11 research outputs found

    Toward 2^W beyond Web 2.0

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    From its inception as a global hypertext system, the Web has evolved into a universal platform for deploying loosely coupled distributed applications. 2^W is a result of the exponentially growing Web building on itself to move from a Web of content to a Web of applications

    Mobile support in CSCW applications and groupware development frameworks

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    Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is an established subset of the field of Human Computer Interaction that deals with the how people use computing technology to enhance group interaction and collaboration. Mobile CSCW has emerged as a result of the progression from personal desktop computing to the mobile device platforms that are ubiquitous today. CSCW aims to not only connect people and facilitate communication through using computers; it aims to provide conceptual models coupled with technology to manage, mediate, and assist collaborative processes. Mobile CSCW research looks to fulfil these aims through the adoption of mobile technology and consideration for the mobile user. Facilitating collaboration using mobile devices brings new challenges. Some of these challenges are inherent to the nature of the device hardware, while others focus on the understanding of how to engineer software to maximize effectiveness for the end-users. This paper reviews seminal and state-of-the-art cooperative software applications and development frameworks, and their support for mobile devices

    A skeleton design theory for spatial data infrastructure:methodical construction of SDI nodes and SDI networks

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    In this paper, we look into the theory of designing geoservice systems, i.e., SDI networks and their constituent SDI nodes. As the field of SDI is strongly about bridging between geoservice systems, interoperability and harmonisation, it is not surprising that standardisation efforts are of crucial importance in it. These efforts have historically addressed abstract and concrete content models for data and metadata exchange, as well as abstract and concrete behavioural models for computational processes. The list of standards that are in use in the SDI field continues to expand, and reaches out to neighbouring fields such as sensor nets. We argue that given these trends, the resulting levels of standardisation in actual systems, and the complexity of geoservice systems in general, it appears only natural to look into the possibility to define a standardised design theory for SDI and its nodes, which addresses the function base and the communication base. Specifically, we provide an overview of those components that need to be designed, and what are their relationships. We do so in an abstract way, focussing on the concern of information content in this paper, and only hinting at an appropriate theory of realisation based on our skeleton theory

    L'avenir du web au prisme de la ressource

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    Chapitre 10 : L'avenir du web au prisme de la ressourceNational audienceDe plus en plus frĂ©quemment, le web s'intercale entre nous et le monde. Le web des documents et des donnĂ©es augmente nos perceptions de la rĂ©alitĂ© quand dans le mĂȘme temps le web d'applications et de services accroĂźt l'emprise que nous exerçons sur elle en multipliant les tĂąches que nous pouvons accomplir. Devenu incontournable dans nos activitĂ©s quotidiennes, il est Ă©galement difficilement gĂ©rable. Sur le web, une ressource peut ĂȘtre n'importe quoi et, Ă  mesure que le rĂ©seau s'Ă©tend, tout, dans notre environnement, est susceptible de se muer en ressource. Certes, on parle maintenant de " rĂ©alitĂ© augmentĂ©e " par le web mais, Ă  mesure que la toile se dĂ©ploie, il faut Ă©galement noter Ă  quel point la rĂ©alitĂ© vient l'augmenter elle-mĂȘme, en raison de la quantitĂ© et de la diversitĂ© de ressources identifiĂ©es en son sein. Cette question Ă©tait dĂ©jĂ  latente avec le " web documentaire " - dĂ©signation sous laquelle il fut volontiers prĂ©sentĂ© dans les annĂ©es 1990. Le modĂšle documentaire initialement mobilisĂ© pour en rendre compte, oĂč chaque page HTML accĂ©dĂ©e Ă©tait un document tĂ©lĂ©chargĂ© par un programme client (le navigateur) auprĂšs d'un programme serveur (serveur web), est rapidement apparu beaucoup trop Ă©troit pour englober des scĂ©narios de cas particuliers tels que les pages dynamiques, la nĂ©gociation de contenu, les applications spĂ©cifiques comme un annuaire, etc. L'aspect calculatoire, qui parut constituer une exception Ă  la mĂ©taphore de la " bibliothĂšque universelle du web ", devint en fin de compte la rĂšgle. En outre, le web sĂ©mantique et ses mĂ©tadonnĂ©es, portant potentiellement sur tout ce qui est identifiable, soulevĂšrent de nouvelles interrogations que l'on peut rĂ©sumer Ă  l'aide du raccourci suivant : comment est-il possible d'identifier sur le web des choses rĂ©sidant en dehors du web ? L'architecture REST suggĂšre un Ă©lĂ©ment de rĂ©ponse, prĂ©sent dĂšs la naissance du web, en fournissant une grille lecture a posteriori le dĂ©finissant comme une " application centrĂ©e (ou orientĂ©e) ressources ". Les Ă©volutions rĂ©centes du web (AJAX, HTML5, Linked Data, etc.) et les Ă©volutions envisagĂ©es pour l'avenir (web des objets, web ubiquitaire, etc.) imposent de jeter un regard neuf sur son architecture. AprĂšs examen, la ressource pourrait bien constituer le concept unificateur de toutes ses facettes et la pierre angulaire susceptible de rendre compte de sa cohĂ©rence architecturale. Il nous faut donc la redĂ©finir au plus proche de son Ă©volution dans les standards, au fil du temps mais aussi des usages. De cette dĂ©finition et caractĂ©risation prĂ©cise dĂ©pendra notre capacitĂ© Ă  tirer pleinement parti des ressources en les identifiant, publiant, cherchant, filtrant, combinant, adaptant, dĂ©crivant, etc

