8,333 research outputs found

    Procedure for definition of end-effector orientation in planar surfaces robot applications

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    Razvoj moćnih metoda za programiranje robota koje su ujedno i korisnički prilagođene je tema značajnih istraživanja u robotskoj zajednici. Radi olakšavanja programiranja robota, pojavljuje se ideja o razvoju standardnih procedura za programiranje najčešće prisutnih robotskih zadataka, a koje se mogu univerzalno lako upotrebiti kao gotov deo (ready-made) korisničkog programa. Važna klasa aplikacija industrijskih robota podrazumeva kretanje hvatača (end-effector) u paralelnim ravnima. U ovom radu je prikazan razvoj procedure jezika za programiranje robota koja služi za određivanje normale ravni objekta u odnosu na koordinatni sistem od značaja, kao i osnova procedure za automatizovani postupak programiranja orijentacije hvatača u odnosu na ravan objekta. Ova procedura se može koristiti kao integralni deo task oriented metoda programiranja robota, a takođe kao i procedura eksplicitnog robotskog programskog jezika, i ilustrovana je kroz praktični primer na robotu Lola 15.Design of user-friendly and at the same time powerful robot programming methods is the subject of significant efforts undertaken by the international robotics community. For the purpose of facilitating robot programming, with regard to the most common present-day applications in industry, it would be useful to develop programming procedures for frequently used manipulator tasks which could be easily implemented and used as ready-made application software. Important class of industrial robot applications involves end-effector trajectories in planar surfaces. Development of robot programming language procedure intended for determination of object plane normal with respect to frame of interest, as well as programming of end-effector orientation is presented in this paper. This procedure can be used as integral part of task oriented robot programing applications as well as a procedure for explicit programming languages, and it is illustrated in practical example with the robot Lola 15

    Procedure for definition of end-effector orientation in planar surfaces robot applications

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    Razvoj moćnih metoda za programiranje robota koje su ujedno i korisnički prilagođene je tema značajnih istraživanja u robotskoj zajednici. Radi olakšavanja programiranja robota, pojavljuje se ideja o razvoju standardnih procedura za programiranje najčešće prisutnih robotskih zadataka, a koje se mogu univerzalno lako upotrebiti kao gotov deo (ready-made) korisničkog programa. Važna klasa aplikacija industrijskih robota podrazumeva kretanje hvatača (end-effector) u paralelnim ravnima. U ovom radu je prikazan razvoj procedure jezika za programiranje robota koja služi za određivanje normale ravni objekta u odnosu na koordinatni sistem od značaja, kao i osnova procedure za automatizovani postupak programiranja orijentacije hvatača u odnosu na ravan objekta. Ova procedura se može koristiti kao integralni deo task oriented metoda programiranja robota, a takođe kao i procedura eksplicitnog robotskog programskog jezika, i ilustrovana je kroz praktični primer na robotu Lola 15.Design of user-friendly and at the same time powerful robot programming methods is the subject of significant efforts undertaken by the international robotics community. For the purpose of facilitating robot programming, with regard to the most common present-day applications in industry, it would be useful to develop programming procedures for frequently used manipulator tasks which could be easily implemented and used as ready-made application software. Important class of industrial robot applications involves end-effector trajectories in planar surfaces. Development of robot programming language procedure intended for determination of object plane normal with respect to frame of interest, as well as programming of end-effector orientation is presented in this paper. This procedure can be used as integral part of task oriented robot programing applications as well as a procedure for explicit programming languages, and it is illustrated in practical example with the robot Lola 15

    A gentle transition from Java programming to Web Services using XML-RPC

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    Exposing students to leading edge vocational areas of relevance such as Web Services can be difficult. We show a lightweight approach by embedding a key component of Web Services within a Level 3 BSc module in Distributed Computing. We present a ready to use collection of lecture slides and student activities based on XML-RPC. In addition we show that this material addresses the central topics in the context of web services as identified by Draganova (2003)

