1,114 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Algorithm to Identify Ambiguous Prostate Capsule Boundary Lines for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantitation

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    Currently there are few parameters that are used to compare the efficiency of different methods of cancerous prostate surgical removal. An accurate assessment of the percentage and depth of extra-capsular soft tissue removed with the prostate by the various surgical techniques can help surgeons determine the appropriateness of surgical approaches. Additionally, an objective assessment can allow a particular surgeon to compare individual performance against a standard. In order to facilitate 3D reconstruction and objective analysis and thus provide more accurate quantitation results when analyzing specimens, it is essential to automatically identify the capsule line that separates the prostate gland tissue from its extra-capsular tissue. However the prostate capsule is sometimes unrecognizable due to the naturally occurring intrusion of muscle and connective tissue into the prostate gland. At these regions where the capsule disappears, its contour can be arbitrarily reconstructed by drawing a continuing contour line based on the natural shape of the prostate gland. Presented here is a mathematical model that can be used in deciding the missing part of the capsule. This model approximates the missing parts of the capsule where it disappears to a standard shape by using a Generalized Hough Transform (GHT) approach to detect the prostate capsule. We also present an algorithm based on a least squares curve fitting technique that uses a prostate shape equation to merge previously detected capsule parts with the curve equation to produce an approximated curve that represents the prostate capsule. We have tested our algorithms using three shapes on 13 prostate slices that are cut at different locations from the apex and the results are promisin

    Differently stained whole slide image registration technique with landmark validation

