287 research outputs found

    Data Ingredients: smart disclosure and open government data as complementary tools to meet policy objectives. The case of energy efficiency.

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    Open government data are considered a key asset for eGovernment. One could argue that governments can influence other types of data disclosure, as potential ingredients of innovative services. To discuss this assumption, we took the example of the U.S. 'Green Button' initiative – based on the disclosure of energy consumption data to each user – and analysed 36 energy-oriented digital services reusing these and other data, in order to highlight their set of inputs. We find that apps suggesting to a user a more efficient consumption behaviour also benefit from average retail electricity cost/price information; that energy efficiency 'scoring' apps also need, at least, structured and updated information on buildings performance; and that value-added services that derive insights from consumption data frequently rely on average energy consumption information. More in general, most of the surveyed services combine consumption data, open government data, and corporate data. When setting sector-specific agendas grounded on data disclosure, public agencies should therefore consider (contributing) to make available all three layers of information. No widely acknowledged initiatives of energy consumption data disclosure to users are being implemented in the EU. Moreover, browsing EU data portals and websites of public agencies, we find that other key data ingredients are not supplied (or, at least, not as open data), leaving room for possible improvements in this arena

    Portugal: Leapfrogging Digital Transformation

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    This report is structured as follow: Section 1 presents details about Portugal enabling or inhibiting its digital transformation. Section 2 analyzes the main motivations for the digital transformation strategy; Section 3 summarizes its main challenges, while Section 4 presents the main components of the strategy. Section 5 analyzes the governance model, and Section 6, the legal and regulatory framework. Section 7 discusses critical enablers for the digital transformation of government services. Section 8 introduces 16 key initiatives of the strategy. Section 9 summarizes the lessons learnt, followed by an assessment of the strategy’s impact in Section 10. Section 11 synthesizes lessons for Latin American countries. Finally, Appendix A enumerates main legal and regulatory instruments supporting the digital transformation in Portugal, Appendix B presents a set of 18 sections providing details of the initiatives analyzed in the report1, and Appendix C explains how the digital transformation efforts contributed to face the challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemics.Fil: Estevez, Elsa Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Fillottrani, Pablo. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Linares, Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Economía. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Cledou, Maria Guillermina. Universidade do Minho; Portuga

    Mobiiliasiointipalveluiden käyttäjäkeskeinen suunnittelu Namibiassa: Mobiilin henkilökorttihaun ja tunnistautumisen prototypointi