    Cyber-Physical Production Testbed: Literature Review and Concept Development

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    Many researchers use virtual and simulation-based testbed technology for research in production and maintenance optimization. Although, the virtual environment produces good results, it cannot imitate the unexpected changes that occur in actual production. There are very few physical testbeds emulating actual production environment. The aim of this paper is to present a concept of a cyber-physical production testbed based on review of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) testbeds in research. The testbed consists of a semi-automatic production line equipped with system monitoring tools, data analysis capabilities and commercial software. This testbed will be used for demonstration of data acquisition for production and maintenance prioritization. Additionally, the testbed will be used for research in IoT platforms for production optimization

    The Penetration of Internet of Things in Robotics: Towards a Web of Robotic Things

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    As the Internet of Things (IoT) penetrates different domains and application areas, it has recently entered also the world of robotics. Robotics constitutes a modern and fast-evolving technology, increasingly being used in industrial, commercial and domestic settings. IoT, together with the Web of Things (WoT) could provide many benefits to robotic systems. Some of the benefits of IoT in robotics have been discussed in related work. This paper moves one step further, studying the actual current use of IoT in robotics, through various real-world examples encountered through a bibliographic research. The paper also examines the potential ofWoT, together with robotic systems, investigating which concepts, characteristics, architectures, hardware, software and communication methods of IoT are used in existing robotic systems, which sensors and actions are incorporated in IoT-based robots, as well as in which application areas. Finally, the current application of WoT in robotics is examined and discussed

    Development of an open access system for remote operation of robotic manipulators

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáExploring the realms of research, training, and learning in the field of robotic systems poses obstacles for institutions lacking the necessary infrastructure. The significant investment required to acquire physical robotic systems often limits access and hinders progress in these areas. While robotic simulation platforms provide a virtual environment for experimentation, the potential of remote robotic environments surpasses this by enabling users to interact with real robotic systems during training and research activities. This way, users, including students and researchers, can engage in a virtual experience that transcends geographical boundaries, connecting them to real-world robotic systems though the Internet. By bridging the gap between virtual and physical worlds, remote environments offer a more practical and immersive experience, and open up new horizons for collaborative research and training. Democratizing access to these technologies means empower educational institutions and research centers to engage in practical and handson learning experiences. However, the implementation of remote robotic environments comes with its own set of technical challenges: communication, security, stability and access. In light of these challenges, a ROS-based system has been developed, providing open access with promising results (low delay and run-time visualization). This system enables remote control of robotic manipulators and has been successfully validated through the remote operation of a real UR3 manipulator.Explorar as áreas de pesquisa, treinamento e aprendizado no campo de sistemas robóticos apresenta obstáculos para instituições que não possuem a infraestrutura necessária. O investimento significativo exigido para adquirir sistemas robóticos físicos muitas vezes limita o acesso e dificulta o progresso nessas áreas. Embora as plataformas de simulação robótica forneçam um ambiente virtual para experimentação, o potencial dos ambientes robóticos remotos vai além disso, permitindo que os usuários interajam com sistemas robóticos reais durante atividades de treinamento e pesquisa. Dessa forma, os usuários, incluindo estudantes e pesquisadores, podem participar de uma experiência virtual que transcende as fronteiras geográficas, conectando-os a sistemas robóticos do mundo real por meio da Internet. Ao estabelecer uma ponte entre os mundos virtual e físico, os ambientes remotos oferecem uma experiência mais prática e imersiva, abrindo novos horizontes para a pesquisa colaborativa e o treinamento. Democratizar o acesso a essas tecnologias significa capacitar instituições educacionais e centros de pesquisa a se envolverem em experiências práticas e de aprendizado prático. No entanto, a implementação de ambientes robóticos remotos traz consigo um conjunto próprio de desafios técnicos: comunicação, segurança, estabilidade e acesso. Diante desses desafios, foi desenvolvida uma plataforma baseada em ROS, oferecendo acesso aberto com resultados promissores (baixo delay e visualização em run-time). Essa plataforma possibilita o controle remoto de manipuladores robóticos e foi validada com sucesso por meio da operação remota de um manipulador UR3 real

    Algoritmo de planificación de movimiento para un robot móvil con un sistema de visión artificial inteligente

