1,323 research outputs found

    The Critical Role of Public Charging Infrastructure

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    Editors: Peter Fox-Penner, PhD, Z. Justin Ren, PhD, David O. JermainA decade after the launch of the contemporary global electric vehicle (EV) market, most cities face a major challenge preparing for rising EV demand. Some cities, and the leaders who shape them, are meeting and even leading demand for EV infrastructure. This book aggregates deep, groundbreaking research in the areas of urban EV deployment for city managers, private developers, urban planners, and utilities who want to understand and lead change

    Simulation of Electric Vehicle performance considering battery degradation

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    Motivated by environmental concerns, the Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle is being replaced by the Electric Vehicle (EV). EVs rely on the electricity provided by their Lithium-ion battery for traction. These batteries suffer from an unavoidable degradation process that generates two effects: a loss in the capacity and an increase in the Internal Resistance (IR). Because of the IR increase, the power that the battery can provide or receive is limited by the Battery Management System (BMS) to avoid reaching the operational limits. The aim of the study is to understand the limitations in driving that a user might face as the battery degrades, with especial focus on evaluating how the increase in IR may limit functional aspects like driving at high speeds, sudden accelerations or driving uphill. The work will require performing simulations of an EV under different ageing stages of its battery and using different driving profiles.L’electromobilitat ha emergit com a una alternativa prometedora per combatre l’impacte mediambiental provocat pels vehicles de combustió interna. La part més important dels vehi- cles elèctrics (EV) és la bateria, ja que és el component que determina el rendiment del VE. El final de la vida útil d’una bateria està associat amb una disminució d’aquest rendiment, el qual està caracteritzat per un increment en la resistència interna (RI) i un estat de salut inferior al 80%. Per sota d’aquest límit, una bateria és generalment considerada com a no apte per la seva utilització. Aquesta tesi consisteix en dur a terme simulacions per estudiar el rendiment d’un VE considerant la degradació de la bateria. L’estudi avalua 5 cicles de conducció diferents amb unes condicions variables de la bateria i la carretera. Els resultats suggereixen que les bateries amb menys estat de salut poden funcionar correctament, especialment en cicles de conducció poc exigents i en carreteres planes. El fet de poder allargar la vida útil de les bateries tot i que estiguin degradades pot resultar en beneficis econòmics i reduir la petjada ecològica causada per la producció de les bateries i els residus associats a aquestes. Aquest estudi intenta posar èmfasi en la importància d’optimitzar l’ús de les bateries elèctriques per poder aconseguir solu- cions sostenibles relacionades amb l’electromobilitatLa electromovilidad ha emergido como una alternativa prometedora para combatir el impacto medioambiental provocado por los vehículos de combustión interna. La parte más importante de los vehículos eléctricos (VE) es la batería, puesto que es el componente que de- termina su rendimiento. El final de vida útil de la batería está asociado con una disminución de este rendimiento caracterizado por un incremento de la resistencia interna (RI) y un estado de salud inferior al 80%. Por debajo de este límite, una batería es generalmente considerada como no adecuada para su uso. Esta tesis consiste en realizar simulaciones para estudiar el rendimiento de un VE teniendo en cuenta la degradación de la batería. El estudio evalúa 5 ciclos de conducción distintos con unas condiciones variables de la batería y de la carretera. Los resultados sugieren que las baterías con menos estado de salud pueden funcionar correc- tamente, especialmente en ciclos de conducción poco exigentes y en carreteras planas. Poder alargar la vida útil de las baterías aun cuando tienen degradación, puede resultar en beneficios económicos y reducir la huella ecológica causada por la producción de las baterías y los residuos asociados a ellas. Este estudio intenta recalcar la importancia de optimizar el uso de las baterías eléctricas para poder alcanzar soluciones sostenibles relacionadas con la electromovilida

    Modeling and Utilizing a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery for Easier Grid and Market Integration of Wind Power

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    Power grid and market integration of wind energy is a challenge due to the fluctuating and intermittent power output resulting from the variable nature of wind resource. Energy storage is a promising alternative for effective grid integration of renewable energy. One storage technology which is under the spotlight in the recent years is the vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) which could have certain advantages when utilized at large-scale grid connected applications. In this study, a megawatt scale VRFB was modeled based on experimental data with a kilowatt scale real life unit. The dependence of the overall system efficiency on the state of charge and power was determined. By using the model, optimal number of modules for certain power levels during charging and discharging operations were estimated for megawatt scale operations. In order to evaluate the power grid integration of wind power at a single wind farm level, a second simulation model which combines the megawatt scale VRFB model and a medium sized (10 MW) wind farm was developed and the battery was utilized to compensate for the deviations resulting from the forecast errors in an electricity market bidding structure. Using an existing electricity market model based on deviation penalties and penalty multipliers, economics of the system were evaluated by determining the payback periods for a dedicated VRFB installation at this medium sized, single wind farm level

    Average outpouring velocity and flow rate of grains discharged from a tilted quasi-2D silo

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    The flow of granular materials through constricted openings is important in many natural and industrial processes. These complex flows - featuring dense, dissipative flow in the bulk but low-dissipation, low density outpouring in the vicinity of the orifice - have long been characterized empirically by the Beverloo rule and, recently, modeled successfully using energy balance. The dependence of flow rate on the silo's angle with respect to gravity, however, is not captured by current models. We experimentally investigate the role of tilt angle in this work using a quasi-2D monolayer of grains in a silo. We measure mass flow rate, the average exit velocities of grains, and the packing fraction along the orifice with varying tilt angles. We propose a model that describes our results (and earlier findings with 3D systems [H. G. Sheldon and D. J. Durian, Granul. Matter 12, 579 (2010)]) by considering the dependence of outpouring speed and angle with respect to the orifice angle and, importantly, the angle of stagnant zones adjacent to the orifice. We conclude by posing questions about possible extensions of our model in order to describe spatial variations of exit velocity and density along the orifice cross section.Comment: 10 pages and 11 figure

