8 research outputs found

    P systems with evolutional symport and membrane creation rules solving QSAT

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    P systems are computing devices based on sets of rules that dictate how they work. While some of these rules can change the objects within the system, other rules can even change the own structure, like creation rules. They have been used in cell-like membrane systems with active membranes to efficiently solve NP-complete problems. In this work, we improve a previous result where a uniform family of P systems with evolutional communication rules whose left-hand side (respectively, right-hand side) have most 2 objects (resp., 2 objects) and membrane creation solved SAT efficiently, and we obtain an efficient solution to solve QBF-SAT or QSAT (a PSPACE-complete problem) having at most 1 object (respectively, 1 object) in their left-hand side (resp., right-hand side) and not making use of the environmentMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n TIN2017-89842-

    Computational Complexity Theory in Membrane Computing: Seventeen Years After

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    In this work we revisit the basic concepts, definitions of computational complexity theory in membrane computing. The paper also discusses a novel methodology to tackle the P versus NP problem in the context of the aforementioned theory. The methodology is illustrated with a collection of frontiers of tractability for several classes of P systems.Ministerio de Econom铆a, Industria y Competitividad TIN2017-89842-

    P systems with evolutional communication and division rules

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    A widely studied field in the framework of membrane computing is computational complexity theory. While some types of P systems are only capable of efficiently solving problems from the class P, adding one or more syntactic or semantic ingredients to these membrane systems can give them the ability to efficiently solve presumably intractable problems. These ingredients are called to form a frontier of efficiency, in the sense that passing from the first type of P systems to the second type leads to passing from non-efficiency to the presumed efficiency. In this work, a solution to the SAT problem, a well-known NP-complete problem, is obtained by means of a family of recognizer P systems with evolutional symport/antiport rules of length at most (2,1) and division rules where the environment plays a passive role; that is, P systems from CDEC藛(2,1). This result is comparable to the one obtained in the tissue-like counterpart, and gives a glance of a parallelism and the non-evolutionary membrane systems with symport/antiport rulesMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n TIN2017-89842-

    Time-Free Solution to SAT Problem by Tissue P Systems

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    Tissue P systems are a class of computing models inspired by intercellular communication, where the rules are used in the nondeterministic maximally parallel manner. As we know, the execution time of each rule is the same in the system. However, the execution time of biochemical reactions is hard to control from a biochemical point of view. In this work, we construct a uniform and efficient solution to the SAT problem with tissue P systems in a time-free way for the first time. With the P systems constructed from the sizes of instances, the execution time of the rules has no influence on the computation results. As a result, we prove that such system is shown to be highly effective for NP-complete problem even in a time-free manner with communication rules of length at most 3

    Logarithmic SAT Solution with Membrane Computing

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    P systems have been known to provide efficient polynomial (often linear) deterministic solutions to hard problems. In particular, cP systems have been shown to provide very crisp and efficient solutions to such problems, which are typically linear with small coefficients. Building on a recent result by Henderson et al., which solves SAT in square-root-sublinear time, this paper proposes an orders-of-magnitude-faster solution, running in logarithmic time, and using a small fixed-sized alphabet and ruleset (25 rules). To the best of our knowledge, this is the fastest deterministic solution across all extant P system variants. Like all other cP solutions, it is a complete solution that is not a member of a uniform family (and thus does not require any preprocessing). Consequently, according to another reduction result by Henderson et al., cP systems can also solve k-colouring and several other NP-complete problems in logarithmic time

    Timed Homeostasis Tissue-Like P Systems With Evolutional Symport/Antiport Rules

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    In Memoriam, Solomon Marcus

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    This book commemorates Solomon Marcus鈥檚 fifth death anniversary with a selection of articles in mathematics, theoretical computer science, and physics written by authors who work in Marcus鈥檚 research fields, some of whom have been influenced by his results and/or have collaborated with him