11 research outputs found

    Parallel detrended fluctuation analysis for fast event detection on massive PMU data

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    ("(c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are being rapidly deployed in power grids due to their high sampling rates and synchronized measurements. The devices high data reporting rates present major computational challenges in the requirement to process potentially massive volumes of data, in addition to new issues surrounding data storage. Fast algorithms capable of processing massive volumes of data are now required in the field of power systems. This paper presents a novel parallel detrended fluctuation analysis (PDFA) approach for fast event detection on massive volumes of PMU data, taking advantage of a cluster computing platform. The PDFA algorithm is evaluated using data from installed PMUs on the transmission system of Great Britain from the aspects of speedup, scalability, and accuracy. The speedup of the PDFA in computation is initially analyzed through Amdahl's Law. A revision to the law is then proposed, suggesting enhancements to its capability to analyze the performance gain in computation when parallelizing data intensive applications in a cluster computing environment

    Secure data sharing and analysis in cloud-based energy management systems

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    Analysing data acquired from one or more buildings (through specialist sensors, energy generation capability such as PV panels or smart meters) via a cloud-based Local Energy Management System (LEMS) is increasingly gaining in popularity. In a LEMS, various smart devices within a building are monitored and/or controlled to either investigate energy usage trends within a building, or to investigate mechanisms to reduce total energy demand. However, whenever we are connecting externally monitored/controlled smart devices there are security and privacy concerns. We describe the architecture and components of a LEMS and provide a survey of security and privacy concerns associated with data acquisition and control within a LEMS. Our scenarios specifically focus on the integration of Electric Vehicles (EV) and Energy Storage Units (ESU) at the building premises, to identify how EVs/ESUs can be used to store energy and reduce the electricity costs of the building. We review security strategies and identify potential security attacks that could be carried out on such a system, while exploring vulnerable points in the system. Additionally, we will systematically categorize each vulnerability and look at potential attacks exploiting that vulnerability for LEMS. Finally, we will evaluate current counter measures used against these attacks and suggest possible mitigation strategies

    Toward a reliable, secure and fault tolerant smart grid state estimation in the cloud

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    Cloud Computing Strategies for Enhancing Smart Grid Performance in Developing Countries

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    In developing countries, the awareness and development of Smart Grids are in the introductory stage and the full realisation needs more time and effort. Besides, the partially introduced Smart Grids are inefficient, unreliable, and environmentally unfriendly. As the global economy crucially depends on energy sustainability, there is a requirement to revamp the existing energy systems. Hence, this research work aims at cost-effective optimisation and communication strategies for enhancing Smart Grid performance on Cloud platforms

    A Distributed Dynamic State Estimator Using Cellular Computational Network

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    The proper operation of smart grid largely depends on the proper monitoring of the system. State estimation is a core computation process of the monitoring unit. To keep the privacy of the data and to avoid the unexpected events of the system, it needs to be made fast, distributed, and dynamic. The traditional Weighted Least Squares (WLS) estimator is neither scalable, nor distributed. Increase in the size of the system increases the computation time significantly. The estimator can be made faster in different ways. One of the major solutions can be its parallel implementation. As the WLS estimator is not completely parallelizable, the dishonest Gauss Newton method is analyzed in this dissertation. It is shown that the method is fully parallelizable that yields a very fast result. However, the convergence of the dishonest method is not analyzed in the literature. Therefore, the nature of convergence is analyzed geometrically for a single variable problem and it is found that the method can converge on a higher range with higher slopes. The effects of the slopes on multi-variable cases are demonstrated through simulation. On the other hand, a Cellular Computational Network (CCN) based framework is analyzed for making the system distributed and scalable. Through analysis, it is shown that the framework creates an independent method for state estimation. To increase the accuracy, some heuristic methods are tested and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based solution is incorporated with the CCN based solution to build a hybrid estimator. However, the heuristic methods are time-consuming and they do not exploit the advantage of the dynamic nature of the states. With the high data-rate of phasor measurement units, it is possible to extract the dynamic natures of the states. As a result, it is also possible to make efficient predictions about them. Under this situation, a predictor can be incorporated with the estimation process to detect any unwanted changes in the system. Though it is not a part of the power system to date, it can be a tool that can enhance the reliability of the grid. To implement the predictors, a special type of neural network named Elman Recurrent Neural Network (ERNN) is used. In this dissertation, a distributed dynamic estimator is developed by integrating an ERNN based predictor with a dishonest method based estimator. The ERNN based predictor and the dishonest method based estimator are each implemented at the cell level of a CCN framework. The estimation is a weighted combination of the dishonest module and the predictor module. With this three-stage distributed computation system, it creates an efficient dynamic state estimator. The proposed distributed method keeps the privacy and speed of the estimation process and enhances the reliability of the system. It fulfills the requirements of the deregulated energy market. It is also expected to meet the future needs of the smart grid

    Wide-Area Time-Synchronized Closed-Loop Control of Power Systems And Decentralized Active Distribution Networks