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    Este estudio está dedicado a los desafíos de la planificación del movimiento para robots móviles con sistemas inteligentes de visión artificial. La planificación del movimiento para robots móviles en un entorno con obstáculos es un problema con el que lidiar al crear robots adecuados para operar en condiciones del mundo real. Las soluciones que se encuentran en la actualidad son predominantemente privadas y altamente especializadas, lo que impide juzgar qué tan exitosas son para resolver el problema de la planificación eficaz del movimiento. Ya existen soluciones con un campo de aplicación estrecho y ya se están desarrollando durante mucho tiempo, sin embargo, aún no se han observado avances importantes. Solo se puede observar una mejora sistemática en las características de tales sistemas. El propósito de este estudio: desarrollar e investigar un algoritmo de planificación de movimiento para un robot móvil con un sistema de visión artificial inteligente. El tema de investigación de este artículo es un algoritmo de planificación de movimiento para un robot móvil con un sistema de visión artificial inteligente. Este estudio proporciona una revisión de robots móviles nacionales y extranjeros que resuelven el problema de planificación de movimiento en un entorno conocido con obstáculos desconocidos. Se consideran los siguientes métodos de navegación para robots móviles: local, global, individual. En el transcurso del trabajo e investigación se ha construido un prototipo de robot móvil, capaz de reconocer obstáculos de formas geométricas regulares, así como planificar y corregir la trayectoria del movimiento. Los objetos del entorno se identifican y clasifican como obstáculos mediante métodos y algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes digitales. La distancia al obstáculo y el ángulo relativo se calculan mediante métodos de fotogrametría, la calidad de la imagen se mejora mediante la mejora del contraste lineal y el filtrado lineal óptimo utilizando la ecuación de Wiener-Hopf. Se han revisado las herramientas virtuales, relacionadas con las pruebas de algoritmos de movimiento de robots móviles, lo que nos llevó a seleccionar el paquete de software Webots para las pruebas de prototipos. Los resultados de las pruebas nos permitieron sacar las siguientes conclusiones. El robot móvil identificó con éxito el obstáculo, planificó una ruta de acuerdo con el algoritmo de evitación de obstáculos y continuó avanzando hacia el destino. Se han extraído conclusiones con respecto a la investigación concluida

    Algoritmo de planificación de movimiento para un robot móvil con un sistema de visión artificial inteligente

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    This study is devoted to the challenges of motion planning for mobile robots with smart machine vision systems. Motion planning for mobile robots in the environment with obstacles is a problem to deal with when creating robots suitable for operation in real-world conditions. The solutions found today are predominantly private, and are highly specialized, which prevents judging of how successful they are in solving the problem of effective motion planning. Solutions with a narrow application field already exist and are being already developed for a long time, however, no major breakthrough has been observed yet. Only a systematic improvement in the characteristics of such systems can be noted. The purpose of this study: develop and investigate a motion planning algorithm for a mobile robot with a smart machine vision system. The research subject for this article is a motion planning algorithm for a mobile robot with a smart machine vision system. This study provides a review of domestic and foreign mobile robots that solve the motion planning problem in a known environment with unknown obstacles. The following navigation methods are considered for mobile robots: local, global, individual. In the course of work and research, a mobile robot prototype has been built, capable of recognizing obstacles of regular geometric shapes, as well as plan and correct the movement path. Environment objects are identified and classified as obstacles by means of digital image processing methods and algorithms. Distance to the obstacle and relative angle are calculated by photogrammetry methods, image quality is improved by linear contrast enhancement and optimal linear filtering using the Wiener-Hopf equation. Virtual tools, related to mobile robot motion algorithm testing, have been reviewed, which led us to selecting Webots software package for prototype testing. Testing results allowed us to make the following conclusions. The mobile robot has successfully identified the obstacle, planned a path in accordance with the obstacle avoidance algorithm, and continued moving to the destination. Conclusions have been drawn regarding the concluded research.Este estudio está dedicado a los desafíos de la planificación del movimiento para robots móviles con sistemas inteligentes de visión artificial. La planificación del movimiento para robots móviles en un entorno con obstáculos es un problema con el que lidiar al crear robots adecuados para operar en condiciones del mundo real. Las soluciones que se encuentran en la actualidad son predominantemente privadas y altamente especializadas, lo que impide juzgar qué tan exitosas son para resolver el problema de la planificación eficaz del movimiento. Ya existen soluciones con un campo de aplicación estrecho y ya se están desarrollando durante mucho tiempo, sin embargo, aún no se han observado avances importantes. Solo se puede observar una mejora sistemática en las características de tales sistemas. El propósito de este estudio: desarrollar e investigar un algoritmo de planificación de movimiento para un robot móvil con un sistema de visión artificial inteligente. El tema de investigación de este artículo es un algoritmo de planificación de movimiento para un robot móvil con un sistema de visión artificial inteligente. Este estudio proporciona una revisión de robots móviles nacionales y extranjeros que resuelven el problema de planificación de movimiento en un entorno conocido con obstáculos desconocidos. Se consideran los siguientes métodos de navegación para robots móviles: local, global, individual. En el transcurso del trabajo e investigación se ha construido un prototipo de robot móvil, capaz de reconocer obstáculos de formas geométricas regulares, así como planificar y corregir la trayectoria del movimiento. Los objetos del entorno se identifican y clasifican como obstáculos mediante métodos y algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes digitales. La distancia al obstáculo y el ángulo relativo se calculan mediante métodos de fotogrametría, la calidad de la imagen se mejora mediante la mejora del contraste lineal y el filtrado lineal óptimo utilizando la ecuación de Wiener-Hopf. Se han revisado las herramientas virtuales, relacionadas con las pruebas de algoritmos de movimiento de robots móviles, lo que nos llevó a seleccionar el paquete de software Webots para las pruebas de prototipos. Los resultados de las pruebas nos permitieron sacar las siguientes conclusiones. El robot móvil identificó con éxito el obstáculo, planificó una ruta de acuerdo con el algoritmo de evitación de obstáculos y continuó avanzando hacia el destino. Se han extraído conclusiones con respecto a la investigación concluida

