3 research outputs found

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Ensemble for Detecting Anomaly in Telemetry Water Level Data

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    Water levels in rivers are measured by various devices installed mostly in remote locations along the rivers, and the collected data are then transmitted via telemetry systems to a data centre for further analysis and utilisation, including producing early warnings for risk situations. So, the data quality is essential. However, the devices in the telemetry station may malfunction and cause errors in the data, which can result in false alarms or missed true alarms. Finding these errors requires experienced humans with specialised knowledge, which is very time-consuming and also inconsistent. Thus, there is a need to develop an automated approach. In this paper, we firstly investigated the applicability of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The testing results show that whilst they are more accurate than some other machine learning models, particularly in identifying unknown anomalies, they lacked consistency. Therefore, we proposed an ensemble approach that combines DRL models to improve consistency and also accuracy. Compared with other models, including Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), our ensemble models are not only more accurate in most cases, but more importantly, more reliable

    Real-Time Prediction and Decision Making in Connected and Automated Vehicles Under Cyber-Security and Safety Uncertainties

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    Our current transportation system is on the brink of transforming into a highly connected,automated, and intelligent system as a result of the rapid emergence of connected andautomated vehicles (CAVs). CAVs, with various levels of automation, are expected toincrease overall road safety, reduce travel time, improve comfort, improve fuel efficiency, anddecrease fatal accidents in the near future. CAVs use a combination of cameras, ultrasonicsensors, and radar to build a digital map of their surroundings and operate the vehicleaccordingly. As a result, there are numerous sources of information that can be manipulated,with malicious or non-malicious intent, which may result in dangerous situations. Althoughthe ever-increasing use of CAV technologies in vehicles are expected to have numerousadvantages, they can give rise to new challenges in terms of safety, security, and privacy.As evident by recent crash records and experiments successfully conducting cyber attacks onvehicles, the currently available autonomous systems lack the ability to fully handle novel,complex situations. Hence, the potential drawbacks of CAVs are not negligible and shouldnot be ignored. In this study, we investigate the real-time prediction and decision makingin CAVs under cyber-security and safety uncertainties

    Featured Anomaly Detection Methods and Applications

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    Anomaly detection is a fundamental research topic that has been widely investigated. From critical industrial systems, e.g., network intrusion detection systems, to people’s daily activities, e.g., mobile fraud detection, anomaly detection has become the very first vital resort to protect and secure public and personal properties. Although anomaly detection methods have been under consistent development over the years, the explosive growth of data volume and the continued dramatic variation of data patterns pose great challenges on the anomaly detection systems and are fuelling the great demand of introducing more intelligent anomaly detection methods with distinct characteristics to cope with various needs. To this end, this thesis starts with presenting a thorough review of existing anomaly detection strategies and methods. The advantageous and disadvantageous of the strategies and methods are elaborated. Afterward, four distinctive anomaly detection methods, especially for time series, are proposed in this work aiming at resolving specific needs of anomaly detection under different scenarios, e.g., enhanced accuracy, interpretable results, and self-evolving models. Experiments are presented and analysed to offer a better understanding of the performance of the methods and their distinct features. To be more specific, the abstracts of the key contents in this thesis are listed as follows: 1) Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) is investigated as a primary method to fulfill accurate anomaly detection. The applicability of SVDD over noisy time series datasets is carefully examined and it is demonstrated that relaxing the decision boundary of SVDD always results in better accuracy in network time series anomaly detection. Theoretical analysis of the parameter utilised in the model is also presented to ensure the validity of the relaxation of the decision boundary. 2) To support a clear explanation of the detected time series anomalies, i.e., anomaly interpretation, the periodic pattern of time series data is considered as the contextual information to be integrated into SVDD for anomaly detection. The formulation of SVDD with contextual information maintains multiple discriminants which help in distinguishing the root causes of the anomalies. 3) In an attempt to further analyse a dataset for anomaly detection and interpretation, Convex Hull Data Description (CHDD) is developed for realising one-class classification together with data clustering. CHDD approximates the convex hull of a given dataset with the extreme points which constitute a dictionary of data representatives. According to the dictionary, CHDD is capable of representing and clustering all the normal data instances so that anomaly detection is realised with certain interpretation. 4) Besides better anomaly detection accuracy and interpretability, better solutions for anomaly detection over streaming data with evolving patterns are also researched. Under the framework of Reinforcement Learning (RL), a time series anomaly detector that is consistently trained to cope with the evolving patterns is designed. Due to the fact that the anomaly detector is trained with labeled time series, it avoids the cumbersome work of threshold setting and the uncertain definitions of anomalies in time series anomaly detection tasks