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    The rapidly expanding power system grid infrastructure and the need to reduce the occurrence of major blackouts and prevention or hardening of systems against cyber-attacks, have led to increased interest in the improved resilience of the electrical grid. Distributed and decentralized control have been widely applied to computer science research. However, for power system applications, the real-time application of decentralized and distributed control algorithms introduce several challenges. In this dissertation, new algorithms and methods for decentralized control, protection and energy management of Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) and the Active Distribution Network (ADN) are developed to improve the resiliency of the power system. To evaluate the findings of this dissertation, a laboratory-scale integrated Wide WAMPAC and ADN control platform was designed and implemented. The developed platform consists of phasor measurement units (PMU), intelligent electronic devices (IED) and programmable logic controllers (PLC). On top of the designed hardware control platform, a multi-agent cyber-physical interoperability viii framework was developed for real-time verification of the developed decentralized and distributed algorithms using local wireless and Internet-based cloud communication. A novel real-time multiagent system interoperability testbed was developed to enable utility independent private microgrids standardized interoperability framework and define behavioral models for expandability and plug-and-play operation. The state-of-theart power system multiagent framework is improved by providing specific attributes and a deliberative behavior modeling capability. The proposed multi-agent framework is validated in a laboratory based testbed involving developed intelligent electronic device prototypes and actual microgrid setups. Experimental results are demonstrated for both decentralized and distributed control approaches. A new adaptive real-time protection and remedial action scheme (RAS) method using agent-based distributed communication was developed for autonomous hybrid AC/DC microgrids to increase resiliency and continuous operability after fault conditions. Unlike the conventional consecutive time delay-based overcurrent protection schemes, the developed technique defines a selectivity mechanism considering the RAS of the microgrid after fault instant based on feeder characteristics and the location of the IEDs. The experimental results showed a significant improvement in terms of resiliency of microgrids through protection using agent-based distributed communication

    Energy-aware service provisioning in P2P-assisted cloud ecosystems

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Instituto Tecnico de LisboaEnergy has been emerged as a first-class computing resource in modern systems. The trend has primarily led to the strong focus on reducing the energy consumption of data centers, coupled with the growing awareness of the adverse impact on the environment due to data centers. This has led to a strong focus on energy management for server class systems. In this work, we intend to address the energy-aware service provisioning in P2P-assisted cloud ecosystems, leveraging economics-inspired mechanisms. Toward this goal, we addressed a number of challenges. To frame an energy aware service provisioning mechanism in the P2P-assisted cloud, first, we need to compare the energy consumption of each individual service in P2P-cloud and data centers. However, in the procedure of decreasing the energy consumption of cloud services, we may be trapped with the performance violation. Therefore, we need to formulate a performance aware energy analysis metric, conceptualized across the service provisioning stack. We leverage this metric to derive energy analysis framework. Then, we sketch a framework to analyze the energy effectiveness in P2P-cloud and data center platforms to choose the right service platform, according to the performance and energy characteristics. This framework maps energy from the hardware oblivious, top level to the particular hardware setting in the bottom layer of the stack. Afterwards, we introduce an economics-inspired mechanism to increase the energy effectiveness in the P2P-assisted cloud platform as well as moving toward a greener ICT for ICT for a greener ecosystem.La energía se ha convertido en un recurso de computación de primera clase en los sistemas modernos. La tendencia ha dado lugar principalmente a un fuerte enfoque hacia la reducción del consumo de energía de los centros de datos, así como una creciente conciencia sobre los efectos ambientales negativos, producidos por los centros de datos. Esto ha llevado a un fuerte enfoque en la gestión de energía de los sistemas de tipo servidor. En este trabajo, se pretende hacer frente a la provisión de servicios de bajo consumo energético en los ecosistemas de la nube asistida por P2P, haciendo uso de mecanismos basados en economía. Con este objetivo, hemos abordado una serie de desafíos. Para instrumentar un mecanismo de servicio de aprovisionamiento de energía consciente en la nube asistida por P2P, en primer lugar, tenemos que comparar el consumo energético de cada servicio en la nube P2P y en los centros de datos. Sin embargo, en el procedimiento de disminuir el consumo de energía de los servicios en la nube, podemos quedar atrapados en el incumplimiento del rendimiento. Por lo tanto, tenemos que formular una métrica, sobre el rendimiento energético, a través de la pila de servicio de aprovisionamiento. Nos aprovechamos de esta métrica para derivar un marco de análisis de energía. Luego, se esboza un marco para analizar la eficacia energética en la nube asistida por P2P y en la plataforma de centros de datos para elegir la plataforma de servicios adecuada, de acuerdo con las características de rendimiento y energía. Este marco mapea la energía desde el alto nivel independiente del hardware a la configuración de hardware particular en la capa inferior de la pila. Posteriormente, se introduce un mecanismo basado en economía para aumentar la eficacia energética en la plataforma en la nube asistida por P2P, así como avanzar hacia unas TIC más verdes, para las TIC en un ecosistema más verde.Postprint (published version