47 research outputs found

    Persuasive Technology: Designing Mobile Health Triggers to Impact Health Behavior

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    Persuasive technology is an interactive computer technology designed to alter people’s attitudes or behaviors. Behavior change in mHealth solutions is often promoted through the use of specific messages called triggers. Fogg, in his work, identified three types of triggers: sparks, facilitators and signals. Each trigger is believed to have a different intent. Sparks provide motivation, facilitators support achievement of a goal, and signals provide simple reminders. While these triggers are theoretically distinct, specifications of the message development are absent in the literature. Here, we describe the challenges in implementing the different types of triggers into comparable but distinct messages. We describe the iterative development used to operationalize trigger messages into reliably distinct categories

    The development of the Online Player Type Scale: construct validity and reliability testing

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    The present study outlines the development of the Online Player Type Scale (OPTS) utilizing a motivational taxonomy developed. This taxonomy was comprehensively reviewed to create scale items, and the conceptual framework of the scale was defined. The study group was comprised of 1,479 students attending grades 5 to 8 of a private school. A purposive sampling method was used to recruit the study group, and playing any videogame frequently was the criterion to be included in the sample. The construct validity and reliability testing showed the OPTS comprised four factors: achievement-oriented (ACH), socialization-oriented (SOC), exploration-oriented (EXP), and competition-oriented (COMP). The Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficients and composite reliability coefficients were 0.89 and 0.99 for KIL, 0.83 and 0.98 for EXP, 0.83 and 0.98 for SOC, and 0.94 and 0.99 for ACH. It is concluded that the Online Player Type Scale is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing gaming motivation

    State of Play: A Citation Network Analysis of Healthcare Gamification Studies

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    Researchers and practitioners alike increasingly recognize gamification as a potential tool to evoke desired behaviours in patients, healthcare professionals, and healthy end-users aiming to live a healthier lifestyle. Thus, the number of scientific publications in healthcare gamification is rapidly increasing and due to the interdisciplinary nature of the research field, knowledge about this topic is being scattered over many research communities. Building on a large number of articles on healthcare gamification and utilizing citation network analysis, this study sheds fur-ther light on the extant knowledge on healthcare gamification. Based on our approach, we were able to (1) evaluate essential articles and authors covering the topic, (2) analyse the recent de-velopment of research on healthcare gamification, and (3) identify past research foci and knowledge gaps in our knowledge on healthcare gamification. By doing so, we call for further research on healthcare gamification and provide researchers with potential avenues for future research projects

    Game elements from literature review of gamification in healthcare context

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    Gamification is a conceptual framework to apply game elements and techniques to improve the interesting process in non-game context. Gamification offers the motivation approach to motivate the player to handle the challenge tasks with game mechanics, game dynamics, and components. Nowadays, To discover the set of game elements and techniques from evaluating the existing related research is more opportunity for success in the exciting process. The core objective of this paper is to review the literature by using descriptive statistics of game elements with the review methodology and evaluate the model with multi-label classification with a dataset from this literature examined. The reviewed literature was first coded author-centrally. After each paper was scrutinized for the analysis, the perspective was pivoted, and further analyses were conducted concept-centrally. A systematic review has been conducted that proves the wide variety of game elements, being retrieved a total of fifteen terms of game elements from twenty-two selected papers that were screened from a total of eighty-two documents. Only a few terms are used: points, feedback, levels, leaderboards, challenges, badges,  avatars, competition, and cooperation. However, only some can be considered actual elements mechanics and that have not a similar abstraction level. Additionally, the authors examined the relationship between game elements and STD: Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness with a Data mining technique, Multi-label classification to discovery knowledge of game elements. The results indicated that rFerns algorithm provides the lowest Hamming Loss with 4.17%. Furthermore, It shows that Multi-label Rain Forest (rfsrc) in Algorithm adaptation method and Rain Forest (RF) in Problem transformation method provide the same Hamming Loss with 29.17%. Moreover, rFerns algorithm provides the highest accuracy with 87.5% for Competence, and 100% for Autonomy and Relatedness. Furthermore, It shows that Multi-label Rain Forest (rfsrc) in Algorithm adaptation method and Rain Forest (RF) in Problem transformation method provide the same Accuracy with 87.5% for Competence, and 62.5% for Autonomy and Relatedness. The results from this study will be used to design a gamified system in a healthcare context to promote physical activity


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    Many organizations struggle to measure, control, and manage agility in a manner of continuous improvement. Therefore, we draw on Design Science Research to develop and test a tool for Continuously Assessing and Improving Agile Practices (CAIAP). CAIAP helps agile practitioners to monitor the alignment of “as is” agile practices on individual, team levels with the overall agile strategy of the organization. To develop CAIAP, we first empirically gather requirements, draw on the ICAP framework to base the tool development on a solid conceptual and theoretical basis. CAIAP helps agile practitioners to constantly monitor their agile practices on individual and team levels and to identify areas for improvement to gain greater organizational agility. To researchers, CAIAP helps to make the unit of analysis of agile work explainable, predictable and helps researchers to guide their own empirical research as well as serve as a basis for designing further tool support