube training also resulted in a subjectively experienced higher cognitive load (dual-domain training). To sum up, it can be stated that this dissertation provides valuable and fundamental research contributions to the promising field of exergames as attractive and effective training tools. Furthermore, important contributions to design questions in this field could be developed. Since this field is still relatively unexplored, the work presented creates a sound basis for future R&D work in this area

    Korelasi Controller dan Story Terhadap Game Experience pada Exergames

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    Penyebaran Covid-19 mengakibatkan banyak masyarakat harus mengurangi aktivitas diluar, sehingga mengalami kebosanan selama daring, untuk menghindari kejenuhan salah satu aktivitas dilakukan yaitu bermain game.  Pada penelitian ini penulis akan meneliti game olahraga tentang korelasi story dan nonstory serta kontrolernya pada game yang bergenre hampir sama Exergames yaitu Ring Fit Adventure dan Fitness Boxing 2. Penelitian ini akan diuji dengan melakukan pengambilan kuesioner pengalaman kepada 25 responden yakni mahasiswa dengan kisaran umur 18-25 tahun terhadap pengalaman bermain dengan menggunakan metode Core Elements of the Gaming Experience (CEGE) dengan tujuan mempelajari pengalaman bermain game secara objektif. Para responden akan diberi waktu bermain 10 menit setiap permainan. Pengisian kuesioner dengan jumlah 38 pernyataan dengan skala enjoyment, frustration, CEGE, puppetry, video-game. Hasil dari penelitian akan dikelola menggunakan rumus MEAN atau rata-rata dan Standart Deviasi (SD). Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan walaupun tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan, ternyata   pemain lebih dominan nyaman pada game Ring Fit Adventure

    Analysis of the applicability and utility of a gamified didactics with exergames at primary schools: Qualitative findings from a natural experiment

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    One of the main objectives of Physical Education in elementary schools is to encourage motivation so that the subject enhances academic performance and the practice of physical exercise. Didactic research should evaluate the effectiveness of educational methods to know if they are applicable, useful, and in what sense. Exergames are digital motor games that aim to stimulate players'' motor skills. Gamification refers to the use of game-based elements in nongame contexts to motivate actions. This research evaluates a gamified exergaming intervention, designed to improve children''s academic performance by focusing on understanding applicability and usefulness. A natural experiment was set up in schools according to a mixed methods design. The qualitative data herein reported were collected during a natural experiment with a nonrandomized controlled design. The qualitative research design was used with field notes, an open-questions questionnaire, individual semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews. Eight teachers and 417 students took part. A content analysis was chosen as the methodological orientation. The facilitators were the realism of their didactic design and their adaptability to different educational contexts. The main barriers were the required materials and facilities. Teachers and students'' attitudes were very positive, although future use was inconclusive. These findings may imply that this study is one of the few to provide positive evidence for educational gamification. The “Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics” gamification model and the “Just Dance Now” exergame may be applicable and useful for didactics in Physical Education, but all the participants'' suggestions need to be considered to improve teaching interventions

    Contribution of Exergaming Behaviour to Physical Activity: Toward Better Understanding the Role of Motivation

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    Physical activity (PA) is associated with numerous health benefits. Because PA patterns established early in life track into adulthood, it is important that children develop and sustain healthy PA habits. Current guidelines recommend that youth accumulate ≥ 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity PA daily, but many youth do not attain this level. Evaluation of public health interventions that aim to promote PA provide little evidence of sustained positive effects over time. This could relate, at least in part, to interventions lacking a strong conceptual foundation and, in particular, to a lack of underpinnings that recognize the central role of motivation in PA. It is important that effective strategies to increase and sustain healthy PA levels in youth are identified. The Self-Determination Theory is used to explain why people adopt and maintain healthy PA behaviors and posits that sustained PA relates to natural or intrinsic tendencies or motivations to behave in healthy and effective ways. Positive PA experiences in school, at home and in community settings may foster an internal desire or motivation to sustain PA participation simply for its challenges or for enjoyment. Lack of sustained PA among youth could reflect a scarcity of enjoyable PA options that fit with the sophisticated technetronic expectations of youth today. PA interventions must “keep up with the times,” by acknowledging young peoples’ prevailing interests and by incorporating advancements in technology that heighten interest and motivation for PA. Exergaming, a type of non-sedentary videogame that requires players to be physically active in order to attain a series of incrementally challenging goals, is increasingly viewed as an enjoyable PA option among today’s technology-immersed youth. However, although critical to informing the design, implementation and sustainability of exergaming interventions, evidence on exergaming-related motivation, preferences, intentions and sustainability is lacking. Research in this domain is needed to ascertain whether exergaming interventions can help youth become and remain physically active, and which facets of exergaming hold the most promise in sustaining positive PA change. More specifically, using “gamified augmented reality” such as exergaming could help youth attain recommended PA levels and promote sustainable healthy behaviour, while at the same time contributing to enjoyment of PA. The three studies described in this thesis examine motivation and exergaming in-depth using SDT and its tenants as a theoretical guide and a common theme across studies. Thus, the role of motivation and intentions in exergaming behaviour and how they contribute to PA in the general population of youth is a key contribution of this dissertation. Study 1, a review of reviews on exergaming, provides background for the next two studies, each of which was conducted in population-based (as opposed to clinical or experimental) settings. Twenty-five reviews spanning 2009 to 2016 were retained, each of which incorporated between 5 and 100 articles. A positive relationship between exergaming and energy expenditure (EE) was well-documented, but whether exergaming increases PA or changes body composition was not established. There is however, evidence that exergaming (i.e., as a non-sedentary use of screens) is a healthy alternative to sedentary behaviour, that it improves cognitive function, that it is an interesting and enjoyable pastime in youth, that it shows promise as a PA option by adding variety and alternative PA forms in health and dietary interventions and finally that it is likely more health-promoting than traditional videogames because of higher EE and possibly improved physical fitness, body composition and cognitive health. However, more research and specifically, longitudinal studies are needed to assess whether exergaming can be sustained to obtain these benefits over time. Study 2 identified correlates of sustained exergaming. We reported that almost 50% of grade 9 students sustained exergaming for 2-3 years. Study results suggest that in non-clinical settings, exergaming may be a practical approach to help adolescents maintain PA during adolescence. Study 3 examined the psychometric properties of a new scale to assess reasons for exergaming (i.e., the Reasons to Exergame (RTEX) scale). This study also examined whether and how the scale relates to the timing, intensity and duration of past-month exergaming. RTEX items were developed in consultation with PA and exergaming experts and using key exergaming constructs, including PA, general interest in videogames and enjoyment of exergaming. RTEX was found to be a reliable and valid assessment of reasons to exergame. However, further studies should replicate these initial findings in larger, more diverse samples

    Youth and new media: the appeal and educational ramifications of digital game play for children and adolescents.

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    The prevalence of digital media use among children and adolescents is indisputable. One medium to which children and adolescents dedicate a sizeable portion of their time is that of the digital game. Accordingly, digital game play continues to grow as a context for cognitive development. We showcase new research and practice addressing the impact of this very popular activity on children’s and adolescents’ learning. Our goal is to stimulate new research and interest in examining the positive ramifications of digital play for development among today’s youth