3,389 research outputs found

    Preliminary Implementation of the Next Generation Cannulation Simulator

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is a highly complex/critical lifesaving procedure known to support patients with cardiac and respiratory issues. Patients on ECMO are monitored 24/7 by a team of highly trained ECMO team comprising nurses, physicians, respiratory therapists, and perfusionists promptly intervening to any potential emergency situation. Simulation-Based Training (SBT) allows clinicians to experience and practice realistic hands-on procedures and scenarios without any risk. In ECMO, cannulation is a critical procedure performed to externally reroute the blood flow so it can be re-oxygenated by the ECMO machine before being recirculated through the patient's body. In a close collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), this project aims to develop a cost effective, realistic, and user-friendly ECMO simulator focusing on the venous and arterial cannulation procedure, The main features of this simulator include cannulation emergencies caused by low pressure flow, excessive force, recirculation, or mispositioned wire/cannula. Therefore, the ECMO cannulation simulator will not only greatly contribute to the initial and ongoing local training of HMC ECMO clinicians but also contribute to improving patient care by lowering the risks associated with the cannulation process

    Simulation of networks of spiking neurons: A review of tools and strategies

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    We review different aspects of the simulation of spiking neural networks. We start by reviewing the different types of simulation strategies and algorithms that are currently implemented. We next review the precision of those simulation strategies, in particular in cases where plasticity depends on the exact timing of the spikes. We overview different simulators and simulation environments presently available (restricted to those freely available, open source and documented). For each simulation tool, its advantages and pitfalls are reviewed, with an aim to allow the reader to identify which simulator is appropriate for a given task. Finally, we provide a series of benchmark simulations of different types of networks of spiking neurons, including Hodgkin-Huxley type, integrate-and-fire models, interacting with current-based or conductance-based synapses, using clock-driven or event-driven integration strategies. The same set of models are implemented on the different simulators, and the codes are made available. The ultimate goal of this review is to provide a resource to facilitate identifying the appropriate integration strategy and simulation tool to use for a given modeling problem related to spiking neural networks.Comment: 49 pages, 24 figures, 1 table; review article, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, in press (2007

    KInNeSS: A Modular Framework for Computational Neuroscience

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    Making use of very detailed neurophysiological, anatomical, and behavioral data to build biological-realistic computational models of animal behavior is often a difficult task. Until recently, many software packages have tried to resolve this mismatched granularity with different approaches. This paper presents KInNeSS, the KDE Integrated NeuroSimulation Software environment, as an alternative solution to bridge the gap between data and model behavior. This open source neural simulation software package provides an expandable framework incorporating features such as ease of use, scalabiltiy, an XML based schema, and multiple levels of granularity within a modern object oriented programming design. KInNeSS is best suited to simulate networks of hundreds to thousands of branched multu-compartmental neurons with biophysical properties such as membrane potential, voltage-gated and ligand-gated channels, the presence of gap junctions of ionic diffusion, neuromodulation channel gating, the mechanism for habituative or depressive synapses, axonal delays, and synaptic plasticity. KInNeSS outputs include compartment membrane voltage, spikes, local-field potentials, and current source densities, as well as visualization of the behavior of a simulated agent. An explanation of the modeling philosophy and plug-in development is also presented. Further developement of KInNeSS is ongoing with the ultimate goal of creating a modular framework that will help researchers across different disciplines to effecitively collaborate using a modern neural simulation platform.Center for Excellence for Learning Education, Science, and Technology (SBE-0354378); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    On Designing Multicore-aware Simulators for Biological Systems

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    The stochastic simulation of biological systems is an increasingly popular technique in bioinformatics. It often is an enlightening technique, which may however result in being computational expensive. We discuss the main opportunities to speed it up on multi-core platforms, which pose new challenges for parallelisation techniques. These opportunities are developed in two general families of solutions involving both the single simulation and a bulk of independent simulations (either replicas of derived from parameter sweep). Proposed solutions are tested on the parallelisation of the CWC simulator (Calculus of Wrapped Compartments) that is carried out according to proposed solutions by way of the FastFlow programming framework making possible fast development and efficient execution on multi-cores.Comment: 19 pages + cover pag

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation simulation-based training: methods, drawbacks and a novel solution

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    Introduction: Patients under the error-prone and complication-burdened extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are looked after by a highly trained, multidisciplinary team. Simulation-based training (SBT) affords ECMO centers the opportunity to equip practitioners with the technical dexterity required to manage emergencies. The aim of this article is to review ECMO SBT activities and technology followed by a novel solution to current challenges. ECMO simulation: The commonly-used simulation approach is easy-to-build as it requires a functioning ECMO machine and an altered circuit. Complications are simulated through manual circuit manipulations. However, scenario diversity is limited and often lacks physiological and/or mechanical authenticity. It is also expensive to continuously operate due to the consumption of highly specialized equipment. Technological aid: Commercial extensions can be added to enable remote control and to automate circuit manipulation, but do not improve on the realism or cost-effectiveness. A modular ECMO simulator: To address those drawbacks, we are developing a standalone modular ECMO simulator that employs affordable technology for high-fidelity simulation.Peer reviewe

