1,900 research outputs found

    Intelligent SPARQL Endpoints: Optimizing Execution Performance by Automatic Query Relaxation and Queue Scheduling

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    The Web of Data is widely considered as one of the major global repositories populated with countless interconnected and struc- tured data prompting these linked datasets to be continuously and sharply increasing. In this context the so-called SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language is commonly used to retrieve and manage stored data by means of SPARQL endpoints, a query processing service especially designed to get access to these databases. Nevertheless, due to the large amount of data tackled by such endpoints and their structural complex- ity, these services usually suffer from severe performance issues, including inadmissible processing times. This work aims at overcoming this noted inefficiency by designing a distributed parallel system architecture that improves the performance of SPARQL endpoints by incorporating two functionalities: 1) a queuing system to avoid bottlenecks during the exe- cution of SPARQL queries; and 2) an intelligent relaxation of the queries submitted to the endpoint at hand whenever the relaxation itself and the consequently lowered complexity of the query are beneficial for the over- all performance of the system. To this end the system relies on a two-fold optimization criterion: the minimization of the query running time, as predicted by a supervised learning model; and the maximization of the quality of the results of the query as quantified by a measure of similar- ity. These two conflicting optimization criteria are efficiently balanced by two bi-objective heuristic algorithms sequentially executed over groups of SPARQL queries. The approach is validated on a prototype and several experiments that evince the applicability of the proposed scheme

    Constrained Approximate Similarity Search on Proximity Graph

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    Search engines and recommendation systems are built to efficiently display relevant information from those massive amounts of candidates. Typically a three-stage mechanism is employed in those systems: (i) a small collection of items are first retrieved by (e.g.,) approximate near neighbor search algorithms; (ii) then a collection of constraints are applied on the retrieved items; (iii) a fine-grained ranking neural network is employed to determine the final recommendation. We observe a major defect of the original three-stage pipeline: Although we only target to retrieve kk vectors in the final recommendation, we have to preset a sufficiently large ss (s>ks > k) for each query, and ``hope'' the number of survived vectors after the filtering is not smaller than kk. That is, at least kk vectors in the ss similar candidates satisfy the query constraints. In this paper, we investigate this constrained similarity search problem and attempt to merge the similarity search stage and the filtering stage into one single search operation. We introduce AIRSHIP, a system that integrates a user-defined function filtering into the similarity search framework. The proposed system does not need to build extra indices nor require prior knowledge of the query constraints. We propose three optimization strategies: (1) starting point selection, (2) multi-direction search, and (3) biased priority queue selection. Experimental evaluations on both synthetic and real data confirm the effectiveness of the proposed AIRSHIP algorithm. We focus on constrained graph-based approximate near neighbor (ANN) search in this study, in part because graph-based ANN is known to achieve excellent performance. We believe it is also possible to develop constrained hashing-based ANN or constrained quantization-based ANN

    Implementation and evaluation of the sensornet protocol for Contiki

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    Sensornet Protocol (SP) is a link abstraction layer between the network layer and the link layer for sensor networks. SP was proposed as the core of a future-oriented sensor node architecture that allows flexible and optimized combination between multiple coexisting protocols. This thesis implements the SP sensornet protocol on the Contiki operating system in order to: evaluate the effectiveness of the original SP services; explore further requirements and implementation trade-offs uncovered by the original proposal. We analyze the original SP design and the TinyOS implementation of SP to design the Contiki port. We implement the data sending and receiving part of SP using Contiki processes, and the neighbor management part as a group of global routines. The evaluation consists of a single-hop traffic throughput test and a multihop convergecast test. Both tests are conducted using both simulation and experimentation. We conclude from the evaluation results that SP's link-level abstraction effectively improves modularity in protocol construction without sacrificing performance, and our SP implementation on Contiki lays a good foundation for future protocol innovations in wireless sensor networks

