200 research outputs found

    Dynamics and network structure in neuroimaging data

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    With the vision of including authors from different parts of the world, different educational backgrounds, and offering open-access to their published work, InTech proudly presents the latest edited book in epilepsy research, Epilepsy: Histological, electroencephalographic, and psychological aspects. Here are twelve interesting and inspiring chapters dealing with basic molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying epileptic seizures, electroencephalographic findings, and neuropsychological, psychological, and psychiatric aspects of epileptic seizures, but non-epileptic as well

    EEG-Biofeedback and epilepsy: concept, methodology and tools for (neuro)therapy planning and objective evaluation

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    EEG-Biofeedback and Epilepsy: Concept, Methodology and Tools for (Neuro)therapy Planning and Objective Evaluation ABSTRACT Objective diagnosis and therapy evaluation are still challenging tasks for many neurological disorders. This is highly related to the diversity of cases and the variety of treatment modalities available. Especially in the case of epilepsy, which is a complex disorder not well-explained at the biochemical and physiological levels, there is the need for investigations for novel features, which can be extracted and quantified from electrophysiological signals in clinical practice. Neurotherapy is a complementary treatment applied in various disorders of the central nervous system, including epilepsy. The method is subsumed under behavioral medicine and is considered an operant conditioning in psychological terms. Although the application areas of this promising unconventional approach are rapidly increasing, the method is strongly debated, since the neurophysiological underpinnings of the process are not yet well understood. Therefore, verification of the efficacy of the treatment is one of the core issues in this field of research. Considering the diversity in epilepsy and its various treatment modalities, a concept and a methodology were developed in this work for increasing objectivity in diagnosis and therapy evaluation. The approach can also fulfill the requirement of patient-specific neurotherapy planning. Neuroprofile is introduced as a tool for defining a structured set of quantifiable measures which can be extracted from electrophysiological signals. A set of novel quantitative features (i.e., percentage epileptic pattern occurrence, contingent negative variation level difference measure, direct current recovery index, heart rate recovery ratio, and hyperventilation heart rate index) were defined, and the methods were introduced for extracting them. A software concept and the corresponding tools (i.e., the neuroprofile extraction module and a database) were developed as a basis for automation to support the methodology. The features introduced were investigated through real data, which were acquired both in laboratory studies with voluntary control subjects and in clinical applications with epilepsy patients. The results indicate the usefulness of the introduced measures and possible benefits of integrating the indices obtained from electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram for diagnosis and therapy evaluation. The applicability of the methodology was demonstrated on sample cases for therapy evaluation. Based on the insights gained through the work, synergetics was proposed as a theoretical framework for comprehending neurotherapy as a complex process of learning. Furthermore, direct current (DC)-level in EEG was hypothesized to be an order parameter of the brain complex open system. For future research in this field, investigation of the interactions between higher cognitive functions and the autonomous nervous system was proposed. Keywords: EEG-biofeedback, epilepsy, neurotherapy, slow cortical potentials, objective diagnosis, therapy evaluation, epileptic pattern quantification, fractal dimension, contingent negative variation, hyperventilation, DC-shifts, instantaneous heart rate, neuroprofile, database system, synergetics.Die Epilepsie ist eine komplexe neurologische Erkrankung, die auf biochemischer und physiologischer Ebene nicht ausreichend geklärt ist. Die Vielfalt der epileptischen Krankheitsbilder und der Behandlungsmodalitäten verursacht ein Defizit an quantitativen Kenngrößen auf elektrophysiologischer Basis, die die Objektivität und die Effizienz der Diagnose und der Therapieevaluierung signifikant erhöhen können. Die Neurotherapie (bzw. EEG-Biofeedback) ist eine komplementäre Behandlung, die bei Erkrankungen, welche in Zusammenhang mit Regulationsproblemen des Zentralnervensystems stehen, angewandt wird. Obwohl sich die Applikationen dieser unkonventionellen Methode erweitern, wird sie nach wie vor stark diskutiert, da deren neuro- und psychophysiologischen Mechanismen wenig erforscht sind. Aus diesem Grund ist die Ermittlung von Kenngrößen als elektrophysiologische Korrelaten der ablaufenden Prozesse zur objektiven Einstellung und Therapievalidierung eines der Kernprobleme des Forschungsgebietes und auch der vorliegenden Arbeit. Unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen neurologischen Erkenntnisse und der durch Untersuchungen an Probanden, sowie an Epilepsie-Patienten gewonnenen Ergebnisse, wurden ein Konzept und eine Methodologie entwickelt, um die Objektivität in der Diagnose und Therapieevaluierung zu erhöhen. Die Methodologie basiert auf einem Neuroprofil, welches als ein signalanalytisches mehrdimensionales Modell eingeführt wurde. Es beschreibt einen strukturierten Satz quantifizierbarer Kenngrößen, die aus dem Elektroenzephalogramm (EEG), den ereignisbezogenen Potentialen und dem Elektrokardiogramm extrahiert werden können. Als Komponenten des Neuroprofils wurden neuartige quantitative Kenngrößen (percentage epileptic pattern occurrence, contingent negative variation level difference measure, direct current recovery index, heart rate recovery ratio, hyperventilation heart rate index) definiert und die Methoden zu deren Berechnung algorithmisiert. Die Anwendbarkeit der Methodologie wurde beispielhaft für die Evaluierung von Neurotherapien an Epilepsie-Patienten demonstriert. Als Basis für eine zukünftige Automatisierung wurden ein Softwarekonzept und entsprechende Tools (neuroprofile extraction module und die Datenbank ?NeuroBase?) entwickelt. Der Ansatz erfüllt auch die Anforderungen der patientenspezifischen Therapieplanung und kann auf andere Krankheitsbilder übertragen werden. Durch die neu gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde die Synergetik als ein theoretischer Rahmen für die Analyse der Neurotherapie als komplexer Lernprozess vorgeschlagen. Es wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass das Gleichspannungsniveau im EEG ein Ordnungsparameter des Gehirn ist, wobei das Gehirn als ein komplexes offenes System betrachtet wird. Für zukünftige Forschungen auf dem Gebiet wird empfohlen, die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den höheren kognitiven Funktionen und dem autonomen Nervensystem in diesem Kontext zu untersuchen

    Epileptic neuronal networks: methods of identification and clinical relevance

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    The main objective of this paper is to examine evidence for the concept that epileptic activity should be envisaged in terms of functional connectivity and dynamics of neuronal networks. Basic concepts regarding structure and dynamics of neuronal networks are briefly described. Particular attention is given to approaches that are derived, or related, to the concept of causality, as formulated by Granger. Linear and non-linear methodologies aiming at characterizing the dynamics of neuronal networks applied to EEG/MEG and combined EEG/fMRI signals in epilepsy are critically reviewed. The relevance of functional dynamical analysis of neuronal networks with respect to clinical queries in focal cortical dysplasias, temporal lobe epilepsies, and “generalized” epilepsies is emphasized. In the light of the concepts of epileptic neuronal networks, and recent experimental findings, the dichotomic classification in focal and generalized epilepsy is re-evaluated. It is proposed that so-called “generalized epilepsies,” such as absence seizures, are actually fast spreading epilepsies, the onset of which can be tracked down to particular neuronal networks using appropriate network analysis. Finally new approaches to delineate epileptogenic networks are discussed

    From hospital to home. The application of e-health solutions for monitoring and management of people with epilepsy

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    Background. In the last 10 years, there has been an explosion in the development of mobile and wearable technologies. Recent events such as Covid 19 emergency, showed the world how clinicians need to focus more on the application of these technologies to monitor and manage their patients. Despite this, the use of innovative technologies is not now a common practice in epilepsy. This thesis aims to demonstrate how people with epilepsy (PWE) are ready to use these mobile and wearable technologies and how data collected from these solutions can have a direct impact on PWE’s life. Methods. A systematic literature search was performed to provide an accurate overview of new non- invasive EEGs and their applications in epilepsy health care and an online survey was performed to fill the literature gap on this topic. To accurately study the PWE’s experience using wearable sensors, and the value of physiological and non-physiological data collected from wearable sensors, we used EEG data collected from the hospital (RADAR-CNS), and we collected original data from an at-home study (EEG@HOME). The data can be divided into two main categories: qualitative data (online survey, semi-structured interviews), and quantitative data analysis (questionnaires, EEG, and additional non-invasive physiological variables). Results. The systematic review showed us how non-invasive portable EEGs could provide valuable data for clinical purposes in epilepsy and become useful tools in different settings (i.e., rural areas, Hospitals, and homes). These are well accepted and tolerated by PWE and health care providers, especially for the easy application, cost, and comfort. The information obtained on the acceptability of repeated long-term non-invasive measures at home (EEG@HOME) showed that the use of the portable EEG cap was in general well tolerated over the 6 months but, the use of a smartwatch and the e-seizure diary was usually preferred. The level of compliance was good in most of the individuals and any barriers or issues which affected their experience or quality of the data were highlighted (i.e., life events, issues with equipment, and hairstyle of patients). Semi-structured interviews showed that participants found the combination of the three solutions very well-integrated and easy to use. The support received and the possibility to be trained and monitored remotely were well accepted and no privacy issues were reported by any of the participants. Most of the participants also suggested how they will be happy to have a mobile solution in the future to help to monitor their condition. The graph theory measures extracted from short and/or repeated EEG segments recorded from hospitals (RADAR-CNS) allowed us to explore the temporal evolution of brain activity prior to a seizure. Finally, physiological data and non-physiological data (EEG@HOME) were combined to understand and develop a model for each participant which explained a higher or lower risk of seizure over time. We also evaluated the value of repeated unsupervised resting state EEG recorded at home for seizure detection. Conclusion. The use of new technologies is well accepted by PWE in different settings. This thesis gives a detailed overview of two main points. First: PWE can be monitored in the hospital or at home using new wearable sensors or smartphone apps, and they are ready to use them after a short training and minimal supervision. Second: repeated data collection could provide a new way of a monitor, managing, and diagnosing people with epilepsy. Future studies should focus on balancing the acceptability of the solutions and the quality of the data collected. We also suggest that more studies focusing on seizure forecasting and detection using data collected from long-term monitoring need to be conducted. Digital health is the future of clinical practice and will increase PWE safety, independency, treatment, and monitoring

    Multimodal image analysis of the human brain

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    Gedurende de laatste decennia heeft de snelle ontwikkeling van multi-modale en niet-invasieve hersenbeeldvorming technologieën een revolutie teweeg gebracht in de mogelijkheid om de structuur en functionaliteit van de hersens te bestuderen. Er is grote vooruitgang geboekt in het beoordelen van hersenschade door gebruik te maken van Magnetic Reconance Imaging (MRI), terwijl Elektroencefalografie (EEG) beschouwd wordt als de gouden standaard voor diagnose van neurologische afwijkingen. In deze thesis focussen we op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe technieken voor multi-modale beeldanalyse van het menselijke brein, waaronder MRI segmentatie en EEG bronlokalisatie. Hierdoor voegen we theorie en praktijk samen waarbij we focussen op twee medische applicaties: (1) automatische 3D MRI segmentatie van de volwassen hersens en (2) multi-modale EEG-MRI data analyse van de hersens van een pasgeborene met perinatale hersenschade. We besteden veel aandacht aan de verbetering en ontwikkeling van nieuwe methoden voor accurate en ruisrobuuste beeldsegmentatie, dewelke daarna succesvol gebruikt worden voor de segmentatie van hersens in MRI van zowel volwassen als pasgeborenen. Daarenboven ontwikkelden we een geïntegreerd multi-modaal methode voor de EEG bronlokalisatie in de hersenen van een pasgeborene. Deze lokalisatie wordt gebruikt voor de vergelijkende studie tussen een EEG aanval bij pasgeborenen en acute perinatale hersenletsels zichtbaar in MRI
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