    A new P-Lingua toolkit for agile development in membrane computing

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    Membrane computing is a massively parallel and non-deterministic bioinspired computing paradigm whose models are called P systems. Validating and testing such models is a challenge which is being overcome by developing simulators. Regardless of their heterogeneity, such simulators require to read and interpret the models to be simulated. To this end, P-Lingua is a high-level P system definition language which has been widely used in the last decade. The P-Lingua ecosystem includes not only the language, but also libraries and software tools for parsing and simulating membrane computing models. Each version of P-Lingua supported new types or variants of P systems. This leads to a shortcoming: Only a predefined list of variants can be used, thus making it difficult for researchers to study custom ones. Moreover, derivation modes cannot be user-defined, i.e, the way in which P system computations should be generated is determined by the simulation algorithm in the source code. The main contribution of this paper is a completely new design of the P-Lingua language, called P-Lingua 5, in which the user can define custom variants and derivation modes, among other improvements such as including procedural programming and simulation directives. It is worth mentioning that it has backward-compatibility with previous versions of the language. A completely new set of command-line tools is provided for parsing and simulating P-Lingua 5 files. Finally, several examples are included in this paper covering the most common P system types.Agencia Estatal de Investigación TIN2017-89842-

    Integration of continuous-time dynamics in a spiking neural network simulator

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    Contemporary modeling approaches to the dynamics of neural networks consider two main classes of models: biologically grounded spiking neurons and functionally inspired rate-based units. The unified simulation framework presented here supports the combination of the two for multi-scale modeling approaches, the quantitative validation of mean-field approaches by spiking network simulations, and an increase in reliability by usage of the same simulation code and the same network model specifications for both model classes. While most efficient spiking simulations rely on the communication of discrete events, rate models require time-continuous interactions between neurons. Exploiting the conceptual similarity to the inclusion of gap junctions in spiking network simulations, we arrive at a reference implementation of instantaneous and delayed interactions between rate-based models in a spiking network simulator. The separation of rate dynamics from the general connection and communication infrastructure ensures flexibility of the framework. We further demonstrate the broad applicability of the framework by considering various examples from the literature ranging from random networks to neural field models. The study provides the prerequisite for interactions between rate-based and spiking models in a joint simulation

    A Comprehensive Workflow for General-Purpose Neural Modeling with Highly Configurable Neuromorphic Hardware Systems

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    In this paper we present a methodological framework that meets novel requirements emerging from upcoming types of accelerated and highly configurable neuromorphic hardware systems. We describe in detail a device with 45 million programmable and dynamic synapses that is currently under development, and we sketch the conceptual challenges that arise from taking this platform into operation. More specifically, we aim at the establishment of this neuromorphic system as a flexible and neuroscientifically valuable modeling tool that can be used by non-hardware-experts. We consider various functional aspects to be crucial for this purpose, and we introduce a consistent workflow with detailed descriptions of all involved modules that implement the suggested steps: The integration of the hardware interface into the simulator-independent model description language PyNN; a fully automated translation between the PyNN domain and appropriate hardware configurations; an executable specification of the future neuromorphic system that can be seamlessly integrated into this biology-to-hardware mapping process as a test bench for all software layers and possible hardware design modifications; an evaluation scheme that deploys models from a dedicated benchmark library, compares the results generated by virtual or prototype hardware devices with reference software simulations and analyzes the differences. The integration of these components into one hardware-software workflow provides an ecosystem for ongoing preparative studies that support the hardware design process and represents the basis for the maturity of the model-to-hardware mapping software. The functionality and flexibility of the latter is proven with a variety of experimental results

    Virtual Reality Simulator for Training in Myringotomy with Tube Placement

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    Myringotomy refers to a surgical incision in the eardrum, and it is often followed by ventilation tube placement to treat middle-ear infections. The procedure is difficult to learn; hence, the objectives of this work were to develop a virtual-reality training simulator, assess its face and content validity, and implement quantitative performance metrics and assess construct validity. A commercial digital gaming engine (Unity3D) was used to implement the simulator with support for 3D visualization of digital ear models and support for major surgical tasks. A haptic arm co-located with the stereo scene was used to manipulate virtual surgical tools and to provide force feedback. A questionnaire was developed with 14 face validity questions focusing on realism and 6 content validity questions focusing on training potential. Twelve participants from the Department of Otolaryngology were recruited for the study. Responses to 12 of the 14 face validity questions were positive. One concern was with contact modeling related to tube insertion into the eardrum, and the second was with movement of the blade and forceps. The former could be resolved by using a higher resolution digital model for the eardrum to improve contact localization. The latter could be resolved by using a higher fidelity haptic device. With regard to content validity, 64% of the responses were positive, 21% were neutral, and 15% were negative. In the final phase of this work, automated performance metrics were programmed and a construct validity study was conducted with 11 participants: 4 senior Otolaryngology consultants and 7 junior Otolaryngology residents. Each participant performed 10 procedures on the simulator and metrics were automatically collected. Senior Otolaryngologists took significantly less time to completion compared to junior residents. Junior residents had 2.8 times more errors as compared to experienced surgeons. The senior surgeons also had significantly longer incision lengths, more accurate incision angles, and lower magnification keeping both the umbo and annulus in view. All metrics were able to discriminate senior Otolaryngologists from junior residents with a significance of p \u3c 0.002. The simulator has sufficient realism, training potential and performance discrimination ability to warrant a more resource intensive skills transference study