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    The average e-government implementation level in Africa remains low. While many African governments have created e-government strategies and informational government websites, much attention has not yet been paid to implementing socially inclusive and accessible services. Especially in Namibia, where a digital divide is prevalent and income inequality rates are high, creating equal opportunities to access government services is important in order to combat the divide. Offering services on mobile platforms, gathering an understanding of citizens' needs, and designing intuitive user interfaces have been suggested as courses of action for Namibia. It seems that Namibian e-government initiatives would benefit from user-centred design. The aim of this thesis is to explore the opportunities of mobile platforms for delivering citizen-centric e-government services to Namibian citizens, and how a combination of design science and user-centred design might support the creation of such \textit{m-government} services. The subject is approached through a practical design challenge: creating prototypes for two mobile services related to identification (a service for online ID applications, and for digital authentication of individuals). According to the results, mobile platforms hold a multitude of opportunities related to making existing government services more efficient and approachable, and related to the young, urban Namibians' proficiency in mobile use and overall positive perceptions of offering identification services on mobile platforms. For rural communities, m-government services could help reduce the amount of travel related to interacting with the government, but internet coverage remains an issue. The results also indicate that using prototypes can facilitate cross-cultural co-creation of knowledge by helping to establish a mutual understanding of concepts between parties.Sähköisten asiointipalveluiden keskimääräinen taso Afrikassa on yhä matalalla. Vaikka valtionjohto monissa Afrikan maissa on luonut strategioita sähköisten asiointipalveluiden kehittämiseksi ja verkkosivuja tiedotusta varten, paljoakaan huomiota ei ole vielä kiinnitetty sosiaalisesti inklusiivisten ja saavutettavien palveluiden kehittämiseen. Varsinkin Namibiassa, jossa digitaalinen kuilu eri ryhmien välillä on syvä ja tuloerot suuria, on tärkeää luoda asiointipalveluiden käytölle yhtäläiset mahdollisuudet erojen pienentämiseksi. Menettelytavoiksi Namibiassa on ehdotettu palveluiden tarjoamista mobiilialustoilla, tiedonkeruuta kansalaisten tarpeista sekä käyttöliittymien suunnittelua intuitiivisiksi. Vaikuttaa siltä, että projektit voisivat hyötyä käyttäjäkeskeisestä suunnittelusta. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia mobiilialustojen mahdollisuuksia kansalaiskeskeisten sähköisten asiointipalveluiden tarjoamiseksi Namibian kansalaisille, sekä tietojärjestelmätutkimuksen ja käyttäjäkeskeisen suunnittelun yhdistelmän mahdollisuuksia tukea tällaisten mobiiliasiointipalveluiden suunnittelua. Aihetta lähestytään käytännön suunnitteluhaasteen kautta: työssä kehitetään kaksi prototyyppiä henkilöllisyyteen liittyvistä palveluista (yksi sähköistä henkilökorttihakua varten, toinen sähköistä tunnistautumista varten). Tulosten mukaan mobiilialustat tarjoavat monenlaisia mahdollisuuksia nykyisten asiointipalveluiden tehostamiseksi ja kehittämiseksi lähestyttävämmiksi. Mobiilialustojen käyttö on lupaavaa myös siinä mielessä, että nuoret, kaupungeissa asuvat namibialaiset ovat kyvykkäitä mobiilikäyttäjiä ja heidän suhtautumisensa henkilöllisyyteen liittyvien palveluiden tarjoamiseen mobiilialustoilla oli yleisesti ottaen positiivista. Maaseudulla asuvien yhteisöjen osalta mobiiliasiointipalvelut voisivat vähentää julkisten palveluiden käyttöön liittyvää matkustusta, mutta internet-yhteyden saatavuus seuduilla on yhä heikkoa. Tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, että prototyyppien käyttö voi fasilitoida kulttuurienvälistä tiedon yhteisluomista helpottamalla yhteisen konseptuaalisen ymmärryksen syntymistä eri osapuolten välille

    Cloud technology options towards Free Flow of Data

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    This whitepaper collects the technology solutions that the projects in the Data Protection, Security and Privacy Cluster propose to address the challenges raised by the working areas of the Free Flow of Data initiative. The document describes the technologies, methodologies, models, and tools researched and developed by the clustered projects mapped to the ten areas of work of the Free Flow of Data initiative. The aim is to facilitate the identification of the state-of-the-art of technology options towards solving the data security and privacy challenges posed by the Free Flow of Data initiative in Europe. The document gives reference to the Cluster, the individual projects and the technologies produced by them

    Insights on innovation management practices at T-Systems. Analysis of a new business model for identity services on public computer network systems

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb T-Systems International GmbHCatalà: Aquesta monografia identifica elements de gestió de la innovació en una coneguda companyia alemanya del sector TIC (T-Systems International GmbH) i exerceix un anàlisi crític sobre ells a partir de l'estudi d'una iniciativa de negoci denominada Projecte CifraH (Citizen Interoperability Folder for Relationships based on Avatar Hosting per les seves sigles en anglès) originada en T-Systems ITC Iberia SAU, una unitat internacional de la companyia.Castellà: Esta monografía identifica elementos de gestión de la innovación en una conocida compañía alemana del sector TIC (T-Systems International GmbH) y los somete a un análisis crítico a partir del estudio de una iniciativa de negocio denominada Proyecto CifraH (Citizen Interoperability Folder for Relationships based on Avatar Hosting por sus siglas en inglés) llevada a cabo en T-Systems ITC Iberia SAU, una unidad internacional de la compañía.English: This monographic identifies innovation management elements at a major German IT services firm (T-Systems International GmbH) and subjects them to critical analysis through the study of a corporate business initiative known as Project CifraH (Citizen Interoperability Folder for Relationships based on Avatar Hosting) undertaken at an international subsidiary of the company