    Integrazione di dati on-demand

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    Sempre più spesso aziende e organizzazioni basano le proprie decisioni sui dati di cui dispongono. Garantire la qualità di tali dati è fondamentale per poter effettuare analisi accurate e affidabili. L'integrazione dei dati consiste nel combinare dati acquisiti da molteplici sorgenti eterogenee per fornire all'utente finale una vista unitaria e coerente su tali dati. Si tratta perciò di un processo fondamentale per incrementare il valore dei dati disponibili. In passato, operando su numeri limitati di sorgenti, il paradigma di riferimento, noto come ETL, richiedeva di estrarre i dati grezzi, pulirli e immagazzinarli in un data warehouse per poterli poi analizzare. Al giorno d'oggi, operando su milioni di sorgenti, è sempre più diffuso il paradigma noto invece come ELT, per il quale i dati grezzi vengono raccolti in grandi quantità e immagazzinati così come sono, ad esempio in un data lake. Gli utenti possono poi pulire le porzioni di dati utili per le loro applicazioni. È pertanto necessario studiare soluzioni innovative per l'integrazione dei dati, maggiormente adatte alle nuove sfide che tale modello comporta. Uno dei processi fondamentali per l'integrazione dei dati è la riconciliazione di entità, che consiste nell'individuare i profili che descrivono la stessa entità reale (duplicati) per consolidarli in un unico profilo coerente. Tradizionalmente, questo processo viene effettuato sull'intero dataset prima di poter operare su di esso, risultando perciò spesso molto costoso. In molti casi, solo una porzione delle entità pulite si rivela utile per l'applicazione dell'utente finale. Ad esempio, operando su dati raccolti dal Web, è fondamentale poter filtrare le entità d'interesse senza dover pulire l'intera mole di dati, in continua crescita. Allo stesso modo, quando si effettuano interrogazioni su un data lake, si vuole pulire su richiesta solo la porzione di interesse, ottenendo i relativi risultati nel minor tempo possibile. Per rispondere a tali esigenze presentiamo BrewER, un framework per eseguire interrogazioni SQL su dati sporchi emettendo progressivamente i risultati come se fossero stati ottenuti sui dati puliti. BrewER focalizza il processo di pulizia su un'entità alla volta, in base a una priorità definita dall'utente nella clausola ORDER BY. Per molte applicazioni, come l'esplorazione dei dati, BrewER consente di risparmiare una grande quantità di tempo e risorse. I duplicati non esistono però solo a livello di singoli profili, ma anche a livello di dataset. È infatti comune ad esempio che un data scientist per le proprie analisi effettui trasformazioni su un dataset presente nel data lake aziendale, immagazzinando poi anche la nuova versione ottenuta all'interno del data lake stesso. Situazioni simili si verificano nel Web, ad esempio su Wikipedia, dove le tabelle vengono spesso duplicate e le copie ottenute hanno uno sviluppo indipendente, con la possibile insorgenza di inconsistenze. Individuare automaticamente queste tabelle duplicate consente di renderle coerenti con operazione di pulizia dei dati o propagazione delle modifiche, oppure di rimuovere le copie ridondanti per liberare spazio di archiviazione o risparmiare futuro lavoro agli editori. La ricerca di tabelle duplicate è stata perlopiù ignorata dalla letteratura esistente. Per colmare questa mancanza presentiamo Sloth, un framework che, date due tabelle, consente di determinarne la più grande sottotabella in comune, consentendo di quantificarne la similarità e di rilevare le possibili inconsistenze. BrewER e Sloth rappresentano soluzioni innovative per l'integrazione dei dati nello scenario ELT, utilizzando le risorse a disposizione su richiesta e indirizzando il processo di integrazione dei dati verso un approccio orientato alle applicazioni.Companies and organizations depend heavily on their data to make informed business decisions. Therefore, guaranteeing high data quality is critical to ensure the reliability of data analysis. Data integration, which aims to combine data acquired from several heterogeneous sources to provide users with a unified consistent view, plays a fundamental role to enhance the value of the data at hand. In the past, when data integration involved a limited number of sources, ETL (extract, transform, load) established as the most popular paradigm: once collected, raw data is cleaned, then stored in a data warehouse to perform analysis on it. Nowadays, big data integration needs to deal with millions of sources; thus, the paradigm is more and more moving towards ELT (extract, load, transform). A huge amount of raw data is collected and directly stored (e.g., in a data lake), then different users can transform portions of it according to the task at hand. Hence, novel approaches to data integration need to be explored to address the challenges raised by this paradigm. One of the fundamental building blocks for data integration is entity resolution (ER), which aims at detecting profiles that describe the same real-world entity, to consolidate them into a single consistent representation. ER is typically employed as an expensive offline cleaning step on the entire data before consuming it. Yet, determining which entities are useful once cleaned depends solely on the user's application, which may need only a fraction of them. For instance, when dealing with Web data, we would like to be able to filter the entities of interest gathered from multiple sources without cleaning the entire continuously growing data. Similarly, when querying data lakes, we want to transform data on-demand and return results in a timely manner. Hence, we propose BrewER, a framework to evaluate SQL SP queries on dirty data while progressively returning results as if they were issued on cleaned data. BrewER tries to focus the cleaning effort on one entity at a time, according to the priority defined by the user through the ORDER BY clause. For a wide range of applications (e.g., data exploration), a significant amount of resources can therefore be saved. Further, duplicates not only exist at profile level, as in the case for ER, but also at dataset level. In the ELT scenario, it is common for data scientists to retrieve datasets from the enterprise’s data lake, perform transformations for their analysis, then store back the new datasets into the data lake. Similarly, in Web contexts such as Wikipedia, a table can be duplicated at a given time, with the different copies having independent development, possibly leading to the insurgence of inconsistencies. Automatically detecting duplicate tables would allow to guarantee their consistency through data cleaning or change propagation, but also to eliminate redundancy to free up storage space or to save additional work for the editors. While dataset discovery research developed efficient tools to retrieve unionable or joinable tables, the problem of detecting duplicate tables has been mostly overlooked in the existing literature. To fill this gap, we therefore present Sloth, a framework to efficiently determine the largest overlap (i.e., the largest common subtable) between two tables. The detection of the largest overlap allows to quantify the similarity between the two tables and spot their inconsistencies. BrewER and Sloth represent novel solutions to perform big data integration in the ELT scenario, fostering on-demand use of available resources and shifting this fundamental task towards a task-driven paradigm

