6 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Status of Speech Rhythm

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    Text-to-Speech synthesis offers an interesting manner of synthesising various knowledge components related to speech production. To a certain extent, it provides a new way of testing the coherence of our understanding of speech production in a highly systematic manner. For example, speech rhythm and temporal organisation of speech have to be well-captured in order to mimic a speaker correctly. The simulation approach used in our laboratory for two languages supports our original hypothesis of multidimensionality and non-linearity in the production of speech rhythm. This paper presents an overview of our approach towards this issue, as it has been developed over the last years. We conceive the production of speech rhythm as a multidimensional task, and the temporal organisation of speech as a key component of this task (i.e., the establishment of temporal boundaries and durations). As a result of this multidimensionality, text-to-speech systems have to accommodate a number of systematic transformations and computations at various levels. Our model of the temporal organisation of read speech in French and German emerges from a combination of quantitative and qualitative parameters, organised according to psycholinguistic and linguistic structures. (An ideal speech synthesiser would also take into account subphonemic as well as pragmatic parameters. However such systems are not yet available)

    Time-domain concatenative text-to-speech synthesis.

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    A concatenation framework for time-domain concatenative speech synthesis (TDCSS) is presented and evaluated. In this framework, speech segments are extracted from CV, VC, CVC and CC waveforms, and abutted. Speech rhythm is controlled via a single duration parameter, which specifies the initial portion of each stored waveform to be output. An appropriate choice of segmental durations reduces spectral discontinuity problems at points of concatenation, thus reducing reliance upon smoothing procedures. For text-to-speech considerations, a segmental timing system is described, which predicts segmental durations at the word level, using a timing database and a pattern matching look-up algorithm. The timing database contains segmented words with associated duration values, and is specific to an actual inventory of concatenative units. Segmental duration prediction accuracy improves as the timing database size increases. The problem of incomplete timing data has been addressed by using `default duration' entries in the database, which are created by re-categorising existing timing data according to articulation manner. If segmental duration data are incomplete, a default duration procedure automatically categorises the missing speech segments according to segment class. The look-up algorithm then searches the timing database for duration data corresponding to these re-categorised segments. The timing database is constructed using an iterative synthesis/adjustment technique, in which a `judge' listens to synthetic speech and adjusts segmental durations to improve naturalness. This manual technique for constructing the timing database has been evaluated. Since the timing data is linked to an expert judge's perception, an investigation examined whether the expert judge's perception of speech naturalness is representative of people in general. Listening experiments revealed marked similarities between an expert judge's perception of naturalness and that of the experimental subjects. It was also found that the expert judge's perception remains stable over time. A synthesis/adjustment experiment found a positive linear correlation between segmental durations chosen by an experienced expert judge and duration values chosen by subjects acting as expert judges. A listening test confirmed that between 70% and 100% intelligibility can be achieved with words synthesised using TDCSS. In a further test, a TDCSS synthesiser was compared with five well-known text-to-speech synthesisers, and was ranked fifth most natural out of six. An alternative concatenation framework (TDCSS2) was also evaluated, in which duration parameters specify both the start point and the end point of the speech to be extracted from a stored waveform and concatenated. In a similar listening experiment, TDCSS2 stimuli were compared with five well-known text-tospeech synthesisers, and were ranked fifth most natural out of six

    Exposing the hidden vocal channel: Analysis of vocal expression

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    This dissertation explored perception and modeling of human vocal expression, and began by asking what people heard in expressive speech. To address this fundamental question, clips from Shakespearian soliloquy and from the Library of Congress Veterans Oral History Collection were presented to Mechanical Turk workers (10 per clip); and the workers were asked to provide 1-3 keywords describing the vocal expression in the voice. The resulting keywords described prosody, voice quality, nonverbal quality, and emotion in the voice, along with the conversational style, and personal qualities attributed to the speaker. More than half of the keywords described emotion, and were wide-ranging and nuanced. In contrast, keywords describing prosody and voice quality reduced to a short list of frequently-repeating vocal elements. Given this description of perceived vocal expression, a 3-step process was used to model vocal qualities which listeners most frequently perceived. This process included 1) an interactive analysis across each condition to discover its distinguishing characteristics, 2) feature selection and evaluation via unequal variance sensitivity measurements and examination of means and 2-sigma variances across conditions, and 3) iterative, incremental classifier training and validation. The resulting models performed at 2-3.5 times chance. More importantly, the analysis revealed a continuum relationship across whispering, breathiness, modal speech, and resonance, and revealed multiple spectral sub-types of breathiness, modal speech, resonance, and creaky voice. Finally, latent semantic analysis (LSA) applied to the crowdsourced keyword descriptors enabled organic discovery of expressive dimensions present in each corpus, and revealed relationships among perceived voice qualities and emotions within each dimension and across the corpora. The resulting dimensional classifiers performed at up to 3 times chance, and a second study presented a dimensional analysis of laughter. This research produced a new way of exploring emotion in the voice, and of examining relationships among emotion, prosody, voice quality, conversation quality, personal quality, and other expressive vocal elements. For future work, this perception-grounded fusion of crowdsourcing and LSA technique can be applied to anything humans can describe, in any research domain