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    Abstract. One of the most significant features in digital pathology is to compare and fuse successive differently stained tissue sections, also called slides, visually. Doing so, aligning different images to a common frame, ground truth, is required. Current sample scanning tools enable to create images full of informative layers of digitalized tissues, stored with a high resolution into whole slide images. However, there are a limited amount of automatic alignment tools handling large images precisely in acceptable processing time. The idea of this study is to propose a deep learning solution for histopathology image registration. The main focus is on the understanding of landmark validation and the impact of stain augmentation on differently stained histopathology images. Also, the developed registration method is compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms which utilize whole slide images in the field of digital pathology. There are previous studies about histopathology, digital pathology, whole slide imaging and image registration, color staining, data augmentation, and deep learning that are referenced in this study. The goal is to develop a learning-based registration framework specifically for high-resolution histopathology image registration. Different whole slide tissue sample images are used with a resolution of up to 40x magnification. The images are organized into sets of consecutive, differently dyed sections, and the aim is to register the images based on only the visible tissue and ignore the background. Significant structures in the tissue are marked with landmarks. The quality measurements include, for example, the relative target registration error, structural similarity index metric, visual evaluation, landmark-based evaluation, matching points, and image details. These results are comparable and can be used also in the future research and in development of new tools. Moreover, the results are expected to show how the theory and practice are combined in whole slide image registration challenges. DeepHistReg algorithm will be studied to better understand the development of stain color feature augmentation-based image registration tool of this study. Matlab and Aperio ImageScope are the tools to annotate and validate the image, and Python is used to develop the algorithm of this new registration tool. As cancer is globally a serious disease regardless of age or lifestyle, it is important to find ways to develop the systems experts can use while working with patients’ data. There is still a lot to improve in the field of digital pathology and this study is one step toward it.Eri menetelmin värjättyjen virtuaalinäytelasien rekisteröintitekniikka kiintopisteiden validointia hyödyntäen. Tiivistelmä. Yksi tärkeimmistä digitaalipatologian ominaisuuksista on verrata ja fuusioida peräkkäisiä eri menetelmin värjättyjä kudosleikkeitä toisiinsa visuaalisesti. Tällöin keskenään lähes identtiset kuvat kohdistetaan samaan yhteiseen kehykseen, niin sanottuun pohjatotuuteen. Nykyiset näytteiden skannaustyökalut mahdollistavat sellaisten kuvien luonnin, jotka ovat täynnä kerroksittaista tietoa digitalisoiduista näytteistä, tallennettuna erittäin korkean resoluution virtuaalisiin näytelaseihin. Tällä hetkellä on olemassa kuitenkin vain kourallinen automaattisia työkaluja, jotka kykenevät käsittelemään näin valtavia kuvatiedostoja tarkasti hyväksytyin aikarajoin. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on syväoppimista hyväksikäyttäen löytää ratkaisu histopatologisten kuvien rekisteröintiin. Tärkeimpänä osa-alueena on ymmärtää kiintopisteiden validoinnin periaatteet sekä eri väriaineiden augmentoinnin vaikutus. Lisäksi tässä työssä kehitettyä rekisteröintialgoritmia tullaan vertailemaan muihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin algoritmeihin, jotka myös hyödyntävät virtuaalinäytelaseja digitaalipatologian saralla. Kirjallisessa osiossa tullaan siteeraamaan aiempia tutkimuksia muun muassa seuraavista aihealueista: histopatologia, digitaalipatologia, virtuaalinäytelasi, kuvantaminen ja rekisteröinti, näytteen värjäys, data-augmentointi sekä syväoppiminen. Tavoitteena on kehittää oppimispohjainen rekisteröintikehys erityisesti korkearesoluutioisille digitalisoiduille histopatologisille kuville. Erilaisissa näytekuvissa tullaan käyttämään jopa 40-kertaista suurennosta. Kuvat kudoksista on järjestetty eri menetelmin värjättyihin peräkkäisiin kuvasarjoihin ja tämän työn päämääränä on rekisteröidä kuvat pohjautuen ainoastaan kudosten näkyviin osuuksiin, jättäen kuvien tausta huomioimatta. Kudosten merkittävimmät rakenteet on merkattu niin sanotuin kiintopistein. Työn laatumittauksina käytetään arvoja, kuten kohteen suhteellinen rekisteröintivirhe (rTRE), rakenteellisen samankaltaisuuindeksin mittari (SSIM), sekä visuaalista arviointia, kiintopisteisiin pohjautuvaa arviointia, yhteensopivuuskohtia, ja kuvatiedoston yksityiskohtia. Nämä arvot ovat verrattavissa myös tulevissa tutkimuksissa ja samaisia arvoja voidaan käyttää uusia työkaluja kehiteltäessä. DeepHistReg metodi toimii pohjana tässä työssä kehitettävälle näytteen värjäyksen parantamiseen pohjautuvalle rekisteröintityökalulle. Matlab ja Aperio ImageScope ovat ohjelmistoja, joita tullaan hyödyntämään tässä työssä kuvien merkitsemiseen ja validointiin. Ohjelmointikielenä käytetään Pythonia. Syöpä on maailmanlaajuisesti vakava sairaus, joka ei katso ikää eikä elämäntyyliä. Siksi on tärkeää löytää uusia keinoja kehittää työkaluja, joita asiantuntijat voivat hyödyntää jokapäiväisessä työssään potilastietojen käsittelyssä. Digitaalipatologian osa-alueella on vielä paljon innovoitavaa ja tämä työ on yksi askel eteenpäin taistelussa syöpäsairauksia vastaan

    Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images for Volume Reconstruction

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    This manuscript tackles the reconstruction of 3D volumes via mono-modal registration of series of 2D biological images (histological sections, autoradiographs, cryosections, etc.). The process of acquiring these images typically induces composite transformations that we model as a number of rigid or affine local transformations embedded in an elastic one. We propose a registration approach closely derived from this model. Given a pair of input images, we first compute a dense similarity field between them with a block matching algorithm. We use as a similarity measure an extension of the classical correlation coefficient that improves the consistency of the field. A hierarchical clustering algorithm then automatically partitions the field into a number of classes from which we extract independent pairs of sub-images. Our clustering algorithm relies on the Earth mover’s distribution metric and is additionally guided by robust least-square estimation of the transformations associated with each cluster. Finally, the pairs of sub-images are, independently, affinely registered and a hybrid affine/non-linear interpolation scheme is used to compose the output registered image. We investigate the behavior of our approach on several batches of histological data and discuss its sensitivity to parameters and noise

    A model-based cortical parcellation scheme for high-resolution 7 Tesla MRI data

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    Methods for Analysing Endothelial Cell Shape and Behaviour in Relation to the Focal Nature of Atherosclerosis