    An Empirical Study of Online Consumer Review Spam: A Design Science Approach

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    Because of the sheer volume of consumer reviews posted to the Internet, a manual approach for the detection and analysis of fake reviews is not practical. However, automated detection of fake reviews is a very challenging research problem given the fact that fake reviews could just look like legitimate reviews. Guided by the design science research methodology, one of the main contributions of our research work is the development of a novel methodology and an instantiation which can effectively detect untruthful consumer reviews. The results of our experiment confirm that the proposed methodology outperforms other well-known baseline methods for detecting untruthful reviews collected from amazon.com. Above all, the designed artifacts enable us to conduct an econometric analysis to examine the impact of fake reviews on product sales. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical study conducted to analyze the economic impact of fake consumer reviews

    Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: A Case Study of Smart Devices

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    Location-based social media and the strategic impact for companies

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    In the last couple of years online social networks expanded to a new field, location (Scellato and Mascolo, 2011). Technologies, such as smartphones and GPS, combined with users’ interest in being connected regardless of their location, created the opportunity for the appearance of location-based social media (Chow et al, 2010). This dissertation focuses in studying if location-based social media has a strategic impact for companies. To contextualize this subject, literature on Web 2.0 and online social media is reviewed. Furthermore, strategic frameworks (Resource Based View) and strategic concepts (Customer Relationship Management and Contextual Marketing) provide the theoretical base through which the discussion is carried. Empirical data collection is conducted in order to understand what are users’ preferences in the context of location-based social media, and to what extent they are willing to interact with companies. Through this process the research hypothesis presented in this dissertation are tested. The results are then extended to the strategic domain, allowing to comprehend under what assumptions location-based social media can be strategic for companies. Through the Resource Based View framework application contextual personalization is considered a factor that may conduct companies to obtain a sustained competitive advantage, by inducing switching costs to their customers, depending on companies’ propensity to appropriate returns from their existing superior capabilities. This dissertation concludes that location-based social networks can have a strategic impact for companies, under the assumptions that network effects exist in location-based social networks and that companies are able to use them in order to perform contextual personalization, originating switching costs for their customers. Additionally, this dissertation aims to contribute for the increase of the current knowledge over an emergent and present subject.Nos Ășltimos dois anos as redes sociais online expandiram-se para uma nova ĂĄrea, localização (Scellato and Mascolo, 2011). Tecnologias, como os “smartphones” e GPS, combinadas com o interesse por parte dos utilizadores em estarem conectados, independentemente da sua localização, criaram a oportunidade para o aparecimento das redes sociais de geo-localização (Chow et al, 2010). Esta dissertação foca-se no estudo da existĂȘncia ou nĂŁo de impacto estratĂ©gico das redes sociais de geo-localização para as empresas. Para contextualizar este assunto, a literatura sobre Web 2.0 e as redes sociais online Ă© revista. Adicionalmente, “frameworks” (“Resource Based View”) e conceitos (“Customer Relationship Management and Contextual Marketing”) estratĂ©gicos providenciam a base teĂłrica atravĂ©s da qual a discussĂŁo Ă© conduzida. A recolha de dados empĂ­ricos Ă© conduzida com o intuito de compreender quais as preferĂȘncias dos utilizadores das redes sociais de geo-localização, e atĂ© que ponto eles estĂŁo dispostos a interagir com as empresas. AtravĂ©s deste processo as hipĂłteses de investigação foram testadas. Os resultados foram posteriormente estendidos ao domĂ­nio estratĂ©gico, permitindo compreender sob que pressupostos as redes sociais de geo-localização sĂŁo estratĂ©gicas para as empresas. AtravĂ©s da aplicação do “Resource Based View framework” a personalização contextual Ă© considerada um factor que pode conduzir as empresas Ă  obtenção de uma vantagem competitiva sustentada, induzindo custos de mudança aos seus consumidores, dependendo da capacidade das empresas em se apropriarem de retornos gerados pelas suas capacidades superiores existentes. Esta dissertação conclui que as redes sociais de geo-localização podem ter um impacto estratĂ©gico para as empresas, de acordo com os pressupostos de que os efeitos de rede existem nas redes sociais de geo-localização e de que as empresas sĂŁo capazes de realizar personalização contextual atravĂ©s das mesmas, originando custos de mudança para os seus clientes. Adicionalmente, esta dissertação espera contribuir para o aumento do conhecimento actual sobre um tĂłpico emergente e actual