    Didactic experiences involving mobile robotics having microfactory as context

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    In this paper an analysis of MicroFactory is carried out and the potential for generating a diversified set of didactic experiences based on it is evaluated. MicroFactory is a robotic competition based on a previously existing competition called Robot@Factory. Robot@Factory is a Portuguese robotic competition whose first edition was held in 2011 in Lisbon. The scenario of the competition simulates a factory which has two warehouses, and 8 processing machines. The flow of the materials inside the factory starts at the Incoming Warehouse and ends at the Outgoing Warehouse, eventually passing through one or more processing machines. The robots must collect, transport and position the materials along the process, having to self-localize and navigate while avoiding collisions with walls, obstacles and other robots. There is the option of following predefined tracks present on the floor to ease the navigation problem. Robot@Factory poses challenges like dynamic task scheduling, robot cooperation, trajectory planning, robot navigation with obstacle avoidance, robot self-localization and materials identification and manipulation. Related research contributes to improve AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicle systems) technology. Presently this competition is integrated in Festival Nacional de Robótica, a yearly event which attracts lots of public, contributing also to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) popularization. MicroFactory was conceived to be low-cost and easily implementable in a small space, be it a classroom or the school robotics club. The ground area of the factory scenario was reduced to approximately one ninth of its original value. The scenario materials were simplified – the floor is now an A0 printed sheet and the warehouses and machines dimensions are so that they can be 3D printed or made out of LEGOTM bricks; both machines and parts had active elements with LEDs and now they are passive. Besides the competition scenario it was also conceived an official robot for the competition. It’s a 3D printed robot, based on Arduino and cheap common electronic parts. The creation of this competition is part of a wider Open Source project, aiming to develop project-based collaborative didactic experiences involving robotics and low-cost 3D printed educational robots based on generic electronics to support those experiences. Currently efforts are being dedicated to the inclusion of more sensors in the competition robot, namely low-cost distance sensors and a weight sensor at the claws, the inclusion of different kinds of motors, the development of a new version of the robot incorporating a Raspberry Pi board, the development of a very precise robot localization system, and the conception of a diversified set of didactic experiences based on the MicroFactory competition. This article presents an analysis of MicroFactory and of its inherent challenges. Through this analysis it will be possible to identify topics that can be taught and learned while developing robots to participate in the competition, and to collect elements that will be very useful in the planning and implementation of didactic experiences that work those topics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio