443 research outputs found

    Publicly funded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in vehicles in Europe - update

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    The previous report on the publicly funded research and development and demonstration projects included ongoing and recently concluded projects with the information available in 2011-2012. The aim of the current work was to update the collection of the on-going or recently concluded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which received EU and national public funding with the total budget of more than 500000 Euro, in order to update the EV-Radar tool with new projects. Altogether 158 R&D and demonstration projects have been found and analysed in this report from EU member states and EFTA countries.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Actions to Implement the Principles of Circular Economy in the Electromobility Ecosystem

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    Theoretical background: The article concerns the concept of electromobility ecosystem development, understood as a multidimensional, multisectoral network with the features of systemic innovation. In scientific discussion and policy strategies, the transformation towards an integrated electromobility network is one of the most important paths leading to emission neutrality while maintaining the principles of closed loop. The article presents the impact of the circular economy assumptions on shaping the electromobility ecosystem.Purpose of the article: Identification of activities determining the development of the electromobility ecosystem in accordance with the principles of circular economy and a declarative assessment of their effectiveness.Research methods: The desk research method and qualitative and quantitative analysis methods were used to present and discuss the results of own research.Main findings: The concept of sustainable development of the electromobility ecosystem is a comprehensive look at the process of transforming mobility, in line with the idea of circular economy. Due to the complexity of activities, it can be concluded that its implementation will be a gradual and long-term process that requires a systemic approach. ReSOLVE’s activities are the result of using breakthrough technological innovations, business models and a new mobility culture in the process of shaping the electromobility ecosystem. Their identification and assessment, based on the results of the survey, adds value to the literature on the subject in the context of the development of a competitive, sustainable and circular economy, for which an emission-neutral and innovative mobility network is necessary.Theoretical background: The article concerns the concept of electromobility ecosystem development, understood as a multidimensional, multisectoral network with the features of systemic innovation. In scientific discussion and policy strategies, the transformation towards an integrated electromobility network is one of the most important paths leading to emission neutrality while maintaining the principles of closed loop. The article presents the impact of the circular economy assumptions on shaping the electromobility ecosystem.Purpose of the article: Identification of activities determining the development of the electromobility ecosystem in accordance with the principles of circular economy and a declarative assessment of their effectiveness.Research methods: The desk research method and qualitative and quantitative analysis methods were used to present and discuss the results of own research.Main findings: The concept of sustainable development of the electromobility ecosystem is a comprehensive look at the process of transforming mobility, in line with the idea of circular economy. Due to the complexity of activities, it can be concluded that its implementation will be a gradual and long-term process that requires a systemic approach. ReSOLVE’s activities are the result of using breakthrough technological innovations, business models and a new mobility culture in the process of shaping the electromobility ecosystem. Their identification and assessment, based on the results of the survey, adds value to the literature on the subject in the context of the development of a competitive, sustainable and circular economy, for which an emission-neutral and innovative mobility network is necessary

    The problem of using the cost-benefit analysis in making decisions about electromobility development in urban public transport in Poland

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    Motivation: Polish Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels obliges 83 cities to prepare every three years cost-benefit analysis (CBAs) using zero-emission buses (ZEBs) in urban public transport. First-time obligated institutions prepared them in 2018. The organisations indicated in the Act on Electromobility, and Alternative Fuels had experience using this tool, e.g. applying for EU co-financing of investment projects. However, the analysis of the selected documents shows significant differences in the approach to developing CBAs. Aim: The aim of the study is to identify the most critical problems related to the use of CBA as a decision-making tool for the implementation of investments involving the performance of ZEBs in urban public transport. The study identifies the main advantages and limitations of the instrument. It also proposes introducing requirements by the legislator, which could increase the comparability of CBA results and thus reduce the uncertainty of decisions. Results: Using CBA as a decision-making tool requires maintaining an appropriate methodological regime. It involves the identification of alternative projects that allow the realisation of the objectives set by the decision-maker. Its essence is to identify the undertaking that will allow achieving the best results from the organisation’s point of view and from the social, environmental, and economic perspective. The research indicates that the lack of explicit guidelines from the legislator concerning the methodology of CBA preparation for the needs of ZEB implementation hinders comparability of the obtained results and reduces uncertainty of decisions made on their basis

    SEEV4-City Policy Recommendations and Roadmap: Recommendations towards integration of transport, urban planning and energy

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    This report, led by Northumbria University and POLIS, provides a final analysis by project partners regarding policy recommendations and a roadmap based on the culmination of experiences, learnings and additional research within the Interreg NSR SEEV4-City project. It is part of a collection of reports published by the project covering a variation of specific and cross-cutting analysis and evaluation perspectives and spans 6 operational pilots. This report is dedicated to policies relating to the integration of transport, urban planning and energy

    Scenarios of Electromobility. Cross ferilisation and Dissemination of Best Practices and Researches within EU Policies Webinar proceedings