    Sort-based grouping and aggregation

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    Database query processing requires algorithms for duplicate removal, grouping, and aggregation. Three algorithms exist: in-stream aggregation is most efficient by far but requires sorted input; sort-based aggregation relies on external merge sort; and hash aggregation relies on an in-memory hash table plus hash partitioning to temporary storage. Cost-based query optimization chooses which algorithm to use based on several factors including input and output sizes, the sort order of the input, and the need for sorted output. For example, hash-based aggregation is ideal for small output (e.g., TPC-H Query 1), whereas sorting the entire input and aggregating after sorting are preferable when both aggregation input and output are large and the output needs to be sorted for a subsequent operation such as a merge join. Unfortunately, the size information required for a sound choice is often inaccurate or unavailable during query optimization, leading to sub-optimal algorithm choices. To address this challenge, this paper introduces a new algorithm for sort-based duplicate removal, grouping, and aggregation. The new algorithm always performs at least as well as both traditional hash-based and traditional sort-based algorithms. It can serve as a system's only aggregation algorithm for unsorted inputs, thus preventing erroneous algorithm choices. Furthermore, the new algorithm produces sorted output that can speed up subsequent operations. Google's F1 Query uses the new algorithm in production workloads that aggregate petabytes of data every day

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    Predicting multiple domain queue waiting time via machine learning

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    This paper describes an implementation of the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology for a demonstrative case of human queue waiting time prediction. We collaborated with a multiple domain (e.g., bank, pharmacies) ticket management service software development company, aiming to study a Machine Learning (ML) approach to estimate queue waiting time. A large multiple domain database was analyzed, which included millions of records related with two time periods (one year, for the modeling experiments; and two year, for a deployment simulation). The data was first preprocessed (including data cleaning and feature engineering tasks) and then modeled by exploring five state-of-the-art ML regression algorithms and four input attribute selections (including newly engineered features). Furthermore, the ML approaches were compared with the estimation method currently adopted by the analyzed company. The computational experiments assumed two main validation procedures, a standard cross-validation and a Rolling Window scheme. Overall, competitive and quality results were obtained by an Automated ML (AutoML) algorithm fed with newly engineered features. Indeed, the proposed AutoML model produces a small error (from 5 to 7 min), while requiring a reasonable computational effort. Finally, an eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) approach was applied to a trained AutoML model, demonstrating the extraction of useful explanatory knowledge for this domain.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R &D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 and the project “QOMPASS .: Solução de Gestão de Serviços de Atendimento multi-entidade, multi-serviço e multi-idioma” within the Project Scope NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-038462
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