163 research outputs found

    Visualizing Gene Clusters using Neighborhood Graphs in R

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    The visualization of cluster solutions in gene expression data analysis gives practitioners an understanding of the cluster structure of their data and makes it easier to interpret the cluster results. Neighborhood graphs allow for visual assessment of relationships between adjacent clusters. The number of clusters in gene expression data is for biological reasons rather large. As a linear projection of the data into 2 dimensions does not scale well in the number of clusters there is a need for new visualization techniques using non-linear arrangement of the clusters. The new visualization tool is implemented in the open source statistical computing environment R. It is demonstrated on microarray data from yeast

    Direct Adaptive Aircraft Control Using Dynamic Cell Structure Neural Networks

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    A Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) Neural Network was developed which learns topology representing networks (TRNS) of F-15 aircraft aerodynamic stability and control derivatives. The network is integrated into a direct adaptive tracking controller. The combination produces a robust adaptive architecture capable of handling multiple accident and off- nominal flight scenarios. This paper describes the DCS network and modifications to the parameter estimation procedure. The work represents one step towards an integrated real-time reconfiguration control architecture for rapid prototyping of new aircraft designs. Performance was evaluated using three off-line benchmarks and on-line nonlinear Virtual Reality simulation. Flight control was evaluated under scenarios including differential stabilator lock, soft sensor failure, control and stability derivative variations, and air turbulence

    Hierarchical growing neural gas

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    “The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com”. Copyright Springer.This paper describes TreeGNG, a top-down unsupervised learning method that produces hierarchical classification schemes. TreeGNG is an extension to the Growing Neural Gas algorithm that maintains a time history of the learned topological mapping. TreeGNG is able to correct poor decisions made during the early phases of the construction of the tree, and provides the novel ability to influence the general shape and form of the learned hierarchy

    Dynamic Cell Structures: Radial Basis Function Networks with Perfect Topology Preservation

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    Dynamic Cell Structures (DCS) represent a family of artificial neural architectures suited both for unsupervised and supervised learning. They belong to the recently [Martinetz94] introduced class of Topology Representing Networks (TRN) which build perfectly topology preserving feature maps. DCS employ a modified Kohonen learning rule in conjunction with competitive Hebbian learning. The Kohonen type learning rule serves to adjust the synaptic weight vectors while Hebbian learning establishes a dynamic lateral connection structure between the units reflecting the topology of the feature manifold. In case of supervised learning, i.e. function approximation, each neural unit implements a Radial Basis Function, and an additional layer of linear output units adjusts according to a delta-rule. DCS is the first RBF-based approximation scheme attempting to concurrently learn and utilize a perfectly topology preserving map for improved performance. Simulations on a selection of CMU-Benchmarks indicate that the DCS idea applied to the Growing Cell Structure algorithm [Fritzke93b] leads to an efficient and elegant algorithm that can beat conventional models on similar tasks

    Segmenting online panellists : a volunteering perspective

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    Adaptive process control in rubber industry

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    This paper describes the problems and an adaptive solution for process control in rubber industry. We show that the human and economical benefits of an adaptive solution for the approximation of process parameters are very attractive. The modeling of the industrial problem is done by the means of artificial neural networks. For the example of the extrusion of a rubber profile in tire production our method shows good results even using only a few training samples

    Some Further Evidence about Magnification and Shape in Neural Gas

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    Neural gas (NG) is a robust vector quantization algorithm with a well-known mathematical model. According to this, the neural gas samples the underlying data distribution following a power law with a magnification exponent that depends on data dimensionality only. The effects of shape in the input data distribution, however, are not entirely covered by the NG model above, due to the technical difficulties involved. The experimental work described here shows that shape is indeed relevant in determining the overall NG behavior; in particular, some experiments reveal richer and complex behaviors induced by shape that cannot be explained by the power law alone. Although a more comprehensive analytical model remains to be defined, the evidence collected in these experiments suggests that the NG algorithm has an interesting potential for detecting complex shapes in noisy datasets