    Aging mitigation for battery energy storage system in electric vehicles

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    Battery energy storage systems (BESS) have been extensively investigated to improve the efficiency, economy, and stability of modern power systems and electric vehicles (EVs). However, it is still challenging to widely deploy BESS in commercial and industrial applications due to the concerns of battery aging. This paper proposes an integrated battery life loss modeling and anti-aging energy management (IBLEM) method for improving the total economy of BESS in EVs. The quantification of BESS aging cost is realized by a multifactorial battery life loss quantification model established by capturing aging characteristics from cell acceleration aging tests.Meanwhile, a charging event analysis method is proposed to deploy the built life loss model in vehicle BESS management. Two BESS active anti-aging vehicle energy management models: vehicle to grid (V2G) scheduling and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) power distribution, are further designed, where the battery life loss quantification model is used to generate the aging cost feedback signals. The performance of the developed method is validated on a V2G peak-shaving simulation system and a hybrid electric vehicle. The work in this paper presents a practical solution to quantify and mitigate battery aging costs by optimizing energy management strategies and thus can further promote transportation electrification

    Process Modeling in Pyrometallurgical Engineering

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    The Special Issue presents almost 40 papers on recent research in modeling of pyrometallurgical systems, including physical models, first-principles models, detailed CFD and DEM models as well as statistical models or models based on machine learning. The models cover the whole production chain from raw materials processing through the reduction and conversion unit processes to ladle treatment, casting, and rolling. The papers illustrate how models can be used for shedding light on complex and inaccessible processes characterized by high temperatures and hostile environment, in order to improve process performance, product quality, or yield and to reduce the requirements of virgin raw materials and to suppress harmful emissions

    The capture and integration of construction site data

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    The use of mobile computing on the construction site has been a well-researched area since the early 1990’s, however, there still remains a lack of computing on the construction site. Where computers are utilised on the site this tends to be by knowledge workers utilising a laptop or PC in the site office with electronic data collection being the exception rather than the norm. The problems associated with paper-based documentation on the construction site have long been recognised (Baldwin, et al, 1994; McCullough, 1993) yet there still seems to be reluctance to replace this with electronic alternatives. Many reasons exist for this such as; low profit margins, perceived high cost; perceived lack of available hardware and perceived inability of the workforce. However, the benefits that can be gained from the successful implementation of IT on the construction site and the ability to re-use construction site data to improve company performance, whilst difficult to cost, are clearly visible. This thesis represents the development and implementation of a data capture system for the management of the construction of rotary bored piles (SHERPA). Operated by the site workforce, SHERPA comprises a wireless network, site-based server and webbased data capture using tablet computers. This research intends to show that mobile computing technologies can be implemented on the construction site and substantial benefits can be gained for the company from the re-use and integration of the captured site data

    Applications of thermal energy storage to process heat and waste heat recovery in the iron and steel industry

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    The system identified operates from the primary arc furnace evacuation system as a heat source. Energy from the fume stream is stored as sensible energy in a solid medium (packed bed). A steam-driven turbine is arranged to generate power for peak shaving. A parametric design approach is presented since the overall system design, at optimum payback is strongly dependent upon the nature of the electric pricing structure. The scope of the project was limited to consideration of available technology so that industry-wide application could be achieved by 1985. A search of the literature, coupled with interviews with representatives of major steel producers, served as the means whereby the techniques and technologies indicated for the specific site are extrapolated to the industry as a whole and to the 1985 time frame. The conclusion of the study is that by 1985, a national yearly savings of 1.9 million barrels of oil could be realized through recovery of waste heat from primary arc furnace fume gases on an industry-wide basis. Economic studies indicate that the proposed system has a plant payback time of approximately 5 years

    As-grown-Generation (AG) Model of NBTI: a shift from fitting test data to prediction

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    Negative bias temperature instabilities (NBTI) received little attention pre-2000, but have been intensively investigated post-2000, as they become limiting device lifetime. The relatively thick oxides and low electrical field used in the pre-2000 works make hole injection into oxides negligible. In contrast, hole injection is substantial for most of the post-2000 research that used thin oxides and high fields. This leads to a number of discrepancies between pre- and post-2000 works, in terms of kinetics, recovery, and relative contribution of different types of defects. To account for these discrepancies, a number of models have been proposed. Although these models can fit accelerated test data well, evidences are not enough to convince that they can predict the long term NBTI under low use-Vdd. This article first reviews the discrepancies between pre- and post-2000 works and then uses the Reaction-Diffusion framework as an example to show its inability of prediction for general processes. Evidences for the presence of both As-grown Hole Traps (AHTs) and Generated Defects (GDs) during typical NBTI stresses are presented and techniques for their separation are described. This lays the foundation for the As-grown-Generation (AG) model and its prediction capability will be demonstrated, followed by an analysis why AG model can predict, while others cannot. Finally, speculations are made on the mechanism, defects, and damaging species in terms of holes, hydrogenous species, and their interactions. Although atomic structures of defects are not known, some conditions for their candidates are given
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