    Intelligent modeling of e-Government initiatives in Greece

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    Over the last two years Greece has employed agile ICT solutions to reduce the administrative burden in front-office G2B transactions. This research supplements historic analysis with fuzzy cognitive maps to offer a multi-dimensional coupling of eGovernment initiatives with digital maturity assessment capabilities and a strategy alignment evaluation framework. This “intelligent x-ray” confirms that front-office technology is important in reducing administrative burden. The digital bypass of bureaucracy seems to be an effective start for Greece. However, this strategy can only serve as a short-term tactical choice. The “intelligent x-ray” provides executive level quantification and traceable reasoning to show that excessive emphasis on front- office technology will soon fail to support a strong eGovernment maturity. Organizational efficiency, interoperability, regulatory simplifications, and change management must also act as important objectives. Only then will ICT deliver its full potential, and the eGovernment maturity will improve significantly even with moderate ICT investments

    The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO2022) Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens June 15-17, 2022

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    The 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research theme is “Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens”. Data and computational algorithms make systems smarter, but should result in smarter government and citizens. Intelligence and smartness affect all kinds of public values - such as fairness, inclusion, equity, transparency, privacy, security, trust, etc., and is not well-understood. These technologies provide immense opportunities and should be used in the light of public values. Society and technology co-evolve and we are looking for new ways to balance between them. Specifically, the conference aims to advance research and practice in this field. The keynotes, presentations, posters and workshops show that the conference theme is very well-chosen and more actual than ever. The challenges posed by new technology have underscored the need to grasp the potential. Digital government brings into focus the realization of public values to improve our society at all levels of government. The conference again shows the importance of the digital government society, which brings together scholars in this field. Dg.o 2022 is fully online and enables to connect to scholars and practitioners around the globe and facilitate global conversations and exchanges via the use of digital technologies. This conference is primarily a live conference for full engagement, keynotes, presentations of research papers, workshops, panels and posters and provides engaging exchange throughout the entire duration of the conference

    INSPIRE Network Services SOAP Framework

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    The goal of this document is to provide a definition and rationale for a proposed INSPIRE SOAP framework (SOAP nodes policy, RPC, attachments, WS-I, WSDL) and description of issues and solutions for the specific geospatial domain, for example GML handling in SOAP messages or interfaces definition of the OGC specifications.JRC.H.6-Spatial data infrastructure

    Digital Identity Scheme

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 행정대학원 글로벌행정전공, 2023. 2. Junki Kim.디지털 아이덴티티는 디지털 서비스와의 상호작용에서 개인을 고유하게 차별화하는 속성을 의미한다. 따라서 디지털 아이덴티티 전략은 디지털 아이덴티티 라이프사이클을 관리하는 정책, 기술, 조직 및 프로세스의 잘 설계된 집합체이다. 이는 디지털 변환의 필수 요소이며 디지털 신뢰를 강화하기 위한 핵심 요소이다. 그런 맥락에서, 이 논문은 국가 차원에서 디지털 아이덴티티 체계를 관리하는 데 있어 어려움을 이해하는 것을 목표로 한다. 정확성, 포괄성, 안전성, 사용 가능한 디지털 ID의 이점은 공공 및 민간 부문, 아카데미 및 국제 조직에 의해 널리 인식되고 있다. 이와 더불어 COVID-19의 세계적인 확산으로 인해 사회적 거리두기 조치와 비대면 거래가 증가하면서, 우리는 정부와 기업에 의해 개발되는 디지털 인증 플랫폼이 발전하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 그 결과, 대한민국(이하 한국)과 페루와 같은 나라들은 핸드폰, 인공지능, 빅데이터, 상호운용성, 데이터센터와 같은 부상한 기술을 활용하여 식별 및 인증 프로세스의 효율성을 높이기 위해 서로 다른 종류의 이니셔티브와 플랫폼을 개발, 시행하고 있다. 이에 따라 현재까지 정부24를 전자정부 공식포털로, 디지털원패스(Digital ONEPASS)를 디지털인증플랫폼으로 구현해 시민 비대면 인증이 가능하도록 하고 있으며, 주민등록제도(RRS)도 한국 디지털 아이덴티티 제도의 핵심요소로 자리매김하고 있다. 이와 비슷하게 페루의 경우 기존의 전자정부 접근 방식이 디지털 정부라는 새로운 패러다임으로 변모하였다는 것과, 디지털 기술은 더 이상 기술적 문제가 아니라 정치, 법률, 협력적 문제라는 이해를 바탕으로 2018년 디지털 정부가 제정되었다. 디지털 정체성을 강화하기 위해 두 개의 디지털 플랫폼이 시행되고 있는데, 하나는 시민 지향의 단일 디지털 플랫폼(GOB.PE)이며, 다른 하나는 디지털 신원 확인 및 인증을 위한 국가 플랫폼(ID)이다. 두 플랫폼은 정부에 의해 유지되고 개발된다. 이처럼 한국과 페루의 정책 사이에 유사점이 있지만 결과는 다르다. 전자정부개발지수(EDGI)에서 한국은 세계 2위, 페루는 71위, 한국은 디지털 인증 플랫폼이 구현되어 있고, 정부24는 다양한 인증을 사용하고 있다. ONE PASS, KAKAO, 삼성 PASS 등 시민을 위한 간편하고 편리한 인증 방법이 사용된다. 또한 2021년까지 정부24를 통해 온라인으로 접수된 청원은 13202만 5035건에 달하며, 증명서와 문서는 시민이 직접 프린터를 통해 출력했다. 페루의 경우 디지털 아이덴티티 전략은 디지털 정부법이 규제하는 공공부문의 디지털 아이덴티티 프레임워크를 기반으로 정부가 기본적으로 주도하는 진행형 프로세스다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 한국의 디지털 아이덴티티 전략이 개인의 디지털 아이덴티티의 정확성, 포괄성, 보안성 및 사용성을 강화하기 위해 어떤 성과를 내고 있는지 중점적으로 살펴보려고 한다. 우리는 유엔과 경제협력개발기구(OECD)가 사용하는 프레임워크를 적용한 비교 프레임워크를 활용해 유사점과 차이점을 규명할 예정이다. 한국과 페루의 비교 연구를 수행하는 시의적절하다. 왜냐하면 페루는 한국의 디지털 아이덴티티 제도의 모범 사례와 좋은 교훈을 활용할 수 있고 더 나은 정책과 결정을 설계할 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 한국과 페루의 ICT 전문가와 온라인 인터뷰를 통해 양국의 디지털 아이덴티티 체계에 대한 심층적인 이해를 창출하는 정성적 연구 방법을 활용하였다. 총 10명의 전문가를 인터뷰했는데, 전문가와의 인터뷰는 한국과 페루의 디지털 아이덴티티 진화에 대한 개요를 제공하고 페루의 디지털 아이덴티티 제도 구현 과정에서 발생하는 과제를 식별할 수 있다. 디지털 공공 서비스의 개발 및 제공을 지원하기 위한 강력하고 지속적인 디지털 리더십, 시의적절한 법적 프레임워크, 현대 ICT 기술이라는 세 가지 요소에서 큰 차이가 나타났음을 알 수 있었다. 하지만 이 연구결과는 또한 페루에서 디지털 아이덴티티 생태계를 조성하기 위한 목적으로 제도적 정비를 하고, 규제를 개선하며, 예산을 최적화한다면 큰 성과를 얻을 수 있음을 시사한다. 주요 키워드: 디지털 아이덴티티, 디지털 정부, 디지털 변환, 디지털 아이덴티티 전략Digital identity is the collection of attributes that uniquely differentiates a person in his interaction with digital services. The literature and previous research suggest that it is an essential component to the digital transformation and a vital element for strengthening the digital trust. Currently, due to worldwide spread of COVID-19, which has accelerated the digital transition in the public and private sector, the non-face-to-face transactions have been increased, coupled with cybercrimes such as identity theft, private data leakage, fraud, among other cybercrimes. In this sense, governments should become aware of the importance of digital identity management, because it is increasingly embedded in everything we do in our digital and offline life (WEF, Identity in the Digital World a new chapter in the social contract, 2018, p. 9). To deal with those issues and leverage all the potential of digital identity at national level, many countries implement a Digital Identity Scheme, which is a well-designed and articulated collection of policies, business rules, technologies, organizations, and processes in charge of governing the digital identity lifecycle to promote a digital society. Hence, countries such as The Republic of Korea (hereinafter, Korea) and The Republic of Peru (hereinafter, Peru) have been developed and implemented different kind of policies, legal instruments, initiatives, and digital technologies to enhance accessibility, efficiency and security of the identification and authentication process, for instance, Korea has issued the Electronic Government Law and implemented cross-platforms such as Government24 (정부24) as official electronic government portal, Digital ONEPASS (디지털원패스) as a digital authentication platform to enable a convenient no-face-to-face authentication of the citizens, Resident Registration System (RRS), as a fundamental national information system which manages and stores relevant personal information of Koreans, and Sharing Information System (행정정보공동이용시스템), as a interoperability platform to exchange information with governmental agencies. Moreover, Korea has a PKI Scheme which is divided into a National Public Key Infrastructure (NPKI), and a Government Public Key Infrastructure (GPKI). All these regulations, technologies and