33 research outputs found

    Towards 3-Dimensional Rewriting Theory

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    String rewriting systems have proved very useful to study monoids. In good cases, they give finite presentations of monoids, allowing computations on those and their manipulation by a computer. Even better, when the presentation is confluent and terminating, they provide one with a notion of canonical representative of the elements of the presented monoid. Polygraphs are a higher-dimensional generalization of this notion of presentation, from the setting of monoids to the much more general setting of n-categories. One of the main purposes of this article is to give a progressive introduction to the notion of higher-dimensional rewriting system provided by polygraphs, and describe its links with classical rewriting theory, string and term rewriting systems in particular. After introducing the general setting, we will be interested in proving local confluence for polygraphs presenting 2-categories and introduce a framework in which a finite 3-dimensional rewriting system admits a finite number of critical pairs

    Belief propagation in monoidal categories

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    We discuss a categorical version of the celebrated belief propagation algorithm. This provides a way to prove that some algorithms which are known or suspected to be analogous, are actually identical when formulated generically. It also highlights the computational point of view in monoidal categories.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2014, arXiv:1412.810

    Monads, partial evaluations, and rewriting

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    Monads can be interpreted as encoding formal expressions, or formal operations in the sense of universal algebra. We give a construction which formalizes the idea of "evaluating an expression partially": for example, "2+3" can be obtained as a partial evaluation of "2+2+1". This construction can be given for any monad, and it is linked to the famous bar construction, of which it gives an operational interpretation: the bar construction induces a simplicial set, and its 1-cells are partial evaluations. We study the properties of partial evaluations for general monads. We prove that whenever the monad is weakly cartesian, partial evaluations can be composed via the usual Kan filler property of simplicial sets, of which we give an interpretation in terms of substitution of terms. In terms of rewritings, partial evaluations give an abstract reduction system which is reflexive, confluent, and transitive whenever the monad is weakly cartesian. For the case of probability monads, partial evaluations correspond to what probabilists call conditional expectation of random variables. This manuscript is part of a work in progress on a general rewriting interpretation of the bar construction.Comment: Originally written for the ACT Adjoint School 2019. To appear in Proceedings of MFPS 202

    Globular: an online proof assistant for higher-dimensional rewriting

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    This article introduces Globular, an online proof assistant for the formalization and verification of proofs in higher-dimensional category theory. The tool produces graphical visualizations of higher-dimensional proofs, assists in their construction with a point-and- click interface, and performs type checking to prevent incorrect rewrites. Hosted on the web, it has a low barrier to use, and allows hyperlinking of formalized proofs directly from research papers. It allows the formalization of proofs from logic, topology and algebra which are not formalizable by other methods, and we give several examples

    Presenting Finite Posets

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    We introduce a monoidal category whose morphisms are finite partial orders, with chosen minimal and maximal elements as source and target respectively. After recalling the notion of presentation of a monoidal category by the means of generators and relations, we construct a presentation of our category, which corresponds to a variant of the notion of bialgebra.Comment: In Proceedings TERMGRAPH 2014, arXiv:1505.0681

    Normalization for planar string diagrams and a quadratic equivalence algorithm

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    In the graphical calculus of planar string diagrams, equality is generated by exchange moves, which swap the heights of adjacent vertices. We show that left- and right-handed exchanges each give strongly normalizing rewrite strategies for connected string diagrams. We use this result to give a linear-time solution to the equivalence problem in the connected case, and a quadratic solution in the general case. We also give a stronger proof of the Joyal-Street coherence theorem, settling Selinger's conjecture on recumbent isotopy

    Coherent Presentations of Monoidal Categories

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    Presentations of categories are a well-known algebraic tool to provide descriptions of categories by means of generators, for objects and morphisms, and relations on morphisms. We generalize here this notion, in order to consider situations where the objects are considered modulo an equivalence relation, which is described by equational generators. When those form a convergent (abstract) rewriting system on objects, there are three very natural constructions that can be used to define the category which is described by the presentation: one consists in turning equational generators into identities (i.e. considering a quotient category), one consists in formally adding inverses to equational generators (i.e. localizing the category), and one consists in restricting to objects which are normal forms. We show that, under suitable coherence conditions on the presentation, the three constructions coincide, thus generalizing celebrated results on presentations of groups, and we extend those conditions to presentations of monoidal categories

    Globular: an online proof assistant for higher-dimensional rewriting

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    This article introduces Globular, an online proof assistant for the formalization and veri cation of proofs in higher-dimensional category theory. The tool produces graphical visualizations of higher-dimensional proofs, assists in their construction with a point-and- click interface, and performs type checking to prevent incorrect rewrites. Hosted on the web, it has a low barrier to use, and allows hyperlinking of formalized proofs directly from research papers. It allows the formalization of proofs from logic, topology and algebra which are not formalizable by other methods, and we give several examples

    Coherence of Gray Categories via Rewriting

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    Over the recent years, the theory of rewriting has been extended in order to provide systematic techniques to show coherence results for strict higher categories. Here, we investigate a further generalization to low-dimensional weak categories, and consider in details the first non-trivial case: presentations of tricategories. By a general result, those are equivalent to the stricter Gray categories, for which we introduce a notion of rewriting system, as well as associated tools: critical pairs, termination orders, etc. We show that a finite rewriting system admits a finite number of critical pairs and, as a variant of Newman\u27s lemma in our context, that a convergent rewriting system is coherent, meaning that two parallel 3-cells are necessarily equal. This is illustrated on rewriting systems corresponding to various well-known structures in the context of Gray categories (monoids, adjunctions, Frobenius monoids). Finally, we discuss generalizations in arbitrary dimension