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop automated methods for the analysis of the spatial patterns, and the functional behaviour of endothelial cells, viewed under microscopy, with applications to the understanding of atherosclerosis. Initially, a radial search approach to segmentation was attempted in order to trace the cell and nuclei boundaries using a maximum likelihood algorithm; it was found inadequate to detect the weak cell boundaries present in the available data. A parametric cell shape model was then introduced to fit an equivalent ellipse to the cell boundary by matching phase-invariant orientation fields of the image and a candidate cell shape. This approach succeeded on good quality images, but failed on images with weak cell boundaries. Finally, a support vector machines based method, relying on a rich set of visual features, and a small but high quality training dataset, was found to work well on large numbers of cells even in the presence of strong intensity variations and imaging noise. Using the segmentation results, several standard shear-stress dependent parameters of cell morphology were studied, and evidence for similar behaviour in some cell shape parameters was obtained in in-vivo cells and their nuclei. Nuclear and cell orientations around immature and mature aortas were broadly similar, suggesting that the pattern of flow direction near the wall stayed approximately constant with age. The relation was less strong for the cell and nuclear length-to-width ratios. Two novel shape analysis approaches were attempted to find other properties of cell shape which could be used to annotate or characterise patterns, since a wide variability in cell and nuclear shapes was observed which did not appear to fit the standard parameterisations. Although no firm conclusions can yet be drawn, the work lays the foundation for future studies of cell morphology. To draw inferences about patterns in the functional response of cells to flow, which may play a role in the progression of disease, single-cell analysis was performed using calcium sensitive florescence probes. Calcium transient rates were found to change with flow, but more importantly, local patterns of synchronisation in multi-cellular groups were discernable and appear to change with flow. The patterns suggest a new functional mechanism in flow-mediation of cell-cell calcium signalling

    Registration and Analysis of Developmental Image Sequences

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    Mapping images into the same anatomical coordinate system via image registration is a fundamental step when studying physiological processes, such as brain development. Standard registration methods are applicable when biological structures are mapped to the same anatomy and their appearance remains constant across the images or changes spatially uniformly. However, image sequences of animal or human development often do not follow these assumptions, and thus standard registration methods are unsuited for their analysis. In response, this dissertation tackles the problems of i) registering developmental image sequences with spatially non-uniform appearance change and ii) reconstructing a coherent 3D volume from serially sectioned images with non-matching anatomies between the sections. There are three major contributions presented in this dissertation. First, I develop a similarity metric that incorporates a time-dependent appearance model into the registration framework. The proposed metric allows for longitudinal image registration in the presence of spatially non-uniform appearance change over time—a common medical imaging problem for longitudinal magnetic resonance images of the neonatal brain. Next, a method is introduced for registering longitudinal developmental datasets with missing time points using an appearance atlas built from a population. The proposed method is applied to a longitudinal study of young macaque monkeys with incomplete image sequences. The final contribution is a template-free registration method to reconstruct images of serially sectioned biological samples into a coherent 3D volume. The method is applied to confocal fluorescence microscopy images of serially sectioned embryonic mouse brains.Doctor of Philosoph

    Registration of serial sections: An evaluation method based on distortions of the ground truths

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    Registration of histological serial sections is a challenging task. Serial sections exhibit distortions and damage from sectioning. Missing information on how the tissue looked before cutting makes a realistic validation of 2D registrations extremely difficult. This work proposes methods for ground-truth-based evaluation of registrations. Firstly, we present a methodology to generate test data for registrations. We distort an innately registered image stack in the manner similar to the cutting distortion of serial sections. Test cases are generated from existing 3D data sets, thus the ground truth is known. Secondly, our test case generation premises evaluation of the registrations with known ground truths. Our methodology for such an evaluation technique distinguishes this work from other approaches. Both under- and over-registration become evident in our evaluations. We also survey existing validation efforts. We present a full-series evaluation across six different registration methods applied to our distorted 3D data sets of animal lungs. Our distorted and ground truth data sets are made publicly available.Comment: Supplemental data available under https://zenodo.org/record/428244