    Isolation and Dependency Resolution of Presentation, Processing and Persistence

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    For business application development it is important to isolate programming efforts of the concerns: Presentation, Processing and Persistence. Development of each of these concerns has an independent thinking process and requires somewhat different programming languages and development tools. In order to isolate the concerns, we provide passages between the concerns and control the flow of execution by following essentially three rules: 1. Presentation and Processing are coroutines, 2. Processing is finished before Presentation can begin to show output, and 3. Persistence is a subsystem of Processing. We explain how these rules come to existence, and what the implications are in the thesis. By following the rules, a Turing complete Presentation capable of pulling web resource from the server interactively cannot lead a programmer to write code tangling Presentation and Processing. We analyze our design and develop systems in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 settings. For the latter setting, the system has multiple business component/service dependencies where some of the components run in the browser and some in the server. We show that such distributed component dependency can be resolved while keeping the isolation in place

    Establishing group norms through wiki technologies within a health-care setting: a case study

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    2011 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Within rapidly changing environments in today's health care organizations, new technologies are sought to bridge gaps in processes, create connections between people, and facilitate workplace efficiencies. This study, anchored in diffusion of innovation theory, examined how one new technology is being utilized and diffused in a medium sized, multi-hospital health care system. Wiki technology allows multiple users opportunities to asynchronously collaborate and communicate through a web (internet) based application. Although potential benefits of this technology are exciting, the diffusion of this technology within a complex system is still a relatively unknown process. This case study examined how actors, or users, of three wikis perceived the establishment of group norms and rules that helped govern use of the wiki and diffusion of the technology to other members. Perception was measured through the distribution of an online questionnaire, interviews with the wiki administrators, and examination of wiki content. It was determined that group norms were ultimately helpful as new members learned how to use the wiki. In addition to wiki specific norms, this study determined group norms were perceived to be established at a higher organizational level than the wikis themselves; meaning, organization norms and rules strongly influenced how wiki specific norms and rules were determined. This study highlights the importance of strong organizational culture as it relates to members trying and adopting new, web-based technologies

    Servicios de bĂșsqueda web adaptables a los usuarios finales

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    En la presente investigaciĂłn se analiza el concepto de bĂșsqueda Web y como los usuarios interactĂșan con el navegador para realizar este tipo de tareas, introduciendo ademĂĄs el concepto de bĂșsquedas auxiliares. Luego se relevan los Ășltimos avances en el area y cĂłmo intentan solucionar las limitaciones existentes. Aspectos especĂ­ficos de estos enfoques se integran en una propuesta superadora que se presenta a traves de una herramienta, cuyo objetivo principal es mejorar la experiencia del usuario, permitiendole definir sus propios servicios de bĂșsqueda para realizar consultas a motores de bĂșsqueda externos y obtener los resultados in situ. Por otra parte, el enfoque ofrece diferentes visualizaciones que intentan adaptarse mejor a las preferencias del usuario final.Facultad de InformĂĄtic