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    La pubblicazione riporta gli esiti del webinar incentrato sull'user center design dei veicoli elettrici, delle loro infrastrutture di ricarica e sulle sperimentazioni dei veicoli elettrici leggeri nei sistemi di trasporto urbano di Torino e Venaria Reale (IT), Villach (Austria) e CalviĂ  (Spagna). La pubblicazione e il seminario sono parte del progetto STEVE, finanziato dal programma europeo Horizon2020, e incentrato sulla sperimentazione di modelli di mobilitĂ  elettrica leggera nelle aree urbane. Il progetto ha coinvolto cittĂ , piccole e medie imprese e universitĂ  di sette paesi europei. Urban Lab ha collaborato con la CittĂ  di Torino a delineare le raccomandazioni rivolte ai decision makers in materia di pianificazione della mobilitĂ  urbana, emerse dai risultati dei tre anni di progetto

    Marketing aspects of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories and enterprises

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    Purpose: The article identifies the differences between Ukraine and Poland in the image formation of the territory and investment attractiveness. Design/Methodology/Approach: A territorial-oriented approach is being introduced in Poland (an approach taking into account local conditions), which implies emphasis on a combination of investments and an integrated territorial approach, providing emphasis on activities that contribute to development. Findings: The regions of Ukraine are characterized by different levels of investment volume due to the differences in competitive advantages. In contradistinction from Ukraine, the competitive advantages of the territories provide a high level of investment attractiveness in Poland; they are integrated, and are generally based on advanced infrastructure (digital, business, transport), high-tech industries, advanced business services, economic zones, academic centers. Practical Implications: The conducted research makes it possible to identify several basic features of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories. Originality/Value: The basic key difference concerns the competence of countries’ integration of formed competitive advantages of the territory. The specified competence is traced in Poland, while in Ukraine the absence of this competence leads to underutilization of the regions’ potential.peer-reviewe

    How sustainable are urban transport services? A comparison of MaaS and UCC

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    It is believed that a transition toward more sustainable transport will be a cornerstone of plans to reduce global emissions. Two services that show great potential to improve the sustainability of urban transport are Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) and Urban Consolidation Centers (UCC): MaaS is focused on the transport of people and UCC on freight transport. MaaS and UCC both involve a network of actors, present a clear vision for sustainability, can be applied in urban contexts, use new technologies, and are nascent transport solutions that are yet to be fully established and see large-scale implementation as transport services in urban areas. Despite showing significant potential, there are still some questions over how sustainable these transport services actually are. In this paper, we systematically review literature on MaaS and UCC; we analyze 137 papers to compare the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of these two urban transport services. In the review, these new transport services promise to deliver both social and environmental sustainability, but these promises have yet to be fulfilled. Several studies point to problems related to social and environmental sustainability. Similarly, the economic viability of these business models is yet to be proven. Future research topics are suggested

    Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (1/4)

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    Technical report about sustainable urban freight solutions, part 1 of

    Paving the way to electrified road transport - Publicly funded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in vehicles in Europe

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    The electrification of road transport or electro-mobility is seen by many as a potential game-changing technology that could have a significant influence on the future cost and environmental performance of personal individual mobility as well as short distance goods transport. While there is currently a great momentum vis-Ă -vis electro-mobility, it is yet unclear, if its deployment is economically viable in the medium to long term. Electromobility, in its early phase of deployment, still faces significant hurdles that need to be overcome in order to reach a greater market presence. Further progress is needed to overcome some of these hurdles. The importance of regulatory and financial support to emerging environmentally friendly transport technologies has been stressed in multiple occasions. The aim of our study was to collect the information on all on-going or recently concluded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, which received EU or national public funding with a budget >1mln Euro, in order to assess which of the electric drive vehicles (EDV) challenges are addressed by these projects and to identify potential gaps in the research, development, and demonstration (R, D & D) landscape in Europe. The data on R, D & D projects on electric and plug-in vehicles, which receive public funding, has been collected by means of (i) on-line research, (ii) validation of an inventory of projects at member state level through national contacts and (iii) validation of specific project information through distribution of project information templates among project coordinators. The type of information which was gathered for the database included: EDV component(s) targeted for R&D, location and scope of demo projects, short project descriptions, project budget and amount of public co-funding received, funding organisation, project coordinator,number and type of partners (i.e. utilities, OEMs, services, research institutions, local authorities), start and duration of the project. The validation process permitted the identification of additional projects which were not accounted for in the original online search. Statistical elaboration of the collected data was conducted. More than 320 R, D & D projects funded by the EU and Member states are listed and analyzed. Their total budgets add up to approximately 1.9 billion Euros. Collected data allowed also the development of an interactive emobility visualization tool, called EV-Radar, which portrays in an interactive way R&D and demonstration efforts for EDVs in Europe. It can be accessed under http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ev-radar.JRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio
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