52 research outputs found

    Toeplitz-Structured Chaotic Sensing Matrix for Compressive Sensing

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    International audienceCompressive Sensing (CS) is a new sampling theory which allows signals to be sampled at sub-Nyquist rate without loss of information. Fundamentally, its procedure can be modeled as a linear projection on one specific sensing matrix, which, in order to guarantee the information conservation, satisfies Restricted Isometry Property (RIP). Ordinarily, this matrix is constructed by the Gaussian random matrix or Bernoulli random matrix. In previous work, we have proved that the typical chaotic sequence - logistic map can be adopted to generate the sensing matrix for CS. In this paper, we show that Toeplitz-structured matrix constructed by chaotic sequence is sufficient to satisfy RIP with high probability. With the Toeplitz-structured Chaotic Sensing Matrix (TsCSM), we can easily build a filter with small number of taps. Meanwhile, we implement the TsCSM in compressive sensing of images


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    Construction of dictionaries to reconstruct high-resolution images for face recognition

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    This paper presents an investigation into the construction of over-complete dictionaries to use in reconstructing a super resolution image from a single input low-resolution image for face recognition at a distance. The ultimate aim is to exploit the recently developed Compressive Sensing (CS) theory to develop scalable face recognition schemes that do not require training. Here we shall demonstrate that dictionaries that satisfy the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) used for CS can achieve face recognition accuracy levels as good as those achieved by dictionaries that are learned from face image databases using elaborate procedures

    Performance analysis of compressive sensing recovery algorithms for image processing using block processing

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    The modern digital world comprises of transmitting media files like image, audio, and video which leads to usage of large memory storage, high data transmission rate, and a lot of sensory devices. Compressive sensing (CS) is a sampling theory that compresses the signal at the time of acquiring it. Compressive sensing samples the signal efficiently below the Nyquist rate to minimize storage and recoveries back the signal significantly minimizing the data rate and few sensors. The proposed paper proceeds with three phases. The first phase describes various measurement matrices like Gaussian matrix, circulant matrix, and special random matrices which are the basic foundation of compressive sensing technique that finds its application in various fields like wireless sensors networks (WSN), internet of things (IoT), video processing, biomedical applications, and many. Finally, the paper analyses the performance of the various reconstruction algorithms of compressive sensing like basis pursuit (BP), compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP), iteratively reweighted least square (IRLS), iterative hard thresholding (IHT), block processing-based basis pursuit (BP-BP) based onmean square error (MSE), and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and then concludes with future works

    An energy-efficient sensing matrix for wireless multimedia sensor networks

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : There were no datasets created during this study and all relevant datasets are already publicly available.A measurement matrix is essential to compressed sensing frameworks. The measurement matrix can establish the fidelity of a compressed signal, reduce the sampling rate demand, and enhance the stability and performance of the recovery algorithm. Choosing a suitable measurement matrix for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) is demanding because there is a sensitive weighing of energy efficiency against image quality that must be performed. Many measurement matrices have been proposed to deliver low computational complexity or high image quality, but only some have achieved both, and even fewer have been proven beyond doubt. A Deterministic Partial Canonical Identity (DPCI) matrix is proposed that has the lowest sensing complexity of the leading energy-efficient sensing matrices while offering better image quality than the Gaussian measurement matrix. The simplest sensing matrix is the basis of the proposed matrix, where random numbers were replaced with a chaotic sequence, and the random permutation was replaced with random sample positions. The novel construction significantly reduces the computational complexity as well time complexity of the sensing matrix. The DPCI has lower recovery accuracy than other deterministic measurement matrices such as the Binary Permuted Block Diagonal (BPBD) and Deterministic Binary Block Diagonal (DBBD) but offers a lower construction cost than the BPBD and lower sensing cost than the DBBD. This matrix offers the best balance between energy efficiency and image quality for energy-sensitive applications.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensorsam2024Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringNon