14 research outputs found

    Topic-Relevant Reference Groups and Dimensions of Distance: Political Advertising and First- and Third-Person Effects

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    This article argues for using topic-relevant reference groups in examining first and third-person effects. It also proposes using topic-relevant dimensions of distance to assess relationships not only between self and target groups but also relationships both have with communicators. The study showed 2000 presidential primary ads from Al Gore and George W. Bush to a combined sample of student and nonstudent partisans (N = 140). Participants perceived greater effects on the out-group and on the general public then on themselves for ads from the out-group candidate. A third-person effect was also observed for ads from the in-group candidate in self-in-group and self-public comparisons. The only first-person effect was found for the self-out-group comparison of responses to the in-group candidate ads. Self-candidate political distance, an analogue of message desirability, was negatively related to perceived effects on self and target groups, whereas self-group and group-candidate distance measures showed only sporadic relationships to perceived effects.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Online gambling advertising and the third-person effect: a pilot study

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    Gambling disorder is known to have a negatively detrimental impact on affected individual’s physical and psychological health, social relationships, and finances. Via remote technologies (e.g., Internet, mobile phones, and interactive television), gambling has come out of gambling venues and has brought the potential for online gambling to occur anywhere (e.g., the home, the workplace, and on the move). Alongside the rise of online gambling, online gambling advertising have spread throughout all type of media. In a sample of 201 Spanish university students, the present study explored the perceived influence of online gambling advertising. More specifically it examined the Third-Person Effect (TPE), and its consequences on individuals' willingness to support censorship or public service advertising. The findings demonstrate that despite the difference on the perception of the effects of online gambling advertising, it scarcely accounts for the behavioural outcomes analysed. On the contrary, awareness of problem gambling and, above all, paternalistic attitudes appear to explain this support

    Offensive Advertisements Influence You More Than Me: An Examination of the Third-Person Effects in the Chinese Cultural Context

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    This study examined the third-person effect (TPE) hypothesis (Davison, 1983) in offensive advertising in the Chinese cultural context. Based on a survey of 1,539 Chinese Internet users about the third- and firstperson effects among offensive ads, neutral ads, and public service ads, the study inquires into the relationship between the TPE and respondents’ levels of acceptance toward advertising. Besides confirming the TPE existence in an Eastern cultural context, the results suggest that the TPE predict wordof-mouth (WOM) spreading for both offensive and neutral product ads, but not for PSAs. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications of these findings are discussed

    Third-Person Perceptions and Calls for Censorship of Flat Earth Videos on YouTube

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    Calls for censorship have been made in response to the proliferation of flat Earth videos on YouTube, but these videos are likely convincing to very few. Instead, people may worry these videos are brainwashing others. That individuals believe other people will be more influenced by media messages than themselves is called third-person perception (TPP), and the consequences from those perceptions, such as calls for censorship, are called third-person effects (TPE). Here, we conduct three studies that examine the flat Earth phenomenon using TPP and TPE as a theoretical framework. We first measured participants’ own perceptions of the convincingness of flat Earth arguments presented in YouTube videos and compared these to participants’ perceptions of how convincing others might find the arguments. Instead of merely looking at ratings of one’s self vs. a general ‘other,’ however, we asked people to consider a variety of identity groups who differ based on political party, religiosity, educational attainment, and area of residence (e.g., rural, urban). We found that participants’ religiosity and political party were the strongest predictors of TPP across the different identity groups. In our second and third pre-registered studies, we found support for our first study’s conclusions, and we found mixed evidence for whether TPP predict support for censoring YouTube among the public

    Exploring the Controversial Advertisings in Vietnam

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    本文研究对象为2009至2014年期间在越南国内引起争议的广告。主要研究问题包括越南争议广告的主要原因,越南争议广告主要通过什么路径得以传播,争议广告对企业的信誉及其品牌的影响。研究主要使用案例研究法中的描述性案例研究和深度访谈法。研究发现,在争议广告的争议性产品、广告创意和广告投放渠道三个主要研究维度中,越南争议广告大部分属于广告创意维度,因这个维度引发争议的原因主要包括违反传统文化、过于敏感的主题、歧视特殊群体等。研究还发现,社交网络在越南争议广告形成和传播的过程中发挥了重要作用,争议广告通过媒体—受众—社交网络—媒体—公众的路径进行传播。部分越南争议广告已经损害了企业的信誉,影响到其销售...The purpose of this paper is to examine attitudes towards the controversial advertisings in Vietnam during 2009 – 2014 period. Using descriptive case study and in-depth interview method, the paper aims to determine the reason for advertising being controversial; through which path these advertisings disseminate; how controversial advertisings affect company reputation and brand. Findings – in Viet...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3062012115429

    Voting Experience and Perceived Media Impact Second- and Third-Person-Effects of Political Communication in Germany

