3,841 research outputs found

    Topology-Aware and Dependence-Aware Scheduling and Memory Allocation for Task-Parallel Languages

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    International audienceWe present a joint scheduling and memory allocation algorithm for efficient execution of task-parallel programs on non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) systems. Task and data placement decisions are based on a static description of the memory hierarchy and on runtime information about intertask communication. Existing locality-aware scheduling strategies for fine-grained tasks have strong limitations: they are specific to some class of machines or applications, they do not handle task dependences, they require manual program annotations, or they rely on fragile profiling schemes. By contrast, our solution makes no assumption on the structure of programs or on the layout of data in memory. Experimental results, based on the OpenStream language, show that locality of accesses to main memory of scientific applications can be increased significantly on a 64-core machine, resulting in a speedup of up to 1.63× compared to a state-of-the-art work-stealing scheduler

    Optimizing energy-efficiency for multi-core packet processing systems in a compiler framework

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    Network applications become increasingly computation-intensive and the amount of traffic soars unprecedentedly nowadays. Multi-core and multi-threaded techniques are thus widely employed in packet processing system to meet the changing requirement. However, the processing power cannot be fully utilized without a suitable programming environment. The compilation procedure is decisive for the quality of the code. It can largely determine the overall system performance in terms of packet throughput, individual packet latency, core utilization and energy efficiency. The thesis investigated compilation issues in networking domain first, particularly on energy consumption. And as a cornerstone for any compiler optimizations, a code analysis module for collecting program dependency is presented and incorporated into a compiler framework. With that dependency information, a strategy based on graph bi-partitioning and mapping is proposed to search for an optimal configuration in a parallel-pipeline fashion. The energy-aware extension is specifically effective in enhancing the energy-efficiency of the whole system. Finally, a generic evaluation framework for simulating the performance and energy consumption of a packet processing system is given. It accepts flexible architectural configuration and is capable of performingarbitrary code mapping. The simulation time is extremely short compared to full-fledged simulators. A set of our optimization results is gathered using the framework

    Scalable Task Parallelism for NUMA: A Uniform Abstraction for Coordinated Scheduling and Memory Management

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    International audienceDynamic task-parallel programming models are popular on shared-memory systems, promising enhanced scalability, load balancing and locality. Yet these promises are undermined by non-uniform memory access (NUMA). We show that using NUMA-aware task and data placement, it is possible to preserve the uniform abstraction of both computing and memory resources for task-parallel programming models while achieving high data locality. Our data placement scheme guarantees that all accesses to task output data target the local memory of the accessing core. The complementary task placement heuristic improves the locality of task input data on a best effort basis. Our algorithms take advantage of data-flow style task parallelism, where the privatization of task data enhances scalability by eliminating false dependences and enabling fine-grained dynamic control over data placement. The algorithms are fully automatic, application-independent, performance-portable across NUMA machines, and adapt to dynamic changes. Placement decisions use information about inter-task data dependences readily available in the run-time system and placement information from the operating system. We achieve 94% of local memory accesses on a 192-core system with 24 NUMA nodes, up to 5× higher performance than NUMA-aware hierarchical work-stealing, and even 5.6× compared to static interleaved allocation. Finally, we show that state-of-the-art dynamic page migration by the operating system cannot catch up with frequent affinity changes between cores and data and thus fails to accelerate task-parallel applications

    Reducing cache coherence traffic with a NUMA-aware runtime approach

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    Cache Coherent NUMA (ccNUMA) architectures are a widespread paradigm due to the benefits they provide for scaling core count and memory capacity. Also, the flat memory address space they offer considerably improves programmability. However, ccNUMA architectures require sophisticated and expensive cache coherence protocols to enforce correctness during parallel executions, which trigger a significant amount of on- and off-chip traffic in the system. This paper analyses how coherence traffic may be best constrained in a large, real ccNUMA platform comprising 288 cores through the use of a joint hardware/software approach. For several benchmarks, we study coherence traffic in detail under the influence of an added hierarchical cache layer in the directory protocol combined with runtime managed NUMA-aware scheduling and data allocation techniques to make most efficient use of the added hardware. The effectiveness of this joint approach is demonstrated by speedups of 3.14× to 9.97× and coherence traffic reductions of up to 99% in comparison to NUMA-oblivious scheduling and data allocation.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (Severo Ochoa grants SEV2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253) and the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence. The Mont-Blanc project receives funding from the EU’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement no 671697. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas is supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Cofund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Contract 2013 BP B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improving efficiency and resilience in large-scale computing systems through analytics and data-driven management

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    Applications running in large-scale computing systems such as high performance computing (HPC) or cloud data centers are essential to many aspects of modern society, from weather forecasting to financial services. As the number and size of data centers increase with the growing computing demand, scalable and efficient management becomes crucial. However, data center management is a challenging task due to the complex interactions between applications, middleware, and hardware layers such as processors, network, and cooling units. This thesis claims that to improve robustness and efficiency of large-scale computing systems, significantly higher levels of automated support than what is available in today's systems are needed, and this automation should leverage the data continuously collected from various system layers. Towards this claim, we propose novel methodologies to automatically diagnose the root causes of performance and configuration problems and to improve efficiency through data-driven system management. We first propose a framework to diagnose software and hardware anomalies that cause undesired performance variations in large-scale computing systems. We show that by training machine learning models on resource usage and performance data collected from servers, our approach successfully diagnoses 98% of the injected anomalies at runtime in real-world HPC clusters with negligible computational overhead. We then introduce an analytics framework to address another major source of performance anomalies in cloud data centers: software misconfigurations. Our framework discovers and extracts configuration information from cloud instances such as containers or virtual machines. This is the first framework to provide comprehensive visibility into software configurations in multi-tenant cloud platforms, enabling systematic analysis for validating the correctness of software configurations. This thesis also contributes to the design of robust and efficient system management methods that leverage continuously monitored resource usage data. To improve performance under power constraints, we propose a workload- and cooling-aware power budgeting algorithm that distributes the available power among servers and cooling units in a data center, achieving up to 21% improvement in throughput per Watt compared to the state-of-the-art. Additionally, we design a network- and communication-aware HPC workload placement policy that reduces communication overhead by up to 30% in terms of hop-bytes compared to existing policies.2019-07-02T00:00:00