platforms are vital elements of the Korean Digital Identity Scheme. In the case of Peru, based on Law N° 26497 enacted in 1995, the government has been managing and maintaining the National Identification Registry of Peruvian. Moreover, since issuance of Digital Government Law in 2018, Peru has been implemented different kind of cross-platforms such as the Single Digital Platform for Citizen Orientation (GOB.PE), to offer one point of contact between government and citizens, National Interoperability Platform, to promote information exchange among public entities, the National Digital Government Platform, to provide cloud services to the public entities, and National Platform for Identification and Authentication of Digital Identity (ID.GOB.PE), to verify a persons identity. Although there are similarities, the outcomes are different, in the Electronic Government Development Index 2022, Korea is ranked 3rd in the world, while Peru is ranked 59th, from another side, in terms of digital identity, Korea has a digital identity ecosystem operating, for instance Government24 accepts several authentication methods which are easily and conveniently for the citizens such as ONEPASS, KAKAO, Samsung PASS, among others (MOIS, Status of Government 24, 2022). To 2021, almost 132,025,035 petitions were filed online through Government24 (MOIS, Status of Government 24, 2022). In the case of Peru, the digital identity scheme is an ongoing project, which is leading basically by the government, based on the Digital Government Law and its enforcement decree. In that vein, this research aims at understanding the components for governing and managing a Digital Identity Scheme in Korea and Peru and identifying the gap between them. Therefore, in this study we are going to focus on how the Digital Identity Scheme of Korea is performing to strengthen accuracy, inclusiveness, security, and usability of digital identity of persons. We are going to establish the similarities and differences by using a comparison framework which is an adaptation of the frameworks used by the United Nations (UN), International Telecommunication Union (UIT) and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Additionally, in this moment, undertaking a comparison study between Korea and Peru is a relevant work, because Peru is implementing transversal digital government platforms based on the Digital Government Law, and based on that we are dealing with cybercrimes and digital threats, that is why we can learn of the best practices and good lessons of the Digital Identity Scheme in Korea and design better policies and decisions for Peruvian implementation. This research was carried out by using a qualitative research method which involved online interviews with ICT specialists from Korea and Peru to generate an in-depth understanding of the digital identity scheme of both countries. A total of ten specialists were interviewed. Interviews provide an overview of the digital identity evolution in Korea and allow me to identify challenges and policy recommendations in the implementation process of Digital Identity Scheme in Peru. Based on the results the big differences are integrated in three factors: strong and continuous digital leadership, timely legal framework, and modern ICT technology to support development and public services rendering. However, the results also suggest that it is possible to get big achievements on the Digital Identity Scheme in Peru, making institutional arrangements, enhancing digital regulation and optimizing the budget with the purpose to create a sustainable digital identity ecosystem.ABSTRACT 5 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 9 LIST OF TABLES 9 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 12 1.1 STUDY BACKGROUND 12 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE COUNTRIES 20 1.3 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 27 1.4 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH 39 CHAPTER 2. KEY CONCEPTS AND FRAMEWORK 43 CHAPTER 3: LITERATURE REVIEW 77 CHAPTER 4: DIGITAL IDENTITY IN KOREA AND PERU 86 4.1 LEGAL FRAMEWORK 86 4.2 TECHNOLOGY 100 4.3 GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP 116 4.4 BUDGET 120 4.5 MARKET 122 4.6 FINDINGS 122 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS 132 5.1 SUMMARY OF THE THESIS 132 5.2 POLICY COMPARISON 143 5.3 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS 145 5.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH 150 REFERENCES 152 APPENDICES 158 APPENDIX 1. QUESTIONNAIRE 158 APPENDIX 2. MATRIZ OF COMPARISON 167석