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    The notion that people believe others to be more susceptible for media impact than themselves has attracted substantial scholarly interest in recent years. The present paper reports on the first field study of the third-person effect in Germany. On occasion of the Federal election campaign in 2002, a survey determined respondent’s belief of how strongly the general public, their friends and family, and their own person was affected by six different sorts of communication sources. Results confirm the perceptual component of the third-person concept (including the social distance and the message desirability hypothesis) but fail to prove effects on the behavioural intention of voters. The magnitude of perceptual gaps is influenced by a person’s voting experience, with first-time voters displaying smaller differences in impact assessments. But the part of media use and political involvement in this process of political communication is still unclear and requires further research

    Public affairs advertising: corporate influence, public opinion and vote intentions under the third-person effect

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    This study examined corporate public affairs and brand awareness advertising under the third-person effect. Third-person effect studies examine the interaction between the media and its effect on public opinion. Past research in third-person effect indicates that individuals perceive that the media is more influential on others than oneself. However, recent studies find a reverse effect, where individuals perceive a greater effect on oneself when compared to others when media messages are positive and desirable to be influenced by. Findings from this study indicate that ExxonMobil public affairs advertisements are found to be socially desirable to be influenced by and that individuals attribute a greater effect to themselves from such ads when compared to others. Further, they are likely to act on that perception in the form of purchasing ExxonMobil fuel and voting for legislation supporting the cause promoted by the corporation. These unique findings suggest that message influence is derived in part from social acceptance in general rather than one\u27s individual assessments of media messages. As such, corporate use of tools such as issue ads, cause related marketing and advocacy advertising are valuable when those messages are deemed socially acceptable, as they lay a foundation of support for corporate operations. Pro-social messages help build the image of a corporation as socially responsible. And the bottom line for such a reputation for corporations is the importance it has securing future sales both directly and indirectly. In other words, public affairs messages can help a company\u27s bottom line indirectly by managing the corporation\u27s image to ensure favorable policies toward the corporation. As well, socially responsible corporations are looked favorably upon by individuals and this perception can realize a direct increase in sales. The implications of such findings rest in the commercial speech debate of corporations who comment on public issues and under the larger umbrella of media effects. We realize that media effects do not occur in a vacuum. They occur in social contexts. As such, as undue influence is of great concern to the debate of public salient issues, the need for responsible corporate citizens who comment in the market place of ideas is paramount

    Wie Menschen die Wirkungen politischer Medienberichterstattung wahrnehmen - und welche Konsequenzen daraus resultieren: zum Zusammenhang von politischer Willensbildung, Second- und Third-Person-Effekten

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    'Mutmaßungen über Medienwirkungen können die Wahrnehmungen und das Verhalten des Publikums beeinflussen - und politische Einstellungen von Mediennutzern hängen auch davon ab, welchen Einfluss sie den Medien im Prozess der Meinungs- und Willensbildung generell zumessen. Diese Hypothese, die im Kontext von Studien zum 'Third-Person-Effekt' angesiedelt ist, wurde anhand einer empirischen Feldstudie anlässlich der Bundestagswahl 2002 untersucht. In einer Befragung wurde die Wahrnehmung erhoben, wie sehr man sich selbst, Freunde und Familie und die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit von sechs verschiedenen politischen Kommunikationsangeboten beeinflusst glaubt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Wahrnehmungskomponente des Third-Person-Ansatzes - Wirkungen werden den Medien eher auf andere Personen zugeschrieben als auf einen selbst, aber Folgeeffekte auf das beabsichtigte Wahlverhalten sind nicht erkennbar.' (Autorenreferat)'The notion that people believe others to be more susceptible for media impact than themselves has attracted substantial scholarly interest in recent years. The present paper reports on a field study of the third-person effect in Germany. On occasion of the Federal election campaign in 2002, a survey determined respondent's belief of how strongly the general public, their friends and family, and their own person was affected by six different sorts of communication sources. Results confirm the perceptual component of the third-person concept (including the social distance and the message desirability hypothesis) but fail to prove effects on the behavioural intention of voters. The magnitude of perceptual gaps is influenced by a person's voting experience, with first-time voters displaying smaller differences in impact assessments.' (author's abstract)

    An Examination Of Third-person Effect In The Context Of Contoversial Product Advertising

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    This research seeks to determine if there is a third-person effect in the realm of controversial product advertising. A questionnaire was designed based on previous research and distributed to a convenience sample of college students at the University of Central Florida. Participants were asked to rate their perceived levels of personal offense to product categories as well as the expected levels of other groups of people. The results show that there is indeed a significant third-person effect recognized for all product categories except for racial extremist groups. A first-person effect was shown to be present for the category of racial extremist groups. This research also suggests that a concealed third-person effect may have been present in previous studies of this nature that obtained high levels of offense attributed to the self. Discussions of the findings, implications for marketers and advertisers, limitations to the study, as well as suggestions for future research are also posited