6,702 research outputs found

    A distributed framework for semi-automatically developing architectures of brain and mind

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    Developing comprehensive theories of low-level neuronal brain processes and high-level cognitive behaviours, as well as integrating them, is an ambitious challenge that requires new conceptual, computational, and empirical tools. Given the complexities of these theories, they will almost certainly be expressed as computational systems. Here, we propose to use recent developments in grid technology to develop a system of evolutionary scientific discovery, which will (a) enable empirical researchers to make their data widely available for use in developing and testing theories, and (b) enable theorists to semi-automatically develop computational theories. We illustrate these ideas with a case study taken from the domain of categorisation

    Applications of Machine Learning to Threat Intelligence, Intrusion Detection and Malware

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are emerging technologies with applications to many fields. This paper is a survey of use cases of ML for threat intelligence, intrusion detection, and malware analysis and detection. Threat intelligence, especially attack attribution, can benefit from the use of ML classification. False positives from rule-based intrusion detection systems can be reduced with the use of ML models. Malware analysis and classification can be made easier by developing ML frameworks to distill similarities between the malicious programs. Adversarial machine learning will also be discussed, because while ML can be used to solve problems or reduce analyst workload, it also introduces new attack surfaces

    Improving and Automating the Order-to-Cash Process of Small Photographic Studios

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    2000. aastate kestel loodi Eestis hulganisti väikeseid fotostuudioid, et rahuldada suurenevat nõudlust pildistamissessioonide järele. Sama kümnendi lõpus asutati Tartus väike fotostuudio nimega Stuudio.com. Selle stuudio tegevuspraktika kohaselt ei müüdud mitte ainult fotosessioone, vaid ka nende tulemust ning Stuudio hakkas ise tellimusi täitma ja paberkujul fotosid printima. Peagi sai selgeks, et tellimuste täitmine on aeganõudev ning polnud kõrghooajal ettevõttele võimetekohane. Sellises olukorras ei saanud rakendada ettevõtte visioonikohast tulemipõhist ärimudelit, vastupidiselt traditsioonilisele lähenemisele, mille põhjal müüdi ainult väikeses mahus fotosessioone. Kirjeldatud kontekstis uurib käesolev töö Stuudio.com näitel, kuidas kasutada äriprotsesside juhtimise (Business Process Management, edaspidi BPM) elutsüklit väikese fotostuudio order-to-cash äriprotsessi analüüsimiseks, ümberkujundamiseks ja rakendamiseks. BPM valiti ettevõtte äriprotsessi arendamise meetodiks, kuna eelnevad juhtumiuuringud on näidanud, et meetodil on palju kasutamata potentsiaali väikeettevõtete tegevuse optimeerimiseks. Magistritöös kasutatakse levinud protsesside tuvastamise meetodeid olemasolevate äriprotsesside kirjeldamiseks. Autor järgib väljatöötatud protsesside tuvastamise praktikaid ning modelleerib toodete müügiprotsessi äriprotsessi modelleerimise notatsiooni (Business Process Model and Notation) tööriistas ning kasutab saadud mudelit üksikasjaliku analüüsi koostamiseks. Protsessi osad jagatakse lisandväärtust loovateks ning väärtust mitte lisavateks; lisaks tuvastatakse protsessi potentsiaalne prügi. Registreeritakse kõige levinumad probleemid ning nende juurpõhjuste välja selgitamiseks kasutatakse Five Whys analüüsi. Järgmise sammuna kujundatakse toodete müügiprotsess ümber vastavalt analüüsitulemustele ning modelleeritakse tulevane protsess. Lõpuks arendatakse ning juurutatakse Pildipoe kaubamärgi all välja vastav tarkvarateenuse platvorm, mis realiseerib ja automatiseerib ümberkujundatud müügiprotsessi, eemaldades sealt inimtööjõu rakendamise vajaduse. Töö näitab, et protsessikeskne mõtlemine sobib väikeettevõtetele, näiteks fotostuudiotele. Lisaks lõi autor magistritöö tulemusena tarkvarateenuse platvormi Pildipood.ee, mis toetab lisaks Stuudio.com protsessidele veel rohkem kui 50 väikese fotostuudio müügiprotsessi üle Eesti.Throughout the 2000s, a significant number of small photographic studios were established in Estonia to satisfy the increasing demand for photo sessions. At the end of this decade, a small photo studio called Stuudio.com was founded in Tartu. This studio took the approach of not only selling photo sessions, but also the outputs of the sessions. The studio started to print paper pictures and fulfil orders. Soon, it became clear that the process of handling order fulfilment was time-consuming and not scalable during high season. This situation prevented the implementation of the envisaged output-driven business model as opposed to the traditional approach of selling photo sessions on a small scale. In this context, this thesis investigates how the Business Process Management (BPM) Life-cycle can be used to analyse, redesign and implement a small photo studio’s order-to-cash business process, using Stuudio.com as a case study. BPM was chosen as a business improvement method because previous case studies have indicated that there is a signifi-cant untapped potential in applying BPM for optimising operations in small businesses. In this thesis, process identification methods are used to find out the existing business processes. Following established process discovery practices, the order-to-cash process is modelled in the Business Process Model and Notation tool and the model is used to com-pile a detailed analysis. Process steps are classified as value-adding or not value-adding and possible waste is identified. Occurring issues are registered and the Five why analysis is employed to find the root causes of problems. As the next step, the order-to-cash proc-ess is redesigned according to analysis results, and the to-be process is modelled. Finally, a software-as-a-service platform is developed and deployed under the label of Pildipood. The platform automates the redesigned order-to-cash process, eliminating the dependence on human resources for scheduling and coordinating work. The thesis shows that process-oriented thinking is suitable for small businesses such as photo studios. Moreover, as an outcome the thesis, the author implemented a software ser-vice platform, Pildipood.ee, that supports more than 50 small photo studios in Estonia in addition to supporting the processes of Stuudio.com

    PARNT: A statistic based approach to extract non-taxonomic relationships of ontologies from text

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    Learning Non-Taxonomic Relationships is a subfield of Ontology learning that aims at automating the extraction of these relationships from text. This article proposes PARNT, a novel approach that supports ontology engineers in extracting these elements from corpora of plain English. PARNT is parametrized, extensible and uses original solutions that help to achieve better results when compared to other techniques for extracting non-taxonomic relationships from ontology concepts and English text. To evaluate the PARNT effectiveness, a comparative experiment with another state of the art technique was conducted.This work is supported by CNPq and CAPES, research funding agencies of the Brazilian government

    Intelligent tutoring systems for systems engineering methodologies

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    The general goal is to provide the technology required to build systems that can provide intelligent tutoring in IDEF (Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Definition Method) modeling. The following subject areas are covered: intelligent tutoring systems for systems analysis methodologies; IDEF tutor architecture and components; developing cognitive skills for IDEF modeling; experimental software; and PC based prototype