21 research outputs found

    Security Measure to Detect and Avoid Flooding Attacks using Multi-Agent System in MANETS

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    Security is considered as one of the major challenge when it comes to infrastructure less and self dependent network without any centralized control. The vulnerability of Adhoc Network makes it susceptible to external attacks like flooding of hello messages or propagating fake routing messages etc. Such attacks generates a variety of problems like disturbing the network by flooding messages that results in waste of battery which is a vital resource to maintain the life span of the network. Most importantly cause agents to die when unable to reach destination due to fake routing messages causing a heavy loss on part of the nodes generating them to maintain the route knowledge.  The paper proposes a novel technique to identify the flooding attack and measure to overcome them using Multi-Agent system

    Frad-hoc: a framework to routing ad-hoc networks

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    This article presents a routing framework for mobile ad-hoc networks, which was called as FRAd-hoc. The main goal of the contribution was the design and implementation of a structure that could gather generic characteristics from hybrid routing algorithm domains.Therefore, it is possible to offer a specializing framework to produce and make available reusable software components. The results present in this research work indicate that the FRAd-hoc environment has reached a successful level, because it was possible to produce others algorithms starting from the proposed framework.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Frad-hoc: a framework to routing ad-hoc networks

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    This article presents a routing framework for mobile ad-hoc networks, which was called as FRAd-hoc. The main goal of the contribution was the design and implementation of a structure that could gather generic characteristics from hybrid routing algorithm domains.Therefore, it is possible to offer a specializing framework to produce and make available reusable software components. The results present in this research work indicate that the FRAd-hoc environment has reached a successful level, because it was possible to produce others algorithms starting from the proposed framework.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A mobile agent and message ferry mechanism based routing for delay tolerant network

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    Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a class of networks characterized by long delays, frequent disconnections and partitioning of communication paths between network nodes. Due to the frequent disconnection and network partitioning, the overall performance of the network will be deteriorated sharply. The problem is how to make the network fairly connected to optimize data routing and enhance the performance of a network. The aim of this study is to improve the performance of DTN by minimizing end-to-end delivery time and increasing message delivery ratio. Therefore, this research tackles the problem of intermittent connectivity and network partitioning by introducing Agents and Ferry Mechanism based Routing (AFMR). The AFMR comprises of two stages by applying two schemes: mobile agents and ferry mechanism. The agents' scheme is proposed to deal with intermittent connectivity and network partitioning by collecting the basic information about network connection such as signal strength, nodes position in the network and distance to the destination nodes to minimize end-to-end delivery time. The second stage is to increase the message delivery ratio by moving the nodes towards the path with available network connectivity based on agents' feedback. The AFMR is evaluated through simulations and the results are compared with those of Epidemic, PRoPHET and Message Ferry (MF). The findings demonstrate that AFMR is superior to all three, with respect to the average end-to-end delivery time, message delivery ratio, network load and message drop ratio, which are regarded as extremely important metrics for the evaluation of DTN routing protocols. The AFMR achieves improved network performance in terms of end-to-end delivery time (56.3%); enhanced message delivery ratio (60.0%); mitigation of message drop (63.5%) and reduced network load (26.1 %). The contributions of this thesis are to enhance the performance of DTN by significantly overcoming the intermittent connectivity and network partitioning problems in the network

    Addressing mobility issues in mobile environment

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    Realitzat en col·laboració amb el centre o empresa: Lappeenranta University of Technolog

    Distributed auto-configuration of neighboring cell graphs in radio access networks

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    可量化的移动Ad Hoc网络时空动态特性评估方法

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    移动模型是Ad Hoc网络区别于其他形式网络的重要标志,对其产生的动态网络特性(简称动态特性)进行评估,是研究Ad Hoc网络的协议仿真和网络相关技术(如拓扑控制和网络性能测量等)的基础性问题.在已有研究的基础上,改进了网络的模型化描述,克服了以往模型无法很好地描述相关联的时空动态特性的缺陷,并在此基础上,提出了移动模型通用的可量化时空动态特性评估方法.通过构建节点空间位置分布,建立网络拓扑时空动态特性的分析模型,深入研究了几种移动模型的动态性.提出一种圆周曲线移动模型,弥补了以往移动模型难以描述现实的曲线移动场景.仿真实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地对现有移动模型的动态性进行评估.实验结果表明,圆周曲线移动模型与以往移动模型相比,具有良好的时空动态特性

    Decentralised Algorithms for Wireless Networks.

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    Designing and managing wireless networks is challenging for many reasons. Two of the most crucial in 802.11 wireless networks are: (a) variable per-user channel quality and (b) unplanned, ad-hoc deployment of the Access Points (APs). Regarding (a), a typical consequence is the selection, for each user, of a different bit-rate, based on the channel quality. This in turn causes the so-called performance “anomaly”, where the users with lower bit-rate transmit for most of the time, causing the higher bit-rate users to receive less time for transmission (air time). Regarding (b), an important issue is managing interference. This can be mitigated by selecting different channels for neighbouring APs, but needs to be carried out in a decentralised way because often APs belong to different administrative domains, or communication between APs is unfeasible. Tools for managing unplanned deployment are also becoming important for other small cell networks, such as femtocell networks, where decentralised allocation of scrambling codes is a key task